Being a Dancer in Fayetteville, NC

avatar for MsGracie910
Hello anyone and everyone reading this. I have been a dancer in Fayetteville, NC since Aug 17 2011. My first club here was Diamondz Gentlemens club. I left in April 2012. And now I am at The Peppermint Rabbit (formerly Knokkers)

Being a dancer in a Military Town (Ft. Bragg) has its perks and pitfalls. Every dancer is just as excited for the 1st and the 15th to come around as the soldiers are. PAYDAY! And especially payday weekends, my favorite! The soldiers have money, and love to go out and have fun with it. But then again since they ARE soldiers they feel that they can tell girls anything. Show a few pictures of a fancy car they may have, or a bad ass crotch rocket and expect every female they meet to jump on their dick. There are different techniques every female uses to get her own money, but all in all we are dealing with the same customers. Whether its waiting for the guys to get drunk and not really understand what they are doing, or whether its having a good talk game to get into their wallets. All you gotta do is find you zone and stick with it.


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avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Try being Friendlier & less mercenary & taking advantage of a young man who gets intoxicated! By NOT treating every Club patron as ONLY a wallet to be plundered, but as a REAL person might earn you more $$$$.

But if the Troops wish to throw their money at you willingly, well that is their right.

I prefer a NICER type of dancer!
avatar for canny
13 years ago
Yeah, hit me up for everything I have I'm moving on to someone else, any time of the night. The last stripper who took care of me without trying to rob me ended up with a lot more of my money than she expected.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
You got it canny!! :) :)
avatar for canny
13 years ago
@Alucard, last night I didn't go with as much money as normal and my current favorite who has been getting much better tips than she expects because she doesn't try to rip me off took care of me for almost nothing. Her exact words were, "you'll take care of me next time".

She's right, I will take care of her because she took care of me.
avatar for JackKash
13 years ago
I think she's posting on the wrong site.
avatar for MsGracie910
13 years ago
Hey, um.… I never said I didnt make money, and the only reason I posted this article was so that I could get my free membership to post about other sites. All I have to do is get on the pole, do my tricks, and come down. I have my regulars and I have my new guys who become interested in me. I have a fb page to help promote myself and have had people come see me from what they liked online. Thank you for all of your opinions tho ;-)
avatar for MsGracie910
13 years ago
Also, with that very first post I wrote, I never even said how 'I WORK' but you all are trying to give me advice. Like I said. Im doing just fine thanks. Doing pole classes outta my house now too, so ill be out of the strip game soon enough. Tata :-*
avatar for lovemetiddys
13 years ago
these guys are lames pay them no mind.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"@Alucard, last night I didn't go with as much money as normal and my current favorite who has been getting much better tips than she expects because she doesn't try to rip me off took care of me for almost nothing. Her exact words were, "you'll take care of me next time".

She's right, I will take care of her because she took care of me.

GREAT! You two seem to have a nice relationship going. Keep cultivating it!

"these guys are lames pay them no mind"

Pay lovemetiddys no mind.
avatar for Player11
13 years ago
Do any of the girls at the club do extras? What is POP there?
avatar for Cornball357
12 years ago
It's sad that the culture of clubs prays in my brothers and sisters in uniform! For Veterans Day i recently went to a club in a famous area. The first club was nice inside and had beautiful dancers.m since they see more tourists than military I would think this would affect how they approach the customers, then again my haircut probably gives me away. I found to girls her very professional and kind which made them money of the course of the evening. Ov the years I have had girls try to scam me which has never worked out for them in the long run. It's sad to think that as we do in the service they do not police their own, as its a negative for business and for the girls in general. I know there will always be those kind of people, but if she's aware of it she might say something to them.
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