Newbie guide for using TUSCL and tips and tricks

avatar for sharkhunter
These are tips and tricks to using this web site. The web site occassionally gets upgraded based upon a number of our suggestions so everything is subject to change.

These are in random order.

1. Reviews of strip clubs.
When you first click on this tab you may see several reviews posted today and a lot of text underneath each.
Most clubs and reviews I don't care about and you probably don't either.

Tip: After the reviews pop up, look towards the top right section of the review page.
Look for the words Quick Review or something similar sitting above the right side of the screen.
Click on it. All reviews are suddenly sorted by states and days in a condensed list. Today's reviews are shown currently. If you want to see a different day, click on the day on the right side of the screen.

Tip: When reading reviews for a club, you might notice only one review gets displayed at a time. If you want to see all the most recent reviews on a single page do the following:
On the review screen when you first select a club with reviews, the screen will change to the club details and several reviews you can choose from near the bottom of the screen. If you want to see all the most recent, just click on the words above the review listings. The words might be "All Reviews" but I'm not sure since I'm trying to remember.
After you click on the correct words, all the most recent reviews for the club you previously selected will be displayed along with all the text for each review. The words you need to click on are located just above the most recent review.

2. If you want to find clubs for a city or even a more detailed guide for getting more out of this site, use the search feature in the top right corner. It is set up to use google so it might appear you are leaving the site, but if you click on items found, you end up back here. You can search by city or even for the word guide to find another useful article on this site.

3. Look at the tabs at the top of the screen, sometimes the bottom. There are a few useful options hidden around such as a glossary of terms other posters sometimes use in the discussion section.

4. Discussions here are not moderated and sometimes may get rude and crude. Enter at your own risk. Most people are somewhat friendly but you never know when someone is going to be in a bad mood. Some of the guys have been posting here for years and act like they own the place. People like me have given the Founder, the guy who runs this site, several suggestions to improve the site. I read the discussion for entertainment but every once in a while I might rant about something. I do enjoy the fact that you can be sexually explicit here if you really want to.

5. If someone on the discussion board is really irritating to you, it is easy to ignore them. Click the circle with the x under their name. All their words disappear unless they start a thread. I think that is a bug in the ignore option. You must be signed in to post and to use the ignore feature. There is a disclaimer that everything posted on this web site should be considered fiction. Nothing can be verified. However if you talk about something and post it, anyone who can read online can read it. If someone prints it, then anyone who can read might read whatever you post. Most posters don't care. You might feel like you're in the middle of a locker room discussion.

6. Private messages not read by the entire discussion group can be sent to individual members here. What they do with the messages or if those messages could be turned over via court order I do not know. Probably more private than email though.

7. If you don't know something, you can search for it or just start a new discussion topic and ask. Most discussion topics are only recent discussions and most ignore anything not on the first page or two of discussion topics. You have the option to list discussions by most recently started or most recently posted to.


last comment
Good info, thanks.
avatar for rogertex
12 years ago
great tips shark - didn't know about quickview for reviews. Sweet !

Clicking on "Clubs" takes you to all the clubs (sorted by country) - then takes you to state and then city. I like the Top Rated list on the right - at world level, at state level and then at city level.

Top Rating list itself is suspect - but gets you a decent shortlist when visiting a new area.

I wish reviews could be rated by members (like or dislike). Helps spot the best reviews. Other than that, this website is very nicely designed. No frills and good intel.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Thanks. I'm glad this helped someone.
I find the "switch to quick view" very helpful in deciding which reviews I want to read. I was a member for quite a while before I noticed that feature.
avatar for Leonard313
12 years ago
When I'm not using the site to ramble on endlessly about vaginas....

I think it's best value to me has been when I'm in a new town on business or something. All I gotta do is click on the city and BAmm...all the clubs in that city pop up...I go through and pay special attention to 2 things...any mention of extras and the "value" rating. Try to find a club where there's decent mileage...maybe pick a back-up one in case the first one sucks royal (or you can't find it)...good to go!
avatar for playwave73
12 years ago
I'm a newbie and I appreciated the post sharkhunter.
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
Good to know!
Thanks dawg!
Thanks for the info
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