So Dancers do get excited!

Over the years I have had a number of great lap dances from a wide variety of Dancers. The “Fantasy” has always been a common thread through every dance I have ever had. That fantasy has been that despite my age, beer belly and receding hairline, I am the most sexually exciting member of the male population this physically stunning Dancer has ever had the pleasure of being with and if it were not for the club’s rules, she would undress me and let me fuck her silly until she couldn’t walk straight. Dad
It’s ok that they are selling a fantasy and I choose to buy that fantasy. It is my responsibility to stay within my financial constraints, abide by the dancers limits and not let the fantasy screw up my life in the “Real World”.
Well, awesome back I wandered into an off the radar sort of stripper bar in the wilderness of Wisconsin. Usually this place is good for a beer or two and a look at some half naked local girls that usually range from 1s and 2s to maybe a 5 on a good evening. Why do I stop, you ask - it is a place that sort of has the Cheers vibe and it’s a place to recharge during long road trips through the area.
This time when I stopped there was a brunette that did not fit the norm - easily a 9 on a 10 scale. She was clean, no tattoos, make up looked fresh, nice stripper outfit and she actually danced on stage. Talk about bowl me over with a feather - she would fit in nicely at an upscale club in a bigger city. Well, I sat stage side during her dances and tipped conservatively. She disappeared to the dressing room promptly after each set for a while. Later in the night she came over and sat with me to talk - usual club talk and I decided to let her talk me into a lap dance in her own good time. After about an hour of being together she asked so we went back for one. Talk about rules! Don’t touch my pussy! Don’t finger my butt hole! Touch my legs! Keep your mouth closed as I brush my nips across your mouth! Yes, I’ll grind on your hard dick a little! Not the best, but she is beautiful and she didn’t run off when she was done. We sat around for a while and talked until I had to get back on the road again.
Well, a few weeks I’m back in the area and she is there dancing. Surprised the hell out of me when came over to talk with me out of the blue and told me different things we had talked about the previous time. Had a good time and had a couple dances this time. Rules eased up a little - touching titties and milking them was allowed and she was more sensual this time. When we were done we went out to the bar and talked some more. Found out she had danced in nude clubs in Minneapolis before gettting pregnant, screwing up and marrying the guy, moving out into the Wilderness and learning the hard way that he was a jerk who divorced her, got restricted visitation rules that kept her in the area, forgot to pay child support because he worked for cash and didn’t bother to visit the child. Yep, sounded like girl drama - warning bells went off to not be her white knight and get sucked dry of money.
Over the months I kept stopping in to talk and sometimes get dances. I never bought her a drink-she wouldn’t allow it (I have money if I want a drink was always her answer). I never tipped her for sitting and talking even though it was often for 2-3 hours. I did tip her at the stage. I slowly started increasing the number of dances till I would drop $100 total for the night - usually 4 dances. And much to my delight her dances got a little more sensual as time went on until one night I unbuttoned my shirt and asked her to rub her beautiful tittles across my chest - she absolutely got into it even licking/sucking my nips when she wasn’t feeding me hers. She leaned in, stuck her tongue in my ear and said to “Please cum for me!” Well, I was so excited it only took a little more and I blew a load of spunk. I was embarrassed as all hell - apologized and said I’ve got to go. She was really sweet and told me that she wanted to make me cum. It was a quiet night so she talked to the bouncer - told him I had had an accident and she wanted to take me into the dressing room so I could get cleaned up. Well, she took me back there - talk about a pig pen (dancer stuff all over hell). She sent me into the bathroom with baby wipes and I got cleaned up.
She took me back into the bar and I insisted we have an honest talk. It started out WTF just happened? Why? What’s next? She told me that usually guys are acting like assholes and don’t want to play by her rules. Guys usually view her as a set of titties and a pussy without feelings. Guys cum in their pants often. Guys try to take their dicks out. Guys ask for blow jobs, hand jobs and to fuck. Guys try to buy her all the time and treat her like crap. She told me she sort of likes me even though I am older - she has Daddy issues and she loves body hair on guys and she knew that I was close to popping my nut most of the time when we go have dances but I don’t out of respect-she likes that. I asked what’s next and she informed me to not expect a repeat of tonight every time but to know that she was going to continue being with me when I come in, that she will kick my ass if I try to do dances with anyone else in the place because she has labeled me as her friend and that if I cum it is ok. Well that being said, my head was spinning and it was time to go.
Over the next couple months I stopped in a few more times and it was like a regular visit - some convo time - a few very sexy dances (only above the waist contact) and thankfully I didn’t blow my nut. I couldn’t get her number, wasn’t allowed to over tip and couldn’t buy her drinks. I was enjoying myself in the fantasy and everything was manageable until this last summer......
It had been a while since I had traveled through this area but I got back and went to this particular stripper bar only to not see her dancing and her name not on the board. Well, I was disappointed but decided to have a beer and look at some titties. Much to my surprise there was some new talent - slim, blonde, right abs, bubble butt, visible camel toe inside her thing, little nipples and nice full boobs. As I sat there one of the bartenders came over and said, “Please don’t even think about it! One of the dancers called Gypsy that you are here and she will be here as soon as her Girl friend gets there to watch the little boy”. She went on to tell me that Gyspy has made sure that everyone knows I am claimed and that she as bartender didn’t want to see her kick my ass for playing with another stripper because acouple months her ex had come in drunk and acted poorly only to have everyone witness Gyspy kick his ass.
Well, it took about an hour before she quietly came in the bar dressed like a walking wet dream in skin tight yoga pants, perky Nike’s, and a half shirt that shows the bottom of her tits and that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Yes the hair and make up was to the 9’s as well. Every head turned as she came over to sit by me - she leaned in to kiss me and asked me to buy her a beer. The bartender appeared with her beer and we sat and talked for awhile.
Finally she asked if I wanted an dance - so I naturally said yes. She went over to the bouncer and explained so we went off to the lap dance booth. Once there she took my shirt and belt off and emptied my pockets into the empty chair with my shirt. She rubbed my chest, licked my ear and kissed me on the mouth sliding her tongue into my mouth - she still had her clothes on and I felt like I was just fucked. I shook my head and said how about that dance? She smiled and undressed in front of me letting me take her shirt off only to be fed her erect nipples and pulling her shoes/socks off. She stood in front of me in her yoga pants and let me take those off too - much to my disappointment she had tiny yellow panties on. I swear the front was barely large enough to cover her pussy lips and the back was barely a thread. She danced a little telling me this is what she wore off stage in the club where she danced in Minneapolis when she wasn’t nude. She crawled up into my lap and started to play with me. It was an awesome lap dance that blended into the next. I was really enjoying her body - she was feeding me her titties, letting me run my hands all over her pussy and butt, she was licking my nipples and she started grinding on my erection like we were full on fucking. She pushed my hand to her pussy and whispered to play with her as she was grinding on me. Her clit was sticking out nice and proud. I started to rub it from side to side and about flipped out as she started cumming. Not being an idiot, I kept quiet, kept playing with her clit and slowly slide a finger in her butt hole. She seemed to organism for the longest time - hurrah! She sort of finished and curled up in my lap asking if I was ok. I just laughed and said look at my pants - the front of my khakis were soaked with her juices. She giggled and told me she was a squirter-I said no duh! We talked a bit and she asked if she could take me home for the night - I said sure but how are we going to do the financials. She laughed, looked at me telling me she has not taken a boy home from the bars since before she was married, that she hasn’t messed with a lover since her divorce, asked me why she had everyone in the bar on the Lookout for me and that if I was agreeable she wanted to be friends with benefits.
All I could say was check please - she laughed telling me these lap dances were freebies because she wasn’t working, the bouncer had turned off the camera and I was done paying her for dances.
Well, I went home with her and we spent the night playing in her big bed when we were not playing in the shower. Eventually we had a talk about stuff....... She felt safe with me and enjoyed me because even though I was 35 years older I satisfied her Daddy issues (I asked about this issue to learn that he had died when she was a teenager, had never crossed parental boundaries and she remembers his hairy chest)(she’s 24yo), she is trying to get away from her ex so she can move back to Colorado, dances because it is good money for the time involved, she doesn’t mess around with anyone because of her ex and that she only expects me to be sweet to her, stay out of stripper bars, stay faithful to my wife, not get possessive in the bar when I see her giving dances, not monopolize her time in the bar because that is her income, not ask to meet her kid and stay over when I am in the area. I did get her to agree to give her grocery money from the money I would have spent on a hotel room.
Over the past months it has been quite an experience. I am in the wilderness of Wisconsin about once a month and stay with her for acouple days. I go off and work during the day before her little boy wakes up at the sitters. During the afternoon/early evening I usually fix something around her apartment or shovel snow or mow grass or wash her car. So as to not hurt her feelings I make sure to leave her gift cards for WalMart or the grocery store. Another time I got her Amazon gift cards. This seems to be working because she doesn’t say anything.
Sometimes when I am there she will take the night off - that made me feel guilty. So now she will work from 4pm until about 10pm. Most nights I will go over to the bar and tip her on stage, she will sit with me if she doesn’t have anyone interested in dances and then I will happily carry her bags out as I take her back to her house for a night of carnal pleasures.
It is unbelievable to shower with a beautiful 24 yo brunette, massage her with body oils, watch her walk around in the nude (because as she puts it - she wants to make me hard without touching me), have slow grinding sex, watch her organism as I eat her pussy and then wake up in the morning with my dick in her mouth.
It has been interesting and beyond fun. She continues to surprise me like: on a slow night she asked me to let her friend (new to stripping) watch her give me a normal lap dance with restrictions and I see the “friend” rubbing herself; then the next night she asks me to let this same friend watch her do a dirty lap dance on me without the cameras and I readily agree as we end up fucking doggy style with the friend nude (price of admission) pinching my friends nipples; recently at the bar they installed a shower with a small tub where dancers could give guys a shower dance - we stayed after closing as the dancers were taking turns showering the “bar” off before going home - watching her shower with another girl was fantastic - I could barely keep my dick in my pants and couldn’t wait to fuck her - ended up doing it again in a lap dance booth after bar close only to find two dancers peeking over the wall as I ate her pussy before sliding my dick into her hot wet hole and another time when It was that time of the month we explored anal sex - talk about tight! and what a turn on to see my cum seeping out of her little butt; and pretty much every night when I pick her up she finishes work with me taking her for a lap dance or two - it is such a turn on to see and feel her organism.
I really didn’t know if dancers experienced sexual excitement when working. I figured being so pretty with such well put together bodies it was all show and when extras happened it was all about getting the customer to organism and spend money.
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last comment"Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."
It is extremely rare for me to watch and feel a dancer organism.
Gotta watch out for those dancer organisms, sometimes they run around when they pop out.
What a crock.
Just like we have ATF's, dancers can click with their favorite customers. I have had that experience a couple times. I ended up having a 5 year thing with my ATF, both in and outside the club. You should consider yourself lucky. Timing is everything! Enjoy yourself and don't take anything for granted.
Thanks. And your last three sentences say volumes!
perfection - live it !
Lightning does strike every now and then.
I’ve ocasionally had dancers who pretended to be having a very good time as I groped, manipulated, licked and penetrated their pink parts. But in all my years of clubbing and back room shenanigans, I can only recall 3 dancers who I sincerely believe (despite my cynical nature) genuinely had orgasms based on what I was doing to them at the time.
Those “dances” remain among the most memorable of my long mongering career.
Enjoy it when it happens!
Thank you for your wise counsel. Those times are carefully saved to the hard drive in my mind.
Please be sure to let us all know (as Paul Harvey would say) the rest of the story. These types of arrangements never end well. Either this is a nice piece of fantasy fiction, or shits about to blow up. Just the likelihood of there being a good looking dancer in “the wilderness of Wisconsin” is hard to fathom.
Wow. Don’t know what else to say. Go Packers?!
Agreed being 27 years older than my ATF that I do see in and out of club and knowing that she enjoys the sex as much as I do is once in lifetime experience.
We started only with few lap dances got number to know when she would be working or in town then moved to normal dating.
I still enjoy seeing her at the club and wow what a fancy the back room is now but her bed still offers the extended play time.