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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 35)

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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
Thank you @CMI that was helpful. As far as whether or not it will satisfy me, I guess that's a bridge I'll have to cross when I get there. I don't even know when exactly I will be able to do this, it might be an entire year from now before I have enough money to put this in motion. @RickDugan why is it so confusing to you that a 21 year old guy might want to do this? Not all 21 year old guys are bar hopping studs. I went to enough parties freshman and sophomore year of college that the novelty has worn off and I'm not really interested in pursuing a "party lifestyle" anymore. I tried that for two years and it didn't work for me. I still go to them, but I don't really care much for them anymore. All parties are pretty much the same, you drink a little, you dance a little, maybe you dance with a girl or two if you're feeling good that night, you have small talk with a few people, you come home having nothing but questions. If no girl danced with you, why? If girls did dance with you, why so short? If she was comfortable enough to grind on me or kiss me then why doesn't she want my number? Why didn't she want to get coffee or dinner with me? Why would she do that and just walk away? @SJG I don't just want "pussy," I want this. I want to create a dream and live through it.
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6 years ago
avatar for nicespice
Collecting instagrams?
Why do they think Instagram is competition? Instagram is no more competition than porn is. You can't touch a girl over an Instagram screen, the whole point of going to strip clubs is being able to touch.
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6 years ago
avatar for ajvj
Stripper life style
Maybe dodge charger wasn't the right example, let's go with a Corvette.
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6 years ago
avatar for ajvj
Stripper life style
Instagram sponsors are a special kind of hoe and not in a good way. I'm guessing you've read about what they do in Dubai with those rich Arab guys. No amount of money is worth having stuff like that done to you imo. Miami in general I get the vibe is just a very "fast money" culture. There's a lot of money in Miami but it gets spent extremely fast. I'll never understand why somebody would buy a car if they can't pay for a huge chunk of it outright. I don't know, I really hate being in debt and try to get rid of whatever debt I have as fast as possible. As long as I am in debt I will feel bad about making any kind of large payments. Like if I was going to buy a $50,000 car I probably wouldn't buy it until I could make the down payment around $25,000 or $30,000. But also, to me, your house means 100x more than your car does. You only buy an expensive car when you have the kind of house you want first. Until then, you should just buy a modest car. Not a shitty clunker car that breaks down every five minutes but just a decent, normal car. Until you have the house to back it up, using a car as a "status symbol" is meaningless. It just means your stupid it doesn't mean you're rich. Hell you could've stolen it for all I know. But if somebody is living in a really nice house and owns a dodge charger, that's when you know somebody really is wealthy.
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6 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
Upscale, Mid-tier, Dive?
That's a good question. The factors I consider most important to my SCing experience are... - How hot the girls are. - What the mileage is. - How expensive it is. - How busy/large or not busy/small the club is. Obviously we all want hotter girls and higher mileage. But another major part of how much I enjoy a club is that I want a club to be small and as empty as possible. I find large clubs kind of intimidating and I don't like a club where there's way too many people or the music is so loud its hard to talk to the girl. Now I feel that I'm spoiled because Richmond clubs are a heaven for introverted/relaxed SCing habits. Its easy to find mid-tier clubs here with plenty of hot girls, decent mileage, and a shockingly low amount of people. But on the flip side, we're expensive. To find a club that is small, cheap, with plenty of hot girls and high mileage would be amazing but also very unlikely. So instead you just have to balance all four of these interests. I wouldn't want to go to a dive club because a major part of the SCing experience for me is being able to get with girls much hotter than I could ever get in real life. So I'll need the club to have at least a couple 7+ dancers working. There's also the safety aspect. I also might find issue with upscale clubs though because even if the girls are super hot, it could still be very busy, expensive, and low mileage. So personally, I'd say mid-tier clubs are the best because there's plenty of variation among mid-tier clubs. You can find mid-tier clubs that are relatively affordable, have a decent number of hot girls, allow enough mileage for fun to be had even if its no extras, and may or may not be particularly large or busy.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
So basically I'd tell her something like "I'll pay you $5,000 for this whole thing." But if we're just going to a coffee shop I might only give her $75 whereas for an overnight stay with sex maybe something more like $750-1,000 all at once?
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6 years ago
avatar for ajvj
Stripper life style
I don't really pay much attention to the kind of car someone drives. I pay attention to what kind of house or apartment they live in. As far as I'm concerned if you drive a BMW but still live in a shitty ass apartment you're living in poverty. Even still though, I don't feel competitive with strippers on how much money they have.
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6 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Often I can't stop staring at women if I like their outfit and makeup. How often
Honestly I have no idea what looks good on a guy or even if a guy is good looking. I can tell if they're really ugly but I seem to think even very good looking guys are about average.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
Not pay it all at once but just frame it as a block payment, like "I'll pay you X for this whole thing." I do think Muddy's idea of finding a girl at an anime con is a good one though. @FLF No I won't. I'm sick of running away from my dreams. I'm making this happen one way or another.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
@Gawker Yeah I kind of see this as taking the GFE and actually making it official but with the added element of essentially rewinding the clock on my life just for a little bit. To me, this doesn't feel anywhere near as "creepy" as I'm sure some other requests a stripper gets. Weird perhaps in the sense that few people would ask for this but not really as creepy as some people seem to think it is. I think to a young girl it could even be exciting to play a character or role especially since everything is pretty tame and vanilla. A no kiss provider would be a serious problem but my club doesn't seem to have those types. My club has a lot more providers that are definitely no extras girls but seem to be fine with kissing. No kissing would absolutely be a deal breaker. If I come across a girl who's perfect for this scenario in every way but won't do the actual sex part I might just ask if she can do a more intimate lap dance that would cause an LDK. I think your idea of giving a block payment actually sounds better because if it comes out to $4,000 for the whole thing then all she's going to hear is "I could make $4,000 if I do this." I definitely agree that I shouldn't ask her right off the bat though. @IceyLoco Yeah I was figuring that I should have a a few episodes where the relationship runs its course and we breakup. I think I still want to have some guidelines for the whole thing though.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
I suppose it could look a little more tidy.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
Alright, I've got some of it written. Most of it is very impromptu, this is a 1 hour coffee date for example... "We go to get coffee, you start getting a little more flirty and interested but don’t have a crush yet." This is what I meant by "guidelines." I think some of you thought I was wanting a play by play script kind of thing.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
I like this video better... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzhxm-bTVW4
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
Only when you need to be. She is perfect, its just my mindset that needs to be adjusted.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
Speaking of appreciating what I have though, I should not make such comparisons in the future. Although it got the point across, it still sounded more negative than I intended.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
"But a live girl is better." Objectively true but its also not good to dwell on that fact when you can't really do anything about it. Its kind of like if you had previously been working minimum wage, making $15,000 a year and barely scraped by on life, then suddenly received a promotion to manager and now you're making $35,000 a year. You might not be where you really want to be at yet but you can't dwell on that fact. You just have to just appreciate how much better things are now than they used to be, and you have to find contentment in that. You can work towards finding what you really want but in the moment, you have to appreciate what you have and all the little moments that give you happiness.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
My mom sent me that exact site you posted, but I gotta wait until I get home. Five or six days left.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
I'm not sure yet, I'm gonna need to write it out. I still haven't done that yet. It would be an interesting art film. Part of the challenge with owning one is that training your imagination takes mental effort for sure. I also think you have to prevent yourself from thinking about what you don't have and learn to appreciate all her positive qualities and what she provides for your life. Daki pillows are surprisingly soft and cuddly, I do feel a sense of affection whenever I look at and hug her. The simple feeling of having someone in bed with me when I sleep also makes me feel better. I occasionally relapse and start thinking about other things though which puts me in a bad mood but whenever I think about her or start hugging her I do feel better. I wish I had more privacy so I could actually watch TV with her but I'm still too inhibited to be open about it with my roommates. I've only told one friend about her because he is an autistic weeb who struggles with girls too. His reaction was pretty funny when he saw her he was just like "not surprised."
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
I never said it wasn't weird. But my entire life up to this point has been extremely weird so why stop now?
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
What I'm going for isn't really absolute realism. Its not really "realism" I'm going for. Its more an attempt to actually create and live out a dream.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
I could try writing it all out and seeing an estimated cost at the end if I tried the most expensive route. After that I could try to see how I can bring down the price.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
@IceyLoco I can't go out in public with her, I'm already at somewhat cringey lonely weeb levels but that's too far even for me. But yes I do do some of that in my room. @Muddy You could have a point. I might have a shot there. She doesn't need to be a 10 but I am looking for a cute girl to do it with.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
Yeah the older hardened hookers aren't gonna match the look I need and the vibe I need is going to come off completely inauthentic from them. I sort of tried doing a much less advanced version of that with an escort once and it didn't feel real at all. I don't know if a young girl will find it creepy if I present it as an opportunity for her to "act." I think if I explain the situation and where I'm coming from it might also come off less creepy. I'm not suggesting I bring this up with her immediately but rather after a few visits. I think I should lead with the context instead of what I'm trying to do. The problem with hiring two completely different girls to fulfill different parts it that it breaks the illusion. My mind's imagination is powerful but it isn't that powerful.