Strip Club Autobiography
Strip Club Nation
My first visit to a strip club was on a hot summer night in New Orleans. The strip club was Deja Vu on Bourbon Street. Deja Vu was the only gentlemen's club in New Orleans that allowed admittance to customers under the age of twenty-one. I was literally a kid and did not have a clue what the heck I was doing. I was so nervous that my shaking knocked over the small, poorly-balanced high top table I was sitting at. The manager must have sensed I was a newbie and asked if I had any questions. He explained to me how to tip the stage and how a table dance and a private dance worked. That first visit I would go away thinking all strip club employees were friendly and helpful people. Over time, I would find out most strip club employees are the complete opposite. I was too chicken to buy a private dance and probably had less than two hundred dollars in my wallet. I did buy a table dance from a half white, half Mexican dancer from San Diego. The staff actually brought out a little table for her to dance on in front of my chair. For a couple years after that, I thought table dances took place on small tables and did not realize table dances actually meant getting a non-private lap dance at your table on the main floor. Deja Vu New Orleans, the first club I ever visited, closed down about five years ago.
After that first visit, I did not go to a strip club for years. I remember thinking: "Yeah, strip clubs are cool, but visiting them costs a lot of money. Why would I blow all that money when I can meet girls for free?" I was young and into flirting with young women I'd meet at college, bars, grocery stores, restaurants, and everywhere in between.
Eventually, I entered the workforce full-time and started working in a field that had me traveling a lot. In fact, I was on the road for five months straight when I first started out. It got very lonely living out of hotels and eating at restaurants every night all by myself. I also fell out of contact with my friends back home due to never being around. About three months in, I was working near downtown Detroit. The loneliness and boredom of my off-time was becoming unbearable, so I decided to head out to a strip club one night. I went to the Bouzouki Club near the Greektown Casino downtown. The Bouzouki Club is where I got my first true lap dance. I chose a slim, blue-eyed blonde from Royal Oak. She would also be the first dancer I French kissed. The funny thing was, at this early point in my strip club career, I was unaware of all the carnal pleasures happening at other Detroit area gentlemen’s clubs.
Years passed with me visiting a strip club about once every week or two weeks to de-stress and get human interaction when I was out on the road for work. I'd typically go on a Friday or Saturday night once the work week was over, so that I did not have to worry about waking up for work the next morning after a Budweiser bender. I got to experience all kinds of gentlemen’s clubs across the continent. Some clubs didn’t allow their entertainers to show any more skin than a bikini, while other clubs were fully nude with alcohol sold. I also learned that there were some clubs with a culture of looking the other way or encouraging dancers to provide sexual favors for a tip.
One snowy January night, I found myself at PT's in Brooklyn, Illinois. I met a beautiful dancer from Missouri with jet black hair and a bangin’ body. We went upstairs for private dances. I had heard about extras for years, but was never really interested in paying for anything more than lap dances. That changed on this night, at least momentarily. After a string of private dances, this 'certified 9' pulled my pants off and sucked my dick. This dancer had excellent technique and suction. I lasted two minutes tops and then blasted my cream all over the booth. It would still rank as one of the best blowjobs I have ever had in my life. PT's Brooklyn, the first club I got extras in, closed down about six years ago.
Fast forward to the present day. I have spent somewhere between three hundred fifty thousand and half a million dollars in strip clubs to date. Just typing that makes me cringe. I have wasted probably a couple weeks of my life writing four hundred fifty thorough reviews on TUSCL. Just typing that makes me cringe. I could probably write a series of books detailing the stories I have from over a thousand strip club visits and their accompanying adventures. I actually look back and regret that I wasted so much time and money on this “hobby”. There are so many other productive things I could have done with my time and money.
I will finish out with a few statistics from my time strip clubbing. I have been to strip clubs in five countries and forty-one states. The state where I have visited the most strip clubs is Illinois. I have been to forty-two different establishments in the Land of Lincoln. The strip club that I have written the most reviews for is Brad’s Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis, Indiana. I have reviewed it nine times. The dancer that I have thought about most over the years was Alexis from Dancers Showclub in Indianapolis, Indiana. I got to know her fairly well, and unfortunately, she ended up taking her own life. My favorite strip club is the Penthouse Club in New Orleans, Louisiana. Here’s to one million more miles!
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One reason I asked is that I was reflecting on different types of "returns" for any potential investment. Some returns are in the form of material possessions (second house, cars, etc.). Other returns are in the form of entertainment and experiences, such as sensuous experiences with topless and nude women. On a different dimension, some returns are more immediate (e.g., entertainment when you're bored in a hotel room) and others are more along term (owning a second home).
As I've grown older, I find myself valuing experiences (e.g., travel, doing things, strip club experiences) more than adding to my material possessions. Just curious about how others think about their returns on investments.
where the girls ARE that I spend my money on.
If that were to happen to me, I'd just spend it all in strip clubs again. 🤣🤣🤣
I discovered strip clubs in middle age and have about $200k invested in the hobby over the last 12 years. I don’t regret one nickel of that spend. This hobby opened up a whole new world of freedom, and friendships with open and beautiful young women. It’s been a fun ride so far.
I have been away from the SC scene for about 30 years as the clubs here in NC are all terrible. I have recently been venturing out to neighboring states sampling the wares. I am new here to tusci and have found your reviews to be quite interesting. I have always preferred a good all nude stage show to private dances. Which clubs, in your opinion, offer the best stage shows?