I just received my playboy in the mail and found they Alina Puscau from Victoria's Secret instead of Marge Simpson as their cover. Found an online article that explains maybe why they changed it at the last minute:
PS: Sorry for the all caps in my topic title...I copied and pasted it from the article
last commentToo bad the author of the article messed up with, "Marge Simpson, being a fictional cartoon character, had no comment on the controversy."
He should have left out the "...being a fictional cartoon character...".
Actually, the response to this should be a deep sigh and roll of the eyes.
30-35 years ago, bunnymag was the industry standard, with the most beautiful women, but instead of building upon itself, bunnymag found itself content to rest upon it's laurels. As American society changed, bunnymag didn't change with the times. The writing stayed rooted in 1968, the models became blonde, airbrushed, and artificially filled with silicone.
Nowadays, bunnymag has resorted to having an animated character as a model, and it didn't even pick the right character. Although Jessica Rabbit is the thought of many, Daphne of Scooby Doo is easily the hottest ever drawn character,
but I digress.....
Bunnymag is a dying enterprise, propped up only because the other facets of PEI are doing well. When bunnymag's founder dies, the magazine will likely die with him.
Does Playboy own any strip clubs? This could be an area of growth for them.
btw, Daphne was portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar in Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
This would have been a great time for the magazine to examine it's opponents and the ridiculousness of their arguments. Nobody gives a fuck about stereos, nice clothes when everyone dresses down, or their stupid articles full of pretentiousness.
Fucking get into a knock down drag out with the prudes and that magazine might start going someplace again.
Maybe a bit 60's and perhaps says something about my childhood lol but I'd go for Penelope Pitstop or Betty Rubble.
Judy Jetson for me (and throw in her mom, Jane, for some MILF action)
samsung1, Playboy used to own several Playboy Pent Houses.I am not sure if there are any still left around.There were not true strip clubs. Just expensive night clubs to go to, to impress clients.I knew a co worker that had a KEY.He really couldn't afford it.He also had a ford Lotus, that he could not afford.Riding with him, scared the shit out of me. I eventually found out that he was borrowing money from any source, including co workers. To pay for his extravagance.He eventually lost his car, job(garnishments)wife and daughter. He should have been born a stripper.
I had a PB key years ago. It was metal. I recall they had to send out new plastic ones when metal detectors started to be installed at airports.
The last Playboy club closed about 20 years ago. It was in Lansing, Michigan. I never went.
Shadowcat, that's an interesting story. Too bad it's about Bob Guccioni, publisher of Penthouse, and not about Hef and the bunnymag.