Understanding Strippers' Motivations
Girl 1 is married with a seven year old daughter. I'm pretty sure she wasn't married when she gave me her number. She is now and she's not working as a stripper either. Her current plan is to get a nursing degree. She's a classically trained dancer and has worked as an actress. When I met her, she was beyond charming and I think that's why she gave me her real number rather than something made up. But she has a good head on her shoulders and isn't selling anything OTC. I said I was attracted to her. She was to me, too. But nothing will come of it other than we are now facebook friends.
Girl 2 runs a business in which she is the CEO. ITC action is interesting and digits are offered. She likes to be taken on trips or to meet gentlemen for OTC. You cannot find her phone number on the internet, which is great. She's 27 and she'd consider dating you if you were single. And she says she'd give up the life if she really liked you. Guys that date her get no action, she says. Guys that pay, get. And only if she decides you are worthy of being a client. Clients are for good times and money. She's incredibly hot and she's heartless.
Girl 3 kind of breaks my heart. She's not a prostitute but boy is she a good stripper. She only graduated from HS a couple of years ago and she is trying to live independently. You can imagine the types of role models she has: older sisters who are hookers or hoochies, older brothers who are no good, older strippers who do lots of stuff OTC. I have had some good times with her OTC but she was not looking for money or sex.
I think that the moral of this story is for every one girl that gives you her number because she is selling something, there might be another one or two that are harder to understand. Beautiful girls have the ability to make really good money stripping. When put on the spot, you may get digits. But they may not know quite if anything they want to do with your call.
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Survival in a cold hard world.
Money helps that survival.
And getting that money or secondary financial support provides for a lot of motivation & behavior.
"She's 27 and she'd consider dating you if you were single."
"I'm pretty sure she wasn't married when she gave me her number."Â
Really, it's that simple.