
10 Years with the Same Stripper

Older than dirt
Tuesday, April 2, 2019 9:25 AM
A Day in the Life of... On this site I’ve previously chronicled my adventures, mis-adventures, thrills and many tragedies which have occurred with one stripper and me. I’ve had fantastic times and so many mis-steps that I’ve been led to years of psychotherapy, soul searching, financial troubles and yet, on one level, I don’t regret it. The purpose of this article is to document some of the good times, some of the mistakes I made, and elicit some humor from the faults I’ve experienced and help others avoid similar steps in the dog poo of life with a stripper. Briefly, an introduction: I’m approaching my mid 70’s, have had a very rewarding career, was married to my late wife for 49 years, and have two daughters who are well educated married women with professional careers and beautiful families. I live in the Northeast where most everything is a little bit more expensive than the rest of the country. I’ll refer to my stripper friend as Ally, one of the several names under which she’s danced in clubs throughout New England and Florida. She was 23 and I 63 when we met. On the night we met during 10 lap dances I learned that she had been born on my 40th birthday, had a heroin habit, and was a "10" in my eyes. Within a few weeks I learned that for a $100 tip over the regular $370 cost of an hour in VIP, she gave a wonderful blowjob. She took great pride when told that it was the best blowjob I'd ever had. Shortly after that I suggested that we meet in a hotel in exchange for $500. She had never met a customer outside of the club but with five Benjamins dancing in her mind she quickly agreed. She told me of her son, who's being raised by her mother, of her baby daddy who was in state prison at the time. So far, nothing different from 10,000 other strippers in this great country. But when we met at the hotel, she became extraordinary in my book. Sex was heavenly. She seemed to anticipate my every want and wish. Her body was slim but with curves. Her breasts were small, yet perky. Her sweet ass was perfect. I enjoyed her conversation, her stories, and her way of lightly touching me as we talked. After sex we stayed in bed and talked and talked. She was stroking my leg and dragged her fingernails across my prick which immediately caused an erection. She quickly went down on me and her sucking got me off pretty quickly. The second time we met OTC, later that week, I asked her if anal sex might be on the menu. I had never done anal and explained that it was on my "bucket list". She shook her head no and told me that her BF and her hair curler were the only ones to enter that portal. "Your hair curler?". She explained that when she was 18 she and her BF were living out of state and were both using dope every day. They'd been fucking and sucking and she had a hankering to try the back door. Well at this point he had "dope Dick" and it would have been like trying to put a clam in a slot machine. She started giving him shit about not being able to get it up and after seething for a few minutes, he went in the bathroom, got her hair curler, put her across his knee and shoved it up her ass. It was the smaller curling iron she said, not wanting me to think badly of her. We began seeing each other in the club once a week and OTC once or twice weekly. We had made plans to meet one afternoon at a Hilton Hotel about 1/2 way between our homes. She lived about 100 miles from me. I got to the hotel about 1:00 and had arranged for early arrival. At about 1:30 she called me screaming and crying. It was hard to decipher, but clearly she wanted me to come there. I got the address, got there in under an hour and found her in the parking lot of her townhouse still screaming. It was a hot summer day and she was wearing a "wife beater" t-shirt and a tiny pair of Pink shorts and obviously nothing else. I got her in my car with AC blasting and finally figured out that she had found bed bugs. She would not go into the apartment, so I did and when in her bedroom, lifted the mattress to find hundreds of the little bloody creatures. I knew she'd never go near it again, so I dragged first the mattress, then the box spring down the stairs and threw them in the dumpster. She called an exterminator and he gave us directions regarding food and clothing. A local laundry had a wash dry & fold service using 210 degree water. I hauled over 700 lbs. of her clothing to the cleaner for 24 hour service. The exterminator was coming the next morning, so we gave him the key and went to the hotel. We were both hot, dirty, and sweaty, so hopped in the shower together. After our first time soaping up and rinsing, she dropped to her knees in the shower and gave me a blow job for the ages. I was beat from many trips up & down stairs, lugging hundreds of pounds of clothing, and after nutting in her mouth and on her face in the shower, I was exhausted. After drying off we lay naked on the bed and both fell asleep. I awoke with her mouth sucking my semi-erect Dick and her finger up my ass. I soon was ready to do battle and we enjoyed each other immensely. Later she told me that my pubic hair was too bushy and asked to cut it. My toiletries kit had a small pair of scissors so she cut off all she could, then hot water, shave cream and my facial razor. A little talcum and my fat little Dick actually looked larger. I pointed out that it'd been a couple of days since she'd shaved her privates and after some cajoling she let me clean the stubble away and then some DATY. This was also the first time I saw her shooting up. She had track marks all up her right arm ( she's a lefty) which she covered with a concealer. It wasn't a secret but it did cause a little shudder. Honestly, to this point she had not orgasmed with me. She was very specific about what was where, the best way to her clit, just how she likes it. My lips and cheeks were damp when she came and I felt like a stud. Since then, with a 29 year old body builder eating her ass, which she videoed for me, I've seen a rivulet of white emit from her perfect pussy and run down over her belly. Around this time we had a serious talk. She told me that she enjoyed my company, she enjoyed my money, and hoped we could see lots more of each other. But, while she won't fake it, when she's fucking an old man, her "mind goes somewhere else". No offense but to a gal in her 20's, a guy in his 60's just ain't too appealing. A little blow to my ego, but I appreciated her honesty and realistically I knew I wasn't expecting a call from GQ for their cover. She was also very specific that being with me was fun. Nice restaurants, an occasional Comedy Club, etc. But sex with me was her business. She was very good at her work and expected payment upon delivery of services as subtly as possible. Around this time she decided that breast augmentation would improve her earnings at the club and might boost her self image. She asked for my opinion and I didn't like the idea. But she persisted and asked if I would hold my payments until she had enough money. I had about $3500 when she handed me $3000 and said she now had enough. This was my first realization that she was seeing others OTC. I went with her to the Dr. and accompanied her through the preliminaries. We all agreed that going from her "A" to a "C" was plenty big enough. It was out patient surgery and I brought her and was a little surprised when she listed me as being her health care proxy. Proof that she trusted me, I guess, but another ego boost. The Dr. when discharging her said get her in bed asap and get up and walk her every two hours. I got a 2 bedroom suite and followed Dr. orders except she insisted on a shower in the morning. We unwrapped them ( I still have the photo) I realized I'd been the last one to kiss the originals and the first for the new. The Dr. also prescribed dilaudid (an opioid) for pain. I was surprised when she took none. She said she could sell them for enough for 2 days of dope. I subtly asked about who else she was seeing OTC. She said she trusted me implicitly but made me give my word to not mention to anyone else. She was seeing a dentist who also was filling other cavities. She charged him $500 also, but he made her pay for the hotel room ($100 to $150) and he gave her $200 for that and frequently tipped more. She also was seeing a contractor who owned several companies from septic installation to trash removal. I immediately recognized the name as it's painted on dumpsters all over our region. He was quite possessive, wanted to control this wild woman, so she lied to him and charged $1000 an hour. She was making $2500 to $3500 per week and while paying her living expenses, buying her heroin, and supporting herself, she also started saving cash. To this day she's unsure whether she had $8000 or $18000 but she and an old high school buddy went on a month long bender. She vanished for a month, not working, not answering texts or phone calls. After 4 or 5 weeks she called me and asked me take her to detox which I did. Her friend (Buddy) and she had been shooting coke & heroin and smoking crack. She looked like crap, smelled like crap, and acted like crap. After 6 days of detox she told me that Buddy had a 10 inch dick and when high she could relax her throat and deep throat him. I just had to see this ( get it - Gawker?) so one night they showed up at my hotel room at a little after midnight. They had a lot of coke which the 3 of us kept snorting.Ally was shooting coke and I let her inject me in the back of my calf which did give a more immediate buzz and yet I'm too unsure of needles to do that again. Even with the best of intentions it's too easy to lose track of whose needle one is. She has hepatitis C and I was recently diagnosed with it, too. Anyway they fucked and sucked till 4:00 em then left and I slept. At 9:00 I was awakened by a knock on the door. It was Ally, come back to spend time with me. She was renting a small cottage around this time in a fairly nice residential area. She had a washer and dryer on the second floor, two large bedrooms and a full bath with a huge living room , small kitchen & 1/2 bath down stairs. She got a months suspension from work for drugs in the dressing room and started to get a little kinky. One day she was going to make a buy at a dealers house. Most dealers wouldn’t do business with me there - 70 year old balding white guy? Keep walking. But she knew she’d be awhile so she asked if I could come up with her. Well there was a married couple and two toddlers. In the kitchen was a big motherfuckin dude who had just gotten released after a 3 year stint and he was cooking crack. He asked me if I wanted to try with the coke, baking soda, ice, and a gas flame. I gave it a shot but my first attempt came out gummy, not rock. Ally made her buy and we left. Local police and the county drug task force raided and arrested the mother & father the next morning. That put the kids into the foster home system which really sucks. It’s now almost 5 years later and she is out and trying to get her kids back. Very sad. Ally got evicted. She had a date to move out so booked herself into rehab for the same day. A different HS friend and I were to move her belongings into storage. I rented a 14 ft. Box U-Haul and a big storage locker. The guy working with me had shoulders and arms like a damned gorilla with his long last name in 6 inch letters running across his back. He had just gotten out of L. A. County jail the week before. All day long he had stories of the gangs and racial problems he lived with. He and Ally were snorting coke and shooting heroin most of the day and I felt as if I worked like a rented mule all day. When it came time to bring the washing machine down we decided to use an outside wooden staircase which had 19 steps to a landing a 180 degree turn and down another 10 steps. The other guy took the base and I had the top. One step down and it slipped right out of my hands and fell into him. He couldn’t stop it so he jumped on it and rode it down to the landing across the landing, through the railing and he landed on his back with the dishwasher on his massive chest. I started to call 911 and he got up said he was fine and wondered if we could put the washer back together. As he and I prepared to take the last load to storage Ally came down the stairs wearing her 8 inch heels a butt floss and nothing else. She was showing off her new tits to an old friend who I learned had fucked her once in high school. He and I left her to get the stuff stored and I forgot my cell phone in the kitchen. We got back an hour later it was raining 2 inches per hour and no sign of Ally or my phone. I took my golf umbrella and started walking calling her name when a local police cruiser pulled up. Checked my ID wanting to know what was going on. I told them I was an old friend of the family, didn’t know where Ally was. They asked if drugs were being used. I said it wouldn’t surprise me but I hadn’t seen anything. They the told me that Ally was at the local hospital being treated for cuts and abrasions from running naked through the woods in the rain as well as 3 neighbors’ houses. At the hospital I met the cop guarding her and I explained I was taking her to rehab. He called the facility and said yes they had a bed for her as late as 3:00 am. She was released to my custody on the condition I bring her there. We left and she insisted I take her to her dealer I said no. She called her mother saying I fucked her in the ass and I used her coke. It was still pouring and I gave her the option get in or get out. She got out and I began my 2 hour drive home- after one hour I remembered the storage locker key which was to go in Moms mailbox. I turned around and 5 minutes from Moms house Ally called, crying, saying she’d go. I dropped the key, picked her up took her to rehab, arriving at 2;45. I had to wait while she showered and had a body cavity search. As she was being taken away she hollered “ I love you” to which I responded, “ I love you, too. I just can’t stand you.” Detox is a short term process (5 to 7 days usually) to get the drugs out of the person’s system. It does nothing about getting the drugs out of their brain. The theory is that the facility will substitute a legal substance for an illegal one. For Ally detox became a revolving door. Some facilities have a 10 day follow up where through group counseling programs patients/clients are supposed to develop strength to resist going back to illegal drugs. Many of the prescribed drugs ( methadone, subutex, suboxone) are opioids but you don’t get high from using them. The culture varies from facility to facility. One time she called me to come pick her up. Just before arriving she called and told me she was at a nearby McDonalds (which told me she had left before finishing) and she had a friend with her and could she and Shelly sleep over at my house until they found a place to live? Shelly’s real cute and she’ll suck your dick if you let her. She’s done porn flicks and I know you’ll like her. Shelly was cute in her day I’m sure but her day was last week. Any way, I conservatively estimate that I brought her to and from detox between 15 and 20 times. She began to realize that if she didn’t kick her habit it was going to kill her. Along the same line, around this time she learned that her high school buddy who she had gone on the month long bender, had been diagnosed as HIV-positive. This led to calendar studying, trying to determine when she last had sex with him. I, of course, was very interested in her findings and after 6 weeks We both had testing for all std’s and thank goodness there was nothing we didn’t know about. It took me a very long time to understand and internalize the fact that I couldn’t help her kick her drug habit. Yes I heard it from anyone who had an inkling of her problem, but looking back, I guess I was so conceited that I thought I could. I mistakenly thought that through force of will, emulation of my behavior or some other way, it could be overcome. As every study, every rehab clinic, every valid source tells us, the addict has to do the hard work and it becomes a life long mission. I’ve been to NA meetings with her, have funded rehab programs not covered by her insurance and in hindsight I’ve probably funded the 401(k)’s of several drug dealers. While her ability to ensnare customers both at the club and OTC was clear from a money earning perspective, she also never had trouble attracting guys to party with. She truly enjoyed sex or so she told me. There was one guy who she always loved sex with but he treated her like shit when they weren’t in bed. One night I had met her at a hotel near his house coincidentally. I left at 11:00 and she stayed. At 4:00 am I got a call from her. She was at an emergency room and needed me to come pick her up. Apparently her “real hot” guy had come to the hotel room with a large bottle of Fireball. She drank too much and totally passed out. He left her, then called the hotel to report a sick person in that room number. An ambulance brought her to the ER with serious alcohol poisoning. Why would you keep seeing a guy who abandoned you when you were sick, I asked. Her reply was along the lines of, I cream my jeans when he takes his shirt off. He’s got a big dick, knows what he’s doing, and I get off over and over. He’s like a fucking porn star. About 18 months ago she came up homeless. I don’t remember the specifics but my wife who’d been struggling with Alzheimer’s had just moved into a specialized nursing facility and I had my 2000 square foot condo all to myself. So she and all of her "issues" moved in. Without going into too much detail, she and I got along ok, but despite many attempts, many stays at detox, innumerable NA meetings, she couldn’t kick her dependence. One time when we were discussing her addiction, she said to me, “Do you think I LIKE being like this?” She suggested that we go on a long road trip and she would just stop taking drugs. She warned me that she’d be sick, she’d be miserable to be with, she’d cry and beg me to find her a dealer ( once we had traveled and she showed me how she could find a dealer in an hour or less). But if we both showed resolve she could do it. We spent 10 days on the road, all of her predictions were accurate (except the seizures from benzodiazepines withdrawal the ER Doctor told us). I left her in a semitropical clime with a close relative. It’s now been almost 10 months, she has a 9 to 5 job, we talk 5 or 6 times a week, she met a guy who she loves (an addict in recovery) and they’re getting married soon. I asked her how she explains me to her man, and she said, “He’s not stupid, you know”. There are another 100 chapters in this 10 year story, but I think it’s coming to a close. I love her with all of her faults and shortcomings. We joke about how we’ve gotten along and she laughingly calls me her Grampa. I wish her the best.


  • Conundrum
    5 years ago
    Wow, what a roller coaster of a relationship you have gone through. I feel for you.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    Thanks for sharing your story. Drug addiction is a powerful thing and definitely is a struggle. I hope she can stay clean for a while.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    Thanks for writing this story. You’ve been to hell and back with this woman. I’m glad both of you are in a better place.
  • Lone_Wolf
    5 years ago
    I love these updates. Keep them coming.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Gawker, you have the best stories. I have had similar--though less extreme--adventures with my ATF.
  • bullzeye
    5 years ago
    Wow. Can’t believe you put up with all that $hit and have done everything that you have for that girl. You have a heart of gold, dude.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    what a roller coaster ride!!!
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Oh, shit, this little story made me late punching back in from lunch. You just cost me a qtr hour pay. LoL. Worth it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Very few people are cut out to deal with someone like that - usually one doesn't really help the person (mostly bc they're unable or unwilling to help themselves) and usually one ends up being affected negatively (often to a large extent) - more often than not one unintentionally ends up enabling more than helping
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    Papi, I could do another treatise on enabling. I’m guilty of course. Earlier today Ally had called me to see if I could “ loan” her a C-note, “just till payday.” I declined her request pointing out that in the previous myriad of times I’d “loaned” her money she’d never, not once, ever repaid. She then got coy and started complimenting me intending to get back to my money after she felt I’d been softened up. She ended up saying that I had to admit I was addicted to her. And she enabled my addiction ( she had sent me two home made porn videos earlier in the week) and since she has intimate knowledge of my soft spots, these had been fearptured in the pornos. They were sent in lieu of money owed from previous communications. And perhaps that’s the problem with this whole affair. We’re both addicted to different things but the other is the prime enabler. I’ll admit when she sent me a 30 minute video of her and her BF performing oral and anal sex on each other culminating with him forcably fucking her face and her opening her mouth to let the white cum pour forth and drip down her chin, I was intrigued. Even when she told me later that even though he did ejaculate they needed more volumes and contrasting color, so they substituted plain yogurt for his ejajculate for take 2. And when she said that she could in all confidence say that neither she nor her BF had snorted, injected, or sniffed any narcotics in several months, however they have used some Non-narcotic illegal substances that I could feel the purse strings loosening a bit.
  • JeezyScheezy
    5 years ago
    Wow, excellent story, and very well told! Do you mind sharing how she found a dealer anywhere in less than an hour? Just curious
  • Sajrandom
    5 years ago
    Great writing! It amazes me how many truly informative and engaging Articles can be found on this site, compared to the constant trolling and poop jokes to be found in the Discussion section.
  • lurkingdog
    5 years ago
    Wow gawker. Quite the story. Quite the life. Still processing it.
  • gentleman6555
    5 years ago
    A+. Write more
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