6 yrs ago •realDougstercommented onMy CF, who I have been seeing OTC, is pregnantMr. Caca and Mr. Gorged mini=penis. Sex with pregnancy woman is not allowed in my country. Does this not mean injure the head of the child with…
6 yrs ago •realDougstercommented onMy CF, who I have been seeing OTC, is pregnantWill the baby try to grease the doctor? Feed twenties to the nurses?
6 yrs ago •realDougstercommented onMy CF, who I have been seeing OTC, is pregnantThe doctors and family will be puzzled when the baby is born wearing a miniature 3-piece white polyester suit.
6 yrs ago •realDougstercommented onTUSCL ALL-STAR SURVEY“9. TUSCL member most people would want to spend an evening in a club with: twentyfive“ Only if you enjoy being bullied
6 yrs ago •realDougstercommented onFeature Request“Google's search isn't very reliable” Especially when all your posts are on the same topic
6 yrs ago •realDougstercommented onif you were.......“ I am in perfect health for a 45 year old man” Right. I’ve heard you don’t look a day over 70
6 yrs ago •realDougstercommented onPorn vs. ProstitutionAs long as you broadcast live on the web or post the video to a porn site you should be fine. Also there’s recording keeping requirements -…
6 yrs ago •realDougstercommented onWhere are My Reviews?Now I’m seeing double postings in threads. Anybody else having this issue?
6 yrs ago •realDougstercommented onCant LDKTom Brady is a thug that needs to be locked up for threatening Stormy
6 yrs ago •realDougsterposted inFront RoomStormy Daniels Releases Sketch of 'Thug' Who Allegedly Threatened Adult Film Sta
6 yrs ago •realDougsterposted inFront RoomSpeaking of sleazy lawyers, Michael Cohen, the President's personal attorney, is
6 yrs ago •realDougsterposted inFront RoomTrump signs measure aimed at curbing online sex trafficking