Puta Jealousy

“You can fuck her if you want,” said ATFN of her friend. It was ATFN’s birthday, and I was visiting her at her home turf of Mexicali. We had a great session in my hotel room, a steak dinner, and from there went to her club, because I wanted to see what the Mexicali clubs were like. Her friend, who had joined us, was a bit older and heavier that I prefer, so I passed. In addition, ATFN is very hot and a 3-hole girl that was going to be spending that night with me, so that is where I wanted to expend my energy. There were other girls in the club who I would have been happy to jump, and she didn’t voice any objection, but I felt that she would be “disappointed” if I fucked anyone other than her friend. (A recent message indicates that ATFN is getting married in Portugal, so she MIGHT be off the ATF list.
Back in TJ a few months later, I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal, but ATFE who I have known for years, had a surprising stroke of jealousy for the first time (that I noticed). We had our usual evening which was a hot session in my room, a nice dinner, and a lap around the clubs before retiring together for the night to more adult activities.
A nearly 10-year veteran of the clubs, ATFE is very popular and knows a lot of people. When we are together on the street or in the clubs and she sometimes sees former/current clients, she will give them a little wave of acknowledgement and we move on. (She thinks I don’t notice.) When in the past I have seen a puta that I have spent some time with, I do the same; no extensive interaction, but just a few weeks ago it was different.
We go into one of the majors and one of the girls that I have had several sessions with sees me, waves her whole body in excitement, and comes to me at the booth before I have had a chance to sit down. She lays a big kiss on me and sits opposite to us and askes me to buy her a drink. Now I am torn. I don’t want to put off either ATFE or the chica who knows me (I’ll call her M, who I have had OTC a few times and is great in the room).
The club is near dead despite being a major; typical for a Tuesday night. Maybe 12 mongers and 30+ putas. There was a stage show, but it was intermittent. The drinks came and the temperature around ATFE dropped 10 degrees. I had a few sips and looked up. Another puta who I had fichaed and considered (but had not) taking arriba the week before walked by and with a big smile and mouthed, “Remember me?” I nodded, but didn’t interact otherwise. ATFE caught it and I could feel the cold wind.
Referring to M I whispered, “You don’t like her do you?” They had worked in several of the same clubs, but ATFE said she didn’t know M. I asked ATFE if she wanted to leave, and she said yes. We left near-full drinks and went to Bar Tropical. There was a bewildered look on the face of M, but since that happen to be a club they are both working in at the time, retreat and live to fight another day. (ATFE had just started working the day shift in this club where M works the night shift). Temporarily I must cross M off my speed dial list of girls not yet qualifying for ATF status. Cannot have M telling stories, so the less contact the better. The idea crossed my mind that if ATFE thought her status was in jeopardy, she might up her game. However, the reason ATFE is on the short ATF list is because she has never been a disappointment.
At Bar Tropical, ATFE has a few friends and ATFE asked one of them to sit next to me. Didn’t hate it. Bought the friend a drink, which I thought entitled me to check out her wares. At least I wanted to test ATFE’s reaction. Non pulsed. We spent several hours in the club, during which the stage dancers would do a lap around the room soliciting tips. I would get a kiss and/or a quick feel, and that didn’t seem to bother ATFE. ATFE gave me a few lap dances, then her friend did the same.
Later when we were alone, I asked her why ATFE was so cold to the puta in the other bar? Did she have a personal reason for disliking her? Had they interacted before?
No. ATFE didn’t know her at all. She said it is OK for me to be with her friends; even to have sex with them, but she doesn’t like the idea of my being with someone who isn’t one of her friends. (I have had a threesome with ATFE and one of her friends at the request of ATFE.)
I used to have an affinity for another puta who for a while was my ATFB. I would switch off between TLNs with ATFB and ATFE. The problem was that ATFB is a little mentally unstable, but is great fun to be with as long as she doesn’t drink too much. We have hung out at the beach during the day together and she is fun just to be with. She left the clubs and the profession for a while, so she was dropped from my ATF list. One evening about two months ago I am a club with monger friends and unknown to me, Former ATFB had returned to the club. We reunited and had a great session after a few fichas.
The next day, Former ATFB and I were wandering through the club looking for a table, she sees some of her friends and introduces me as, “ATFE’s boyfriend.” Former ATFB and Current ATFE were working in the same club at this time and I had a TLN scheduled with ATFE the next night. Knowing that ATFE has a jealous streak, that shook me up a little bit and I denied to her friends that relationship was at that level. However, ATFB persisted, in a joking manner, but likely Former ATFB was trying to get back on my ATF list by knocking out the competition. I get that it was a joke to her, but considering the jealousy I had experienced with ATFE, I wanted to maintain my “professional” relationship with ATFE. I thought I could head off any confrontation (especially since ATFE has a reputation for getting physical when angered). I contacted ATFE and told her the situation, just in case ATFB approached her directly with misinformation. ATFE denied knowing who ATFB was and said that it didn't matter.
When Former ATFB was on my ATF list two years ago, she confessed being jealous of ATFE and was, “nearly in tears because I was spending my time (and money) with ATFE.” Could have been BS, but I am sure that there were some personal feelings there, as ATFB was blowing up my phone with sexy photos and videos. Former ATFB also has a penchant for drama, which is another one of the reasons she was removed from my ATF list.
And there does seem to be a change in protocol. I was walking through HK and down the ramp when a blond spinner body that I had been with a few times over the years sitting at an adjacent table came flying over a monger’s lap to reach out and grab on to me. (Sorry about that brother. It would have been bad form to throw her to the floor.) She gave me a hug and a wet kiss while laying across his lap. I said, “thank you. It is nice to see you too,” and moved on.
I am not sure that this is an accurate assessment, but from my experience, these putas can and do develop feelings for a monger and feel strong jealousy. Or is it just about the money? Or are they taking Marketing 101 with the basic idea that it is four times easier to keep a client than try to develop a new client and are acting accordingly?
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last commentI think it's your charm and that full head of hair..lol
it starts out as a money thing but I think feelings might enter into it as time passes...
but I don't have any girls giving it to me for free (at my age...)
Interesting questions, @PutaTester. Have never gotten personal with any ladies in TJ (visit only once a year and don't speak Spanish), so I don't know. Would like to do a TLN one day. Having ladies fight over you (not physically) and get jealous would be quite an ego stroke.
Also, since I've never had an all-time favorite, can you clarify what ATFB, ATFE and ATFN stand for? Is the last letter just their first initials?
JA you nailed it. I have a tendency to find a girl that I like and repeat with her. I make two-day trips. Day one is spent hunting for my next ATF. Day two is spent with an ATF.
I speak very little Spanish. Google translate is my friend. And I find girls who are personally interesting to me. Cannot do the wham bam.