avatar for everythingonred

Comments by everythingonred

review comment
2 months ago
avatar for cakecoma
Fuck her right in the pussy.
My go to.
Night shift is almost always a win at Criket. Many of the better girls arrive late at 9 or 10, or at least come out well after they arrive to get ready at 7. Some leave with regulars early after midnight so the best time to drop in is between 9pm and 11pm. You will do much better Thursday through Saturday, sometimes Sunday. The better looking girls often do not show up for slow nights.
review comment
4 months ago
avatar for BigRich7700
Out and about on a Friday
Is Hank's = Henry's?
review comment
6 months ago
avatar for seekerseeker
A fun 30 minutes
"I did learn that many of the girls working there actually have a pimp and learned why" What was the "why" given to you?
review comment
6 months ago
avatar for SamPerkins_420
Parts Unknown
Hottest strippers in the area, priced accordingly
@Pussylicker2 Tipping the floor bouncers at Flight is always a good idea if you plan to stay a while. I have had issues losing my table, bar tenders not bringing my drink or asking me to leave if I don't pound several drinks per hour. The bouncers turn into customer service reps and always make sure you are taken care of. I much prefer to tip the bouncers a $20 or 2 than waste it on the GPS bar tenders and dancers who won't even remember 5 minutes later.
review comment
7 months ago
avatar for Lanechange
3 visits over the past month
The dude in the end both with the 4 dancers is just a pimp and his girls. They don't do extras or even go in the back. They all come and go together. The foreign brunette spinner - curly hair? - you are probably referring to isn't safe to meet outside the club due to the bf and drug addiction.
review comment
8 months ago
avatar for MangyJoe
Beware of scams
Unfortunately Kennedy is a known scammer and a ROB. She has been let go before I believe from day shift. If she is on night shift now I doubt she will last long. It would be worth talking to the night shift manager about her. His name is Paco.
review comment
9 months ago
avatar for SamPerkins_420
Parts Unknown
Dayshift declining
The skinny Cuban with the smell is Andrea, it’s some kind of tooth infection but definitely a breath issue. I would guess the popular skinny white girl was Sabrina or possible Jem if she had a dark gothic look. Day shift is hit or miss lately but there are still some hits. Night shift is a whole different world. Still worthwhile if you build up your contacts.
review comment
9 months ago
avatar for Funtime0920
Day shift is great.
@cakecoma I think FL was just a typo for FC.
review comment
9 months ago
avatar for RonJax2
Strip Club Connoisseur
A mechanic, a ROB, and one exquisite gem that saved the day
The jehovah's witness part of this story took me out! I am near positive I know who this is and was working a double Saturday. Her stage name starts with an A. If it is indeed her I will say she is one of the better ones who you can spoil a little without them expecting the same treatment every time. Some girls will take everything you throw at them at FC and act like you do not exist if you don't bring the same on your next visit.
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for SquareCastle
Dancers Leaving The Clubs For Sugar Daddy Benefactors
I have waded into sugar life and hung out with a lot of dancers in the past 6 months OTC. I myself tried to convert a high end dancer to a sb last year and ended paying her range rover payment and her high end condo bills while she failed to live up to my past SB experiences.. I have had SB's prior and can tell you dancers make horrible sb's because they are used to the daily hustle. SD's like to give without being asked and SB's like to receive without asking. I have seen the same thing happen with a few girls as the clubs get slow. Half of the time the new "sugar daddy" I hear about turns out to be your run of the mill drug dealer or a middle class guy running up debt. I saw a seeking arrangements report that said the average "sugar daddy"'s income is only something like $220k/year. Definitely not enough to spoil anyone. If you are trying to keep a 9 or 10 interested you are going to drop $10k to $20k a month if you don't want to share. TLDR; It's best to keep ITC girls ITC and deal only with SB's who know how to sugar. The recent converts will be back on the pole before christmas when their PL goes broke or tires of their drama. I was also able to get FS OTC with one of these girls in my hotel for a little more than I used to pay her ITC.
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for everythingonred
Best Extras Clubs in 2024 in the US for solo vacation
@PAWG_Partol any particular clubs I should look into for Jacksonville?
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for Meshuggah
We aren't here for a long time, we are here for a good time.
LA stripper interview
This was a great video. For guys that think these girls want "saved". I died when the interviewer was talking about the different things girls are attracted to like status and accomplishments, and she cuts in with "or he just has a big dick, usually the case". It took the interviewer out! Many girls and women would rather sell pv$$y and be free of family or a husband then feel locked down for life. If there is a 1 in a million chance of fame they will stay with that to the grave. She also acknowledged the expiration date on beauty.
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for everythingonred
Best Extras Clubs in 2024 in the US for solo vacation
@motorhead LMAO I am dying. LMAO “They are fine if you just wanna slip on a condom and have sex for 10 minutes.” — But if they don’t speak English what are we going to do for the next 9 minutes?
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for everythingonred
Best Extras Clubs in 2024 in the US for solo vacation
I do not have anything against the cubans. I bounce between my regulars and cubans in Detroit just depending on the mood I am in. If I could put Inkster clubs in Santa Monica I would probably never leave.
review comment
10 months ago
avatar for twinscrewzz
New favorite Club.
Thu through Saturday nights you will find a lot more spinners on night shift. Sunday is hit and miss based on how the top talent made out on the weekend. I have seen Criket's best there many Sunday's making up for a bad weekend.
review comment
10 months ago
avatar for bman66
Afternoon delight
Maybe you were the guy who snagged the one I was after yesterday lol. I dropped you a DM. If I go in on day shift it’s usually because I’ve texted one of my favs to meet me on 1st shift. Except for the occasional diamond in the rough, the Cubans are the best thing happening on day shift. Friday and Saturday can be an exception.
review comment
10 months ago
avatar for seekerseeker
Sexy spinners
@seekerseeker I agree, and based on how good a day or week a girl is having, how many customers she has had in a day, a girl can be $200 one day or much more on another given day. Girls will also be willing to go further past their normal rules on some days and not others. If you ask for a price, and mention you would have to go to the ATM to draw it out, girls will also sometimes drop the price as if they think you are going to bail. I have my absolute fav regulars that I am willing to spend more on for top notch services, and I will try new girls on days I know my regulars aren't there.
review comment
a year ago
avatar for Searchthesun1
I had the same experience with the dark curly hair girls Saturday, she even interrupted me while I was having a drink with another dancer. She was more worried about getting her fix than getting a dance. Sad.
review comment
a year ago
avatar for uniquename
Not Even A Swing And A Miss - Never Even Got Up To Bat
It can be this way at Criket when someone like this is around. Criket can also be dead or packed based on who the manager is that night. If there is someone there hogging the girls, it is best to go and tip whoever you are interested in, and ask them to come talk to you about going to VIP. I spent a Wednesday there recently where almost none of the girls did extras, and some were not even doing VIP.
review comment
a year ago
avatar for Friction.Room13
Enjoying that friction room grind
Mixed Wednesday Evening at the Flight Club
As girls get to know you spend in the club they’ll spend a little more time on chit chat. Otherwise they are all moving around making sure they get to someone who is going to get them to the numbers they are trying to reach. I understand the sentiment here, but guys will waste a girl’s time and then get a VIP from someone else. In the end you can’t complain, Chris Rock was wrong about the Champaign room.
discussion comment
a year ago
avatar for Careless_kevin4405
Thank you all!
@HoneyDewMelons I am not complaining that strippers or escorts are want machines. All women are want machines. I am not complaining about any of it. OP saying "I encourage all of u to get better and tackle the status quo. We all need to change, especially since 2024 is around the corner. " is a sure sign that he does not understand women, and an attempt to shame all men for dealing with women who offer clear and upfront terms. If anything, there is more transparency dealing with women in this industry. Lifelong monogamy is by far the exception. You can not "negotiate" or "earn" the desire of a women. It is mostly a genetic lottery.
discussion comment
a year ago
avatar for everythingonred
The best dancers for extras and sugarbaby/otc activity where money is no concern
@BubbleYum If I could delete this post I would. I have met outside the club with 2 different girls that work FC weekend/night shifts. Meeting for dinner and going to my hotel versus bringing someone to work events or taking them on vacation is the step I am considering taking. I honestly did not think this was a large community with high visibility. I appreciate everyone's feedback.
discussion comment
a year ago
avatar for Careless_kevin4405
Thank you all!
Im all about men improving themselves and not using the SC and sugar life as a means for connection. That being said, be careful of the same when it comes to relationships. Men always pay. Women are “want” machines. The women who are capable of staying in a mutually caring relationship are far and few between, and they are mostly already married. There is no shame in the game.
discussion comment
a year ago
avatar for everythingonred
The best dancers for extras and sugarbaby/otc activity where money is no concern
@3131 that's fair lol. I had a TUSCL account many years ago, no idea how to access it. I will be buying a membership here as soon as I figure out how to buy a damn bitcoin. I have been on USASG since the late 90's. Happy to verify myself via DM over there if anyone has any private feedback to share. To the other comments, I am definitely not about the PL life with these girls. Reasonable girls realize the 2 way value of an outside arrangement. I am trying to avoid a repeat of a recent disaster I had with an ongoing arrangement. Fortunately my life is such that I have nothing to hide, but I don't like drama. The "if money is no object" comment was not a flex. Sometimes you get more when you pay more. It's rare, though.
discussion comment
a year ago
avatar for everythingonred
The best dancers for extras and sugarbaby/otc activity where money is no concern
@CJKent_band I will give you that the title and question was poorly written. I was hoping to connect with other members who have spent outside time with some of the higher women, to learn which ones are reliable and which might cause drama in my lfie. I am single, but not looking to deal with someone vindictive who tries to affect my work or career in retribution. It may be the wrong place for this question.