The Question a Stripper Should Always Ask

avatar for john232425
Words matter. Approach matters. Communication matters. As a customer of literally hundreds of strip clubs and adult entertainment venues around the world, I am surprised that more women do not approach me the way I was recently approached at a club. A few weeks ago this average-beautiful lady who wasn't exactly my normal type came up to me and asked, "What can I do for you to make your night better?" Strippers reading this, did you catch that? Did you get that? Do you understand the power in communicating what those words communicate? That question worked magic. She made it all about me and her serving me and making my experience better and making sure I got what I was wanting. It was not a "Yes" or "No" question like the overly used and negativity-generating "want a dance?" It was masterful. And the question does not need to be worded exactly like it is above, but it should be similar and needs to communicate the same things.

There are several things as an adult entertainer that you should already be doing nightly to make sure you are providing a positive experience and generating decent income: Be clean, Smile, Leave drama out of work, Be you, Ask for the close the right way and Have fun (another article I wrote covers these in more detail). However, the above question can drastically evolve how customers perceive you and how much fun you have and how much positivity they feel and show towards you. As an open-ended question, it gets the customer talking to you about what they want, and this lets you know how to emphasize what you can do to make sure they get as much of what they want from you. It also gets the customer thinking about what you can do for them. While that is somewhat the focus of customers in strip clubs anyway, this particularly puts you in the blank of "who" is going to provide what I want. That aspect is now filled with "You." Subconsciously, in the customer's mind you are now the one that is going to provide the customer with a pleasant evening and experience. That has the customer placing you in a powerful position without feeling like he (or she) is losing control and having you take power away from them. Psychologically, this question breaks down resistance, objections and barriers and will have a better success rate of getting people open to buying dances and opening their wallets than any other question I have ever been asked at an adult club.

"What can I do for you to make your night better?" Try that question for a few days and let me know how your customers respond. Happy clubbing and happy entertaining!


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Standard customer service and excellent sales technique.

If she is not my type and there is a girl, let’s call her Honey, that is my type in the club.

She: “What can I do for you to make your night better?"

CJKent: “You can bring Honey over and have her makes love to me, that would make my night better, thank you”
avatar for rh48hr
5 years ago
It's a solid question and one that can be successful. Unfortunately, dancers also have to realize there's going to be plenty of jerks who will answer "by going away."
Sounds great, kind a like things I have heard in AMPs. But then, these AMP girls knew that I partook freely and easily, and fully GFE.

But not every American Strip Club is UHM.

Great customer service question.

And similar customer service follow up can really feed the fire.

Couple weeks ago I was getting lap dances from my CF. About a minute in I go "here's something about me I haven't shared, I love my nipples played with".

She didn't miss a beat, "I love playing with nipples", and reached for my shirt buttons, getting the top couple while I got the bottom ones. She felt my modest man boobs, and said "show me how you like it" offering hers to demonstrate on.

Mostly gentle, like this I demonstrated on her left (perfect) nipple, with occasional firmer twists like this on her right.

Best dance, most fun to date.
avatar for rh48hr
5 years ago
gSteph - great call, I had a similar experience with my fave.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Thanks for the advice! I’ve been trying that out, and I’ve been finding myself in a lot of hotel rooms for $200 bareback sex. I’ve found my dancer name in a couple of reviews at the clubs I’ve worked at describing everything in pornographic detail too. So I know I am certainly an excellent provider.

Woohoo! 🥳
Just be themselves?

Blahblah goes 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
She may cut your balls off and you asked for it 🤣
I be myself 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
Thanks for giving my wife great business advice 👍
avatar for madhouse
5 years ago
What she can do for me is drain my cock
avatar for jfutz
5 years ago
That question... so good. It would make me take a second look at someone I wasn't initially interested in, just because of the focus on service. Now, if I was interested off the bat, she is going to get my attention for a long time that night. LOL
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