Papi Chulo's Chocolate Factory

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
This is an article sorta describing my chocolate evolution – may not be of interest to most since most are not into my niche; but you all know how the chocolate fascinates me so I shall speak my PL mind.

I picked the quirky title b/c TUSCLer “mikeya02” once posted a discussion thread along the lines of what movie would describe your SCing and playing on the real movie “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” I chose “Papi Chulo's Chocolate Factory”; yeah – not too brilliant (TUSCLer “4got2wipe” would not be brilliantly impressed).

Anyway – I was born in Cuba which is in the Caribbean – I think I heard it mentioned once in a documentary that there were either more slaves in the Caribbean than in the U.S. during slave-times; or more slaves passed thru the Caribbean than the U.S. (one of the two, or both, may be what I heard) – the Caribbean has very fertile lands and used to have huge plantations back in the colonial days/era and thus the massive influx of slaves into the area.

Anyway – Cuba has a population of ~11 million and according to Wikipedia the ethnic breakdown is about 64% white; 9% black; 27% mulatto (mulatto being defined as a person who is born from one white parent and one black parent; or to persons of two mulatto parents).

Reason I mention the above is b/c Cuban women, as well as other women in the Caribbean (Puerto Rican, Dominican; etc) ; are often curvy (hips and ass) and my “assumption” was that this may have been due to the African-slave mixing– I've also heard that mixing b/w races (marriage) was more common in the Caribbean than the U.S.

Anyway – just a little background that may possibly explain my innate attraction to curvy women as a Caribbean Hispanic guy – IMO curves (butt; hips; etc) seem to be admired/desired to a greater degree by Hispanics than Anglos – that is why, at least here in Miami; one often sees many Latinas in the SCs with enhanced asses similar to what one sees in the black SCs.

So – I – as well as many Hispanics; have an innate tendency towards curves and even thickness – me having this innate tendency thus IMO made me susceptible to the chocolate since when it comes to curves IMO no-one can compete w/ a black-woman; they have ccurvess brutha (yeap; that's right; curves with 2 c's and 2 s's) :)

Below are some web pics that are of Latin women whom I think are fairly common – not saying *all* Latin women look like this or that these are the best looking Latin women around – they are just for *comparison* purposes – i.e. pics of Latin women who IMO have bodies like black women and are the types of women I often grew up seeing and thus had an influence on my desire/admiration for curves/thickness:……………

This next one is just for black/white comparison and why for me, *personally*, I love the chocolate and find the curves sooooo beautiful – just look at the bootay difference; it's like freakin' night-and-day for me:…

And this last-one I can't say it's the typical Latina b/c natural tits like that are rare and a somewhat seemingly extinct species – I just couldn't resist putting her in here b/c she's a Latin brickhouse (although I know she is not for everyone or perhaps most); though not the norm to find a Latin woman like that b/c of the extra-large natural boobs; they do exist though:

Miami – being virtually in the Caribbean itself and thus close to Cuba; thus has a very large Cuban population and is where I was raised after having immigrated from Cuba at age 9 in 1979.
[Side Note: Just to show how Hispanic Miami-Dade county is; per Wikipedia: Miami-Dade county is the 7th largest county out of ~3000 counties in the U.S.; and it is ~65% Hispanic; ~20% black; and just ~15% white)]

Anyway – based on the above metrics; I grew up pretty much completely surrounded by Hispanics – My Jr-High/Middle-School was probably 90+% Hispanic as was elementary-school and thus I had very little interaction with non Hispanic people.

My first somewhat regular interaction w/ AAs was during summer-school in Jr-High; my mom used to make me go to summer-school. My particular Jr High was closed for the summer so I was bussed to a different Jr High which had more diversity of Anglos and AAs.

It was in Jr Hight summer-school b/w my 8th and 9th grades when I first saw an ebony that rocked my world; just from looking at her; I def did not have the balls nor game to approach her.

When I saw this ebony it was b/f class started and the entrance to the school was still closed and there were a fairly large # of students waiting outside the doors waiting to get in. About 15 ft behind me I saw her – ebony goddess – short about 5”2 – medium to slim build – some big, fat Cs (maybe Ds); flat stomach; and wearing some supa-tight/painted-on-her Sassoon blue-jeans which were popular at the time – she was wearing some sort of a halter-top made of a stretchy spandex material which tightly stretched over her full Cs/Ds and showed the fullness; bigness; and shapeness; of her incredible tits – I was in awe and could not stop staring at her – she was built like a woman with her full, full, breasts, and not what I was accustomed to seeing in my regular Jr High .
[back then in my Jr High was 7th to 9th grade and my H.S. was 10 – 12; although I believe these days they have it to the the normal 6 -8 for Jr-High/Middle-School; and 9 -12 for H.S. - so the ebony I saw I'd peg her at b/w 14 to 15 y/o – but man – she was built/put-together like a fine woman and not a middle-school girl]

Anyway – we were standing in a crowd waiting for the school doors to open and I could not stop looking at her and remember my hormones going haywire looking at her.

The school doors eventually opened and I went to my class hoping I would somehow see that ebony again but thinking I probably wouldn't since she was not in my classes.

So I kinda forgot about her the rest of the day but lo and behold I happen to run into her again after school. We were walking thru the school building towards the exit and I happened to be walking just 3 or so feet behind her – and man – I was in awe – could not get enough of looking at her body – it was a long walk to the exit and I was behind her and kinda to the right of her all the time (I don't think she noticed me but maybe she did and just ignored my perv stares) – I could see the side of her boob as I walked just behind her and slight right of her and her boob looked so big and full in that stretchy spandex halter-top – they were so big and full.

Anyway – we went our septate ways after we exited the school building and I never saw her again – but that memory is seared in my mind 32 years after the fact and it's about the first recollection I have of being totally mesmerized by an AA and her chocolate, curvy, body.

After that summer-school term I went back to my regular 90+% Hispanic Jr High school for one last year so no more chocolate during that time – then after that I started High School in a school that was similar to my summer-school Jr-High school; i.e. it was more mixed (about 50% Hispanic; 25% Anglo; and 25% AA). So in my H.S. days I was more around AAs than in my previous years and although there were a good # of ebonies with women's type bodies that would make electricity run thru my dick; there were also a lot of hot and curvy Latinas and I had still not gone completely to the dark-side.

After High-School – I attended a nearby community-college since I had to work to pay for my schooling and it was cheaper. The community-college was diverse but it being in Miami it was mostly Hispanics and blacks. It was during this time that my chocolate-lust def intensified and I started tilting more towards the chocolate-lust vs the vanilla-lust.

It was dung this time (circa 1991) that I went to my first all-black SC (Rolexx club in Miami; which became Lexx (supposedly b/c the watch company told them to change their name) which became Climaxxx as it's called today); I went by myself since none of my friends were into SCs; or were as much into the chocolate as I was; or would have dared to go into a black SC (my very first SC was actually an upscale white club in North Miami named Solid Gold at the time which is now Dean's Gold but Rolexx was my 1st black SC). Anyway – I was in awe of the ebonies in the strip-club (Rolexx) but I was SC supa-green back then and also intimidated by the environment – I also didn't have much $$$ and didn't really know what to-do – I got dances from 2 ebonies but back then at this club a lot of dancers actually did air-dances and that is what I got – so I was not necessarily hooked on SCs at that time nor did I have much if any $$$ to hit SCs plus I was also busy w/ school; work; and friends; so I pretty much did not SC anymore for about 10 years and only hit a black-club that one-time @ Rolexx.

After community college I went to a university 2 counties over/north which was mostly white so my chocolate lust was not able to be fed as much but def did not go completely away.

I ended up completing all the way up to a Masters in school and also did some internships and worked full-time w/o going to school for a while in b/w my Bachelors and Masters.

After having gone back to school and getting my masters I moved to Dallas in early 2000 for a very good paying job. It was in Dallas where I ended up picking-up the SC hobby.

I was driving around one weeknight getting to know the city (Dallas) and lo and behold I ran into Baby Dolls (their old pre-2006 location); the location first caught my eye b/c I saw lots of lights and a parking-lot packed w/ cars – I was not an SCer at all back then and didn't know anything about Baby Dolls nor that it existed; but after seeing the packed parking lot and all the lights I looked at the sign in the parking lot and the name told me it could not be anything other than a strip-club (it being nighttime; and all the fancy lights; and a packed parking-lot; and a name like Baby Dolls; what else could it be).

I made a mental note of the place but did not go-in b/c it was already fairly late on a weeknight and needed to get to bed for work the next-day; but on that Fr night of that week I went ahead and checked-out Baby Dolls and the rest was PL SC history – I became and addict; I mean hobbyist.

For my first 3 or so years I mostly visited mixed clubs like Baby Dolls which were mostly white with an AA here and there. Around 2003 I started to want to explore different clubs and went to nearby Arlington, TX (20/25 minutes west of Dallas) and visited a now-closed club called Hard Bodies – it was about 70/30 white/black but became all-black in short-order and that is where I got my first exposure to ebony dancers and had a good time and went further towards the dark-side.

There was a bit smaller SC down the street from Hard Bodies named Peep-N-Toms (also now closed); it was all-black and had a bit of an infamous rep; many black dancers @ Hard Bodies said they had first tried Peep-N-Toms but did not like it b/c it was too ghetto and hardcore – based on this I avoided Peep-N-Toms for about a year since I was not too comfortable yet at the time in all-black clubs – but for w/e reason Hard Bodies went BYOB (I think they may have lost their liquor-license) and the club started kinda going south where there were very few dancers and b/c of this I decided to try out Peep-N-Toms for the first time.

And that is when the chocolate-pendulum swung for Papi Chulo. I recall being pretty apprehensive about going into Peep-N-Toms b/c of it's infamous rep; but once I went inside I knew I was in chocolate-heaven – bodies, and azz; EVERYWHERE; typical hood black spot with supa-well-endowed ebonies with big asses all over the damn place. I recall it as if it was yesterday sitting down at a table in the middle of the Peep-N-Toms main-room and scanning the room and knowing in about 2 minutes that I had found what I'd been looking-for even though I had not consciously been looking for it – I was in awe and remember thinking; “this is what I've been looking-for”; “this is where I belong” - there seemed to be an endless supply of the types of women that really really move the needle for me; i.e. very curvy/stacked black women (big natural tits and BIG asses with wide-hips and thick thighs) – unlike the other mostly mixed clubs I had visited up to this time where there may have only been a couple (3 to 4) dancers that kinda turned me on with the rest being ok but not instant hard-on material (per my tastes); at Peep-N-Toms I wanted to get my hands-on on at least half to 3/4 of the dancers; that's why I knew I had found thee place for me even though I was not looking for it (since I really didn't know such places existed or were the way they were; and I was afraid to visit most of them prior to this).

After this 1st Peep-N-Toms visit I pretty much never looked back and after that night circa 2004; the Papi Chulo chocolate-pendulum swung as I mentioned and after that night most of my SC visits (at least 80% at the time; and ~95% currently) started to be to all-black clubs and mixed/white clubs pretty much became a thang of the past.

At the end of 2009 I moved from Dallas back to Miami and did not SC most of 2010 due to not working at the time. Early 2011 I started getting back on my financial feet and resumed my SCing. Early 2012 I discovered and joined TUSCL which took my PL SC game to a whole, other, level – since 2012 I've SCed hard and dark and have visited all the ~15+ all-black SCs that have been in operation at one time or another in South FL since 2012 (well all except one; AFAIK).

Post 2012/TUSCL-joining; I still enjoyed hitting mixed-clubs somewhat as a change of pace and I would spend a good amount in them (e.g. Tootsies; etc); but around 2013 I had a PL-epiphany. 2012 and beyond; I was SCing pretty heavily and spending like a drunken-sailor and started to think if I was getting the most bang for my buck (per my tastes); I thought about it and concluded:

1) ebony dancers in black clubs is what really moved the needle for me; so might as well spend/invest my funds in what I truly like most

2) with the ebony dancers in the the black clubs; the mileage often exceeded my expectations; the mileage in the white/mixed clubs barely met it (especially after being used to the ebony black-club mileage) and often times the white/mixed club mileage did not meet but came short of expectations (particularly at places likes Tootsies)

3) and the kicker was that not only was I turned on more by the ebonies in the all-black clubs and they have much better mileage IME; but the dances were a fraction ($5) to the cost in the mixed clubs ($25)

So why did I still spend significantly in the mixed clubs until about 2013; probably b/c the other part of my PL M.O.; i.e. I really like variety and sometimes I do get burned-out on the chocolate.

At the present time, I'm into the chocolate and black-clubs/strippers as I've ever been and hope to be able to continue indulging far into the future. My PL desire is to visit/experience as many different black SCs across the country as possible; but this is a challenge for me b/c:

1) I find it pretty difficult to curtail my local SCing visiting/spending; and SCing locally *and* taking SC trips would just be too much for my wallet

2) when I SC out-of-area; I go big or I go home – i.e. when I take a SC trip; I want to experience everything that city/locale has to offer SC-wise per my tastes; I like to indulge and not hold back; thus this means mega-spending on SCs; on top of airline fare; hotel; and car-rental

But – perhaps I can find a happy medium that does not have to include abstinence from local SCing so I can take SC trips; perhaps I can find a balance where I do both in somewhat moderation – but moderation is not one of my strong points – we shall see.

This concludes this trip down Papi Chulo chocolate memory lane – I myself still can't quite completely figure-out why I have such a niche-preference for black women (at least “niche” in relation to most people that look like me) – I thought by writing this I could figure it out along the way but I'm still scratching my temple – perhaps some things are just what they are and can't, or are not meant; to be figured-out.

Da End !


  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Loved it yo
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    good story, chulo. i like the background information that you included.

    i, too, like women who are thick and curvy--maybe not to the extent of some of the pictures you posted--but i like them thick as well.

    latina and black women have that in common---both are generally much more curvy and thick than white and asian women.

    the way you have a thing for black women---is very similar to how i have a thing for latinas---but unfortunately latinas are not plentiful in the area that i live in.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    Is this available on Kindle?

    Joking. I'll give it a read when I'm at home with a regular sized monitor. You always give good article.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    Is this available on Kindle?

    Joking. I'll give it a read when I'm at home with a regular sized monitor. You always give good article.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    Not sure why that posted twice. Apologies.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    good story Papi good read too
  • celayatable
    9 years ago
    Question: as a white dude, I share in your love of dark women with big hips. Is there a reason you prefer ebony over the mestizo/bronze-skinned Latinas?

    I am in awe of both. However, access to Latina strippers on my neck of the country is more limited than yours... And are hard to come across.

    Is your preference for chocolate impacted by the extra mileage one may expect to encounter from AA dancers?

    I ask, primarily, as I very much lament my lack of access to Latinas. Perhaps I am nostalgically drawn to women who look like my first live... Round hips, bronze skin, thick nipples and that sexy accent... I wish there were such a thing as an all Latina club - or a 50/50 AA/Latina club.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... as a white dude, I share in your love of dark women with big hips. Is there a reason you prefer ebony over the mestizo/bronze-skinned Latinas ...”

    IMO it's hard to know exactly why one likes something – it could be the old nature vs nurture thing.

    Supposedly we are born a-certain-way/with-a-certain-tendency w.r.t. what we innately like or are drawn-to; e.g some people are born with a tendency towards the arts and it comes easy to them and some are born w/ a tendency towards science and that is easy to them – that is our “nature”.

    We are also influenced by our environment and experiences in life – i.e. the “nurture” part of the equation.

    As a young boy I was ALWAYS way more attracted to curvy women; I would be in awe as a young boy as early as age 10 even b/f puberty whenever I saw a very curvy/voluptuous/well-endowed woman.

    So I've always had a tendency towards curvy women – i.e. I LOVE CURVES and black women have some outrageous curves (not all of course but many).

    Just yesterday (Sunday afternoon 12/20/15) I was at a small black club down here in Miami (The Body Club) – I got dances from many dancers but there was this one black dancer which typifies why I love black women so much -

    + she was slender borderline skinny (although I normally prefer them thick)

    + but she had fucking natural D-cups – perfectly round and perfectly full – IDK if it's their skin or muscle-tone or what – but many a black woman have very firm and at times PERFECTLY shaped breasts even in they are big (where one would think they would droop) – but nope – this chick's tits stayed right in place w/o a bra/top and they were f'ing perfect – very full and very round – like two perfect big softballs; and she was slim

    + she had a flat stomach b/c she was thin and young (probably no kids)

    + and her ass – although did not look big b/c she was slender – when you grabbed it it felt wayyyy bigger than it looked and had way more meat on it that it looked

    + she also has some big pussy lips

    + and also had big full lips on her mouth

    + she was also dark-skinned and IDK why but there is something about dark skin that really turns me-on and it appears to me that often times the darker AAs have the better bods (or it could just be my perception)

    So this AA chick was small/slender everywhere except her sexual body parts – she had big full lips; BIG ROUND natural breasts; and a very meaty ass; she was big in the right places – that's why I'm fascinated by black women – they are just incredibly built and very well-developed in the right places – I don't really care for “proportion” and spinners w/ bodies that look like a little-boy w/ hardly any tits or ass do very little for me – I don't see spinners as women; they don't turn me-on; it's just how I process things.

    But the question was why curvy Latinas (or curvy non-black women) don't turn me on as much – IDK exactly why – I guess part of it *is* the mileage – IME the dances from non-black dancers hardly ever compares to the dances from black dancers – it just feels different – IME non-black dancers for the most-part often try to give you just enough mileage; whereas IME many a black dancer will often give you more mileage than you can handle – and that is a huge turn-on for me – I love it when a woman takes charge or is as into-it as much as a-guy/me.

    So IDK *exactly* why I find it better – but as an analogy – think of white vs black basketball players – if one sees an all-white basketball team vs an all-black basketball team; one can see a difference in how they play – yeah the white team can play good; but it's a different type of game that is more about the “fundamentals”; e.g. good-passing; good shot selection; etc – whereas a black team is way more exciting with slam dunks and alley-ups; there is a difference.

    I just find black women more sexual in both the way their bodies look and they way they are more open towards sex – they often seem more developed in the sexual body-parts which are supposed to attract a man – i.e. ass; tits; hips; lips; etc – IMO if you like something (ass; tits); then the more the better although I know many don't feel that way.

    I just see black women as sexual machines that I want to fuck the second I lay eyes on one that I like and is built – their often large natural breasts and asses I just can't resist – and their more sexual aggressiveness is what sets them apart for me w.r.t. non-black women even if those non-black women are also curvy.
  • billyba
    9 years ago
    question for you,

    I also love black women for the reason you've give (although not exclusively as you do). I live in the deep south so i of course I have opportunities (although a few places are so hood it just hard for me to be comfortable). The problem is I find many AA dancers to be super hustle and aggressive and then fairly mechanical. I to some degree have seemed to be able to size up white dances and find the ones that are worth my while, but no such luck with AAs in the all AA hood type clubs. Any tips?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Yeah; many of the all-black clubs are small hood clubs and thus often hood dancers – i.e. often times they are not gonna have the best interpersonal or customer-service skills.

    For me that is not much of an issue b/c I'm not necessarily looking to connect with the dancers when I SC; I just like getting my grind-on and my grope-on; I don't hang-out with dancers in the clubs for any extended period of time – I like variety and getting dances from various dancers and when I'm not getting dances I rather be left-alone.

    So yeah – if you are looking for “sweet” - most often the black dancers don't seem to fit that mold.

    I *do* find they are often great at grinding which is what I like – but don't expect sensuality if this is what you most-want; it's more just purely physical which is fine w/ me and I get-off on that (figuratively). IME black dancers often look to give me the most-mileage possible as if they are enjoying the ride too; e.g. I often have black dancers adjust my commando cock so they are riding-it w/ their pussy as if they want to enjoy themselves also; whereas often times IME non-black dancers look to give the least-mileage possible while it still being a lap-dance; i.e. often times non-black dancers avoid my often hard-as-rock cock when grinding on me and will either grind me with their tail-bone or on my lower-stomach but not right on my cock; not saying this is always the case with non-black dancers but I notice it happening more with them.

    Some AA clubs have a better vibe than others and some are better-managed than others; the better-managed AA clubs often have a bit friendlier dancers.

    In general; if the AA clubs is more upscale the dancers tend to be nicer but upscale AA clubs are few and far b/w; o/w you can look for mixed-clubs that have a decent amount of AA dancers and these are usually more well-behaved.
  • Swamie_1907
    9 years ago
    Great write-up @Papi_chulo...I too have an affinity for AA dancers...the mileage that you get out of them is just would be helpful for a SC starter like me to get to know some of the best AA clubs that you have visited over the years across the US
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I can't stop clicking that last image link you posted. MAN, I wish I can find a latina just like that. I would then believe in the power of love at first sight...Got's to break down these language barriers.
  • 54kevin
    9 years ago
    Papi - good work. We hit some of the same clubs. I usually don't get down to Miami though. Black dancers seem to be a whole lot better in the attitude and customer service department. If I spoke some Spanish I might have better luck in the Latina department
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