
Comments by kallara

  • article comment
    9 months ago
    da king
    Strategy for climatic lap dances. Only tested Atlanta.
    you sound like the perfect custie for me. i swear there's no better feeling than grinding directly down onto a guys hard on when he's wearing super thin bottoms. way too many guys come in with jeans and/or belts and it completely ruins the experience. i had a guy say 'i probably shouldn't have worn jeans...' and i told him i don't get why guys waste their money on dances knowing it's not going to be as enjoyable w jeans on. not to mention it literally hurts me to grind near their zipper/denim
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    9 months ago
    am i the only dancer that tries to get off during dances?
    aw i haven't been on here in so long. i've been dancing for over a year and a half now and still feel the same way :,)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    am i the only dancer that tries to get off during dances?
    and to add if i was trying to catfish why the fuck would i make a bold statement saying i'm the youngest & hottest girl in the club unless it's true ...if i really was trying to convince anyone i wouldn't be that stupid. im stuck up bc i can be 🤣boohoo hot girls can be sluts too why's it so hard to believe
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    2 years ago
    am i the only dancer that tries to get off during dances?
    oops i worked doubles all weekend so i haven't been in here in days, still getting accused of being fake oh well🤣🤣 @riska i've read on here a lot of guys don't care about anything the dancers doing unless it benefits them which i get, but it's like at the same time... it actually does benefit you if a girl is grinding on you a certain way lol @bubbleyum i am a new stripper but idk what this has to do w 'game'. it's not effecting my hustle at all so i don't get your point...and two of my managers have already said i'm the hottest girl in the club so i don't know what to tell you LMAO. again, you not believing me doesn't change the fact it's true @erregal idk if you're being sarcastic or not because that j sounds painful
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    2 years ago
    am i the only dancer that tries to get off during dances?
    @twentyfive ya i'm not posting pics lol i just got home from my very real job as a dancer at the club i work at if you doubt i'm real then stop entertaining my fake ass catfishing attention seeking post ! like i said you thinking my post is fake doesn't change the fact i danced on a fat old guy with a huge dick tonight (which felt amazing by the way). ur annoying just shut up lmao. i considered deleting my post/acc so many times because i am so worried about someone from my club finding it and you're worried about your own *need* for proof. f off it's not about YOU
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    am i the only dancer that tries to get off during dances?
    @wallanon no one's forcing anyone to whip their dick out dances can be just as enjoyable fully clothed
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    am i the only dancer that tries to get off during dances?
    @twentyfive not sure what proof i can give other than the fact im verified and my biggest fear is someone from my club connecting me to this so i'm most likely never posting pictures so not sure what to tell you lmao. i hesitated even posting this multiple times because it's like embarrassing buttt yeah. i get why it's hard to believe but at the same time it's like here i am, op, a girl, laughing behind my phone at all the ppl that refuse to believe giving lapdances can be enjoyable
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    am i the only dancer that tries to get off during dances?
    ngl i have no idea how to use this site but i'll just reply one by one lol @desertscrub i don't let anyone touch me between the legs loool. i get more than enough pleasure from the friction from grinding @2icee explain please ?? @shadowcat the only thing it effects is the fact that i can't grind on them in that position anymore and i usually just face away from them instead of straddling after i o because it's just too sensitive. i literally masturbate before work because it gives me energy to get up so no it doesn't apply to everyone. idk @bharlem @skibum i bet you wouldn't believe i'm the youngest + hottest girl in my club either ... i just have a high sex drive and again i'm for a fact not the only girl in my club that does it. @bootylover i'm an aa and i don't even like black dudes so idk what to tell you
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    am i the only dancer that tries to get off during dances?
    i never use it as a selling point or even tell the guys i'm doing it so i feel like even if more dancers do it, who would know anyways right?