
Changes strip clubs need to make, in order to attract affluent gentlemen.

<span style="font-size: large; ">1. &nbsp;First and foremost, clubs need to enforce smoking bans. &nbsp;Well over half the adult population does not smoke and that includes the clientele of strip clubs. &nbsp;Allowing smoking costs clubs more than 50% of their<br />
revenue. &nbsp;That is a fact.<br />
<br />
2. Loud, and I mean obnoxiously loud, music is a no-no and likewise costs clubs a significant amount of&nbsp;<br />
income. &nbsp;Loud music is not only stupid, it prevents dancers from having conversations with well heeled<br />
customers. &nbsp;In the long run, these would be &quot;regulars&quot;, but it never gets that far because there is no way<br />
to develop rapport.<br />
<br />
3. Tattoos, body piercings, and other desecrations of what nature gives to the beauty of a female, is a huge<br />
turnoff to most men. &nbsp;These so-called body modifications are the reason most men pass on an otherwise beautiful woman.<br />
<br />
These three things cost the entertainment business literally billions of dollars of lost revenue, because strip club managers are totally out of the mainstream when it comes to understanding their clientele.<br type="_moz" />


  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    This guy has no reviews or posts and is out of touch with reality.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    While some of these may apply to me, and to others, if what you say were actually true, there would be no strip clubs with those things.&nbsp; The fact that there are in fact many strip clubs with one, or all, of these things lays false to your claims.&nbsp; Your bald faced assertions of &quot;facts&quot; not in evidence is unimpressive.<br type="_moz" />
    14 years ago
    &quot;<font size="4">Loud music is not only stupid, it prevents dancers from having conversations with well heeled<br />
    customers.&quot;<br />
    <br />
    Perhaps the loud music is 'by design'?&nbsp;&nbsp; Cuts down on the conversations making customer interaction, well, action oriented.&nbsp;&nbsp; &quot;Wanna dance?&quot; becomes operative, the only way customers can get the undivided attention of pretty girls.&nbsp;&nbsp; Then the girls make their money from the dances and the house gets their cut of revenue.&nbsp;&nbsp; Evidence in favor this would be loud clubs not charging extra for dancer drinks, where it's understood such a buy means you're to receive the dancer's company.<br />
    <br />
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    This guy is a wack job.&nbsp; Like it or not, the reason that so many clubs let customers smoke after certain times of night is that they are afraid of losing those customers otherwise.&nbsp; People with one vice often have other vices, and a lot of guys in&nbsp;the SCs that serves alcohol are indeed drinking, chasing strippers AND like to light up.<br />
    <br />
    In the NYC boroughs it is fairly common for clubs to waive the smoking ban after a certain time of night.&nbsp; I would safely assume that they know what they are doing.&nbsp;
  • LoveTheLadies
    14 years ago
    North Carolina just started a smoking ban which I like. It's so nice to go out and not come home smelling like smoke. Clubs have a smoking area outside so smokers can have a smoke and come back in. I agree about loud music. I remember my local club use to have the music so loud it would hurt my head. Thankfully it now at a much lower level. I do think lots of clubs do it because they think it makes then more money. They think less talking more drinking or a customer will be more likely to go to one of the private rooms. I think they loose more customers leaving earlier or not coming at all due to the music level. I not a big fan of tattoos but I've learned to deal with it. The exception are girls that have so many it looks trashy.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    At Club X they blare the music so much that it hurts my ears sometimes. The private areas are away from the DJ booth so they are a little bit more quiet but I prefer the stripper to be dancing and not talking during our time in the private area.<br />
    At kahoot's the main floor is quiet enough to hold conversations but the dancer areas are right by the DJ booth. &nbsp;The music makes it difficult to talk to the dancer while getting a dance. It makes it slightly more difficult to ask for a HJ back there. &nbsp;
  • Slowalk
    14 years ago
    Although clubs are moneygrabs, I leave clubs that&nbsp;seem to appear that I should give up&nbsp;my money just because I'm&nbsp;in the club.&nbsp;&nbsp; If&nbsp;the women are fat&nbsp;and ugly, aggressive and angry,&nbsp;or ignore me altogether, I leave.&nbsp; I don't care for smoke but, I won't stay away because of it.&nbsp; I don't like tatoos but, I'm not interested in dating a dancer.&nbsp; I will agree that loud music that woman can't dance to shows that the club&nbsp;doesn't know what they're doing.&nbsp; Mosty,&nbsp;sexy friendly women make me visit.&nbsp; Not enough bang for the buck keeps me out.&nbsp;
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    So club revenue would be at least 50% higher if smoking was not allowed?? Wow, clubs must be really doing great with all of the local and state smoking bans going into effect. Dubious fact.<br type="_moz" />
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    &nbsp;&nbsp;the top ranked strip club in USA is Brad's and they allow smoking. &nbsp;
  • Drippy
    14 years ago
    Michigan enacted a smoking ban on May 1.&nbsp; I do not see a 50% increase in customers in Detroit since that time.&nbsp; Patronage has been about the same.<br type="_moz" />
  • Rod8432
    14 years ago
    Regarding the music, I will concur that the more well-heeled SC patron will likely be older and more conservative than the usual selection of Hip-Hop and Rap in most clubs would suggest. I like Pink Pony in Atlanta in one respect because some of their DJs mix in a generous blend of 60s-80s, such as The Rolling Stones and Prince. Whenever one of these melodic and danceable rock and roll tunes get played, I feel even more inclined to get a table/lap dance. I can groove to the music and enjoy the girl, as opposed to trying to ignore, or being distracted by, the incessant thump of HH.<input type="hidden" id="gwProxy"><!--Session data--></input><input type="hidden" id="jsProxy" onclick="jsCall();" />
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  • macaffluent
    14 years ago
    &nbsp;i, for one, would not mind seeing the smokers and generally obnoxiious crowd that dominates strip clubs, well, just hit the road Jack and make way for those of us who have real money to spend. &nbsp;The only problem is that club owners will never understand that until it happens. &nbsp;Only then will they rake in the money in wheelbarrow loads and go to the bank big time. &nbsp;Until that happens, my money stays in my pocket and I stay on the sidelines.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Even if this was all true, &nbsp;personally I wouldn't be in favor of &nbsp;more &quot;affluent gentlemen&quot; coming to the club, jacking up the prices, and making us cheapskates look bad. &nbsp;No offense. &nbsp;
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    <p>1.&nbsp; Most cities that have created smoking bans have after a period of time seen revenues go up.&nbsp; Not instantly, and perhaps not 50 percent, but definitly higher.&nbsp; Also the clubs usually see reduced maintenance costs.<br />
    <br />
    2.&nbsp; I agree on the loud music.&nbsp; I have yet to see a review complain about the music not being loud enough.&nbsp; Having to shout is not sexy either for you or for her.&nbsp; I think that the loud music is the DJ showing off.<br />
    <br />
    3.&nbsp; This I agree with generally, but club owners should pick the sexiest and most skilled dancers either way.&nbsp; I can look past a tat.<br />
    <br />
    And just because lots of clubs are doing it doesn't mean that it is best.&nbsp;</p>
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i've talked to several bar and strip club owners and managers in my area&nbsp;that have been in business since before the smoking ban went into effect until now. almost every one of them says that they have never recaptured the business that they lost since the smoking ban went into effect and from my observations and memory of the days before the smoking ban i would have to agree with their comments. most bars/clubs that i frequent don't have as many customers as they&nbsp;did before the ban.&nbsp;smokers are a minority when it comes to the general public but smokers aren't necessarily a minority when it comes to alcohol consumers in bars and clubs. <br />
    and although i&nbsp;do&nbsp;not like alot of the lowlife&nbsp;types that hang out in strip clubs&nbsp;i agree with steve about not wanting a bunch of big spenders coming in and&nbsp;jacking up prices in the strip clubs because of their spending habits. <br />
    refarding loud&nbsp;music, i don't like it either.&nbsp;when you have to try to read lips to figure out what the girl/person next to you is saying, it's definately time to turn it down a little. <br />
    not a big fan of tattoos either but if everything else about a lady appeals to me i will overlook the fact that she has a few tattoos. a lady covered in tattoos though is definately a turnoff.<br />
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    Just like the Ultimate girls is different for each of us, isn't the ultimate clube description going to vary just as widely.&nbsp; I smoke, I don't care if a club is smoking or non smoking.&nbsp; I don't care if there are fat cats or just a bunch of us small fry around.&nbsp; I don't care about the decour, music, layout or other ascetics.&nbsp; I just want to have a good time for a resonable price.&nbsp; If I could get good LDs for $10 - 20 bucks I'd probably spend more time and money in the clubs.&nbsp; These $30-35 dances we have here in central Ohio seem rediculous to me.
  • Boodwah
    14 years ago
    <span style="font-size: larger; ">I went to the local country club wearing a wife beater showing off my tats, lit up a cigarette, and started singing Freebird and they threw me out! I heard someone say something about 'When in Rome do as the Romans do' or some crap like that. Why can't they just change their ways and accommodate me</span>?
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I agree with Rick and SC. The writer is out of step. I don't believe a smoking ban would increase revenue 50%. I am a non smoker and dislike smoking, but it doesn't keep me away from the strip club. I doubt many other guys avoid it, either.&nbsp; <br />
    <br />
    Loud music IS by design. The club would much rather girls just get right to &quot;wanna dance&quot;, rather than sitting and talking to customers. <br />
    <br />
    Tats and piercings are the accepted norm now. I like seeing girls with none, of course, but having some ink doesn't make a girl unattractive to me. Unless, of course, she's Michelle Bombshell. <br />
    <br />
    More important than all of what the OP mentioned? WEIGH INS.&nbsp; I have spoken to dancers who worked at high end places(2001 Odyssey, Mons Venus, Penthouse Club), and they were subjected to weekly weigh ins. That's a good idea. Fat strippers are far worse for your business than tats or smoking.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    @ bloodwah.. lol that was funny!<br />
    <br />
    and pothead is right, fat strippers with flabby stomachs, celluite thighs, etc&nbsp;is especially&nbsp;a total turnoff! <br />
  • macaffluent
    14 years ago
    &nbsp;The list grows, thanks guys. &nbsp;Now if only the owners and managers will get their heads out of the sand and just listen. &nbsp;I am a business man and the first thing I learned was to have an open mind and look at every idea, especially if it was not mine. &nbsp;This is the way you succeed in business, by thinking.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I was going to stay out of this any further, but in the interest of humoring this nonsensical post...<br />
    <br />
    Upscale clubs already exist in many regions.&nbsp; They tend to be located near business districts, hire hot girls with minimal tattoos/piercings,&nbsp;and in many states already do not allow smoking.&nbsp; If you are really having so much trouble finding one in your region let us know where you are from and one of us can help you.<br />
    <br />
    Smart club owners cater to their demographics.&nbsp; IME the number of affluent guys that have the time or inclination to hang out at SCs is relatively small, and as I mentioned there are places that already cater to them.&nbsp; For those club owners&nbsp;in less affluent geographic locations, a club's atmosphere and offerings must conform with local demand or the club will not survive.&nbsp; I think&nbsp;that you are spouting nonsense if you, an admitted non-spender, feel that you are in any position to tell&nbsp;all club owners how to&nbsp;make more money.<br />
    <br />
    And as far as your claim of being a&nbsp;businessman&quot;,&nbsp; I own all of one and %s&nbsp;of two others and if I ran mine like you suggest they run theirs, by alienating my existing client base in the hopes of picking up business from people who don't currently spend with me, I'd probably go broke.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    <p>...to be clear, I meant own 1 business and pieces of two others.&nbsp; Not clubs, just an analogy to make the point.</p>
  • macaffluent
    14 years ago
    Market niches exist and they can be utilized to create a non-competitve environment where success is easily achieved. &nbsp;All that is required is an open mind, you do not even have to be an iconoclast.
  • SexyAlissa
    13 years ago
    We also need to get the DJ's not to play hip hop or cRAP or any music like that...
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