Comments by SevenSinsXXX
review comment
3 years ago

Expecting a lot for a Tuesday before new yrs.....
It's been packed since. Money thrown everywhere i think these negative reviews are really by trolls. Gotta be lol.gold is poppin. I bet these neg reviews are management of other nearby clubs.
review comment
3 years ago

South Florida
Never heard of this club and now it's for sale 9 million lol
discussion comment
3 years ago

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
It is no longer a strip club.
What is AA ?
review comment
3 years ago
Hank Moody
I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
^thanks. That's fine. Some nights there are 30 of us. If you don't frequent yhe club you wouldn't know.
review comment
3 years ago
Hank Moody
I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
@twentyfive what is a "wanna be dance girls"?
review comment
3 years ago

I really appreciate the above comment. This respect warmed my heart so much ❤
review comment
3 years ago
Hank Moody
I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
If you don't have a good time at a club who's fault is it? The dancers who were available? The club had food, drinks, 15 ladies ......if there were 30 would you be tipping them all and getting several rooms and dances? No. Bet you still would have done the same. I could care less which club you go to. Just trying to open your eyes. Some of you do nothing but complain. Who cares if a club is packed or not. I've worked several packed clubs and left with less then I've made in nights at Gold. I work several spots and Gold will always have a place in my heart. Anthony is a great manager, can't ask for a better staff. Every one is like family from the dancers to our security to our bartenders. We all make money. So honestly if you don't have a good time, well the club was a platform for you to have a good time. If you don't take advantage of what is to offer then really who's fault is it? Have a blessed day. Don't like the club? Don't go. Our customers love it.
review comment
3 years ago
Hank Moody
I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
@Dolfan....when I work Rachels and Gold Rush tons of ladies over 35 and even into 40's. One dancer 42 got 2 hr rooms every night and looked younger then me! Definitely wouldn't hate on peoples ages makes men sound pedo-y if younger is your thing even though some of you mention you are in 50's women 3 decades younger then you do work there. I eould rather work a Mon-Thurs at that club then a Fri or Sat. We were packed every night til Solid Gold opened. If it's ever slow at least it's the people spending money that are in. Again if no oneis on stage it's because it's a bad crowd not tipping. I suggest you tip the DJ 20 and let him know you will tip well and not just 1 dollar per stage set. I'm not doing 15 min of acrobatics for men that do not understand to tip lol. I'd rather continue to sit where men are handing me 20's to 100's for my conversation. I really don't think some of you get how clubs work. 🤔 We also don't have to look busy to you to be making money.
Try the chicken tenders and fries. 10 gets you very nice pieces of chicken. Each is about 3 in across. You get 4. Great value. Keep knocking Gold all you want. I love other clubs too but not going to let some sours give unfair feedback.
review comment
3 years ago
Hank Moody
I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
You gave a 5 for value vut if you were there you would know drinks are 2 for 1 that hr....also many meals are 10 or less. You mentioned 15 girls....if there is no one on stage it means no DJ yet or no one is tipping. Ladies don't work for free. If people were on stage and no one tips in an hr then they are taking a break til a better crowd. 90 min and you can't snag anyone? Also this club has tons of 18,19 and 20 yr olds....are there older here too? Yes. But that's because the customers love it. Everyone makes money from 18- to the oldest. Our customers love the lil hole in the wall quiet club where the bar isn't as busy as DD or BT. You love those clubs because you can swindle a cuban for 120. You can't even pay your std test for that after you are done. At Gold there is a 15 min room. 4 pack. Hr and hourly rates. Amazing value. Amazing women. 15 ladies on a Monday? Can't get better then that. That's enough to give lots of attention. Come on now.
review comment
3 years ago

Lol I googled a few clubs I work for. Took me all of 10 min total to find these and respond. You suggested I change my screenname, suggest I'm entitled lol. You frequent strip clubs. Are we going to do everything for a dollar? No. Most won't even drop panties if no one is tipping. Why? Because we are worth it. We are independent contractors. We don't even have to talk to you. If you seem like a jerk in the Club I won't even sit next to you. Not sure why you would frequent stripperweb. Some of your comments are odd as well as some of the other males posting. Have the day you deserve buddy. Happy ho-lidays. Hope you are taking great care of the ladies in the clubs you frequent. If not I hope they wise up and not talk to anyone not giving them their worth.
review comment
3 years ago

^what's the matter, triggered a woman won't talk to u for 1$? Just so u know...at a club if u tip 1 dollar on stage dancers will make it a point NOT to talk to u....what's the matter? Someone pointing out how cheap some of u r? The reality sting a bit? Other people pay because dancers are worth it. I work Gold Rush, 11, Rachels. I know my worth. I'm not some cuban u can swindle for 120 everything. That's cost of 3 dances. Unfortunately the dancers of Diamond Dolls make y'all feel like you are good customers when in fact you are disrespectful to us. See how much attention you get with a 5 or 20 at the bar....with 100 thrown on stage. Treat us good we will treat you like kings. Treat us like something you think you can get down the street for less, then go there....we don't want your time....am I salty today? Yes...I saw in 24 hrs men know nothing about female anatomy, encouragement to not tip dancers......this website is crazy.....
review comment
3 years ago

^not really, just because you don't see people tipping doesn't mean they aren't. Sonetimes people throw hundreds on stage to us, sometimes they hand us 300 as soon as we get off lol....just because you are a cheapo doesn't mean everyone is
I will pretend not to know tricks on pole if no one is tipping. You came to our club to see us. I'm unique. My time is a gift. You are lucky to be in our presence. Remember that in a real bar we would NEVER TALK TO YOU. lol.
discussion comment
3 years ago

I've got a bad feeling about this.
It's hit or miss....some days It's crazy busy...
Sometimes dead
Problem is some Mondays popping! And some Fri and Sats dead!!!!! Tip well if you go so they stay. They rotate the girls so much because if its slow they leave the club entirely.
discussion comment
3 years ago

Diamond Dolls in Pompano Beach it's only 125 there total.
discussion comment
3 years ago

Too much of a good thing is never enough
I never knew til today men have zero clue about anatomy. If a woman is tight in a club you were her first customer, she was not aroused by you. Birthing kids actually Tightend you after. How? Their body is designed to go back down. Women literally contract and actually many get tighter, naturally....while mens dicks just stay the same.
review comment
3 years ago

If you complain about 25 it means you are cheap anyhow. These ladies go to work. It is a job. Why are you trying to hustle them? Lol. Wow
review comment
3 years ago

Since 1963 ...
Why do men ask for uncovered? You know about std's right? And tipping a cuban 20 bucks because they need it is trash. I've seen millionaires at this club demand the 125 uncovered everything just because it's business deal to them...and guess what....they do 10 rooms back to back so I hope u get your karma asking that from them. Smh. Goh......they deserve safety too. Get your extras. Just do it safe. For them, not you.
review comment
3 years ago
Strip Club Nation
Weird to care if a woman has kids lol men r the worst.
review comment
3 years ago

Yes I work this club. I'm 1k an hr. Not including tip or house.
If you want pole skills amped up try tiing more then a dollar. I'm not doing tricks for a dry house.
And if u want a woman to talk to you, try tipping a 20, or throwing 100 lol.we don't notice dollar tippers lol.
review comment
3 years ago

Do you have a little Italian in you?
You can't force girls to do panties off during dances lol that's illegal. 20 yrs no one cares about if you are this rude to people. Wow how about some respect for those ladies u pay so cheaply. Also, how about a tip to become a regular. Also no one needs to give you anything in VIP. Surrounding clubs are 1k an HOUR. Man these men are cheap now. Wow.