@From978 ", after the bot who's posting ads in vietnamese "
Thanks for posting that. I'm in Saigon and when I saw that I said "WTF". I couldn't imagine what was up, but I'm glad it was just some random coincidence and I can go back to being my normal paranoid self..
last commentJack off to some dick pics, that's my suggestion.
Congratulations. You're the second poster I've muted today, after the bot who's posting ads in vietnamese
Search for all the threads on here about cumming in your pants. Its a popular topic 🤡
All of u go fuck urselfs
@From978 ", after the bot who's posting ads in vietnamese "
Thanks for posting that. I'm in Saigon and when I saw that I said "WTF". I couldn't imagine what was up, but I'm glad it was just some random coincidence and I can go back to being my normal paranoid self..
☀️ 🌙 🚦 $ $ $ Money @ Your Honey
I Would Show Her I'm Da' Boss Before Going For LDK. Then, It's Easy!
OTC Sounds Like A Good Idea.
👽 SC --- Tuscl Cheers
just hope you pick the right girl