Are most Strippers Secretly Whores?

avatar for theDirkDiggler
I debated making this a discussion, but it was too open ended and too long for a simple discussion. So i turned it into an analysis or observation of sorts and decided it would be better off as an article. Woo hoo! My first article.

This OTC (Outside the Club) craze on TUSCL doesn't seem to be dying down anytime soon. I've searched recent discussions and older ones too and most of them regarding OTC have come to the conclusion that almost all strippers will OTC or fuck for money; it's just a matter of how much money and how much time it takes for them to warm up to it. I would add it also depends on whom the stripper will OTC with as the physical strip club gives them the means to be choosy. I've also seen some schools of thought that have said that girls that work at a club that is not extras friendly are even more likely to OTC. And I've seen yet another conclusion that the really hot girls are as likely or even more likely to OTC at who knows what price, but it's hardly out of reach or un-affordable let alone unobtainable.

And yet all this initially seemed like crazy talk to me. Let me be clear. I'm not calling anyone here a liar. For the most part, i do believe that a significant number of the TUSCLers have met dancers OTC. And that a significant number of dancers do have sex OTC. I still think that is a relatively small number overall and that somehow these two (dancers that OTC and PLs that OTC) somehow attract each other. The reason i say this is because it seems so counter intuitive to what i have seen and experienced. I know, individual anecdotes don't mean squat regarding what is the overall reality of an entire industry . I know that sooner or later economics catches up to almost every dancer, and most of them are terrible about managing and/or saving/investing their money. And they have to make that hard choice.

I've known dancers that danced in such a way that i didn't think they would ever do extras. There were also hot enough to do pretty well anywhere they worked. But then a couple of them got fired numerous times from the non-extras clubs where they make bank being clean. And then i hear that one of them is sugaring, essentially a variation of OTC. She tells her other dancer friend (one of the hot supposedly "clean" ones i was talking about earlier) that she doesn't have to put out or have sex, but we all have a bridge to sell her, including her friend, who doesn't believe her either. And then that friend (the one that was telling me about her sugaring friend) ends up getting pregnant despite not being in a committed relationship to the best of my knowledge. In other words, there was a strong possibility that she was engaging in pay-4-play herself.

But I am digressing. Like my anecdotes, the above are just two examples and not necessarily reflective of the reality as a whole. The logic follows that dancers work at non-extra clubs because they don't want to have to do whore-like activities. Sure there may be quite a few whores or escorts infiltrating the non-extra clubs to solicit sexually frustrated customers, but that hardly seems to be the norm. It doesn't make sense that these "conservative" dancers would suddenly be open to the risk of meeting a PL OTC. If they refuse to do extras, it follows that OTC should be out of the question.

Basically it comes down to this. I've just run into too many of the SW type of dancer that seems to have strong boundaries, and seem to be in strong denial that they are sex workers, taking their clothes off for money, and grinding dicks for songs (many times to LDK) at a time and being groped and fondled on the ass and tits. How many of these things can a PL do to a woman in real life and not get arrested and put away for a long time? And yet women will do it for money and men will pay for it and do it with relative impunity all in the safe and "legal" confines of the strip club.

It doesn't take much to rationalize having actual sex for money after one has accepted that they are indeed sex workers, just varying in matters of degree. Also a good portion of my time SCing was when clubs weren't as extras friendly and many dancers could make a lot of money just doing low contact or non contact lap dances and stage shows when money was worth almost twice as much as is not adjusted for inflation. Both average escort hourly rates and average daily earnings for strippers were in the several hundred dollars range. They're actually less now. So back then, there really was less incentive for a stripper to do OTC and if you were able to do it was also much more relatively expensive.

Also consider that many young girls are giving it up essentially free with all the extensive sexting, tinder, hook-ups and it just a matter of time before they put two and two together and figure out a way to monetize it. That doesn't mean that they OTC with whomever offers it to them. Instead of the escorts that also strip using the clubs to find johns, these are essentially sugar babies that strip using the club to find suitable SDs. Again, i have no real definitive idea how pervasive either situation is.

And then you have the dynamic of dancers themselves that judge other dancers as whores when they themselves have probably had sex (or whatever extra) for money, but were just much more selective about it in their mind (it was their choice), so they considered it more like a date that they got paid for if OTC or just some heavier flirtaton if extras ITC rather than being a prostitute. Of course, if you removed the compensation, there is no way they would have had sex/extras, so we have still clearly established what they are. There should be nothing wrong with it though; everyone sells something of themselves for something regardless of what or who you are if you live long enough. It just seems that selling your body (and some people still sell their body, but in terms of physical labor often to the detriment of their bodies or they'll sell their body or likeness in terms of marketing) sexually is unfairly stigmatized in this patriarchal society.

Finally, you have the economics of OTC/extras ITC/whoring. It would seem that if a girl refused to do extras ITC, she would be unwilling to meet OTC, especially when the offer for OTC is often less in terms of money per time compared to ITC. Especially if a girl, particularly a very attractive one could make significantly more working ITC without extras, it follows that she wouldn't do more for less OTC. But logic and strippers seem to be contradictions. And the market rate is the market rate for a reason and even strippers find it hard to OTC for significantly higher than that despite supposedly giving a better experience and being more attractive and younger than your average hooker. As the strip club as we know it becomes less lucrative for most dancers, and air dance clubs and non-extra bikini clubs become less and less popular (why people still go to those is beyond me; just go to Hooter's), and the economy just doesn't ever become the free spending, throw caution to the wind, never ending supply of increasing money that it was in the 90s, customers might only spend the relatively big bucks on extras and OTC in the future and LD prices for just your regular dance, might never go up (in effect going down in the future), continually increasing this phenomenon (strippers putting out). And as the camming scene just gets completely oversaturated, the world's oldest profession might start becoming a lot more common as the strip club becomes the easiest and most effective way of finding suitable customers.

I just feel that it is still too early to paint all (or even the majority of) strippers with the whore or potential whore brush, no matter how successful one has been with having sex with strippers for money. That's about all i have to say (so far at least) on strippers transitioning to prositution in some form or another. This article (which was originally going to be a discussion) was a little bit harder than i thought to write and it certainly doesn't compare to professionally written ones, but hopefully i'll get the hang of it sooner or later.


last comment
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
As I see it, all strippers are whores. And so is everyone else. Whether we/they view ourselves in that light is another matter. But I doubt that there are very many people who haven't given it up whoreshly at times if it seemed like fun at the time or economically worth it. As to those who haven't, I don't think it's because of true moral boundaries. I think non-whores are that way due to fear of consequences or lack of opportunities. But under the right circumstances...

As far as how strippers (or non strippers) view themselves and what they are willing to do, I think that various from one to another and varies within each individual from time to time. We all rationalize all the time. And we are all damn inconsistent about it.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Yes, i agree that just about everyone sells themselves. Anyone that works (either for someone or even yourself) is giving up a certain amount of freedom for money. Now, the rich have a different set of problems, but heck, they're rich man problems...
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
More to the question of what percent of strippers will give extras or otc if the money is good enough, I don't know. It's been discussed numerous times on tuscl and opinions seem to vary. Based on the offers and discussions with strippers I've had, it's pretty common. But if the money worked out and the risk of negative consequences of all sorts wasn't there, I suspect that there would be very few strippers that wouldn't and very few custies that wouldn't. I think the same would apply to sex in the civvie world.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
Half whores(or whores in denial), half sexually promiscuous.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
By straight definition, they all would fall under the term "whore" just by taking their clothes off for money.

But every woman has a definition of what constitutes a "whore".

I was having a conversation with my fave when a couple dancers came into the club. She commented "the whores are here" (because they fuck and suck in VIP). She doesn't doesn't do itc bj or fs or otc. But about 20min later in VIP she was giving me a nice hj with dfk, she got naked (topless club) and I played with her clit., played with her tits and sucked on her nipples. Many women would call her a whore for doing that but in her mind she's not.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Yes, i don't see how they couldn't be considered sex workers just by virtue of taking their clothes off for a living, even if that was all they did. At least the breastaurant girls are serving food; what services are the strippers providing? Even the most basic bikini/pastie dancers? Even if you argue that all sex workers aren't prostitutes there is a fine line that's mostly psychological IMO.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
Why does it matter if a woman is a whore? just enjoy them hoes, and be ready to cut your losses, it will be lost time and money. Just do it on your terms. In reality men are the whores, by going to our shitty jobs for money, and then spending it on them while they enjoy grinding on my rock hard cock...sometimes i sneak in a feelz and wonder why the p*ssy wet. I never get boners at my shit job.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
I know a fs escort who considers herself a "life coach". I realize that it's a part of trying to be discreet but I also think she believes that about herself. I don't know how we humans could function if we didn't have the ability to rationalize.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
I guess it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. There's just different level of whoring and some types have bigger stigmas i guess. Makes it all the more ridiculous that it's illegal. But people have to bring the moral element into it and women are just unfairly stigmatized or shamed by both other women and men for being promiscuous regardless of being paid for it. Then you have the strippers hating on the obvious whores for their own reasons (mostly because they think their livelihood is being affected or that that their job "requirements" are changing). If their honest about it and themselves, they should understand that it is very likely heading that way probably sooner than later.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Honestly, I think the interesting thing here is PLs -- I've known a lot of them, not just you Dirk -- who feel it's so important whether we should call strippers "whores" or not. What's it matter? Whore has an incredibly negative connotation, so the main objective seems to be insulting (right?). I think we all know strippers are in the sex industry, and even the non-extras girls often meet the technical letter of the law of prostitution, even if not the spirit. What's the goal of coming to consensus that they're whores? So we can all call them whores instead of strippers on the forum? So we can make sure we're clear-headed on what they are? Hell, I think we're already all perfectly clear-headed, without having to refer to them as whores. They are all in the sex industry, many many are in gray areas or completely past the line of prostitution laws.

-->"Finally, you have the economics of OTC/extras ITC/whoring. It would seem that if a girl refused to do extras ITC, she would be unwilling to meet OTC, especially when the offer for OTC is often less in terms of money per time compared to ITC."

This is one of my favorite debates. I think there's lots of things going on here, including the fact that girls take home less than you think -- if a girl makes $100/VIP, and the club takes $30 of that, and she also has to tip-out at the end of the night, and she does 1 VIP per hour, she might have grossed $500 but netted barely over $300 for 5 hours at the club. Versus $300 or $350 for OTC, and many guys are fine with just an hour or two OTC. Plus, there's the emotional toll of being treated badly by staff, by other strippers, and especially by customers, whereas I'd bet she's always treated decently OTC. There's the physical toll of the hard partying and drugs many rely on to get through a shift. And lastly, I realize there's a huge contingent here who believe all strippers are coin-operated perfect economic actors, but in fact, many strippers don't want to have sex with everyone who walks in the door and instead are lower volume and want control over who they choose -- which is what they do OTC.

And THEN, look at how many guys just do really short OTCs, or do OTCs immediately following her shift, so she makes $350 pure profit for an hour of OTC, after having netted $500 or $600 for the previous 8 hours ... not a bad cap on the night.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Honestly, i don't think it's important on the distinction of whether strippers were whores or not. I was just using a more provocative title for click bate i guess? I guess i should have mentioned in the article that i don't judge these women at all. Or the PLs that frequent SCs for their paid company.

I understand that whore has a very negative connotation and so does slut. I believe it is unfair and women seem to be even more vitriolic about it. I understand some of the reasons which i'm not going to go into and may be better suited for yet another article, probably a much more boring article that's only loosely related to SCs. But besides whore, prostitute, hooker and call girl, there really isn't a better word out there. What, harlot? Lady of the night? And many of these OTC/extra girls are hardly hookers or call girls and they (and sugar babies) have better selection and more autonomy (a key point) than your average prostitute. But they're still having sex for money or whoring. Or pay4play, but there's no noun version of that.

I know that strip clubs have been transitioning into veiled whorehouses for a while. Or a meeting place to create appointments for sex if that sounds better. But i do know that society is far from ready to accept such an establishment as it is. So i'm very content to let strip clubs be seen as something very different than a whore house and strippers seen as something very different than a whore and something more innocent or innocuous just so that they are still around. If most people still believe that there is no sex in the champagne room, great. If people still believe that you can't touch a stripper (much less likely nowadays) also great. Anything to reduce the stigma or prevent the deterrence of hot young women from entering and staying in the industry (which i can't say is truly victimless, but that is also yet another discussion/article) from a selfish PL's perspective.

I understand how much girls take home pretty well. I've often picked a girl's brains on how much her rent to work is ($20-100 depending how late she gets there), how much her various tip-outs (DJ, housemom: $20) are, and what she keeps from doing VIPs (about 55%) and private dances as well as any percentage of what she has leftover that she has to pay (10%). The girls i want to OTC still make close to $1000 or more (take home) on a Saturday night (or about $150+ per hour) and most Friday nights too, often not requiring extras, and often with a steady base of regular customers. Over there, a 4 minute LD is $30 of which they keep $22.50. Many of them do 30+ lap dances (or about 5+ per hour) on a weekend night and a couple rooms as well. They also get tips off their dances, rooms and stage as well. On and supposedly tips for conversation, but i don't pay that on general principle. No they don't make it every night, and on weeknights, they might make about half of that, but that might depend on how many regulars they might see, but their tip out is a little bit less on weekdays. But talking to them, that is usually their goal and expectation. I don't see why they would be incentivized to do OTC, especially if she doesn't do extras, for another $400 when she might have to work or go to school the next day after getting out close to 7 in the morning (the club closes at 6 on weekends). Her time usually also seems more valuable than that to her.
avatar for etsutwigg222
7 years ago
Aren't we all whores??? I would gladly take my clothes off for money. Come to think of it, I have paid someone to retake them off for me. WOW.....Guess I am a cheap whore!!!
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Dirk: I think "clickbait" is a good, honest reason to call them whores :) Got it

I don't do Saturday nights or $1000/night girls, the little bit of experience i have is that they ask for serious $$$
avatar for Eve
7 years ago
Stripping/dancing is a part of adult entertainment, which is why I group it with sex work, because what may not fly in one bar may be completely acceptable behavior in another. Plus, the whole nutshell of what we're doing is giving customers a chance to find their 'fantasy' girl and experience a short or long form of sexuality with them. Whether there's sex involved or not, it's still sexually themed in nature.

So yes, to put in your more blunt perspective, IMO, stripping counts as a form of whoring.
But there's a good type and the bad type. The good whore being the one that keeps herself clean, always uses protection, gets tested regularly, and tries to keep her work environment as sterile as can be (though that might be a challenge at some clubs. LOL)

The bad whore is the one doing anything and everything for no more than a dime extra than the general cost of dances/services offered, very open to unprotected services, does NOT get tested regularly and possibly causes outbreaks of STDs (especially if she's partaking in unprotected things), and/or does not care for the health concerns of others or hygiene.

I like whores. Just not the latter type.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
-->"So yes, to put in your more blunt perspective, IMO, stripping counts as a form of whoring.
But there's a good type and the bad type."

It's just like Chris Rock talking about the n-word! Maybe we should follow his lead, whore = bad whore, ho-ah = good whore
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Oh i agree that there are different levels of whoring. Just like there are different levels of rape, such as all them wild teachers preying on those supposedly unlucky boys and the always unlucky girls, to the borderline statutory rape between 14-17 years olds and 18-21 year olds, which is usually only prosecuted if the older party is male even though males take longer to physically mature. Then you have date rape, drunken or intoxicated after the fact rape, and rape where the husband rapes the wife (which wasn't a crime for most of the twentieth century). Supposedly you could argue prostitutes are getting raped all the time, during all the times they aren't truly willing to have sex except that they force themselves to do it for the money. And then you have the much worse versions of rape that can lead to life sentences. So not all rape is the same, but there is no such thing as good rape.

Okay, enough about rape as this comment is probably getting a bit uncomfortable for some. Whoring can include a woman taking her clothes off for money either in a strip club or for making solo porn. It can include any type of sexual act including masturbating herself in front of others, or other people whether with her hand or using her lower body to grind another person's genitals covered or uncovered often to the point of ejaculation. Or allowing others to touch her covered or uncovered erogenous zones whether butt, breasts or vulva. It can include giving or receiving oral sex and finally sexual intercourse and anal intercourse, protected or not. And it can include any type of kissing or being kissed on/licked on. You cannot force yourself onto another woman like this IRL without being charged with indecent exposure, sexual harassment, or assault. But as soon as a woman either consents or does it for money it is no longer those crimes.

I think strippers might be projecting about what a bad whore is. Like i said, i pass no judgement on whatever spectrum the whore falls on. You just never know when or if you'll walk in those very same shoes one day. Whether a woman is a professional whore or a civilian slut, the risks are always present and the johns and sexual partners of promiscuous women know that they can either catch something, give something or get her pregnant. Both the men and women have to decide if the risks are worth it. Many of them do.

Most women, if they have a decent head on their shoulders will make sure to use proper protection inside or outside the club. They will probably do their due diligence in asking the client if he (or she i suppose) is "clean" and if he is trustworthy. Of course, men can and will lie. Some of them might not know or care as well as the women. Heck, the vast majority of both women and men, but more women strangely, have some sort of herpes, often not knowing as the majority of people live with it symptomless and can spread it to the minority (who are very vulnerable and likely to get it eventually regardless of behaviour) that doesn't have any type regardless of protection. Any sexually active man or woman regardless of being a sex worker, john or not should get tested every now and then just for their own sake as some STIs have no symptoms initially (chlamydia and gonorrhea), but can cause permanent damage. This again, only minimizes risks, but doesn't eliminate them. Ideally, good hygiene is preferred even if only for its own sake, but too many people just have inadequate hygiene although the whole germaphobe thing at SCs is overblown.

But back to the stripper projection. I don't see why another stripper offering her services for a discount is necessarily bad in itself. The stripper might see such discount as an attack on her livelihood, but that's the reality of the free market. Pussy (or anything really) is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. If she's willing to give it up so cheaply, then that's on her and her loss ultimately. Or that's the realistic price that people are willing to pay. It's easy to extol (if not even be jealous of) the virtuous whore who puts a hefty premium on OTC or ITC extras so that it has no effect on the regular pay that other strippers earn while vastly increasing her own earnings. Or the whore that is very picky and selective and patient about who she engages in pay4play with (at top dollar mind you) on rare occasions with that she might as well just be a regular civilian on a date with another civilian on her own time (or even ITC) and it is just considered normal everyday social risk. And she sees so few customers this way, that it also has no effect on what other strippers earn. She's also not increasing the risk of diseases (or only negligibly) to others as she has a "near" exclusive relationship between her SD type partner and vice versa.

Many strippers could be open to such an "arrangement" but alas, it's still whoring (the "good" type) or being paid (overpaid even) to have sex with someone she is quite willing and comfortable with for an indefinite period. But the reality might be a different story (if it isn't already) as the strip club as we know it and SB/SD arrangements evolve in the near future.

Yeesh, i didn't intend for my comment to become another article.
avatar for James1557
7 years ago
Since I have only visited SCs in Europe (mostly in England where I live) I cannot tell how different the scene is on this side of the Atlantic. I can only say that OTC meetings with strippers are pretty rare in my experience. Over several years of visiting SCs I have tested out OTC meetings with many strippers but I have only actually met three strippers OTC (and am due to meet a fourth next month). One such meeting happened unexpectedly when a club closed early because it was very quiet; the others have been planned on evenings when the clubs were closed or when the girl was not working. It may be harder for me since I can rarely visit the same club often enough to build up much of an ATF type of relationship. As reviews (including mine) show, few clubs in England offer much in the way of extras and quite a few only offer air dances. My experience is that girls who seem to be enjoying themselves when giving dances and who are keen on turning me on are more likely to be willing to contemplate OTC; but even those who will talk about it seriously rarely carry through. I have never managed to arrange an OTC meeting with strippers in the raunchiest clubs I know though in one case it nearly happened. In my experience, SD/SB arrangements are much easier to arrange than OTC meetings with strippers, often with girls who could easily be strippers (and in one case I have met an SB who used to be a stripper).
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
I would think that with FKK clubs and relatively inexpensive legal prostitution, that strippers would easily take advantage of the clubs to find suitable johns or if given the time, cultivate an SD. I would also imagine that ITC extras were cheaper and more available, but what do i know? I could be way off base.
avatar for Otto22
7 years ago
I have met girls who were upfront that they merely danced as a marketing tool for their OTC escort business. Others seem to prefer the club for its safety and often delude themselves that they are nor really whores but, rather, just "dancers" which they regard as something more palatable. I suspect that many begin expecting just to dance but, after making no money, they begin the transition to ITC whoring.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
They work their, they expect money. Many of them also extend this mode beyond the walls of the club. Not really anything secret about it. Most of them aim to please and are quite good at what they do.

avatar for lick-that
7 years ago
I was intending to write a lengthy rebuttal but I think keeping close to the point is better.

OP: I think you are way over-thinking this whole topic. Firstly, trying to analyze the psyche of Strippers/dancers/whores/women in general is beyond the capacity of all of us here put together. But more to the topic, unless you have close interactions and friendships with dancers beyond their job I don't think most people can comment on what they do and how they rationalize it. Also don't take on board much of what dancers tell you in the club as we all know. The same girl who tells you no she doesn't OTC for $X, will do it with another guy for $X-, whom she for whatever reason would rather OTC. I'm sure I'm not the only one here that can recount instances of leaving with/meeting a girl who was solicited for way more than what we were paying.
As to the word Whore, that can be thrown around as freely as you wish, our politicians are the biggest whores around by any measure. Someone above said we all rationalize, which is the only way we could function in society.
Btw, those who have been at it long enough know, as was said above, money was flowing through the clubs and the economy as a whole much more than it is now. I knew some actual student dancers back then, but still, they mostly ended up putting out for $$ even so.
You can't quantify the incentives in the equation anymore than you can figure out the psyche of dancers or women in general. If you could, how would most guys in society get laid or procreate? There is little incentive for women to associate or sleep with the lower percentile males of the population, by whatever measure, yet still many hot strippers/women do..
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Actually this article is mostly just my own observations of my own personal experiences and a comparison to others' rather than serious analysis. Or a partial conclusion if you will. I'm not trying to prove or argue anything. Understanding women's psyche? Every woman's different. Men too. I know myself and i just know the women i meet and how i relate to them. I've just noticed a gradual change or direction or evolution in the nature of strip clubs. People have always tried to take strippers home and get as far as they can go ITC. It just seems more likely to happen (but certainly not the usual IME at the clubs i frequent) nowadays. Whether it's economic reasons, the powers that be looking the other way more often, or loosening social mores or whatever, who knows? That's anyone's guess and i don't claim to know. Just never underestimate the things people will do for money which is what whoring really is.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
That is very interesting. I've almost bit on OTC with a non FS dancer. Considering that i was willing to spend more money on the girl for similar activities ITC, if i could do the same or even a bit more in the comfort and privacy OTC, it didn't seem like a bad idea. I just though it was unusual that the girl would just trust any PL (well maybe she didn't and girls do seem to get pretty but not necessarily OTC comfortable with me) not to push it once they went OTC and risk a sour experience. And it was several girls that offered that? I've had just the one. Did she explicitly detail what she would or wouldn't do?

Lol at that last girl. Did you laugh in her face? Some people do need a reality check.
avatar for lick-that
7 years ago
You're right, it is more prevalent today, bc of a diff breed of dancer and clientele, but OTC has always been a big part of the SC scene. Perhaps you were not aware of it or noticed it much before, we would be surprised at things that go on below our noses when we're not looking for them. There are a lot of customers who just go for the bar or to have fun with the ladies who may not be aware of what else is on offer.
I agree with you that the club scene has shifted in that direction greatly in the last decade. I wouldn't try to ascertain a cause. Also agree about the "clean" clubs and why people patronize them. Diff clientele, inexperienced clubbers, who knows? Thing I do know about them is that though ITC might not be available there in large part, OTC def is! Went to one such high end club on a biz trip in Tampa, had cameras in the rooms and all, but I left with a # and a proposition for later. Even in Manhattan have had that experience.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Well i do know that clubs used to be much more strict if dancers propositioned customers or agreed to leave with customers. It could be instant termination, so many dancers did not want to risk that. For obvious reasons, including LE stings and raids which negatively affect everyone. Now they don't seem to care as much. LE doesn't seem to care as much either. It's just not worth it to spend resources and time on these "victimless" crimes, i guess.

I guess OTC at clean clubs really must be a thing, again as counter intuitive as it sounds. A case in point, the Admiral Theatre in Chicago. A lot of the girls there don't even let you touch them much or grind at all, even though the bouncers don't seem to watch much anymore, and there aren't cameras in the booths at least to my knowledge. Just a partially closed curtain. Now there are some girls that give more contact/mileage, not a huge amount as they feel they can sell more dances that way (and the club only really sells blocks of dances instead of individual dances or true VIP). So OTCing them (or the large majority of them) would be a challenge, if not impossible. Also, almost all the girls there are a 7 or up with a large majority of them 8 or better, so that might also drive up the cost if they were even open to it. I'm not saying that most people are just OTCing with 6s or similar or worse, but i have no real idea and people just aren't telling. The club is also not known as a regular customer club, so there are always new customers there, especially on weekends. And yet, on a recent Facebook (or was it Yelp?) post, a female customer complained that a dancer (describing her, but not naming her) propositioned her and her BF/husband for sex, which she really didn't like, and a manager responded and thanked her and said he would investigate the matter. Talk about tough titties... So, yeah no club is immune to OTC, but i think it will be even more difficult at that club now at least in the short term.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
That is my impression as well. Unlike the true whores, strippers are much more selective. It takes a certain amount of comfort, trust and usually time and of course money before they'll OTC. The aforementioned club makes it a bit harder (doesn't really cater to regulars) in terms of achieving that.

Something that i just realized is that at these clubs where a dancer gives poor dances, is what idiot in their right mind would try to OTC her? She's clearly not comfortable with being touched intimately nor is she comfortable intimately touching you, and you want to have an OTC date with her? She won't give a great dance no matter how many you get ITC, and somehow she'll become the best whore OTC? And if the SW girls are to be believed, they still get propositioned. I guess in a way, these girls automatically filter themselves out and the PLs as well, but some people still don't get it.

avatar for lick-that
7 years ago
Well there's the rub, separating the clubs with the dancers. Many if not most dancers over the course of a few years pass through the breadth of the SC scene though many will not admit it, SW comes to mind. Even those who work primarily at higher end clubs will spend time at mid tier and dives at some point. The turnover is too high to only work on one level all the time. Also when the need is there most are not above working those places for events or industry parties, they all know music release parties a lot of $$ gets thrown around.
As to OTC, that's where the rationalizing comes in. She may not be actually tricking, in her mind, its someone she's known for some time and hung out with, so it doesn't count. There are many scenarios to this, the game is finding out which works with a particular girl. She might not want straight cash, but a bill paid or similar.
You are right about the girl who isn't good in the club getting propositioned, doesn't make sense to us, but hags and fuglies get cat-called everyday so that doesn't stop guys from chasing them. I've seen dancers who I wouldn't give the time, rack up in the club and be tied up all night so go figure.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
Out here in Portland I don't think most strippers are prostitutes, but there is for sure a portion of the population that are. Being a non ITC extras town, the ones that are willing to fuck or give HJs/BJs pretty much have to take things OTC. I have had a few ATFs that LDK me ITC and I have seen them advertise on the TNA board and eros. But again I don't think this is most Portland strippers. Strip clubs and strippers are so commonplace around here that the scene is very chill and it is an accepted part of local business, no different than the bar scene, so for the most part the strip clubs are decent to high mileage but not places for guys to get off via extras ITC. And strippers can make a living this way. But also the prostitution scene is strong here too, so guys that want that don't bother to go to a club and just meet the prostitute OTC. The prostitute strippers just use the clubs for meet and greets and screenings.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I'm not sure how LE is going to arrest someone for doing OTC. Most of my OTC dates have been just that ... dates. Dinner, hang out, go back to her place, have fun and I leave. Many times, money didn't exchange hands. I paid for a car repair or a phone bill and the date was gratitude. No different than what a girlfriend might do for you doing something nice for them.

Even if you go to a hotel, there is no way LE can know that you are paying for sex. Couples role play this scenario all the time. If questioned, who is to say the dancer is not your girlfriend? Or even a one night stand?

I know plenty of TUSCL'ers who have done OTC way more than me with any number of dancers. They have never had a problem. There is more of a chance you run into a devious dancer than LE.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
md, very few jurisdictions make your register as a sex offender for a simple prostitution bust

How do you think LE might catch you doing OTC?
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
When i think about, people "bribe" their loved ones or love interests all the time for sex. Or more specifically, the guys bribe the girls. Think about it, you take a girl on a date and right away buy her an expensive dinner. Suddenly, expectations are created and if the date progresses in a halfway positive direction (as in they'll probably be another date), the girl feels a lot of pressure to put out and often does. Or the guy buys the girls a lot of gifts which the girl enjoys receiving. She can't buy them herself as she doesn't have the means and so she puts out to continue this. And countless women marry for money. I won't even get into what married men do to get some from their wives. Beg for sex, pay for sex, and maybe even beg to pay for sex... Chores, cleaning, errands, taking on child care responsibilities, just bartering tasks for sexual favors...

It seems for some of the reluctant strippers, they need not to just feel comfortable, but also for there to be some mutual respect between her and her, i don't know, pay4play partner. I was at a restaurant, and a waitress told me that one of the customers at a nearby table was a stripper with her sugar daddy; she apparently knew the girl. Their interactions seemed "almost" like a regular couple, short of the lack of infatuation at her end. But they seemed to enjoy each other's company and were comfortable with each other. I'm pretty sure she would have resented being called a whore. To her, clearly there is some distinction. Maybe to him as well...
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
I find it odd that some strip club customers pass judgement on strippers. I mean, it’s weird. We’re spending time and money on them, but somehow we are morally superior ?

Personally, I like all my favorite dancers and appreciate them. The relationship is mutually beneficial. We’re all just trying to make it through life the best we can.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@mark94 I totally agree. Don't judge in a strip club or strip club forum. It's nothing but irony if you do.
avatar for rane1234
7 years ago
Yes...plenty low-mid tier escorts with pictures next to their stripper lockers.
avatar for hotdog0007
7 years ago
In my last 40 plus years of visiting SC's, I have only been to 5 or 10 clubs that openly had extras on the menu as an attraction. The other 100 plus clubs that had little to no extras, all or most dancers/entertainers/barmaids/waitresses would do OTC with the right amount of stimulation, (ie) cash. It made little to no difference if they were 4's or 10's on a scale of 1 to 10. The 9's and 10's would usually be more inclined to offer OTC for less incentives than the dancers on the lower scale. Married dancers were less likely to partake of OTC than unmarried, but dancers that claimed they either had or did not have a boyfriend or significant other were easily available for almost anything that was suggested.
avatar for hotdog0007
7 years ago
By the way, I have never had to offer a donation of more than $$$ that was not readily accepted for OTC with any dancer that I approached for OTC extras.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
^ i have no reason to call you a liar or troll. And for the majority of your multi-decades of clubbing, of which only 5 -10 clubs had readily available extras (in the last 3 years, i have already been to 5 clubs in just a 20 mile radius that readily had extras, and another 3 nearby that i haven't gone to that supposedly do as well), you say the other 95+ clubs had takeout readily available. And that almost all of them were open to it. I will say that there seems to be a lot of generalizations if not outright assumptions in your statement. For instance, in all those non-extras clubs, how could you even know if all or most of the women would OTC unless you asked all of them? I certainly don't randomly ask every female in the club if she'll have sex for how much money outside the club. Heck, i don't even talk to every female. Heck, i don't even see every female in the club. Not even close to every female. And then you were also able to negotiate prices with all of them as well including the 9s and 10s who were all free and available and not busy with other customers? Whom would do it with the right amount of cash, but still less than the homely ones? Okay, i will believe what you said happened in all of those clubs you visited when you visited them. I still don't believe it happens (actual OTC and not just propositions) for almost every other female employee at every other club in the country. OTC is not and has never been an immediate sure thing (first visit) for every dancer (and non dancers too) at the majority of clubs in the country. Or i guess i just live in some other parallel universe.
avatar for bvino
7 years ago
I am a regular at one club with a small bevy of favorites. Over the course of a year i have been asked to do OTC with all of them. I consider them friends and I consider the offer as a nice gesture. it would not be significantly more expensive and is was offered as an alternative to the cramped conditions of the VIP experience. If I go with two girls , as a I do, then it would be more fun in a bigger room with a real bed. This doesn't make anybody a "whore". Less name calling and more discretion please. I haven't gone on a OTC yet but I am considering it for my birthday.
avatar for hotdog0007
7 years ago
I don't know what you all consider extras, but in my experience, extras consist of a private room, bed, shower and fresh towels and linens with you and the dancer naked and anything you can imagine is on the menu. Todays extras in a crampt cubbyhole with a bench or chair/loveseat/couch where a quicky bj is performed do not rate eith the times past where real extras were avsilable. As for OTC, I don't ask every one working in a SC, but the ones I choose to ask, OTC idls readily available far mor ths 50% of the time. By scouting the LD's performed either out in the open or in a open LD area is a nearly sure way to determine the availability of virtually all the dancers doing OTC.
avatar for Roadworrier
7 years ago
Just posted an article about the scene in Montreal. A lot to be said for just decriminalizing prostitution so it doesn’t become this whole big shit show.
avatar for MrBater2010
7 years ago
You know at some point we are all whores.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
perhaps the latest generation of girls are just more realistic about sex overall.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
DD posted: "And I've seen yet another conclusion that the really hot girls are as likely or even more likely to OTC at who knows what price, but it's hardly out of reach or un-affordable let alone unobtainable."

Your conclusion is inaccurate. You may need a broader sample size that captures places like NYC, L.A. and Dallas, among others. There are also plenty of nicer clubs in smaller cities with wealthier populations where fucking a 9+ for reasonable cash is a lot more difficult because they are already earning big bucks just from stage tips and "clean" services.

Now are there legit 9s fucking and sucking for decent cash? No doubt, I just had one blowing me in the backroom of a Miami club a couple of weeks ago. But not every place is like Miami, Detroit or even Providence...or for that matter some small club in the Chicago suburbs. ;) Economics play a large role in what hotter girls are willing to do at certain price points.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
I'm not sure what we're disagreeing about. I don't think i ever said the superhotties could be had at regular market rates. And even concerning that they would be willing to do OTC, i did initially think that particular conclusion was also counter-intuitive. Just as i thought that it was less likely for a hotter girl to do extras ITC. But i think that hotness has less to do with what girls are willing to do, but how much they are willing to do it for and with whom they are willing to do it with. The hot girls have more options and can largely pick their customers on their terms if they're patient enough. Also the hot girls can make more money by expanding their "menu". And i'm not just talking about hard extras or FS OTC, but even anything beyond what is considered the normal strip club activity or mileage and contact. Just because a girl is very hot doesn't mean that her dances/VIPs are lame.

Let me put this another way. Say you go to an upscale club where the 9s and 10s are more likely to work. You go and a 6 or 7 walks up to you and offers to suck your dick in the back or even screw you bareback at the clubs regular VIP prices (which are already quite expensive). Do you take her up on it? Probably not as there are plenty of 9s and 10s in the club that already caught your eye and you have no interest in a desperate 6/7 ho. Many of the 6s and 7s couldn't sell "extras" there even if they tried (by extras i mean extra money on top of the VIP and not just extra services). They'd have to go even more bargain basement like regular LD area or OTC on the cheap. The 9s and 10s don't have to do extras to make money, but they are also the only ones that can reasonably sell extras very easily. There is no shortage of PLs with extra cash that want to spend it on a superhottie to get dirty. So if you're willing to pay the premiums, you might find that the hotties are just as likely (as a percentage of a clubs girls) to do extras and eventually OTC.

But this is just speculation. And the "conclusion" you referenced isn't one i came with but one that others offered from other discussions or articles that i initially didn't believe, but then thought it could actually be possible, and my own experience seems to confirm it. Many of the hottest girls at the club seemed to allow more (not necessarily extras, but say more mileage and contact) than many of the less attractive girls. There are still some hot girls that are only clean, but it isn't necessarily a bigger percentage than with the less hot girls.

But the premise was that it cost more to OTC or ITC the really hot girls. How much more was uncertain, but it wasn't something crazy like in the thousands. Heck, even top porn stars don't usually make more than a couple thousand a regular b/g scene, which usually takes most of an entire day, which is why many of them also escort; often three to four times higher than regular escort rates for the more famous stars, but usually not many more times than that. Their hourly rate will be around or similar to what they keep per scene so a hottie's OTC rate might be about what she takes home from a night at the club which might be comparable to what the porn stars are charging, theoretically speaking. Again, very expensive but not something nearly impossible to experience one time or even a few times for most people. Just a matter of if it's worth it (to both parties actually).
avatar for Crownand7
7 years ago
I find that very few strippers are “secretly” whores. Most that do extras will tell you about it in the first 5 minuets if talking to them. There manager and most of their coworkers usually know as well. The one the that don’t tell me are mostly non extras girls. But maybe I’m a sucker that believes SS
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
^ I wouldn't get too hung on the "secret" aspect. I was just being cheeky with the title. Potentially is the better term, and pay4play is probably better than whore.
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
The term "whore" and similar words don't have the stigma that they used to back in the day. Nowadays young women don't care about terms like that and laugh at them. They live their truths and do what they want, when they want. Welcome to the Millennial.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
A better question would have been, "Are most women secretly whores?"

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
As far as I can see, there isn't much secrecy involved either.


3d printable circuits
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Calling women whores is demeaning yet satisfying when you recall the old adage. A slut fucks anybody a whore fucks anybody but you.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 years ago
We are all whores in one way or another.
What is a girl that won't fuck until you pay her with expensive rings and a ceremony.
Or the girl who wants to be wined and dined before bedding?
Or the girl who fucks her boss
The difference between a prostitute and a civilian is the prostitute is honest about what she does with herself and the "nice girl" lies to herself when she won't fuck her date until he pays for at least three nights out or the "good girl" who won't fuck until you spend a year's earnings on a piece of crystallized carbon.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
To answer your question in a nutshell, from my own experience, no, most dancers are not whores. These days more girls than ever are offering some type of extra Itc, or offering FS OTC, but in general I think if a girl wanted to be a hooker she wouldn't be in a strip club. There's too many girls even in extras clubs who don't offer all that much in the way of extras. And too many girls consciously working in non-extras clubs because they just don't want to deal with it. That said, I do think a number of girls in any club are willing to make an exception for the right guy at the right price, meaning if you're affluent and not a creep you might get a dancer to say yes, but you probably have less than a 10% chance of being that guy, maybe even less than 5%. And I also know you can find pimps in clubs, and actual prostitutes, but that is something I've never sought, so I just know it goes on from dancer friends but don't have much in the way of details and am not about to share what details I do have. I suspect a lot of the OTC hookups that occur are with prostitutes who are fronting as dancers.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
^ That is actually very similar to my experience and observations. The rest is all semantics and anecdotes...

I really didn't expect this article to have such legs...
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
it's LOVE... a few minutes at a time. (now it's my turn.)
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