So I started strip clubbing a little over 5 years ago. Let me take you back in the time machine.
In one of my college classes (I was 20 at the time), a couple of my buddies were talking about a strip club they went to. At this point I had never been to a strip club, but I was kind of interested in checking one out. A couple of weeks later while I was waiting for a bus to get to school, I saw a building and it said "dancers" and there was a girl through the window dancing around. It looked like she was trying to get people to come inside the place. I decided I was going to go inside that club after my class that night.
After my class I headed to that club. I thought I would be shocked when I walked in, so I tried to prepare myself for it. I walked in and to the right of me there was a naked girl dancing on stage, to the left of me there were girls in bras and panties talking to other customers. I was thinking to myself I could get used to this. I had a blast my first time in the strip club. Looking back on it today it wasn't that good, but back then I thought it was great. I tipped a few girls, and I ended up getting a couple of dances from a girl who nibbled on my ear, put her tits in my face, fake moaning, you know basic stuff, but I thought it was great back then. I walked out of the club telling myself this definitely wouldn't be the last time I go to this club.
I ended up going to that club a few more times. I learned there were two other clubs in my area that were juice bars (remember I wasn't 21 yet). I went to one of the other juice bars, but it was just ok. The club "Jiggles" is where I fell in love with strip clubs.
Jiggles is a juice bar, but a lot of the girls were smoking hot. At the two other clubs I had been to, all the dances I had gotten had been one way contact. Here some of the girls would guide your hands to their ass and tits, and the contact was so much better than the other clubs I had been to. Also at this club this is when strippers started telling me I was cute and shit, I assumed it was SS in the beginning, but I kept getting those compliments, so I didn't know. There was this one girl there that I started developing feelings for, but my friends told me don't even try getting involved with a stripper, so I just stayed friendly with her ITC. I was 4 months away from turning 21. For the next 4 months I would go to Jiggles once a week. I would spend like almost my whole paycheck at the club. I had great great times there, but I just turned 21, so now I'm gonna ditch the strip clubs for good and hang out at the nightclubs and bars....
The bars were ok, nothing special to me. I enjoyed the nightclub atmosphere, but I was shy about going to try to dance with girls, I was too scared of rejection. Most of my nightclub visits ended up just being me drinking with some buddies in a corner, not dancing with any of the girls. I did the bar and nightclub thing for about three months. A buddy told me the 21 and over strip clubs are so much better than the juice bars. I had to see how the non juice bar strip clubs were.
The 21 and over strip clubs are where I really really fell in love with strip clubs. In my first visit to a non juice bar, I tipped a hot girl on stage, I asked her for a dance. As soon as the dance starts she starts to make out with me. It was pretty much a make out session for three songs. I was thinking to myself, wow are all strip clubs like this! She told she just broke up with her boyfriend, and that she was horny. She also fed me with a lot of compliments. I thought it was all stripper shit (it could have been). I stupidly did not try to get her back to my place when her shift was over. I just got my dances with her, and then I left the club shortly after. I was thinking she would definitely be here when I came back to that club next time. Sadly I never saw her again.
All of my future club visits did not always include making out with dancers, but I was definitely getting a lot of 2 way contact in my dances, and a lot of strippers would keep telling me I'm cute. At this point I had fucked a couple of strippers (not P4P). I was feeling really confident, and I wanted to see if I was as "cute" as the strippers said I was. I decided to try the nightclub scene out again to see if I could get with hot girls. I wasn't gonna worry about rejection, because if one girl rejected me, I would move on to the next girl. At this point I was 22.
So I got back into the nightclub thing. I definitely got rejected a bunch, but I was able to get with quite a few hot girls. I did nightclubs only (no strip clubs) for the next 6 months. I was having a great time, but deep down I had the urge to get back to the strip clubs. So.... I went back to the strip clubs.
With my success in the nightclubs, I came back to the strip clubs with supreme confidence. I started developing good connections with certain strippers, and I was thinking of dating a stripper. At this time I came to TUSCL, and I started a million threads about whether I should date a stripper. Most of you TUSCLers told me it's not a good idea to date a stripper, and my friends said the same thing. I ignored everyone's advice, and I dated a stripper. Wow dating a stripper was a rocky road! There was way too much drama for me, but the sex was unbelievably good, and I was convinced I could find a stripper that was a "good girl", so I wasn't ready to give up dating strippers.
For the next 3 years or so, I would hit up strip clubs on average once a week. I still did the nightclub thing occasionally, but strip clubs are where I spent most of my Friday or Saturday nights. When you hit the strip clubs as much as I did, you're gonna have opportunities to build connections with some strippers and really get to know them. In this 3 year time period I would go on to date 7 more strippers, and fuck maybe 10 more strippers.
This is where I want to tell young TUSCLers or TUSCLers in general who are thinking about dating a stripper. I've dated 8 strippers, and I eventually found out that 2 of them had sex with customers outside the club, 1 of them had sex with customers inside the club. The rest of them weren't necessarily whores, but throughout time I learned in VIP customers would finger them, suck their tits, try to kiss them all over their body etc. The dancers can't control some of this stuff, sometimes you just have customers that will cross the line because they feel they are paying a lot of money, and they want bang for their money. Other times the dancers really need the money, so they just let it go on. As far as dating a dancer, you've got to accept that: some of their friends are escorts, they will not text you back at times, a lot of them will give their number to customers. There is a lot more drama you will deal with that I could talk about, but that will take pages and pages to write about all the drama you might deal with. You've got to ask yourself if you're ready to go through all this. I encourage anyone who's thinking about dating a stripper, to try it and see how it goes. Just remember not to fall with a stripper, because she will let you down every time.
Back to the time machine. About 3 months ago I came to the realization that "good girls" do not work in strip clubs. No matter how many clubs I visit, and no matter how many strippers I meet, I will not find that good girl stripper. There's a reason she's stripping, and 99% of the time it ain't because she's paying for school. I still slip up once in a while and try to fuck or date a stripper, but now I go to the clubs maybe like once a month now. I just go now to have fun and get dances. I don't want any more phone numbers. Now if a stripper gives me her number, I delete it as soon as I walk out of that club.
Strip clubs are fantasy, not reality. Let's just enjoy the fantasy.
(P.S., Everytime I talk about getting with strippers, there's always a couple of people that will say I'm bragging about getting with strippers. I'm just simply telling it how it is. I'm not afraid to say when I can't get pussy. In high school I was real shy, and I had a lot of trouble getting girls to talk to me [partly because I'm black I think]. What I do is tell my life and just lay it out there).
As i read your article, I tried to imagine being in my early 20's and having strip clubs with young hot women. I went to some strip clubs when I was a teenager and into my early 20's but they were sooo different. I once got into the Old Howard in Boston just before it closed. It was a left over from the days of burlesque and was basically a stage show with no customer interaction. I then went to The Valley in Central Falls, RI where the dancers got topless but kept their undies on. They seemed older, heavily used, with scars and heavy makeup; but bare breasts? Amazing! While in college I took a date to the FEI club in Cumberland, RI and we saw Busty Russell with her nifty fifties. My date was flat chested and we joked a lot, but there was little eroticism. When I was 21 I went to a club called The Hangers which was in Acushnet, MA and once again I think of it as a stage show with little or no customer interaction. I wonder how it must be to have a dancer be a peer and available for dances and VIP. Your article explains a lot of it. I wonder if any other Tusclers remember the clubs in the late 50's to mid-sixties?
"So I got back into the nightclub thing. I definitely got rejected a bunch, but I was able to get with quite a few hot girls. I did nightclubs only (no strip clubs) for the next 6 months. I was having a great time, but deep down I had the urge to get back to the strip clubs. So.... I went back to the strip clubs."
Someone explain this to me- because I must be TOTALLY missing something.
You eventually had success in night clubs picking up quite a few hot girls, but then after that you had the urge to go back to the strip clubs. I don't get that.
Why not just keep picking up hot girls out of night clubs? Doing it out of strip clubs is obviously going to cost you more. And it's not like there aren't civilian girls out there who are equally as attractive as strippers. What makes strippers SO MUCH MORE appealing to a guy who picked up quite a few hot civilian girls out of night clubs? Seems to me that picking up hot women out of a nightclub is a lot more normal than out of a strip club.
@GoVikings- I guess what I can say is I live for challenges, and obviously getting a stripper (free) from a strip club is harder than getting a girl out of the nightclub. Plus I love seeing naked bodies all over the place, stageshows, and lapdances; so even if I wasn't try to get strippers I would still be going to strip clubs. Yes the strip club is more expensive than the nightclub overall, but I make good money, and I don't have any kids or wife, so expenses are not really a issue for me. Lastly stripper sex is the absolute best, those girls are super freaks!
I was in my 20's when a friend of mine took me to a trip club for the first time. I remember it as being an interesting experience but nothing to rite home about. When I was in graduate school in another state, I had a classmate who was really into strippers. We would go to these seedy clubs in the late 80's in Cleveland which were basically brothels. Stage Door Johnnies, the Vegas Burlesque, and one other I can't recall. We had our fair share of P4P fun there. Later, back in my home town, I would go once a week with a friend to a club, and found myself going for lunch at least once a week to another club by myself as it was close to my office.
I became very adept at clubbing and stripper shit. I knew all of their tales of woe and saw through all of it. As luck would have it, I developed some real friendships with one or two dancers and one waitress in particular. I eventually moved out of state for greener pastures.....
There was a popular club not too far from my office, and resumed clubbing again. I was making a lot of money and had no problem sharing the wealth. I was we'll known there, a good tipper as well as very respectful to the girls so there was no shortage of company. One day a taller girl came to me and asked for a dance. There was something about her....she was obviously shy, and new to the club. She had told me this was only her third day dancing. I asked her to sit for a while and I would pay her for her time. I gave her $100 and said, lets just talk, you don't have to dance. She was shocked that anyone would do that. Call me a PL, but read the rest of the story......
Over the next 6 months I would go there after work maybe 3 days a week and it was always the same. Everyone knew me and she would come over. I'd give her $100 and we'd chat, and sit close. She'd hold my hand, I'd stroke her hair, and talk. One day I asked her to go on a real date. I told her I didn't want to pick her up, but she could meet me for a real dinner and maybe dancing. I told her to valet her car at the hotel where the restaurant and club was and leave alone. That way it was safe for her. She accepted.
Ultimately, our relationship continued to the point where we got married. We had nice homes we bought together (her income and mine.....we did very well). We traveled the world on exotic vacations, ate at the best places, drove a new car every coupe of years (both her and I) and generally enjoyed life and had a child too. She continued to dance for the next 10 years after we got married and even with our child who had everything a kid could want. Eventually she tired of the hustle and found. Real job paying very good money which is rare for a dancer with a high school education.
We stayed together for 15 years when the younger better built guy she met at the gym played her like a fiddle and she told me we were done. She was 39 at the time, and I was 49. I guess the man 7 years younger than her looked appealing enough. Bad boy lifestyle, well built, bigger cock, all looked good to this middle aged ex stripper. Better than the sweet kind guy who did everything for her and his family. I left my own home for the greener pastures of a weekly hotel filled with hookers, crackheads, and those one step above homelessness. I never spoke to my ex or my child again. I contemplated suicide on a nightly basis, and became a full fledged functional alcoholic all the while attempting to salvage some of my career I worked so hard to build knowing the woman I spent my life with didn't care.
Well eventually I found someone in worse shape than me and we started a life together but it's not the same. My career resurrected and I was back on top. Out of the clear blue, and 4 years later my ex texts me. I guess she heard through mutual friends that I was back on top despite what she did to me. She asked to meet at which point I reluctantly did. I met her in a public place. She looked old and worn out. She apologized to me for making the biggest mistake of her life and regretted every moment of her choices. It fell on deaf ears.....I told her forgiveness is for God, not me. She wants to leave him and start over.........
I preferred strip clubs to nightclubs while I was younger too, at times. Sometimes I just didn't want to do the whole "pick up" thing and just wanted to get straight to a good grind with no strings attached. Civvies can be such a pain in the ass at times.
Good writing Ranukam. Stripclubs were not very fun when I was your age, so I kinda understand why a young guy would go a lot these days. But if you insist on finding a nice girl in a strip club, when you do, get her out of the club. I would not have my girl being a stripper. Hopefully you will not let your chances for a nice civi girl slip away.
Ranukam..... Thank you. I realized all of my typos and apologize. Stupid iPad autocorrects.
No I did not get back with her. It's been an ongoing thing, and her position is as support services for my career so I see her at my office once a week or so. She cries to me every time (literally). She sits across from me at my desk like a good guest should.
Our retirement dream was a sailboat in the Caribbean and south Florida. I'm exactly 10 years from that and conveniently I have brochures from yacht brokers on my desk for her to see when she sits there. She knows I'll get my dream and she will be stuck with the now unemployed guy on probation.
Yes I miss what we had, but I can't look back no matter how difficult it is. You can find happiness with a dancer as long as things are in perspective. I don't think things fell apart for any reason other than her midlife crisis. It had nothing to do with dancing.
Perhaps many of the hardcore/regular SCers are older guys that are often 2x or more the age of many dancers – when this is the case; it is much more probable that a young dancer would not see that SCer as a genuine romantic interest.
Most dancers in their early 20s are not going to find 40+ y/o guys “hot†– they may like certain things about the older guy like being settled and having a good financial position; but I don’t think they (dancers) would be “turned on†by the older guy – IMO.
Many of us did not SC regularly in our 20s; it is more conceivable that dancers could meet and hook up with young guys their age at the SC.
It may also be a bit of a “birds of a feather†situation? - i.e. if one is a straight-laced professional type that does not drink much; party much; or do any drugs whatsoever; then a good chance their may not much “chemistry†nor shared interests.
It is def much more possible for a young guy in his 20s to be able to hook up with dancers non-p4p - as we would all probably agree – they (dancers) have to hook up w/ somebody.
I just don’t think the ability to hook up w/ dancers carries the same weight as hooking w/ civvies nor is it harder IMO. Picking up and sleeping with a chick one just met would say that she’s probably a bit loose – and strippers are often more “loose†than civvis and thus why it would be easier to pick up IMO (especially if the stripper likes to “party†and you can offer her that).
Lotsoffun - I agree with Papi. While I generally read on Tuscl for shits and giggles, occasionally I learn from others' mistakes, appreciate the pathos of people's stories, and am taken by the honest emotion which is evident. Thanks for a glimpse into your story and give some thought to fleshing it out and double checking your auto-correct.
Gawker. I have given it some thought and when I get some spare time, I will write it as an article. There will be a little more detail in it, but hopefully others will learn from my experience. I think there is value in something heart felt written on this board which often times is replete with tounge-in-cheek articles and satire.
Thanx for sharing. I really enjoyed reading. Not that I didn't attract female attention, but when I was your age I didn't have much money for SCs and not much game for nightclubs.
@ lotsoffun201- Ditto and congratulations on surviving your devastation.
During my 20's, I did not go to SCs simply because my friends were not going there.
I was only in my thirties that I discovered SCs, but it would wait a few more years to really know what is going on with Dancers and finally understand them. That understanding paved the way to forming a good relationship with them.
In my 20's most of the game I did were about flirting with ladies around me, like the office, night clubs, etc. Some ladies were easy and I would get to bang them right away, while some ladies took time before I got to bang them.
As I grew older, access to these ladies became scarce, probably because they settled down and started their own families.
Strip Clubs became the new norm for me from them on.
"I've dated 8 strippers, and I eventually found out that 2 of them had sex with customers outside the club, 1 of them had sex with customers inside the club. The rest of them weren't necessarily whores,"
Interesting to know you were able to figure that out.
I could not for a lack of better word, ask her about the men she went for OTC P4P. First of all, she said she only propositions to men she is interested with going to sleep with. Secondly, she said that she will not tell me anything close to that, men she had serious relationships in the past. That would have been an awesome story, she kept telling me I have no business knowing about it because all of it was Trailer Thrash life. But it would have been nice for her to tell them simply because I love these kinds of stories.
She asked if I ever get jealous of the men she had in the past, my reply was a straight no because that was in the past and she is with me now. That gave her a smile to her face.
With my current stripper, she actually quit dancing several days ago because she felt it was good for her to change. Was it because of me? She never gave me a straight answer, this doubt inside my head keeps telling me it is a lie. In essence, she is not a stripper at this moment, though she gives me lap dances when she is in the mood.
Also, she threw away her stripper phone just this week. Oh man, she has no phone now, so my only access to her is by going straight to her place.
Thanks for sharing Ranukam. I thought it was pretty true and spot on. Lotsoffun I agree that in several ways the strip club scene has ultimately negative undertones. Theres a sense of longing, loneliness mixed with shame and humiliation, on both dancer's and customers alike.
@trixxi- I know you said you have two articles that haven't been published yet. If I were you, I would PM Founder to see why they haven't been published yet.
last comment"So I got back into the nightclub thing. I definitely got rejected a bunch, but I was able to get with quite a few hot girls. I did nightclubs only (no strip clubs) for the next 6 months. I was having a great time, but deep down I had the urge to get back to the strip clubs. So.... I went back to the strip clubs."
Someone explain this to me- because I must be TOTALLY missing something.
You eventually had success in night clubs picking up quite a few hot girls, but then after that you had the urge to go back to the strip clubs. I don't get that.
Why not just keep picking up hot girls out of night clubs? Doing it out of strip clubs is obviously going to cost you more. And it's not like there aren't civilian girls out there who are equally as attractive as strippers. What makes strippers SO MUCH MORE appealing to a guy who picked up quite a few hot civilian girls out of night clubs? Seems to me that picking up hot women out of a nightclub is a lot more normal than out of a strip club.
Am I missing something?
I became very adept at clubbing and stripper shit. I knew all of their tales of woe and saw through all of it. As luck would have it, I developed some real friendships with one or two dancers and one waitress in particular. I eventually moved out of state for greener pastures.....
There was a popular club not too far from my office, and resumed clubbing again. I was making a lot of money and had no problem sharing the wealth. I was we'll known there, a good tipper as well as very respectful to the girls so there was no shortage of company. One day a taller girl came to me and asked for a dance. There was something about her....she was obviously shy, and new to the club. She had told me this was only her third day dancing. I asked her to sit for a while and I would pay her for her time. I gave her $100 and said, lets just talk, you don't have to dance. She was shocked that anyone would do that. Call me a PL, but read the rest of the story......
Over the next 6 months I would go there after work maybe 3 days a week and it was always the same. Everyone knew me and she would come over. I'd give her $100 and we'd chat, and sit close. She'd hold my hand, I'd stroke her hair, and talk. One day I asked her to go on a real date. I told her I didn't want to pick her up, but she could meet me for a real dinner and maybe dancing. I told her to valet her car at the hotel where the restaurant and club was and leave alone. That way it was safe for her. She accepted.
Ultimately, our relationship continued to the point where we got married. We had nice homes we bought together (her income and mine.....we did very well). We traveled the world on exotic vacations, ate at the best places, drove a new car every coupe of years (both her and I) and generally enjoyed life and had a child too. She continued to dance for the next 10 years after we got married and even with our child who had everything a kid could want. Eventually she tired of the hustle and found. Real job paying very good money which is rare for a dancer with a high school education.
We stayed together for 15 years when the younger better built guy she met at the gym played her like a fiddle and she told me we were done. She was 39 at the time, and I was 49. I guess the man 7 years younger than her looked appealing enough. Bad boy lifestyle, well built, bigger cock, all looked good to this middle aged ex stripper. Better than the sweet kind guy who did everything for her and his family. I left my own home for the greener pastures of a weekly hotel filled with hookers, crackheads, and those one step above homelessness. I never spoke to my ex or my child again. I contemplated suicide on a nightly basis, and became a full fledged functional alcoholic all the while attempting to salvage some of my career I worked so hard to build knowing the woman I spent my life with didn't care.
Well eventually I found someone in worse shape than me and we started a life together but it's not the same. My career resurrected and I was back on top. Out of the clear blue, and 4 years later my ex texts me. I guess she heard through mutual friends that I was back on top despite what she did to me. She asked to meet at which point I reluctantly did. I met her in a public place. She looked old and worn out. She apologized to me for making the biggest mistake of her life and regretted every moment of her choices. It fell on deaf ears.....I told her forgiveness is for God, not me. She wants to leave him and start over.........
Things do run full circle don't they?
Thanks for listening (reading)
No I did not get back with her. It's been an ongoing thing, and her position is as support services for my career so I see her at my office once a week or so. She cries to me every time (literally). She sits across from me at my desk like a good guest should.
Our retirement dream was a sailboat in the Caribbean and south Florida. I'm exactly 10 years from that and conveniently I have brochures from yacht brokers on my desk for her to see when she sits there. She knows I'll get my dream and she will be stuck with the now unemployed guy on probation.
Yes I miss what we had, but I can't look back no matter how difficult it is. You can find happiness with a dancer as long as things are in perspective. I don't think things fell apart for any reason other than her midlife crisis. It had nothing to do with dancing.
Your story would have made a good article – perhaps you can write it up sometime later with greater detail if you’d be up for that
Most dancers in their early 20s are not going to find 40+ y/o guys “hot†– they may like certain things about the older guy like being settled and having a good financial position; but I don’t think they (dancers) would be “turned on†by the older guy – IMO.
Many of us did not SC regularly in our 20s; it is more conceivable that dancers could meet and hook up with young guys their age at the SC.
It may also be a bit of a “birds of a feather†situation? - i.e. if one is a straight-laced professional type that does not drink much; party much; or do any drugs whatsoever; then a good chance their may not much “chemistry†nor shared interests.
It is def much more possible for a young guy in his 20s to be able to hook up with dancers non-p4p - as we would all probably agree – they (dancers) have to hook up w/ somebody.
I just don’t think the ability to hook up w/ dancers carries the same weight as hooking w/ civvies nor is it harder IMO. Picking up and sleeping with a chick one just met would say that she’s probably a bit loose – and strippers are often more “loose†than civvis and thus why it would be easier to pick up IMO (especially if the stripper likes to “party†and you can offer her that).
Thanx for sharing. I really enjoyed reading. Not that I didn't attract female attention, but when I was your age I didn't have much money for SCs and not much game for nightclubs.
@ lotsoffun201- Ditto and congratulations on surviving your devastation.
I was only in my thirties that I discovered SCs, but it would wait a few more years to really know what is going on with Dancers and finally understand them. That understanding paved the way to forming a good relationship with them.
In my 20's most of the game I did were about flirting with ladies around me, like the office, night clubs, etc. Some ladies were easy and I would get to bang them right away, while some ladies took time before I got to bang them.
As I grew older, access to these ladies became scarce, probably because they settled down and started their own families.
Strip Clubs became the new norm for me from them on.
Interesting to know you were able to figure that out.
I could not for a lack of better word, ask her about the men she went for OTC P4P. First of all, she said she only propositions to men she is interested with going to sleep with. Secondly, she said that she will not tell me anything close to that, men she had serious relationships in the past. That would have been an awesome story, she kept telling me I have no business knowing about it because all of it was Trailer Thrash life. But it would have been nice for her to tell them simply because I love these kinds of stories.
She asked if I ever get jealous of the men she had in the past, my reply was a straight no because that was in the past and she is with me now. That gave her a smile to her face.
With my current stripper, she actually quit dancing several days ago because she felt it was good for her to change. Was it because of me? She never gave me a straight answer, this doubt inside my head keeps telling me it is a lie. In essence, she is not a stripper at this moment, though she gives me lap dances when she is in the mood.
Also, she threw away her stripper phone just this week. Oh man, she has no phone now, so my only access to her is by going straight to her place.