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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 58)

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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
I haven't solved it yet, it would be solved if societal norms made sense though and were actually fair. You're the one trying to claim guys and girls have an equal chance of getting rejected and that the potential for false accusations of sexual misconduct based on gender is equal. The fact that girls are much more likely to reject guys than the other way around and much more likely to make false accusations of sexual misconduct is common knowledge, you didn't accept this though so I actually gave you proof. How much proof do you need for something that constitutes common knowledge? https://reason.com/blog/2018/10/17/seneca-valley-mean-girls-false-sexual When do guys ever do things like this? Have you ever heard of a guy falsely accusing a girl of sexual assault? Cases like that are practically non-existent.
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
Alright here you go. Attractive guy asks 100 girls. That's enough to constitute a scientific sample size. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjR9F9tPNhc Now I will say that I respect them for not doing it. Nevertheless, however, it reflects a huge imbalance in rejection rates based on gender. I agree she was too attractive for the experiment. But objectively, this guy is probably too attractive for this experiment as well and he still struck out every time. Asking a girl out is not the same as initiating a sexual move. Initiating a sexual move is kissing her or putting a hand on her leg and stuff like that.
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
It doesn't happen overnight, but why do you think frat guys are more prone to sexual assault? The guys who are in the highest position of social status on campus are three times more likely to rape than other guys? It certainly couldn't have anything to do with the hyper-masculine environment they surround themselves in where the guy who fucks the most girls is given the most respect right? Or the fact that they might be seen as weak, losers, pussy pansies if they can't get laid?
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
I do wish the video had chosen a more average looking girl. She's a bit too pretty, skews the results, but still good info.
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
My evidence is common sense. Guys hardly ever reject girls. Single guys' desperation is notorious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba-jfC3Lj6s Here's your proof SirLDK. Basically every guy either said yes or had an incredibly polite way of saying no or just said they couldn't have sex that quickly but still wanted to hang out. That's despite her very awkward and nervous way of approaching them, but the guys didn't care. If that's her success rate just walking up to random guys in the street, imagine what the success rate would be if girls approached guys the normal way? It'd be extremely high. What guy would reject an average looking girl? I don't know any. I know guys that are willing to fuck 300 pound women just because they initiated. So with little to no risk of rejection, no risk of legal consequences, no pressure put on them by society to get laid, why on Earth is it guys who have to initiate sex and not girls? Answer me for real, stop posturing so you look like a stud "who gets all dey bitchez" in-front of the rest of TUSCL. You clearly didn't read what I said because none of this argument is about asking girls out on a date. Its about initiating physical/sexual moves.
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
Keep justifying an idiotic system, No dummy.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
Read the shit I post. Don't skim. "Now I'm not completely unwilling to compromise. Let's say guys still need to ask girls out, I don't think anybody would call a guy creepy for asking a girl out. At the very least, however, girls should be in charge of initiating all the physical/sexual moves."
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
Read the shit I post. Don't skim. "Now I'm not completely unwilling to compromise. Let's say guys still need to ask girls out, I don't think anybody would call a guy creepy for asking a girl out. At the very least, however, girls should be in charge of initiating all the physical/sexual moves."
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
I'd say some men are pushed to be creepy perverts by society because society says if you cannot get laid you're a loser. Especially the hyper-masculine side of TUSCL who thinks you not only should initiate, but posits that only a man with confidence and dominance is respectable. How you guys don't see how this could lead to sexual assaults is unbelievable. You just want to justify men thinking with their dicks and not having to control their impulses at all is what the side you argue for amounts to. So stop acting like I'm the only one with a personal interest in this. Furthermore, you might just not be able to see the benefits of anything that doesn't uphold the status quo.
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
@SirLDK Possibly, which is further evidence for why its better the other way around. If girls have to initiate everything sexual, then there's no chance for a guy to be a creepy pervert in the first place because he's not socially allowed to make a move. See why this works better for everyone?
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
Stop deflecting. I have solid evidence to prove that my system is better. Men have the risk of actual legal consequences following their actions that will impact them for the rest of their lives. The worst thing that could happen to a girl is maybe some people call her a slut. Which will then result in a large contingency of girls saying you shouldn't slut shame and another large contingency of guys who say the same thing. At the very least, probably 50% of society will be on your side even if you get called a slut but probably more like 70%. Furthermore, girls will be called a slut whether she initiates or not, if she lets it happen at all she runs a risk of being called a slut. Any before anyone brings it up. Sex workers are definitely a different situation because that carries a different taboo/stigma attached to it that just being a promiscuous girl doesn't.
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
Slut/whore doesn't mean much anymore. Its barely even a stigma now. At the very least, a tremendous number of people are willing to back you up if somebody calls you a slut. A guy gets labeled a creep, pervert, sexist, and misogynist. With those labels, nobody is on your side, you're doomed.
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
How about instead of focusing on whether its working for me or not, you actually tell me why the fuck we should continue a system that is stupid? Now I'm not completely unwilling to compromise. Let's say guys still need to ask girls out, I don't think anybody would call a guy creepy for asking a girl out. At the very least, however, girls should be in charge of initiating all the physical/sexual moves. Here's the risks for a guy who does this. - 80-90% chance of failure. - High chance of doing it wrong somehow, making the girl feel anywhere from a little uncomfortable to sexually assaulted. - If the later is the case, even if the guy did not intend to do so, he just sexually assaulted a girl and may now go to prison or have his life ruined. - If the guy fails but doesn't fail in a creepy way, he may still get made fun of by everyone as a loser. - At the same time people will call him a loser for not trying. In essence, there's an insane amount of pressure on guys in this situation. Girls? - 75% chance of success at least, possibly 90%. - Guys will never falsely accuse a girl of sexual misconduct. - make a move or don't make a move, either way she is just an empowered female. - Gets to dictate exactly how far it goes. So why the fuck are we telling men to be the initiators when they are the ones with everything to lose, and girls have almost nothing to lose by initiating sexual stuff? And why the fuck are you people trying to keep this absurd system the same?
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6 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
What is your favorite type of ethnic food?
Italian food easily. I probably would not be alive today if it weren't for Italian food. Literally 10 out of 14 of my weekly meals are Italian.
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
@NiceSpice your "trolling" is honestly a valid excuse. I think the strip club this hypothetical dancer wants to create would be a great place. If I heard that for real I wouldn't think it was stupid at all. In strip clubs, I'm not anything like I am in the civie world. I do approach dancers in strip clubs because its only fair. My chance of getting rejected for a dance is like 1%, maybe not even that because its never happened before. Its absolutely tiny whereas the dancer has a much bigger chance of getting rejected by the guy. So I make it easy for them and just approach them myself. I have in-fact, approached shy and weird dancers who are sitting alone, along the side couches and bought dances from them. Whenever I've been in a position to do so, I have intentionally befriended the weirdest kid in the room, even if other people laughed at me for it and even if they ostracized me for it. Furthermore, I would defend them if I ever heard people talking shit about them behind their back. Even when I was young I did this. In middle school, I was friends with a girl that everybody thought was too weird. She talked about not believing in the concept of time, not believing in birthdays, or holidays, many other things that caused other kids to write her off, but I didn't. For a couple years or so, I was the only friend she had. I just want a girlfriend who'd treat me the way I'd treat myself if I knew me. I'm bitter towards those guys because they are successful with girls despite being complete asswipes, and instead of condemning this behavior society has instead chosen to act like its cool somehow, exalted them, and tries to compel every guy to act like that. I'm actually not bitter towards guys that are successful and aren't asswipes. I don't dislike Tsukune from Rosario for example even though he has a "harem." I wouldn't feel bitter towards a real life version of him either, because he's a good guy. Several months ago, like around September or so, a girl I liked chose to date another guy instead of me. And even though I was a bit upset personally, it was definitely a comfort when she described the guy and I realized he was actually a really good guy. So I didn't feel bitter towards him and actually later on when she complained about his lack of assertiveness I defended him. I also didn't feel bitter towards the ex-boyfriend of yours you described who was successful. I just feel bitter towards a lot of them because so many men who are successful are also assholes and I feel that people are rewarding them for being assholes instead of trying to correct them. Last year, around this time actually, I did volunteer at the local animal shelter. I couldn't continue going though because it closes surprisingly early so the times it was open conflicted with my class schedules and I felt myself being compelled to skip in order to make it. @Jimmy McNulty Perhaps that's evidence then that its actually young people who have the right idea about how our world should be, and adults who should listen instead of just accepting things as they are. Massive historical changes in the average person's empathy have occurred. As late as the 18th century, lots of people watched public executions for enjoyment. I read somewhere that in the 17th century some kings would have cats burned alive because they thought the cat's screams were funny. Nowadays, wanting to watch these kinds of things would rightfully be considered extremely disturbing and evidence for being a psychopath or a sadist. A lot of people in the historical past were extremely cruel and unfortunately these traits were not especially uncommon. Even when I listen to how my dad described growing up in the 70s, things seemed a lot rougher. He told me that kids would beat you up if they thought you were weird or just not strong enough. And that this was a common thing too. And it wasn't just elementary schoolers but high schoolers doing this too. I've seen kids get ostracized and made fun of, but never physically assaulted. Basically what I'm saying is that the world can change. We don't have to accept it as it is. And it can change a lot faster than you think.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
I can't give up. I want the world to be a better place for guys like me, that'll never happen if I give in and change. I have a very strong desire and ability to love a girl. I really don't believe that many guys are willing to love a girl as powerfully as I would. Any girl would be lucky to have me if they just could get over the fact that I'm shy and weird. If they can't see past that, they don't deserve me. I can't just love any girl, only a girl who is really sweet, kind, and nurturing. By being shy and weird, I can filter out the bad girls from the sweet girls. Because the bad girls want a guy who's powerful and dominant. A girl who really has a good heart won't care about that. By doing this, I can make the world a better place. We can raise good kids, who feel the same way.
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6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Rick dugan
As the article mentioned though. You'd probably feel much much more unsafe in the American south during the Civil War then you would in the old west because despite 1 murder per 1,200 representing an extraordinary homicide rate. Its still not going to feel as dangerous as an inner city ghetto where a drug deal gone wrong could wind up with several people dead and this is a bi-weekly occurrence. The American South in the civil war had a decent population and high per capita rate though. It would've been a pretty scary time to live in.
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6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Rick dugan
Fiction does exaggerate it, but the homicide rate was still extremely high. That's because if you have 1 murder in a town with a population of only 1,200 people. That's a homicide rate of almost 100 per 100,000 compared to today's average which goes between 4-5 per 100,000 in the US.
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6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Rick dugan
Homicide rates in the old west were pretty damn high. https://cjrc.osu.edu/research/interdisciplinary/hvd/homicide-rates-american-west
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
Pistola you've never struck me as being very intelligent at all. So you probably shouldn't try calling people stupid. That's basically the same as if I laughed at somebody for having no game. Speaking of game, I'm not trying to game a girl. I'm trying to find a girl who accepts me for who I am and is willing to love me the same way I'd love her. Even if I did change and became a total playa bruh, how would that help me? By allowing me to sleep with a bunch of girls I have no respect for because I had to become something I despise in order to have sex with them?
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
DUGAN.....I’m calling you OUT
Still not a nobody. A nobody is the person people don't even know exists.
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
I didn’t get laid in high school
"Not taking no for an answer does." That's exactly what playboy types do or they just assume the answer is yes and act accordingly. Nice guys assume its a no until they know its a yes. They're anxious because they're always on the lookout for "is she trying to say no to me in a polite way but doesn't know how?" So that they can just excuse themselves without the girl needing to bluntly reject them. That's the complete opposite of not taking no for an answer. Girls putting them in the same category as dudebros are being ridiculous.
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6 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Hate Mail from CountryGirl
Daddillac is a perfect example of what I mean when I talk about 50 year old men who act like overgrown fratty dudebros.
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6 years ago
avatar for Muddy
DUGAN.....I’m calling you OUT
I've never seen that but attracting comments generally shows that people are interested in what you're saying. If they weren't interested they wouldn't comment.