
Comments by Black_Lives_Splatter

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    4 years ago
    How young is too young?
    For Pedofile Vince Michaels there was no such thing. I’m just glad Covid 15 year olds on his boat killed him... Sincerely King Trucidos AKA Dougster AKA Txty
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    4 years ago
    Tyler Perry Movies Dont Matter
    Speaking of ladies tv shows the woman at Nordstrom messed up my order and ordered Tom Ford Tuscan Leather instead of Tobacco Vanille
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    4 years ago
    Tyler Perry Movies Dont Matter
    Founder all joking aside because I think we’re just both completely desensitized.. your a good guy. I respect you. This site allowed me to essentially learn from mass amounts of info how to game the Detroit club scene. Fuck white people as well. This is all one big shitshow.
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    4 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    “And I'm not calling you a nigger” -Winex
    Justice 4 Brionna
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    4 years ago
    Black Panther Sequel Vs Supreme Court
    Quayns ova Kangs nigga
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    4 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    SJG and a backdoor
    It’s ok King TRUCIDOS is back... You know the only troll to have defeated you Founder... I remember your tears well..
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    4 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    “And I'm not calling you a nigger” -Winex
    Listen here boy... Founder isn’t defined by his race he’s defined by his character and worth as a human being. He isn’t obligated to stand up for you. You just don’t matter that much.. I turned him into a scared little Uncle Founder years ago. When he saw what I was capable of he knew to back down and get on his knees (not like Kapernigck) White Wakanda Forever - King Trucidos 👑
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    4 years ago
    Black Panther Sequel Vs Supreme Court
    I never knew he was black though. Until he told me. I think he expected empathy. I don’t empathize with him I look up to him. Usually the black people are naturally predisposed to being computer illiterate
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    4 years ago
    Black Panther Sequel Vs Supreme Court
    This is Trucidos King Of Wakanda. White Lives Matter Chairman Fun fact about Dougster though he advised me to pull out of Crypto at the perfect time in 18 and I lost 13 grand haha. Anyways I’m headed to Ukraine to run through hookers as the borders are opening back up this week and I figured I would look at FC reviews given what’s going on with COVID. I like what Founder is doing with the site incentivizing VIP payments. Maybe his black ass can afford that Michael Jackson skin bleaching surgery so he won’t stand a 50% 50% of turning into a chocolate firing range if he gets stopped by our heroes.
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    4 years ago
    Black Panther Sequel Vs Supreme Court
    Your right Leo is a bad pick. Robert Downey Jr should be recast now that iron man is dead. He does an awesome black face. Black children need black role models considering most of their homes are fatherless. Robert Downey Jr going full black face is the only answer.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    FBI finds 9 discarded Trump military mail-in ballots in PA
    I hire a black to mow my lawn. He once told me that he would support Donald Trump but he’s afraid. I asked him what he was afraid of. He told me that as long as Democrats run major US cities that he can continue to game various government programs to get checks through false identities. He said that Democratic leadership in Detroit is so bad that he has been doing it 7 years and never got caught. I asked him
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    4 years ago
    Black Panther Sequel Vs Supreme Court
    Wrong... I’ll give you a hint though.. Just like Chadwick Bossman I am a King. I brokered a truce once. It was broken and I have returned to claim my kingdom. Who am I?