My CF, who I have been seeing OTC, is pregnant
I've been seeing her off and on for about 18 months OTC and thought that she was done having kids, but apparently not. She is at the point that she can no longer hide it, though I've suspected for weeks and told her as much over 6+ weeks ago when I had her naked in bed and noticed that her body was going through normal pregnancy changes. I just returned to the club after about 2 weeks away due to travel and family obligations and the difference in her physical condition when I returned confirmed it. She finally fessed up and I told her that she and her husband have my congratulations on the upcoming addition to their family.
She will be leaving the club later this week as she also has a vanilla day job, but she has known for months and continued drinking and smoking throughout her first trimester, which I find to be a bit disturbing. It also sucks to see a fun girl get sidelined, but I'm sure that another favorite is just around the corner.
Anyone else here lose a good OTC girl to pregnancy? For that matter, did it cause you to sweat a little for the obvious reason? I will say that, despite precautions, I am glad to be in a state where the husband is legally presumed to be the father of a child born by his wife. In the future, after seeing this, I might even try to stick to married girls for OTC activities.
last commentCongratulations.
The doctors and family will be puzzled when the baby is born wearing a miniature 3-piece white polyester suit.
I bet the first words out of the baby's mouth will be System! System!
How many kids does she have?
In hindsight, I should have started this with "My Married CF..." I'm pretty sure it's not mine, but even if it was mine or that of another PL, the law says that it belongs to her husband. Amen, amen I say to you. ;)
Whew. I would be sweating bullets if that happened to me. Condoms are not always dependable.
Will the baby try to grease the doctor? Feed twenties to the nurses?
Well said rickdugan! It’s good when the pregnancy is assumed to be the girls husbands.
I’m hoping we won’t be seeing you on an episode of Maury! Those dudes must be shitting bricks while they await the DNA test results.
If haven’t really lost anyone to pregnancy. A couple of them have gotten pregnant and stopped seeing me, but then resumed after they popped.
Is it hers?
^ I don't understand why anyone would accept an invite to appear on Maury.
The law in Massachusetts states that a child born during a marriage or within 270 days thereafter creates a presumption that the child is of the marriage. A presumption cab be rebutted and the husband, you and everyone else who has had sex with her can request a dna test. You're not safe at all. Hope you are for your sake, but don't assume the law protects you as it s simply an archaic leftover from when states were invested with the idea of keeping nuclear, traditional families intact.
Warrior posted: ---> "Whew. I would be sweating bullets if that happened to me. Condoms are not always dependable."
I might be if she was not married, but she is. In this state, a husband is legally presumed to be the father, whether he is the biological father or not. It may sound odd to hear that biological and legal fatherhood are separate and distinct concepts, but in this state that is the reality if a married woman gets pregnant outside of the marriage. The law is designed to protect the best interests of the child, even if it creates unfortunate circumstances for one or more of the adults involved (like guys forced to support another guy's kid or biological fathers with no paternal rights).
But I will also say that all of this IS making me re-evaluate some things, which I'll just leave at that.
Is she pregnant with a human child, if so it’s prolly not yours.
Ski, I am not in MA and I am well aware that, in some states, the presumption can be rebutted fairly easily. Not so much in this state, which still places a much higher value on the concept of legitimacy and intact families, as well it should. In this state, if a woman is married, the only name that can even legally be placed on the birth certificate as the father of the baby is that of the husband.
Yet one more reason why I am glad I moved out of the northeast and to a more enlightened region of the country. ;)
^ "Whew. I would be sweating bullets if that happened to me. Condoms are not always dependable."
Doesn't anyone get snipped any more?
I had a stripper I was seeing several years ago tell me she was pregnant. I offered to show the surgical notes from my vasectomy, and she never mentioned the subject again.
I wouldn't let a little thing like pregnancy stop me from a good time :)
Really, last year I fcked my CF till 2 days before delivery. And it was wild. God I hope she gets preggos again ;(
FYI, despite the husband being presumed to be the father in your state, in some states, the biological father can be sued for child support if they have the financial means, "in the best interest of the child."
And even if not, do you have another relationship that this activity might jeopardize?
It is not always about legal issues.
You might not be out of the woods.
Obviously I need psychological help...
@GACA: My wife was always horniest when pregnant. Almost makes me wish she were again.
Not that I’d want to be pushing sixty with a kid in the way...
“on the way.”
Mr. Caca and Mr. Gorged mini=penis. Sex with pregnancy woman is not allowed in my country. Does this not mean injure the head of the child with the piston effect of penis? Sven dreams of coming to America to get to know a wonderful sex worker Bj99 to impregnate her like husband.. USA # 1. Sorry for my bad words, I use Goggle translation. Sven
Somebody forgot to log out of one troll account and into the other...
Realdougster is a lame fucking idiot. Why not just retire that non funny parody profile and post dorky articles under your own handle?
His own handle would be randommember.
Back on topic, a couple years ago i hooked up with a hot Latina civilian girl. I didn't realize she was in the early stages of pregnancy when I met her in July but over a period of time she started showing and told me it was her ex boyfriend's kid and at first I thought about not fucking her anymore but decided to see how things went. We continued our fling until early December when she was 7 months prego and the farther along she was the hornier she got.
In the past I passed on chances to screw pregnant chicks that I met but after my experience with the Latina I will consider pregos on a case by case basis. :D
+1 flagooner. Male birth control can mean more than just condoms. Though it would be nice if there were a variety of choices like there are for women.
@TheeOSU: I already told you that I have absolutely nothing to do with @realDougster. You're just too big of a fucking idiot to recognize the difference in writing style. Go fuck yourself, dipshit.
realDougster said: "Mr. Caca and Mr. Gorged mini=penis. Sex with pregnancy woman is not allowed in my country...."
This is exactly why we shouldn't be allowed to edit or delete posts.
Ish why should it surprise anyone that realdoug is a troll and with him being a troll having multiple accounts. I mean really no surprise here.
^ @TinyMember "@TheeOSU: I already told you that I have absolutely nothing to do with @realDougster. You're just too big of a fucking idiot to recognize the difference in writing style. Go fuck yourself, dipshit. "
Since when has a troll ever admitted it?
The writing styles of RealIntoDougster and Sven are very different but obviously the same person.
TinyMember and RealIntoDougster are both morons so it is very plausible that they are the same person.
@Fagooner- Since you're a frail geriatric guy, I typically try not to be too hard on you. But maybe it would be best if you went back to playing bridge with the other geriatric guys in your nursing home. You can discuss your prostate issues and hip fractures in between hands.
As I said, I have nothing whatsoever to do with @realDouster. Trolling dancers on this site is not my style.
It’s threads like this that make tuscl great!
"@TheeOSU: I already told you that I have absolutely nothing to do with @realDougster. You're just too big of a fucking idiot to recognize the difference in writing style. Go fuck yourself, dipshit."
Lol, why pray tell would I want to fuck myself when I have your warm liberal mouth to fuck into eternity?
My bad for not believing you, after all everything you say here is accurate.
Such as, "17" year old Shillary Clinton voted for Goldwater.
You're a moderate, not a liberal.
On and on ad nauseam.
Yup, there's no reason for me not to believe you. Lol
You started out here as Josh43
Went on to become randumb member.
Then invented the RD alias to get back at Dougster who many thought was Txtittyfag even though you publicly stated that you didn't believe Tfag was Doug, Tfag was one of your most vocal critics and consistently destroyed your propaganda pushing comments to the point that you hardly post as randumb anymore because you use your RD alias for that and only log in as randumb now to deny you're RD. I do give props to RD though for your comments towards Vince's fake veteran and his desires for underage girls.
Now it appears that you're Sven who would be by far your best moniker, at least he's funny. You should retire all of your other accounts and just post as Sven.
BTW,I miss Dougster and Txtittyfag. Are they on permanent timeouts, did they leave, or are they "band"?
@OSU- I haven't started a thread on here since 2015 out of courtesy to @Founder. Period.
I mostly ignore you. You strike me as a monumentally stupid and sadistic idiot.
Cool, Lol
I said log in to post, not start threads. Why change the subject? Another diversion?
sven’s comments started out pretty good.