Trump signs measure aimed at curbing online sex trafficking

Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
Apparently the bill is called FoSTA. Anyone heard of it?…


  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    He’s got his mail order First Lady - so now he shuts down sex sites. That’s a dick move!

    Where can I put my CL ads now? I’m just looking for a dirty girl who needs training - a bit of whipping - hard fisting - and some hot wax treatment too.
  • PutaTester
    7 years ago
    One of my favorite sites, tjamigos, has shut down out of fear of this shit.
    Likely there will be first amendment challenges, but by the time that clears (assuming it does, which there is doubt because of the new Republican Supreme Court), I'll be too old to care.
    The dilemma is that since it is being sold as a tool to combat human trafficking, it will be hard for any politician to oppose it.
    Human trafficking is a terrible, terrible crime. (A friend of mine in London is a journalist who specializes in such stories.)
    Yes, it must be combated.
    However, this does nothing to accomplish that goal.
    All it does is score political points with the many who just read Fox News headlines, and don't look deeper into issues.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    The bill passed by 388-25. This was bi-partisan hypocrisy.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^No matter how you try to spin it, still this shit came up for a vote while your people were in charge, smoke keeps getting in your eyes. Should be fun watching the finger pointing and shit after the midterm elections are over.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Twenty, CA was already separately pursuing BP and MA, another ultra liberal state, has always been hyper aggressive on the prostitution front and in wringing as much fun as possible from its clubs. Your autistic fixation on who happens to be in charge at the national level doesn't change the broad-based support this had from both parties or the other activities that liberals engage in at the state level. Shit, you can't even film porn in CA without a condom requirement.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    I've posted about 10 times on the topic now. I don't do any escorting and couldn't give a shit if these websites fail. Would be disappointed if SA went down, but I'm sure I could find a different way to locate college girls.

    I'm sure that trafficking occurs occasionally in strip clubs, too; does that mean we should shut down all the clubs?

    I'm keeping an open mind and it might be worth the first-amendment issues if it can be proved that any of this actually helps prevent trafficking. But as far as I know there isn't any hard evidence that trafficking would be reduced. What we should do is give out a few NSF grants to talented sociology and data-science students to do some careful studies so we can avoid legislating out of our ass.

    Anyway, Trump's signing should take attention away from his personal lawyer getting raided by the FBI. And if that doesn't work, we should bomb Syria.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Dugan-My autistic fixations have nothing to do with the fact that this shit has been around for years in one form or another through many different administrations both Republican and Democratic, yet until your spineless bunch got here and Trump needed to divert attention from his shenanigans, it never came up for a vote, so cry all you like about bi-partisan support, its still the gutless leadership of Ryan and McConnell that this pile of flaming shit never got aired out enough to get a vote. You guys will own this along with this thieving, self dealer, and con merchant who's doing untold damage to our country.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    If you watched the Zuckerberg hearings, you know 2 things
    1. Senators and Congressman don’t understand how Facebook, or any technology, works
    2. They want to regulate the hell out of it

    Some of the questions were painfully ignorant. Most 12 year olds with a smart phone would have known better.

    This has parallels to FOSTA, where Congress was convinced that anything sexual involves “trafficking” and needs to be regulated.

    Incidentally, most of the clueless grandstanding was on the democratic side, which believes in government control of all aspects of life.

  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    Pretty soon that cock-sucker is going to be the only one who’s able to pay for sex.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I don't need to be protected from facebook, I have never used it, except for one fake name registration, connects to a dedicated email, and just to look at the profiles of the idiots who use facebook.

    But I also think Zuckerberg is a jerk and his company is evil.

    MySpace is okay, but not facebook.

  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I heard its Australian for beer...
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