
Go girl, it's your birthday

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 12:23 PM
A dancer had mentioned that her birthday was last week. I was at a store before going to the club and saw they sold a birthday themed gift card, so on a whim I picked one up. When I saw the dancer I teased her a little, asking her what was new, pretending I didn't remember. When she finally said (a little sadly) that she had just had a birthday I wished her Happy Birthday and handed her the gift card. She hugged me, and then got real quiet. I think I even saw a tear in her eye. She excused herself to go to the dressing room. She returned just as the 2-4-1 was announced, took me by the hand and without a word led me to the back room. Once we were on the couch, she leaned in close and whispered that only two people had gotten her birthday presents, her Mom and me. She then proceeded to give me two of the highest mileage dances I've ever gotten in that club. Afterward she gave me her number and said to text her so we could get together, because she wasn't done thanking me yet. Hmmmmm… So, have you noticed that dancers tend to get very emotional around their birthdays?


  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Yes, dancers expect a lot of attention on their birthdays and can become very sad when "no one remembers." Ordinarily, boyfriends and husbands do the dinner, flowers, gift and worship routine--or else. A dancer may not be in a relationship where that special day makes her the center of attention. She hopes a customer or a regular might fill the void. And you did. Warning: Her affection will soon fade. What have you done for me, lately?
    14 years ago
    Steve, you've transcended from PL status in her eyes! Could get a little tricky because it sounds as though you're now filling an emotional void in her life. Best to stick on the straight and narrow, so she doesn't aspire to become the new Mrs. Steve229.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    And watch out--Valentine's Day is around the corner. Dancers will be dropping hints about how they want attention on that day too.
    14 years ago
    SD, now there's a new thread in the making: best type of strip club to hit on V-day?
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    Nice work, steve.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    congratulations steve, did you ever go out with that one stripper for her Bday?
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "have you noticed that dancers tend to get very emotional around their birthdays?" Dancers are women, and lots of women are usually "very emotional". I do remember one former ATF of mine actually crying when I gave her an Xmas gift. It was embarrassing for me.
  • FinalLap
    14 years ago
    I also got some great mileage one night by simply remembering a dancer's birthday, which happened to be the same as a close friend. She went crazy. Very nice.
  • jester214
    14 years ago
    Based on very little information, it sounds like maybe she was having or had a shitty birthday. You stepped up with out knowing and made it a little better, she was appreciative. Maybe she will be very appreciative. To be fair I'll also state that it could have been total bullshit and is nothing more than a "line".
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Sam, I did drop in at my stripper friend's birthday party, but didn't stay long. Crowd was a little too young and strange (think lots of ink and dyed hair) for me. Other downside - no groping the birthday girl. Based on my most recent experience, in the future I plan to tell dancers I'll celebrate their birthday in the club.
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