
My Experiment with Vitamin V

Avatar for Warrior15
Warrior15Anywhere there are Titties.

A couple of months ago, I started a topic entitled “ Recreational Viagra “. In that topic, I was asking if anyone had used Viagra for purely recreation purposes. I got numerous comments back ranging from, “ that would be stupid” to “I use it all the time”. I did a lot research about it and decided to try it. I actually had a specific purpose for wanting to use it. I was planning a trip to Tijuana and wanted to maximize my opportunities.

In doing my research, there are several potential problems with using Viagra. Most important is can your heart take it. If you have any heart problems, do not try this without seeing a doctor first. Second, don’t take too much. There are lots of stories about people taking too much at one time. This is where you hear about a 4 hour hard-on. You can incur permanent damage to your penis. Next is the effect on your vision. If you start having blurry vision or blue vision, stop taking it and see a doctor. Then finally, getting dependent on it. There is history of guys that don’t really need it, then use it all the time to feel the effect, then can’t get it up without it.

I found an online pharmacy that would provide it to me. That online pharmacy had me do a medical questionnaire. From the research I had done, I knew how to answer the questionnaire. So I fudged the answers just a little. Got four 100 MG tablets. I know you can get them at the pharmacia in Tijuana, but I was not wanting to risk that. For the first time, I had to make sure I had the genuine stuff. Now 100 MG tablets are for someone that severely needs the drug. They give you a pill splitter. So I only took 50 MG doses.

I didn’t want the first time I took it to be in Mexico in case there would be side effects. So on my January trip down to the Miami area, I took one of the half pills with me. On that trip, I had two “sessions” with different girls without the drug earlier that same day. Then I popped the 50 MG. After about 15 minutes, I got the sensation that is kind of like drinking an energy drink. I could feel my heart beating a little faster and I was wide awake. I go to an Extras Miami club and take a girl to a VIP room. Oh man, did it work!

Even though I had already had sex twice that day, I was at full attention. And my control was there. This girl started with a BBBJ, then went to a CFS. I didn’t pop until close to the end of the 30 minutes. The girl must have thought I was a porn star. She had that fully fucked look on her face as we walked out of the booth area.

No blurry vision, no 4 hour hard on, no heart attack. Best 30 minutes of sex I had had in several years. And mind you, I had sex twice earlier that day.

So I take my trip to Tijuana. First day there, I have four sessions from different girls at Hong Kong. No pills. Man did I sleep good that night. Get up the next day and do another session around lunch time. OK, I’m 50 years old and I just had sex 5 times in 24 hours. I’m gonna need some help on the next one.

Early evening, I pop 50 MG. Wait about 20 minutes, then go down to Hong Kong again. I was a little nervous as that was more sex than I had had in a couple of decades. Then up walks a 10. It works. Upstairs we go. I bang this girl for 45 minutes. Now one of the side effects I had read about was losing the ability to come. Well, it just gave me the ultimate control. I finally pop and send the girl downstairs.

I go get a taco on the street and then it hits me. That pill is supposed to work for 4 hours. I walk back into the club and find another girl. Yep, works again. Upstairs we go. This was session number 7 in less than 30 hours. I pound this girl for 30 minutes like I’m 19 again. Again, I’m over 50.

I still have three of those pills. Not sure when I’m going to use them again. One of the side effects that I have read about was becoming dependent on them if you use them recreationally. So until I plan another trip to Miami or back to TJ or somewhere like that. I think I’ll leave them in the cabinet.

If you are thinking about using Viagra, then I highly advise you to read up on it first. Know the dangers, the side effects and the dosage. But at least for this trip to Tijuana, I sure am glad I got it. Although, if I buy any again, I think I will get the generic stuff. It’s a lot cheaper and has the same basic ingredient.


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Avatar for Neobwh

I got cialis for a FKK trip - lasts longer, works great - no issue with erection multiple times but need a cool off to cum multiple times. FKK great place to try it out!

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Warrior, how about girls you can actually know and see regularly?

Unless you plan to be in TJ regularly, then they probably need to be closer to home.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

People say that Viagra hardons seem to have a "life of their own". That is they are dissociated from the owner and the situation.


Avatar for Warrior15

Cialis and Viagra have the same basic ingredient. The difference is in the dosage and the release. Cialis is a pill that you take once a day in small doses. Viagra, you take a large dosage right before you have sex. If you are really having problems getting it up, then you take Viagra. But they do essentially the same thing. I didn't need it until after several sessions, then I needed it. So I went my 5 times, couldn't do it any more and got my little blue friend.

I don't think I will ever use the stuff except for when I have these multiple sessions trips.

Avatar for TFP

I was planning on doing the same thing as you when I go down there. But I was planning on obtaining it from the pharmacia down there since it's a lot cheaper. I tried Cialis one time but the price at a regular drug store is ridiculous. It was $40/pill. I split that thing in half and it worked fine. But still too expensive IMO.

I commend you for being able to go five times with no assistance. Hell, after just two times I think I'd need some assistance. I've never tried Viagra, only Cialis. Maybe I'll try the Viagra this time and see how it works. It sounds like I'm a little more reckless than you. I have no problem going down there and trying it without an experimental time here first. I've had no heart problems and I think I'll be ok. Not gonna overdo it, one pill or even half of one should be enough, depending on the dosage.

Avatar for Warrior15

I went five times over two days, not in a single day. And note that I didn't have sex for about 4 days before I went. So I was "saving up" for this trip.

There is a farmacia about two blocks away from Hong Kong and I know people buy the stuff there all the time. But with a drug that can do you harm, I just didn't trust it.

Avatar for PaulDrake

How does it affect your mind or desire level? Does it make you more interested in sex? Or are there ever situations where you have little desire but a raging boner?

Avatar for Warrior15

The desire is always in me, so there was no affect there. It mostly was just in how quickly I got an erection or how little encouragement it took to get an erection. I did notice my heart rate go up. And I did get a feeling similar to drinking an energy drink. And it's not like the drug makes you hard. The girl makes you hard. But after several times, I don't think the girl was going to do it without the drug.

Avatar for Warrior15

If you get a 4 hour hard on without any girl encouraging you, then you have a problem.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

45 min? Usually girls don't like prolonged mechanical ramming. They aren't made of iron.

As I've entered middle-age, I've found, in AMPs, that I need to be more gentle and learn to use deep strokes sparingly, and instead do a lot of g-spot massaging, and save the deep strokes when needed to pull a vacuum. Often its possible to do this so that with each deep stroke the girl goes over the top a bit. Rather like how waves crash onto the beach, sometimes big waves, sometimes little ones, sometimes close together, sometimes spaced out.

Learning this more tantric approach, being sensitive to energy flows and resonances, drives women absolutely wild.

So I ask our OP, is this 45 min usual for him?

And then, a line of inquiry I posted before and got around an even distribution on all sides for. Talking about 30 hours, and 7 rounds. Something like that. But it sounds like only 1 round per girl?

So consider the alternative, just one girl, and putting all your loads into her. Would you like this?

It kind of means that you have to entertain her, during the in-between times. Talk, caressing, massage, food, Jacuzzi, and some sleeping. And then often walking her up. Girls love this. And to some extent you are paying her for all of these in-between times. But she has to eat, bathe, and sleep sometime anyway, so probably it won't be that bad.

And then if you select the girl yourself, then it might work out that you can be seeing her again regularly, and by appointment, maybe for TLN's in hotels outside of the Zona.

Would you like this way, maybe even better?

What good does it do to fuck girls you will never see again? You can't fuck all of them, there are too many, and too many new ones reaching legal age and being hired in, to ever keep up.


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Avatar for Warrior15


That 45 minutes is not usual for me. That was the point. The drug gave me the ultimate control. And it was far from mechanical. We did maybe a dozen different positions in that time and repeated a few of those positions a few times. But that is one potential negative impact of using the drug. I didn't experience this, but I have read that some people lose the ability to come.

Avatar for Ermita_Nights

Cialis and Viagra are not the same drug. Cialis is Tadalafil and a typical dose is no more than 20 mg, Viagra is Sildenafil and goes up to 100. There's also Levitra.

Avatar for Warrior15

^^^ My bad. I have not taken Cialis, just the Viagra. I knew about the dosage, but thought both had the Sildenafil. I stand corrected.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

So Warrior, if you had it to do again, might you consider just spending more time with and doing more rounds with one girl?


Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^ And if that way, does Vitamin V become less necessary?


Avatar for Warrior15

SJG, you and I have different goals and desires. I wanted to have sex with multiple girls. Vitamin V is exactly what I wanted. But I'll get the generic stuff next time since it's cheaper. But even then, this is going to be a very occasional thing.

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

So the pill makes you last longer? So the regular arousal pattern doesn't apply when using Viagra/Cialis? And how do you guys get these generic or whatever without a prescription?

Avatar for Warrior15

It made it easier to get aroused. And it gave me control so I lasted longer for the session. Then after the session, I was able to get aroused again very easily. I still needed some stimulus ( the girl ) to get the arousal though.

I did an online pharmacy. There are some that need a doctors perscription, then some that did not. I found one that did not, but they asked an online questionaire. I just knew how to answer the questions. The one thing that I did fudge on was " Does your primary physician know you are taking these medications ? ". I may not have entered an accurate answer on that one.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

For me, going to the TJ clubs will be step one in setting up a business presence in Mexico, and it will be the beginning of regular visits.

Although their clubs and their sidewalks look superb, knowing one girl at a time who I can do photo sessions and TLN's with will be best.

Anything TJ girls can do for you, the home girls can too.

Here is how I approached this subject a while back, 3 girls, or one girl 3x. People were on both sides of this:



Avatar for goldmongerATL

My last order from the Indian RX (last year), I found something called Stayagra. It adds a little Prozac to the V. They do not always have it and the name keeps changing, but look for something with V and Prozac.

Prozac is used to treat premature fireworks. I tried a half of one of those instead of half a V. I had a girl quit on me in VIP after about 35 minutes of riding. She was worn out. I was not close to popping and rock hard the whole time. She told me she came three times and I believe her. I felt her grip down on one of them. She must have asked me five times "how are you doing this!?" She asked me what days I came in so she could be there LOL!

Now I take just a little bit of that stuff plus a half a V. I get my money's worth in VIP from her and others.

That shit is fucking magic. Pun intended.

Avatar for Dblednmike

Got a script from my Dr pretty easy, but no coverage from the insurance. Costco was very reasonable compared to other places. Maybe not as cheap as online places, but there is a comfort level with a local pharmacy.

I started off with 20mg per doctors orders and incrementally went up. For me 40mg seems to be the magic number. When I did 60mg ahead of a threesome that came my way, I felt crappy afterwards. Headache and sinus congestion. No thanks.

For me it’s not necessary for regular encounters at home, where I’m lucky to get laid once every couple of weeks. I save it for special occasions like TJ, or the threesome.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^ Suppose you were going to do a TLN with one girl, so you have lots of time for extra rounds with her. Would you still want chemical enhancers?


Avatar for Dblednmike

For MSOG I would take the help

Avatar for Warrior15

SJG, I suppose if you were going to do a weekend bang-a-thon with a girl, you could use it. I remember my pre-marriage days where my girlfriend and I would have sex all weekend. So sure, the drug will work the same way.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^^^ :) :) :)

So with your TJ trip, 7 girls, were there front room make out sessions, before agreeing to arriba?


Avatar for Warrior15

Hmmm......... Most were. Buy the fiche drinks, then you get 10-20 minutes with the girl. Some will make out with you there, some will not. If that is important to you, then you find out then if she is right for you. I think for $10, that is a pretty cheap trial run.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

"If that is important to you, then you find out then if she is right for you."


You don't take her arriba in Mexico, or buy dances in the US, to see if she is good. You only do that if she is already good, right where you are seated!!

And no it is not for free, you are handing out money. But that front room exercise is not that expensive. If the girl wants to engage with you, she will. And if she doesn't, send her on her way. But don't be surprised if another one, a smarter one, jumps in to take her place.

In AMPs they really are not set up to allow this. They are not hang out places. So strip clubs have a huge superiority.

But I don't look at it only as a trial run, or what some call a 'test drive'. I look at it as actually building rapport.

Just read what some of the PUA's say, and look at your own experience. Sometimes you will get laid, other times you get a phone number. If you want more of the former, you've got to get the girl DFKing.

And as far as the fiche, yes, that is excellent. I see it as just a way of giving the house money and getting some preliminary time. I would also hand the girl cash, and I would try steer her towards no alcohol.

In my experience, to get girls DFKing you have to use words and come on to them some, tactfully.

Probably in TJ they are emphasizing DFKing to compensate for the language barrier.

If a girl picks you, then probably she likes you. If you pick her, it may take a bit longer, and she still might not ever like you. But if she does, it will have a much bigger impact on her. Despite the venue, girls want the guy to select them and make all the first moves. And that first DFK, how it is done, is extremely important.

Warrior is one of very very few who understands that you GFE audition the girl right there in the front room! It should be obvious, but most guys are totally blind to it.

Never given out before:

Warrior +50


Avatar for Danton

Wonder if there r differences in the generic versions in Tijuana , have seen figral , edegra and maxfort. Also u can get nongeneric viagra and cialis at higher cost

Avatar for max_starr

I take the generic telfenadil - zenagra 100 mg....Its so cheap I've started taking it every night sex or not...i read a study that the increased blood flow to the penis at night is beneficial and even helps during the day...the funny thing is, the morning wood I get is super fucking hard more than 6 hours after taking it and my wife just loves it...

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I believe that our OP used Vitamin V very carefully, only as needed to assist what was going to happen anyway, not as to separate the functioning of his cock from the rest of his physiology. Not necessarily that easy to do.


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Avatar for JimOsterberg

I got a bottle from Canada over the Internet a while back. I can't recall the dosage but it was billed as a standard Viagra (this was around 8-9 years ago). I used it for home, and recall one night in particular, where I went out with my wife and stayed a hotel downtown. During dinner drink a full bottle of wine plus 2-3 martinis. Pop a pill at the restuarant I popped one pill and even though I was seriously drunk I was rock hard at the hotel. No whiskey dick at all. I am going to check out Stayagra

Avatar for JimOsterberg

Here's the problem though. Fluoxetine is an SSRI anti-depressant. The story and the research sound compelling. But there are some serious risks screwing around with that. I am more curious about Dapoxetine plus Sildenafil


Avatar for san_jose_guy

Here, they show three pics of girls. They are never on the stage, always on the couches


And then these Miami VIP Pics showing the furnishings, awesome couches plus low armless chairs.


justme62 said something about 30 min in VIP Room costing more than arriba.

He gets his VIP card to get the hotel discount so he must mean money for the girl.

Costing more than arriba? Well does this mean that in the Miami VIP Room they are not only encouraging makeout sessions, but they are actually going to FS?

Because they are a select echelon of the girls and because you are in the VIP Room, are they pricing a bit higher than the girls out around the main stage?

Collective VIP Room FS?

In many ways this would be great, do her once there, then go for food, then up to your suit to continue, and probably for TLN.

Anyone know about this? Done it?


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Avatar for mantown13

Came across this discussion and want to help with some observations (am a physician who works with translational research, ie., applying research to clinical use):

  1. OTC (over the counter) medications from a Mexican pharmacy are less regulated than health supplements in the US. So the amount of sildenafil in the Mexican Viagra is variable and will depend on the exact company producing it. Published studies exist showing the variability. So saving 98% on costs gambles the content of the pill you buy -- do you feel lucky?

  2. Recreational use is one thing. However, many guys actually have some heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, and/or diabetes/pre-diabetes, so they may actually need Vitamin V or find it helpful. Getting a surprise low dose can really be a nasty (embarassing) surprise when you're counting on it. Also, if you really need it, you might find that it only lasts for 1-2 cups (ejaculations), not the full time.

  3. Fluoxetine (Prozac) has been a standard for treating premature ejaculation for several decades. When I took it for depression 20 years ago, I was warned that it could prolong ejaculation. Oh yeah - there are side effects, but if you're depressed, it can be a godsend.

  4. Dapoxetine is a short acting SSRI. Not useful for depression cuz you'd have to take it 4+ times/day. Good for premature ejaculation. Not so good if you have insomnia cuz it will kill your REM sleep. So if you take it, make sure it's as early as possible during the day. BTW, shortening your REM sleep may significantly reduce your testosterone production - you do make more when you get a good nite's rest.

  5. Trazadone, an extremely sedating anti-depressant, has priapism listed as a major side effect. And no, it doesn't happen to everyone -- I tried it a couple times but no effect :-(

  6. Priapism is defined by an erection lasting 4 hours or more continuously. If your erection lasts 3 hours continuously, it will likely start to hurt. Some tissue ischemic damage may start after 3 hrs, definitely after 4. If not drained of blood in timely fashion -- yes, it does require a needle at the penile base - permanent damage is possible. By that, we mean necrosis or gangrene. Yup, as bad as it sounds.

  7. Common side effects are more common with Viagra than Levitra (vardenafil) or Cialis (tadalafil). Typical are: headache, feeling flushed, blurred vision, upset stomach, nasal congestion. I've personally had 3-4 of these with Viagra, but only one with the others. And with Cialis, just as the potential for spontaneous sex is there since it lasts for 24-36 hrs, so is the potential for long duration of side effects.

  8. Mainly with Viagra, be careful of what you eat before/while taking it (within 30 mins before eating to 2 hrs after food). Fatty meals may delay absorption and effects by up to 3 hrs. So plan your meals if you don't want your boner to be missing when you get lap dances 1-4, and show up just after you exit the club...

  • Ed
Avatar for rockstar666

Warrior, good article. I'll point out a few things.

First, I find 25-50 mg is plenty for me, and the effect lasts about a day. 24 hours after taking it I can still get that familiar V-Erection. I agree that high doses are a bad idea; I tried 100 mg only once and it was just too much.

Blueish vision is normal; happens to me when I take it but it's just a slight effect. I wouldn't even consider going to a doctor over it.

When I was getting it from one source, I'd also get flushed in my face the first hour; it would go away in about 2-3 hours. I found some 200 mg tabs that split 8 ways (not an easy task) has the normal positive effect, but no face flushing. Weird...I do see the blue tint though.

I get reasonable erections without it, but I always take it when I go clubbing or have sex. Dancers appreciate a PL who gets rock hard, as do my sex partners. Since my cost is now less than $1 a dose, it's a minimal expense. I had a script for Viagara, and at upwards of $20 a pill I'm glad I discovered the on line people.

Avatar for Countryman5434

Can you bring prescription viagra into mexico?

Avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)

An interesting article. I never tried it myself.

@ Countryman5434

Most health care providers have a Travel Line or Away-From-Home Line where you can ask questions about what you can and can't take outside of the country. My provider told me that I can bring prescriptions as long as they are in the original bottle with the label intact, but I don't have prescription Viagra so I'm not sure if it counts for that.

That said, Viagra and Cialis are legally available for purchase over-the-counter at pharmacies in Tijuana and the pills are relatively affordable.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

New hotel door knob sign:

"Vitamin V Study In Progress, Do Not Disturb"


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Avatar for techjack

I use it, but my insurance doesnt cover it. Got my doctor to write prescription for Revalta, it is Sidenefil, but used for COPD lung issues. I was able to get 30- 20 MG tablets for $20 using an online app called Good RX. You put in a drug and strenth and it gives you coupons to use at different phamacies. That same amount of Generic Viagra was still $300 when buying 6- 100 mg pills. Works just like Viagra.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Vitamin V research funded by National Science Foundation grant #0777666


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