
Comments by Longislandnightmare

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Miss Kitty’s a no go but not a terrible experience
    If I listened to all the ratings I wouldn’t have gone to any WP clubs. Lol I think it all depends on what you’re into. Out of the clubs that are more risky in WP, Miss Kitty’s has always been a favorite. I’ve met some really cool girls at that place. Cmowes has some nice looking talent now too if you can make it during day time hours.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    This is a review for the record books all bad
    Same thing happened to me. I’m sure I’ll go back eventually but that phone shit is annoying.
  • article comment
    5 years ago
    Dwelling On the past, Strip Club Memories
    In my experience, when they know you’re not a drug user, It’s easier to ask for an electric bill to get paid than it it is to ask for dope money. The electric bill would legit get paid by me but it just freed up an extra hundred to spend on other shit. I was really naive to all of the games back then. You live and learn I guess.
  • article comment
    5 years ago
    Dwelling On the past, Strip Club Memories
    I’ve done it. Twice now. Not proud of it at all.
  • article comment
    5 years ago
    Dwelling On the past, Strip Club Memories
    All great advice but I’m done with this stuff. Every time I’ve gone was for some underlying issue that needs to be worked out other than going to strip clubs. I always end up getting sloppy drunk and doing really dumb shit. The area I’ve always gone is not a place you wanna spend the night in jail either. Seriously though, good advice given.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    What makes an ideal dancer for you? (Unicorn Dancer)
    Definitely on board with everything you described but I’d lean more raunchy than sensual. Sarcastic sense of humor always wins me over as well.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Cats meow
    What you’re describing is the lap dance area. Agreed, very uncomfortable. They have an actual vip area with a locked door and a couch. I wouldn’t dare sit or lay on that thing though. Lol
  • article comment
    5 years ago
    Dwelling On the past, Strip Club Memories
    This article was posted late in the timeline of things. I have gone back there once. This time, much more guarded and behaved. I’m glad I did. It wasn’t the same atmosphere. None of the same people were there working which was also a good thing for me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    on the topic of Metallica (way, WAY off-topic)
    Damn, can’t believe I forgot about agnostic front. That seems absolutely right. Don’t mean to turn this thread around but it’s not often for me to hear other people talk about this music. I assume you guys are north eastern? Did you ever get opportunities to watch a lot of these shows at stalag 13 in philly? It was an amazing hole in the wall that had huge bands (in this genre) play all the time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    on the topic of Metallica (way, WAY off-topic)
    With thrash, hardcore and metal all kinda coming together in the late 70’s who do you think influenced who? Was minor threat, gorilla biscuits, madball and stuff like that branching off into sub genres of their own thing based off of Metallica or the other way around? Just curious of some opinions. I know how minor threat really influenced a lot of stuff I’m into now days but just wondering where you think Metallica played its part?
  • article comment
    5 years ago
    Dwelling On the past, Strip Club Memories
    This article was written before posting any reviews. It’s pretty much been covered through comments and posts I’ve made. Move on if youde like...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Starting to get hooked on AA Strippers
    If you find her lemme know! Please and thank you. Lol
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Starting to get hooked on AA Strippers
    Wp clubs.. not world
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Starting to get hooked on AA Strippers
    Have you ever hung out with that Porsche chick? She was day shift at miss kitty’s a couple years ago. Heard she’s bounced around at most of the world clubs but haven’t caught up with her in awhile. She was really athletic when I met her. Kinda built like a gymnast and had a really sarcastic personality. The first time I met her she said “you like what you see”? Ofcourse I said yes then she said “Either grab a titty or ima best dat ass”! I think I fell in love in that moment. Haha
  • article comment
    5 years ago
    A message I could tell any customer in a club
    That’s awesome. I wish every dancer had this same attitude.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Funny how I destroyed a Shitter in Portland!
    😂 Never heard the term “Murder burgers“ for Whitey’s. I’m definitely stealing it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Wise guys..
    I’ve been careful not to say anything incriminating. Lol The girls name I mentioned prob needs to read this. It might help make better decisions with her potential customers. Who knows.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Wise guys..
    Steeldog, do you go at night or during the day? Just curious. I can’t make an overall assumption of either place but that night I went they were 6 and under and cheeks.. I stepped in, turned around and left. Dollies surprisingly had several 8’s. Mainly AA but that’s my thing. Definitely liked that place!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Wise guys..
    Talia was the girl sitting next to me. She was also the one talking about being a “bad bitch” and beating some chick up for stealing makeup or something. Lol The other girl I thought was cute was tall and thin with a bleach blonde wig on. Didn’t catch her name. The 3rd chick was too heavy set for my liking.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Wise guys..
    That’s seems like a good strategy. From what I read the shift change is around 7 pm For a lot of the girls So staying until 10, you’ll get the full picture. It’s a bummer. 2 of the 3 girls were pretty attractive to me. Just wish they weren’t preoccupied with cellphones.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Wise guys..
    And yeah man... I can’t say anything on the other clubs mentioned since it was my first time at all of those but Dollies was on a whole other level. Haha I’m usually only at strip clubs if something is majorly fucked in my life. I’m still internalizing on how I felt after leaving that place. Lol
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Wise guys..
    A few years back I was hanging at miss kitty’s a lot. One of the WP cops stopped in to say hi one night (he used to bounce there) and some of the girls lured him back for an innocent lap dance. I thought the whole thing was hilarious and definitely took some of the worry out of the scenario.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Holy shit. Not good..
    I can see why someone might think I was pushing for Dollies or something. My review writing skills aren’t really the best and honestly, this wasn’t really a review as it was more of a heads up. Most of the reviews for wise guys are really positive for daytime visits. Only seeing a couple reviews of night time visits, I was more curious to see what was happening out here. It may have been an off night in titty city because all of the clubs (except Larry flints) we’re dead. Shit, C-Mowes was closed even. Never been in that one either but a Saturday night between 11 and 12 seemingly would be a busy time for all these places.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Wise guys..
    Yeah now that you say it like that, It makes sense for one to assume that it was a club add or trash talk. I was just kind of on a mission to hit all these places that I haven’t been to and it was one disappointment after another until getting to Dollies. Dollies was the one place I didn’t really intend on going because I assumed it would’ve been the worst out of them all. I didn’t really look around at any of the clubs. Went straight to the bar at every one of them. Although, I can say wiseguys for sure didn’t seem set up for girls to dance. There was a stage or two on the left as you come in and there were boxes, chairs and other random shit scattered all over the closest stage. Looked like a huge bar fight broke out and never got cleaned up or something. Pretty bizarre.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Cream drummer Ginger Baker
    SJG, Check out Louis Bellson. I believe he actually created the double bass concept back in the 40’s. Baker wasn’t a slouch by any means but check out some of the old jazz and big band drummers. They’re Amazing. https://youtu.be/SODrEiAvxa4