
What to Be Aware of for ITC

ITC is similar but also has some very distinct differences between OTC

In my opinion, there are 5 main things you need to be aware of - the Club, Lies, Girls, Market/Money, and Bouncers.

Club - Before going to a club figure out what you want the night to offer or turn out. Are you just looking for some drinks, some side company or do you actually want some action ITC (In The Club)

Why is this important? Because different clubs offer different services. First, some clubs offer ITC while others offer OTC. Second, certain clubs cater to only certain activities and not FS while others offer FS. Third, some clubs basically only offer FS experiences as that is where they make most of their money. Fourth, other clubs offer a mixture of both. Once again the best way to find these clubs are using Tuscl for the reviews and doing some of your own research.

As for the club itself here are some helpful tips. Typically highest mileage clubs are found in some of the seediest of places. Typically these places are run down and there really is not as much supervision from authorities or others. This doesn’t mean that there are not nice high end clubs that offer ITC; however, I have found that when there is a lower regulated area it leads to more opportunities for people to offer things that aren’t above board.

Why? Just think, what areas do unlawful things happen more frequently - answer where there’s less prying eyes. Now this is mainly for trying to find a local club in your area.

For the nicer establishments you can look on here and you’ll find cities and regions. I’ve decided to let you look the up yourself as I don’t know which one’s are closer to you.

Next, typically the clubs that offer lap dances and privates are really where you have the best chance. Once again, not saying you can’t at others. However, typically you can’t really do much at the make it rain clubs; because there is low privacy with dancers not really having the ability to do much without prying eyes.

Lies - I decided to add this in because of your not prepared you most likely won’t achieve what you wanted. I know most of us would like accidentally bump into this really awesome situation where we just happen to have the time of our lives, with little money, and get more than what was advertised with a girl. However, that’s like believing in the one time you bought a lottery ticket and then hitting the jackpot for a million dollars. Could it happen? Sure, but will it? Probably not.

Girls Lie and Use Manipulation. How do I know because it happened to a friend who paid 2k for a girl. First off I told him anything over 700 is already too high. Second, who the hell pays upfront. Apparently he does and it was in Vegas. Needless to say, trust your first Instinct as to whether she’ll actually give you what your looking for. Some girls are really good at redirecting your answers and say things like “trust me you’ll be satisfied.” Which again doesn’t mean anything except for empty words. I told my friend the only person to blame was himself. Don’t get me wrong he makes a lot of money and I myself am pretty comfortable with my financial situation. However, just like when you buy a regular car or a luxury car - getting screwed over is still getting screwed over.

Overall, pay attention and consider negotiating while you’re still somewhat sober.

Girls - this one is more short and to the point. Typically the girls who offer this service are looking for reasons to disqualify you as a cop. Sometimes they’ll deliberately feel you up in areas where they may think you have a wire. Or try to feel if you have any ID or identification of police. They might also say phrases like “your cool right baby” - this is meant for them to say something that is more. When you hear those words or phrases similar - get ready for her to start offering more than what you may think.

Market/Money - Don’t ruin the market, overpay, or make a big deal when a girl won’t do something for what you want to pay. Common sense, negotiate and don’t give in too your small head without considering the ability to walk away. Don’t be afraid to say no for now to someone good for the potential to say yes to someone great. At the end of the day, if you negotiated courteously and firmly and you find the market was like your first offer than you can always go back. However, if you find out after the fact that you got screwed it stings.

Bouncers - you really have to consider a few things. Are they watching over your shoulders? In other words are they highly involved or are they hands off? Both depend and some times it pays to pay the bouncer to give a little more privacy. I’m not recommending to always tip the bouncer but feel out the situation and maybe ask the dancer depending on your situation. This may even help you get extra time in the room without having to pay the house an enormous amount of money for an extra 10-15min.


  • DH721
    13 days ago
    Yeah, most guys on this website know the score, this is redundant but it's probably good for newbies to see it, so here's my additions.

    I suggest if you are looking for fs, unless there are multiple TUSCL reviews that indicate it is standard fare, don't expect it. I usually go with the idea that it probably won't happen and if it does, well that is a bonus; however, I have read the reviews of some and I could tell it definitely was in the cards. With experience you will learn to read the girls and club. I was at one club where a bouncer walked through LD area and looked into the VIP rooms about every 5-10 minutes, no kind of extras are happening there.

    As far as lies and girls, assume everything she says is a lie. Many guys talk about negotiating before going to VIP, that's not always going to work out. I know some dancers that promised fs then when the guy unzipped his pants and pulled it out, the girl called for the bouncer.

    Another time I went out with some friends and one of them got really drunk and he ended up going to the ATM a couple of times. I tried to stop him but he swore she really liked him. Once he quit spending money, she moved on and he was dumbfounded, "I thought she really liked me". When I get involved with a dancer friends will tell me "She's going to break your heart", I laugh and reply "She's not going to break it, she's going to rip it out and stomp on it" but hey I am at a point in my life that I can take it and as Bill Withers says "Use me up".
  • ggofv
    8 days ago
    @DH721, I love threads like this and even as an average monger, we need them every few months. Keeping each other informed prevents situations from happening and even 20 years of experience can lose to a pretty face in the right situation.

    I agree with ZRod, bad neighborhoods and low traffic areas will always have the best extras. I have seen this played out in dozens of times by now. To add to your advice, dancers typically go to places that reflect there own economic status. Better strip clubs generally attract a more middle class stripper with corresponding expectations.

    Lying women are also a big problem. I generally hesitate to get extras from the first stripper who approaches because it's almost always a trained behavior. There are good experiences with active strippers but you have to read between the lines and again, know the club is extra heavy.
  • Alfredo_Darke
    7 days ago
    It seems to me that ITC service has a lot to do with geography. In my wanderings, Tampa/Clearwater and Seattle are solid places to get extras. Chicago, no.
  • Jascoi
    a day ago
    Very enjoyable topic.
    Kind of relates to me.
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Not an Article. Should be posted on Discussion Board
Not an Original Article I’m just not personally interested in how to’s and what to’s we know all the stuff in the article anyway and some of it is off base. Don’t overpay? If the dancer names her price I have no idea what the last guy paid. I pay what I think a situation is worth.
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