
How Loaded A Question.............????

Any place that interests me.
"Would you like some company", "Do you mind if I join you",et al.....

Anywhere from a nanosecond to a song after saying yes, the inevitable(depending on club setup) "buy the lady a drink" comes up. Overpricing may be slight to ridiculous, depending on club.
Suppose after the extended conversation, you're not interested in getting dance/VIP with her, for whatever reason. Has anyone experienced a dancer asking/demanding some pay for her time?

I personally haven't, I'm not a big fan of "BTLAD", especially the juice bars. (Often $10 soda pop, 1 LA area club charges $20 for a bottled water[ Silver Reign & sister club, I think]. Mons Venus, no worries, no drink hustle, I don't mind her company one bit (unless she's the token fugly, again rare hear). I recall some poster (I'm fairly sure it was Tuscl) posting about his experience in a London club that started with subject question. After some time, dancer asked for comp $$. When he balked, dancer cooly pointed to Igor & Bruno, saying essentially- deal with them or me. He coughed up the dough & left.


  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    No, This has never happened to me. I have had the occasional "wanna dance" and said no which was followed by gimme a $1.00 tip. I paid just to get rid of them.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I remember reading a review about a shot girl at dreamgirls going up to a guy and asking "do you wanna tip me a $1?" the guy said "no thanks" then the girl asks "do you wanna tip me $2?"

    I believe this story because I know exactly the shot girl he is talking about. I did tip her $1 when she asked me and she flashed me her tit. Big deal I can see that in girls gone wild dvds. She asked for another $1 tip after that and I agreed again and she showed me her second tit. She then just sat there and watched the stage show with me for about 10 minutes. When I tried to start conversation she just gave terse replies. She was probably on drugs.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Also at BTLAD (buy the lady a drink) clubs the alcohol for the dancers is watered down so they can drink as much as they want. No real fun in that. I would rather go to a normal bar and buy the lady a drink where they serve real alcohol.

    I do know of some high mileage BTLAD clubs but if I was an out of town visitor I would avoid them. Too unpredictable. Some will go down on you right after you buy them a drink while others will just sit there and smile and give you boring and terse conversation.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    If you're at a BTLAD club and you obsess about whether she's been served real or watered down alcohol, buy her the drink at the bar and call a special brand for the liquor. They can't water down everything. This way you get to see the bartender retrieve the bottle from the shelf.

    When the bartender uses bottles from the "well" to mix a dancer drink the odds are pretty good that it will be watered down.

    Other giveaways it's a fake drink:

    --calling it a generic cocktail
    --giving something a "house" name
    --many late-shift exotic fruiity concoctions are also usually fake.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    The drink hustle is on strong in Detroit--average drink for dancers in the $11-15 range for a watered down house drink which the dancer will not finish. As soon as the customer sits down the dancer is on you to buy a drink. Get ready to say "NO" right away unless you want to be stuck with a leech not of your choosing.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    The drink hustle is NOT on at my favorite club. I do buy my favorites a drink but it is the same price as my drinks and they are real. It makes for better lap dances. I always say that I get 2 for $20. I should say that I get 2 for $26.75. plus tip.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    The drink hustle is definitely on at every club I've been to here in Louisville. $20 and up, up, up depending on how long you want the girl to sit with you. I usually decline, and consider the time she spends trying to convince to do so as a cost of doing business. Her cost, not mine. Perodically, I get asked for a tip, and mostly I decline that, too, depending on my mood. I've seldom gotten much more that a disgusted look for doing so.

    When I do buy a drink, it's usually for someone who's danced for me before, and I'll either buy another shot of something, ostensibly fo myself, and give it to her.
  • MajorBoobage
    15 years ago
    I've had girls ask for a dollar tip, usually in the guise of feeding the jukebox. I don't think they could ask for serious cash because guys would just stop going to those clubs.

    I'm not a big fan of BTLAD clubs, although if I'm going to a club where I know it goes on, I just budget for it. Many years ago I was driving through Louisville and stopped at a few places where the BTLAD was clearly a come-on for extras. The big clue was when I agreed to buy a drink and the bartender asked me what price point I wanted to buy at.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    MB, All..../ MB case sounds like a typical clip joint setup- pay XX$$ for "bottle", you can have intimate time, NOT. Often, one just bought a XXX$$$ bottle. My original question was, has anyone had a dancer just sit with you a while without getting a dance, and then turn around and charge you for her time?? The Igor/Bruno scenario??
  • snowtime
    15 years ago
    I can't ever remember any dancer ever asking to be paid for her time atv the table. Also, I seldom buy a dancer a drink, especially if she has just gotten there and a waitress suddenly asks me if I want to buy the dancer a drink. I usually politely decline to buy the drink saying I prefer to spend my money on stage tips and dances. Most dancers accept it with no problem, especially since they probably don't want the drink anyway and would prefer to make more money off a lap dance.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    At my club, my bartender watches out for me. Just today as soon as I sat down where my beer was waiting, a dancer slides in the chair beside me. Now my bartender knows what I like in dancers, and this one wasn't one, so she comes over and starts a conversation with me. I talk with her till the ignored dancer walks away. Then she tells me an old favorite is there for the day. When the fave sat with me, the bartender didn't bother to ask if I'd buy her a drink. She knows I will and for her as well. Love a good bartender!
  • vincemichaels
    15 years ago
    I've never had a dancer ask me to be paid for time spent at my side, generally I make a decision within a song or two talking with them whether or not we are going to do dances. As far as BTLAD, yeah it happens fairly often, but like snowtime, I'll decline the waitress or dancer, I'd rather compensate them directly for dances.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    Besides the "can I have a tip anyway" thing, I've never had a dancer try to charge me for time spent in a chair next to me. Try to convince me to buy a drink, dance or other? Hell yeah. But no Igor/Bruno scenario.

    I believe that at most clubs here, the dancers get a share of the drinks, and in one place it appears to be the same share they get for dances, so I bet at least some of them prefer drinks to dances, especially if they think they can get away with drinking fast.
  • ilbbaicnl
    15 years ago
    You can just say "thanks, but I'm waiting for someone". They may say "who? I'll get her for you", to which you can say "oh I can never remember names, thanks, I'll just wait". They've never sat down on me anyway, but if they did, I think I would get up and leave the table.
  • SnakePlissken
    15 years ago
    I always say "no thanks, I think feel weird jerking off in front of others"
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Has anyone experienced a dancer asking/demanding some pay for her time?"

    I think the only time that this has happened to me was at the infamous Cheaters in RI. It was annoying to say the least.
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