
Comments by LALover1465

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Heading to TJ for first time October 7th!
    @GreanBeans thanks bro! It was a pleasure meeting you too! Hopefully we can meet up there again and have some fun. My review should be finished and up by this weekend
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    5 years ago
    Heading to TJ for first time October 7th!
    @anislee because Hong Kong is like a drug and it’s addicting. Despite having two consecutive rob experiences there, I learned from them and finished this trip strong. I had 6 Arriba experiences there and 4 out of 6 I was happy with. And I became really close with my favorite girl!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Heading to TJ for first time October 7th!
    Hahahahaha, nah just barely got back from TJ yesterday and have been experiencing that feeling y’all get after you come back from your first visit there. I’m sad and miss it honestly lol. But I got some pics and names, and a detailed review coming up for everyone here who helped me on my first visit there
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    5 years ago
    Heading to TJ for first time October 7th!
    Yeah there were plenty of awesome girls last night. Had two arriba experiences. First girl was cool and exchanged WhatsApp with her. Her name was Armenia and she’s from TJ. Second girl, unfortunately, was a rob. Her name was Violet and she’s from Mexico City. I’ll give you guys recaps of my trips daily and I’ll give you all more details about this rob you all should avoid.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Heading to TJ for first time October 7th!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anyone here familiar with the escort agencies in TJ like Adult Baja and hottijua
    @Warrior15 yeah I’m the same way. I would prefer seeing her in person first and clicking with her before banging her, but this is just an option I really want to try out of curiousity just to see what it’s like and how it would compare
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Checklist of things every guy needs for his trip to TJ
    Truvada is for for HIV negative people only. PeP is for those who already have HIV. PreP works so that those who don’t have HIV keep it that way. It’s just a pill you take daily to prevent it.
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    5 years ago
    Checklist of things every guy needs for his trip to TJ
    Eh, I think I’ll be ok. I’ve done plenty of research and gotten some extra help here, so I think I know what I should and shouldn’t do to make sure I have a fun, safe trip down there without getting ripped off and taken advantage of. Plus, I’ll get the VIP benefits anyway after posting my review for Hong Kong
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Heading to TJ for first time October 7th!
    Good luck with CFBG
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Heading to TJ for first time October 7th!
    Yeah @greenbeans and I have already spoken. Hoping all of us can hang out there and enjoy the beautiful women together
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Checklist of things every guy needs for his trip to TJ
    Great idea. I unfortunately don’t have access to any reviews yet. But any extra info that can only be found in the review section for HK would be appreciated. Thanks again to everyone in advance.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    tj public/semi public sex play areas
    You get in the tub with all your clothes on?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Based on all my research, girls there are tested regularly and required to have health cards to work in the bars. How much faith you have in those health cards is up to you, but I personally don’t fully trust those. Many have also recommended bringing your own condoms because of what Vishap is saying. I would add to make sure you’re vaccinated against HPV, Hepatitis B, and that you’re on PreP. Doing that is gonna boost your protection tremendously. Although I highly doubt it, I would also just do a quick but thorough visual check on the girl for herpes, and if she passes, take her upstairs!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Checklist of things every guy needs for his trip to TJ
    Anyone here ever thought of that or tried that?
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    5 years ago
    Checklist of things every guy needs for his trip to TJ
    Girls give out their IG accounts to customers? That’s crazy. I personally wouldn’t give my IG to someone I don’t know that well, but if they’re willing to share that with me, I’ll share it with y’all too. As for the detailed review and pictures, I got you guys. Heck, I actually would like to bring another girl in the club or my arriba girl’s gf upstairs with us to film me fucking my girl. A third person POV of me fucking my girl is a fantasy I wanna live out. Maybe I’ll share that with you guys too 😝
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    At HK last trip, I found my ATF... but she leaves in 4 days!
    Eh, I’m not shocked to hear girls leaving once they’ve made enough money to support whatever it is they’re doing in their personal lives. I’m sure they all usually come back at some point if money becomes tight for them again. They’ll likely reach out to you if and when this happens
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    HELP-Planning my first ever visit to Tijuana
    Be sure to check out this article. It’s full of useful info for Tijuana beginners like you and myself as well. https://www.tuscl.net/article.php?id=50146
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anyone here ever used the Hong Kong Metro Express Service?
    Thanks again for all the info guys. I’ll keep everyone updated once I work out a date to head down there. I’ll also be sure to let you all know how my first trip down there goes. LALover1465
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Going to Hong Kong/ TJ first time
    Let us know how your visit with CFBG goes Cristobal!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anyone here ever used the Hong Kong Metro Express Service?
    Yeah I don’t plan on carrying too much cash with me. Just enough to pay for the VIP card and then just a couple stacks of singles and some fives for tips and lady drinks. Whatever else I need is why we have our Charles Schwab card to withdraw pesos from the ATM there. While it would be tempting to let a BG spend the night, I wouldn’t even consider it if I have any valuables or cash with me. It’s almost like asking to get robbed. Unless I know I can safely stash my passport, my Schwab card, my keys, etc. in the safe in my room and that there’s no way she can get to it, I probably still wouldn’t do it until she and I have build more rapport
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    5 years ago
    Anyone here ever used the Hong Kong Metro Express Service?
    @MisterWonderful I was actually planning on going during the slowest days lol. Namely because I’d like to get that 80% off the hotel room on Monday and Tuesday with that VIP card so I can spend more on my arriba experiences with the girls and so that I get more pussy to myself. I read that if you go during peak times, you not only get fewer options because of the sheer number of customers, but that the girls also tend to rush more and just move on from client to client because this is their best time to make money. I’m also personally looking to spend multiple hours with a girl (something that I know may be a challenge after reading the thread here about the 1 hour rule) plus I like to get really freaky if you know what I mean 😜 I like to take my time and please the girl too (eat her out, rim her ass, all that stuff) and while I know this isn’t the best idea, I gotta at least make sure I’m the first guy she’s with that day and I’m not eating her out after she’s fucked a bunch of other dudes before me that day. If she just starts her shift, or better yet if I see them off the clock when I know I’m the only one she’s with for the day, I can at least live out this fantasy in peace lol
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anyone here ever used the Hong Kong Metro Express Service?
    @TFP as far as safety in the zona goes, I’ve read mixed things. Namely, that it’s generally unsafe but that you should be ok as long as you keep your guard up and practice common sense. Common sense being not getting drunk in the street, not wandering too far away from the club, avoiding dark alleys, not dressing like a rich guy etc. Because the club is also heavily secured, it’s the safest place to be at all times. Despite the security, however, I still found a review on Hong Kong’s yelp page that there was a dead body literally in front of the entrance to the club! Yikes! Now I don’t know if that review is true or not, but that’s still a scary thing to imagine. Not gonna let that stop me from going there and having some fun, but it’s something all of us gotta remember when we head out there.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anyone here ever used the Hong Kong Metro Express Service?
    @Cristobal not sure yet when I’m going. It will be soon though. Likely within the next month. Just gotta get approval from work to get a couple days off and I’m good to go. I live in LA so I’m just a 2 hour drive away from the border. Planning on driving there, parking at the border station parking and walking across the ped west station. I’m also planning on staying at Cascadas for a couple days during my visit
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anyone here ever used the Hong Kong Metro Express Service?
    Plus, I’ve only heard about nothing but bad things going on in the general area surrounding the club anyway, so this is probably the only way to go especially if you’re going alone
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anyone here ever used the Hong Kong Metro Express Service?
    I actually read on Hong Kong’s yelp page that you can tip your mesero to get you some tacos from outside. Being that this is gonna be my first time here and that I’m really unfamiliar with the area, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do to try some of those tacos I’ve heard so much about