
Comments by Maus3r (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Describe the worst lap dance you've ever received?
    Oh man ... I just wrote about it. I'll try to relive it here. Imagine losing complete control over your senses and reason, and the dancer morphs into a being of composed entirely of light and unhealthy thoughts, babbling nonsense at you while you hold back your vomit ... all the while you are hemorrhaging cash.
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Stop holding doors for us if you don't want to talk about ending rape culture as
    I hold open doors for everyone, purely for optics. The only way I can help is to hand out switch blades and box cutters. The world is a dangerous neighborhood. Swing low.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stredocesky kraj
    How to dress in Tijuana?
    Nekkid? Then the dancers would try to start paying me but you can't buy entertainment like that! It must be earned! lol j/k!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How much in savings makes you feel rich
    I feel rich when I can eat steak dinners and drink mediocre wine all week. I never worked out how much that costs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stredocesky kraj
    How to dress in Tijuana?
    **All I am really saying is consider what it is you really want, and then see if this sort of a trip is really the best way to get it, and then how it is you want to conduct yourself on it.** - That is sound advice and I will certainly be giving the trip much more though as time goes by.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stredocesky kraj
    How to dress in Tijuana?
    SJG - I have no idea. So far all I know is from what I have read online and from stories I have heard from friends. Currently I am building up an idea of what the experience will be like, but the reality may be very different. I might walk into the lobby of HK, and walk right out if I get a bad vibe. I agree about the clothing, but as I said, when I do it, its for my pleasure. If a girl approves, bonus. If not ... who cares. I do the same thing with cologne. I wear it because I like the way it smells. **Consider how you are going to be presenting yourself to the girls? What are you going to be telling them about yourself, and about why you are in TJ?** - Will I be interrogated by the dancers when I get there? I plan to present myself as a respectful person, with some kinks. I don't plan to tell them very much about myself. If anything, I will try to get them talking about themselves. As for my purpose, just lookin' to create some memories, and TJ seems to have women that fit my preferences. (Mature, tough , with sexy curves) I speak a little Spanish, and I am trying to learn some more before I commit to the trip. "Por favor no me mates, ¡el dinero está en la billetera de mi amigo!" To answer your last question, I got this problem SJG - when I find a girl here, and let's say she promises me everything I ask for, what she usually wants in return is marriage. I am not a fan of the institution. When I say upfront, "Hey, I'm a no strings attached kind of guy" and she agrees and says that she's cool with it, what does she do? She starts trying to attach strings. This has happened to me so many times that I do not even take the chance with local girls now. The last thing I would ever do is get involved with someone who lives very close to me. Oh, when that's not happening, the married women try their luck. The last thing I need is some jealous husband throwing a molotov cocktail on my roof at 3am.
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    While being yourself in a profession isn't always possible , it certainly is to
    I agree. I am not going to school so I can get a job at a place I hate and have to act like people I do not respect just to blend in. We get an education to give ourselves options, not limit ourselves.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stredocesky kraj
    How to dress in Tijuana?
    Countryman - You know that's not a bad idea actually. I'm not really a shorts type of guy but in this case they offer a tactical advantage. In American strip clubs the jeans I wear always get in the way and the damn zipper ... ... you know what, we don't need to talk about the zipper.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stredocesky kraj
    How to dress in Tijuana?
    Looks like the ensemble is gonna be Adidas, flip flops, one of the toy watches you get out of the gumball machines, and a sombrero with rhinestones and strobing LED lights. (I meant this as a joke but the image I am getting in my head is fantastic!)
  • article comment
    6 years ago
    Did desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?
    Around the World in 80 Days of Porn
    I agree, Salieri is a genius. I can almost immediately identify his films. I recently rediscovered Sarah Louise Young. She was even hotter in her European productions, which I coincidentally found on xhamster. She is almost too good looking. Almost...
  • article comment
    6 years ago
    First time to Hong Kong Bar in Tijuana. Sharing some tips I picked up (Part 1)
    san_jose_guy - Excellent! If I can find what I need just in that general area I can flesh binge for days! (steeples fingers, planning plans within plans)
  • article comment
    6 years ago
    First time to Hong Kong Bar in Tijuana. Sharing some tips I picked up (Part 1)
    I am partial to older women with stronger, fit bodies who can handle vigorous enthusiasm. She doesn't need a pretty face, she just needs a decent chest and a strong set of hips and legs, (and some great hygiene, obviously). I don't even mind some belly fat, as long as she can work hard. Inside HK, has anyone seen anything that might fit that description? The girls in the pics I have seen seem like delicate flowers, ones that require a soft touch. If not, how about on the street?