New Rules…$300 to Hotel Cascadas for TLN With a HK BG

Not your standard trip report. Hotel Cascadas tried to charge me $300US to have a HK BG who was off shift TLN in my room. If you don’t want to read a LONG article about this shit show and my equally angry remarks, DO NOT read this article. You have been warned so I don’t want any grief about how it is too long or doesn’t have a lot of club information. I had intended for this to be brief, but the anger motivated me to go into great detail (aka a rant). OTOH, the information applies anyone with their own room who takes arriba HK putas for more than 30-45 minutes. My goal is to prevent you from being blindsided like I was and encourage you to vote with your dollars.
To begin with, I like TLNs with girls whos’ company I enjoy and have vetted through previous sessions; not a one-time trophy fuck. Something about going to sleep after a great session, waking in the middle of the night for another session, and waking again in the morning cuddled up to a sweet 20-something one third my age for a final session. It is a true GFE (although to be clear BBBJ is OK, I insist on CFS).
Anyway, I arraigned with a HK girl that I see regularly to have a TLN. I told her that I would be in TJ a week in advance, so she could make whatever arrangements she needed to set up. She made sure that she had that night off, so she wasn’t violating any rules.
She arrives, as usual, 20 minutes late. There is a loud knock at the door; not her usual tap tap. She is being “escorted” by two security guards. Not the suit-and-tie security window dressing, but the uniformed bulls, armed with pepper gas and tasers. One who speaks excellent English informed me that they had stopped her because she was alone. She told them she was going to my room and honest about our plans. In the six years that I have been doing TLNs, it has never been an issue. However, he said, “the hotel has a new rule that if you want a girl overnight in your room, it is $300 to the hotel. Or you can have her for an hour for $100 or two hours for $200 if you want a shorter time.”
I protested and we went back-and-forth. I said she is off shift, this was new to me and shitty (not exactly the term I used, as I didn’t want to anger a man carrying weapons) that they had sprung this on me. I told them I am a good customer and I am here for several days almost every month. I spend far more than $100 a day in Hong Kong just in fichas plus rent a room for two to five nights every visit. He said in a firm tone, “I am sorry. It is not my fault. It is a new rule. This comes from the management. I have no say in the matter. You understand?”
My chica is standing there, obviously very upset. I tell security that I am not going to pay the hotel $300 and that it is ridiculous that they have this rule at all, much less to spring it on their clients. Security responded that, “the problem is that girls will make outside arraignments and call in sick to the club to spend the time with clients in the hotel. You can understand that the girls work for the company and the company needs to be compensated. You can go to another hotel if you want.” More back-and-forth with my making my points to deaf ears before they escort her out of the building.
So now it is about 10:00 pm and I meet my chica out on the street. She says she knows a hotel we can go to for the night that is only $20-$30. The rooms are not the best, but she is OK with them. I told her that I wanted a nice room for us. (I had my usual master suite at Hotel Cascadas.) We had dinner while I considered the options, including booking a room at one of the nicer, chica-friendly hotels. However, I didn’t know for sure which hotels are chica-friendly. Paying for a room, then finding out that they wouldn’t allow the girl would be adding insult to injury. It was late, so I told the chica that I wanted to pay the bar fine so she could spend the night. She did not want me to do so, but we walked back to the main lobby where we met the same security guys.
I said I would pay $200 for the night. He said it was $300US. I argued that they had sprung this new rule on me, it wasn’t fair to begin with, and my fair offer is $200. He said it wasn’t his decision, but that he would contact management and ask. Management (according to him) said that they would accept $200 this time, but from now on it will always be $300. I agreed and gave him the money in my mind saying that I will never pay $300, because I will never stay at Hotel Cascadas when I have a TLN scheduled.
I asked since I had paid their fine, could she also go into Hong Kong? (Previously I had tried to take her into HK off shift and they were going to require that I pay $180. We walked away that time.) He said we were good for the night and we could go into Hong Kong or anywhere else we wanted. They gave her a white wrist band; the same as all hotel guests and we went up to my room, where she gave me a ‘thank you’ BJ.
Shortly after there was another knock on the door. I thought, “more trouble.” It was the security guard. This time he was alone and had a bucket of beer that he said was complementary. I don’t drink and this particular chica does not either. I accepted it, figuring if I have another chica up tomorrow for a short-term session, she might like to drink the beers. To their credit, they gave my chica about 20 ficha tickets. It wasn’t nearly enough to take the sting out of the hassle we just went through, but at least when the chica turns in a fist full of ficha tickets, she will get a few dollars and some brownie points.
We then made the rounds to the clubs, including a brief time in Hong Kong. In the past, we have hung out with her friends in other clubs and she has no problem with my “engaging” with them. Indeed, she often encourages it. (I asked her if she like girls too and she said yes. She once arraigned a threesome with one of her friends that was fun, but not something I am heavily into.) They gave us some grief at the door when we entered the club, but after some confirmation they let us in, giving her a pink wristband. We just did a quick lap, hated it, and left. I wasn’t anxious to spend any more money in HK or Cascadas anyway.
We then went to Adelitas where we connected with a mesero that I have a good history with. We molested a few girls to get the hormones flowing and then retired to my room. She left after 8:00 am and I went exploring.
Often when I am hunting and a girl is on shift, I would take her arriba for an hour or two after vetting her with some fichas. A few times the bar required that I buy a bucket of six-ten drinks. They didn’t require that it be beer, so when this happened I let the chicas order whatever they wanted. Sometimes this is enforced and sometimes not. I don’t like it, but I understand the logic if the girl is on shift.
I always have my own room, so this is their way of collecting a bar fine and room fee. It has been enforced at Rizzo as well and by trusted meseros who also insisted that it is the management that set the requirement, not them. For example, I asked one of my speed dial HK girls to come to my Hotel Cascadas room during her shift. She arrived with a mesero who insisted that I buy a bucket. I was OK with it, because this puta would fuck me for free during her on-shift day sessions, then spend the night when she was off shift for generous compensation.
In conclusion:
Likely this only applies to HK BGs. I have taken street girls arriba at Hotel Cascadas for multi-hour sessions without receiving any grief or tacking on any fees. However, that “rule” might change too if I ever decide to take a SG TLN.
I get it that the bar/hotel needs to make money and I support that, so I don’t mind so much buying food and drinks in the clubs. (The food from Azul is actually good.) And I get some of the logic of the management.
What gets me is that they make up these rules that you cannot find published anywhere, then they spring them on you (or maybe I was singled out). Recently I had a small, standalone camera confiscated in Hotel Cascadas during a bag search. (It is not small enough to secret into a club and I never take pictures without permission.) I have been bringing that camera in to the hotel for the past five years without any grief. (They gave it back when I checked out.) I protested, but they said it was…surprise…a new rule.
So you have been warned. I hope you don’t go through this grief, and it is possible that I was singled out. It is Mexico and I get that the “rules” are “applied randomly” (to be kind). I have enough willing HK girls (and girls from other clubs) on speed dial that Hotel Cascadas, Hong Kong, et al will be getting a lot less of my disposable income, as going forward I will be booking my TLN encounters at other hotels. Please vote with your dollars. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has had similar bar/hotel fine experiences.
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last commentThese 'new rules' absolutely SUCK.
By the way, "TLN" means "todo la noche", i.e. "all night". It took some effort for me to find this out.
This is the market at work... they charge it because they can. CC and Adelitas upgraded their bars a few years ago, but without upgrading their respective hotels they never recaptured their share of the overall business in the ZN. I have to wonder what's preventing them from trying to take advantage of things like this.
I will play along and comment on your article.
Inflation is affecting the entire world thanks to the world dependence on the USA capitalist economy. “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer".
I think you and your girl have a good relationship because you both work together to make things work for you.
In my humble opinion, OTC should happen outside the club completely, next time you should get a room in a hotel not associated with Hong Kong, since you are going to stay overnight, it should work out fine, and the cost will be reasonable, and when you register you can ask for two keys indicating you and your girlfriend are going to spend the night.
I am glad you followed the proverb “Where there's a will there's a way” and you were determined to, and found a way to accomplish the TLN it regardless of obstacles.
The most important thing to remember is that you went to the Happiest Place on Earth (according to Krusty) to have fun.
So don’t let these minor issues ruin your fun, take these situations as lessons in life and learn to deal with people and situations with a smile on your face and laugh about how ridiculous some of these things are sometimes.
Despite of all the negative events that often happen in our lives, we can always maintain our happiness by learning to look with calm and understanding whatever circumstances we deal with in a positive light.
“Being happy is something that each of us determines, it is not something that we find outside of yourself, it is within us and our choice.”
– Catherine Pulsifer
And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
Keep up with the Good Times.
That’s so much for the information and time you put into this. I always value what you say. I am curious about what a normal TLN cost is, or a normal tip to the girl.
I only do abnormal TLNs (;-).
My TLNs have ranged from $0-$500.
$0 from a repeat TLN BG because she had a personal crisis (that she didn't want to tell me about) and didn't want to be alone that night. Previously I had paid her $200-$400 depending on the situation. Example: We went to Rosarito for an overnight stay and I gave her $400.
$0 from a BG that I had sessions with, but my first TLN was to take her to Ensenada. She was happy just to have the mini vacation. Hanging out at the beach. Nice meals. Nice room. She was a wild one. After her shift, we would go to other bars and she would buy other women for me. She said it was because she was in love. Scared me a little bit, but she went home after a few weeks and I have not heard from her since.
$500 for a HK day-shift BG. She came to my room for an hour during her shift and took care of me no charge. After her shift, she would come and spend the night. I always took her to dinner and she tended to stay from 6:00 pm to 10:00 am when her next shift started. That and she was a 3-hole girl. Also, on her days off, she would hang out with me during the day. We would go to the beach for lunch and to stroll around.
And there were others that were in the $200 range, but I haven't gotten that price for a while. One of the $200-girls I met in HK, but she usually works in Mexicali. I have seen her there too. We went to the bar where she works in Mexicali to celebrate her birthday. She said it was OK if I wanted to screw any of her coworkers. We spent that night together.
When I first started negotiating TLNs I didn't know where to start on price. Going through the forums six years ago when I started, it was all over the map, so I used the escort "8-hour specials" the advertised then for $350 as a guide. The first HK BG that I asked to TLN said she wanted $400. I had short-term sessions with her before (indeed, she was the second puta I arribaed at the start of my mongering career). When she said $400 I didn't negotiate; I wanted her bad and it seemed to be a fair price. However, she no-showed (:-p(.
I have a few girls on speed dial that I like to TLN with. They ask $200-$400 typically. Recently I had a Candidate TLN that was super-hot and naturally very horny that I had one of the best sessions of my life with. We arraigned for a TLN. Had a lot of WhatsApp back-and-forth. She asked $500 and agreed to $400. She was a HK BG picked for me by a trusted mesero. On the day we scheduled we traded messages, and an hour before we were supposed to meet, she ghosted me. Neither I nor the mesero has seen her since. She said she didn't have ninos or a novio and lived alone. The mesero and I suspect that it was a lie and someone told her that she could not spend the night with me and made her quit HK. At least I had a great memory of our sessions together.
Recently a HK BG that I TLN frequently said she was being offered $1200-$1400 for TLN. She wasn't trying to jack her price; we were just having a conversation about some of her experiences. I told her that I will never pay any girl more than $400 for TLN. She is OK with that, because I am a reliable customer and I treat her well. We go to dinner at nice restaurants, sightseeing, and our sessions are very GFE (lots of cuddling, which she likes probably more than I do).
Thank you again!!!! Mr. Tahoe, you are the man. I’m sure many of us (who get almost zero opportunities) live vicariously through you and the other all time TJ greatest’s stories.
THis new rule totally sucks. But PutaTester is the one to explore and track it and figure out what a PL should do.
Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight [Official Live] (electric)
"THis new rule totally sucks. But PutaTester is the one to explore and track it and figure out what a PL should do."
I suggest that those who are interested read the entire article. The devil is in the details.
Quick points:
Apparently this applies to HK and maybe BT girls only. Bring a girl into Hotel Cascadas from the street or an off-duty girl from another club and the rules are different (surprise).
The solution is to go to any hotel other than Rizzo or Cascadas. One of my TLN chicas suggested Levea (SP?) which, as I recall, is at the end of the alley. Not so nice, but at $30 a night, the price is right. I prefer a nicer hotel (in part to show respect for the girl) and solved the problem by booking a room at Hotel Caesars for <$60.
Epilog: The girl I took to Hotel Caesars liked the room and appreciated that I met her at one of the better hotels. She wants to do it again (and we will). Nothing special, but it was convenient for her. She was a little nervous waiting out front for me and I got a little turned around walking from Hotel Cascadas, so I was a few minutes late, but a good time was had by all. FYI, the restaurant is where the famous Caesar Salad originated. A little pricy for Mexico, but great by American standards.
Hotel Garcia is next to La Gloria. Can you get La Gloria girls and TLN there. SG too?
@putatester thanks for the Intel, insight and sharing this article.
During my mongering experiences in Tijuana, a few of the bar girls told me about the off shift rules.
At Rizos one of the manager did not enforce it much because the BGs would kick him back a small fee.
Another BG told me part of her work agreement at HK included not staying at Cascadas or Rizos when off shift.
Another BG told me she knew how to slip by security to meet up with clients off shift.
During my mongering time in TJ, I had plenty of BGs visit off shift and I had no problems but Covid changed the world.
And these rules being enforced in the described manner of your article is another example.
Thanks for the info puta tester. This is another reason I don’t stay inside Hong Kong. The rules change as they go. But with Atlanta SCs dying and south Florida being super expensive. . What choice do you have?
For TLNs abs for random hookups. Puebla Amiga is chica friendly as your guest can literally walk past front desk to the elevator & to your room. I love going down stairs and placing some small wagers to see if my winnings can pay fob the session. Or at least help.
I have had my ATF (dragon/rose tattoo) name put on my room , but I made sure I was the only one with the key. I did this at Fairfield and the upscale part of Lucerna. Worked out well.
It worked out well.
I gotta say puts tester, so TLN girl, is a winner. Mine is acting up. Prices are going up because she knows I put her over everyone else because her sex is like a drug, lots of GFE that is so convincing. Like I said In my last review. She was unable to stay the night like previous visits but charged me $200 per hour which included the time for her to get ready for our dinner at the restaurant plus dinner time and sex. Like TF? This was on first night. I wanted to fuck her more nights but I ended up just fucking the girls at HK and the other big 3 for $100 plus room fees (typically $20-$30) for half and hour. Good deal as soon provide GFE that I like including LFK, DFK, and some BBBj. But lately it’s been all covered which I don’t mind especially with trophy fucks.
But yeah, I expect changes in all sex industry locations. Some girls trying to make up post pandemic, the aforementioned inflation too has had its effect too.
Colombian hoez went up another 100,000 COP. I beat the Euro hoez in the FKKs in Zurich and Frankfurt have went up to.
It is what it is. Appreciate the insight
Had a few TLNs at Puebla Amiga myself a few years back. Decent place, but they made me come down to the lobby and get my gal. Not a big deal.
My ATF had some issues, so I gave her some extra money a few times, but $200/hr is WAY over the top. Most escorts will do eight hours for $400-$550. My top is $400 and I have gotten several TLNs for $200 and occasionally for free.
Haven't been to the FKKs in a while, but I have been reading that they have gone up to E100 if you want a good session. It is a reasonable price, but double what I was paying pre-Covid. Hoping to get to South America some time this year; probably Chile.
My pattern now is to get a room in downtown TJ and pay for the short term rooms if I want a girl in the clubs. Lately a lot of girls have been offering TLNs and another monger is recommending escorts. Never done escorts, but I noticed a former HK ATF is back in the business of escorting. She is great fun to be with and we did a number of TLNs, but I am also a little tired of her, as she is a bit unstable.
Going back to TJ early August. As you said, sex is a drug and I am an addict. Sex and coffee are my only vices and I don't want to be cured.
"As you said, sex is a drug and I am an addict. Sex and coffee are my only vices and I don't want to be cured."
I'm with you @PutaTester. I'd add draft beer to form an ideal triumvirate.
With these new fees is kind of funny. I have become the clock watcher now!