Private Dances Of 2023
Throughout the course of 2023, I kept a running log of all of the private dances I got while visiting strip clubs. I wanted to see if there were any patterns or insights that could be seen in regards to my spending habits and my choices of dancers. The information I recorded in Google Sheets included the club’s name, the name or names of the dancers I got private dances with at a given club, the number of dances I bought from each dancer, the total cost paid to each dancer, the price per song at each club, and whether the private dance was nude, topless, or bikini. For every dancer on the spreadsheet, I recorded data about her appearance: her ethnicity, hair color, eye color, age, and breast size. Table dances, dollar dances, or any grinding not done in an area of the club designated for private or semi-private lap dances was not included in the study.
In 2023, I purchased 101 private dances spread amongst 17 different strip clubs. I got private dances from 26 different dancers. The most private dances I got from any single dancer was 15. The fewest private dances I got from any single dancer was 1. Cherry exhibited an odorous crotch during nude lap dance; she was my only “one and done” of 2023. The mean number of private dances bought per dancer was 4. The median number of dances bought was 3. The greatest number of different dancers sampled during any strip club visit during the year was 5.
I spent $2,210 on private dances in 2023, not including tips. The most I spent on any single dancer was $375. The least I spent on any single dancer was $40. I spent a mean of $86.54 per dancer. The median spent was $60. The mode spent was $40. Of all of the strip clubs I bought private dances in, the lowest cost per song was $13.33, which was actually part of a 3 dances for $40 deal. The highest cost per song I paid was $40. I recall being in one strip club this past calendar year that charged $50 per song. At that price point, I abstained from indulging. The mean price per song I paid was $21.74. The median price per song was $20. The mode price per song was $20. There was a clear correlation in the data showing that I would buy more private dances and spend more money when the per song cost was $20 or below. When private dances were $30 or $40 per song, I bought fewer private dances and spent less money on a given dancer.
Of the 17 strip clubs I bought private dances in, 11 were topless, 4 were nude, and 2 were bikini. There is not much significance in this data because local nudity laws are what they are. I go to the strip clubs that are close to where I work, regardless of the level of undress permitted. One must do the best they can with the hand that has been dealt. Of the 26 dancers I got private dances with, I only managed to French kiss 1 in 2023. I have noticed French kissing has become far less common after the COVID-19 pandemic. During 2023, a string of lap dances turned into sexual intercourse with only 1 of the 26 dancers.
Out of the 26 strippers, 23 were white, 2 were black, and one was an exotic mix of Trinidadian, Cuban, and Italian. The strip clubs I happened to visit during the year had almost no Asians. I only sporadically experienced Latinas, and they were far less numerous than the Caucasian and African-American dancers. In the instances where I came in contact with Mexican or Cuban dancers, they did not generally peak my sexual desires. The selection of gentleman's clubs I patronized was determined more by work locale rather than personal choice. I got numerous table dances and spontaneous grinds from black dancers at urban clubs during the year, but these experiences were excluded from this analysis. Lap dances out in the open seemed to be more common than private lap dances in black strip clubs.
Dancer hair color was visually noted. If a dancer's hair was dyed, the dominant color made the designation. My private dance companions’ hair colors were as follows: 46 percent brunette, 31 percent blonde, 19 percent black, and 4 percent red. Due to the dark nature of gentlemen's clubs, I verbally confirmed with dancers the color of their irises. My private dance companions' eye colors were as follows: 50 percent brown, 46 percent blue, and 4 percent green. For whatever reason, I find blue eyes complemented by dark hair (brown or black) extremely attractive. Only 5 of the 26 dancers had this combination of eyes and hair. For me, body type, attitude, and sexual energy always trumps any personal preference for a particular eye pigment or hair color.
I asked all but one of the dancers I got private dances with what their age was during conversation. For the one dancer whom I forgot to ask, I placed an educated guess in the data chart. I believe most, if not all, of the dancers were truthful in disclosing their age. I tend to avoid older dancers as a rule of thumb; these would be the women with the most incentive to fib. The youngest dancer I got dances from was 18. There were actually two 18 year olds in the data set. The oldest dancer I got dances from was 34 years old. The mean age of the dancers was 24.46 years old. The median age was 25. The mode age was 25.
As a female body inspector, I am visually proficient at identifying women's breast sizes. In the rare situations where I was unsure on a borderline call between sizes, I just flat out asked the dancer what her cup size was. For simplification, I classified the dancers’ racks into four general cup sizes: A, B, C, and D or larger. The breast sizes of dancers I experienced were as follows: 2 A cups, 12 B cups, 7 C cups, and 5 D cups or larger. I am not too picky on breast size, but I do prefer at least a handful, which I classify as a B cup or larger. Both of the dancers with A cups were also coincidentally the two 18 year olds I mentioned in the previous paragraph. The younger dancers skewed more towards smaller and natural breasts. There were three dancers with fake breasts in the data set. The augmented breasts accounted for sixty percent of the D cups or larger category. The ages of the dancers with fake boobs were 25, 29, and 34.
Thinking about additional data I could collect in future studies, I would be interested in discovering whether I prefer spinners or taller girls. I could ask dancers their height sans stilettos, but it would be yet another question I would have to annoy them with. Another variable I would like to compare with the number of private dances bought during each session would be the level of touching permitted by the customer during the lap dances.
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last commentgood article.
You have probably been to more clubs than 98 percent of the members. I stopped at the Silver Dollar in Aberdeen, South Dakota. You are the only member to write a review on that club during the last 7 years and your review was spot on.
Yes, good article. Your detail is very impressive. Good job. But I'm intrigued that you only spent $2.2k. When you say private dance is that different from VIP. In my area VIP is usually $150- $170/15min without tip. I usually do one VIP every week or two plus a couple regular LD for $20/4min ($30/4 min at PH in Burlington NJ). On an average VIP visit I usually spend $250 when tip, drink and dollar parade are included.
Rob, I cut back big time on strip clubs this year. I have a family member with cancer, so I had to become a caretaker. I just don't have the free time, so it was easy to cut back.
There’s little chance that I’d be up for tracking all this but very interesting to see your breakdown Sinclair.
Very solid write up
Cool Stats ✔️
I, too, keep a spreadsheet to record/remember my 'funs'. I'll review and post a short summary.
Man, I wish I had been keeping a record of my experiences...
dear diary... had another one this evening! Irene... 22... long hair , cute face, flat tummy, no baby damage, no tattoos and a hot little body! got everything I wanted... bareback blowjob... and amazing bbfs!
Nice article.
I kinda wish I had the stats for a year for myself. But I also kinda don't want them, and more importantly I'm not inclined to put in the effort to track it.
Thanks for sharing this. Not sure why DickyDoo2 doesn't think this is an article. . . .
Good info and thanks for sharing. Curious as to which girl was worthy of 15 dances.
It's probably notable how few augmented breasts and women over 35 you went for
I write a summary of every VIP I do (in a fully encrypted digital journal of course). I also record relevant info like birthdays, names, country of origin, family and personal details they tell me, notable tattoos, and all of that. I write a summary of every experience so that I know a particular girl's do's and don'ts. I try new things and if it works well or not well, I note it. For example, how they respond to certain ways of eating the pussy. I know who likes to be choked and who doesn't, who likes their tits sucked a certain way, favorite positions, which ones can deepthroat most of it, which ones can't, the ones who ride like pros, all of it. Before I go to the club I sometimes review these notes if I can't recall. The one thing I don't do is track the expenses as you did. It's the smart thing to do, but would make going pointless for me because I couldn't possibly enjoy it if I did.
I religiously tracked experiences & expenses on a spreadsheet for about 5-6 years pre-COVID, when I was mongering 2-3 times a week due to life situations (lots of $, no GF, high work load). Wanted to make sure I wasn’t blowing my retirement funds & had perspective & value. I could see when to dial back, take hiatus, fall out of PLuppy Love. Very useful & eye-opening. Then COVID & changed situations; now I don’t need to keep that sort of record, I can just count ATM withdrawals from certain locations LOL.
at least keeping a record makes good reading later on. it's like I'm curious for one thing... just how many girls have I had?
I know it's way in the thousands... a wonderful blur of memories!
@sinclair: excellent article. Very interesting to see you (and a few other commenters) share a similar affinity for tracking data. Younger me used to track everything I did but I just don't have the mental bandwidth anymore. Your comment: "One must do the best they can with the hand that has been dealt" is spot on.
@Jascoi exactly! Reading my own steamy stories brings back the memory. It's like porn except better because I was actually there.
Were you able to draw any meaningful correlation based upon the number of Sincweisers consumed during a visit?
Interesting that your most recent articles were published on 1/1/2021 12/31/2022 12/30/2023 Seems you like to take larger perspectives on life at the end of the year. I know that you publish reviews all year long.
Very detailed. Impressive. Are you an engineer by trade?
I do a handwritten table of spending per visit. For both clubs and the occasional escort. Just dances, VIPS, and gratuity. I also track spending on my top 5-10 dancer/escorts.
I break down the rough spend monthly, quarterly, and annually. It started so that I had a more accurate understanding of my hobby spend, and as someone mentioned, to make sure it wasn't escalating to the point it would impact my retirement.
You spend too much per dancer my guy, 80 can go a long way depending where you are
Very interesting analysis. I haven't been to a SC yet in 2024 (minor medical issue), so I still have a chance to track my stats for 2024. I don't think I'll be able to replicate your level of detail. What I'm attracted to more than anything is smaller women. It's fine and well to ask their age, eye color, and cup size, but I'm sure no one on here (including me) is dumb enough to ask a dancer her weight. Any thoughts on how to work that into the data set? Just a general guess of her proportions?
Great data. Thanks for sharing. There is much to be learned and observed from your info.
Great article Sinclair. Do you track cover fees?
59, I am not an engineer, but I am in a career where details and compiling/analyzing data are very important.
MajorBoobage, I agree that women wouldn't like to be disclosing their weight unless they are very fit. I thought about giving a description of body type, but these terms mean something different to each person. Curvy to one person can be fat to another person. Athletic to one person can be borderline anorexic to another person.
Dan3635, I always record cover fees in my reviews, but I don't track my spending on things like cover fees, drinks, stage tipping, etc.
keeping a record is good. wish I've been doing it from day one.
Sinclair maybe that's how we can track them. As in, "Three of the 10 dancers were thin enough that I thought I could get away with asking them their weight -- but I still didn't -- and the other seven definitely weren't safe." :D
Sinclair $. Sorry to hear about family heath issues. I probably don't think about what I spend often enough. Hope things get better for you.
excellent article! Can I encourage you to also collect data on private dance mileage and extras.
Pics and Vids of the 26 dancers or it didn’t happen.
Good Statistics, Good Statistics.
You wrote and I quote:
“During 2023, a string of lap dances turned into sexual intercourse with only 1 of the 26 dancers.”
Would you please share the details and statistics of this experience with the class so we can perhaps replicate it. Thank you.