Main Takeaways: As someone that pays between 300-600/hr in the San Francisco Bay Area per date, TJ is a really amazing place in terms of quality, youth, and fun energy. Huge value of course too, but the real benefit of TJ is the choices and the attractiveness of the dancers. I don't think I've been surrounded with so many attractive Latinas in all my life. Must Try.
Me: Asian dude, early 30s. Work in tech. I’m decent looking, but sometimes I think that works against you… more on that later. Came alone and drank a bit but not enough to get trashed. No drugs. Lots of women asked if I was there alone or with friends and were surprised that I came alone, because I looked so innocent. I paid for everything in USD, and I spent most of my time at HK Bar.
HK Tips: 1. If you are going solo to monger, it’s much better to walk around and find a girl you would rate as 8/9, and get her a drink to warm up to her and feel her out for arriba. Majority of girls who are approaching you will be 6s, 7s, and you might regret not speaking with the girl that really catches your eye. 2. If you don’t negotiate on the floor, expect to pay about 80-100 for arriba -- no clock watching really if you already have a room at the HK. It’s better to start with your number first, but don't be too forceful for the right girl. From what I saw/heard, Locals get quoted 50-60 USD, Gringos get quoted 60-80 USD, Chinos get quoted 70-90 USD. 3. As an Asian male, for whatever reason, I was never quoted anything under 80. One girl who I had good chemistry with even walked away, when I wouldn’t budge below 85 from 90, and I don’t think I was being rude, but you never know. I regretted not following after her :( 4. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by women with big tits rubbing your cock. Don’t just be a doe staring at the pretty women, but decide for yourself each women you pass by if she’s a 7,8,9,10 and then decide to engage based on that. 5. Solo, I usually recommend not sitting down for a drink and depending on the waiters, but rather finding a girl first, and then suggesting you get a drink together. Call me a romantic, but I like to at least have a small drink with the girl to see if there's chemistry / conversation. Bigger groups are better for depending on the waiter. 6. If people ask why you're there, Quiero sexo is a pretty good answer- also, you're unmarried and have no kids. This will help out the girls who are conflicted about helping men cheat! 7. When you’re inside of the hotel room, put on some latin music. From your phone is fine. Let the girl pick something and just set it to radio mode. Girls later on in the night will be impressed by your music tastes, often asking for the name of the songs :)
Logistics: - 12:00 From airport, Lyft to downtown SD - 2:00 Lunch near the USS San Diego, walked around the area. From there, it was a few blocks walk to the Blue Line (to San Ysidro) - 3:30: Arrived, crossed border, and got into Avenida Revolucion. Had some snacks. There's viagra and cialis shops, if you need it, but I didn't partake. - Tip: Buy condoms and lubricant somewhere along the way. The girls sometimes don’t have any on their own, and the ones from TJ/HK might not have the selection you like. - 4:00 Took a cab to HK, quick ride. 5 dollars. - 4:30 Checked into hotel, didn’t get VIP Card since I was only saying one night. Used my Master Suite reservation for $100/night. - 5:00 Rested a bit. Ate dinner at the Restaurant Azul, which was pretty reasonable. (<$10) Went to the OXXO across from HK Club and bought some beer and water. - Tip: Buy a few bottles of beer, red bull, and water in case the girls want to drink something when they come up to your room. Offering them a beverage is a nice way to break the ice. Always offered sealed drinks, because otherwise it looks sketchy. - 6:00 Did a block around the strip, and saw some OK SWs, but decided to stick with HK Club. Stepped into HK Club. Lots of hot girls.
Women (general) When entering HK Club, you see lots of people, pretty much anytime after 5PM I think. Folks are having a good time, lots of mexican and white dudes, and a few asian dudes too. I saw black dudes too, but that was a rare sight. The dancing girls are sometimes hotter than the ones standing around, but you don’t really have a good way to chat those women up unless you speak Spanish-- don’t bother waiting for them because they’ll sometimes dance forever, especially if it’s something like the shaving cream show. You’ll find more full bodied women than petite / model type. One really popular girl was rocking the Mia Khalifa look - with the glasses and the neon bikini. She was super popular, and saw her go up with at least 5 dudes throughout the night, and that's just what I saw!
7:10pm The Sisters: Fernanda and Thalia
A few girls approached me once I got into HK, and I bought them drinks for some harmless lapdances and cock teasing, but it wasn’t until two “sisters” came onto me when I decided to start spending money for sex, one spinner who looked like a lighter sinned Fernanda Romero 8/10 (look her up) and one knockout body and ass with a face like Thalia 9/10 (another famous Latina actress). I didn’t know it initially, but I think they were relatively new. Fernanda did all the talking, as Thalia spoke only Spanish. Thalia had a fucking amazing ass though, and I kinda wished that I could have just fucked her solo. After some discussion, I asked for a dance, and we went to the dark room where I gave the mesero 42. In the dark room, they took turns sitting on my lap and I felt them up as we chatted. Eventually negotiated going upstairs for 50 each, down from 80 each. (Later on I found out that this wasn’t a common price for two girls, which can go up to 200 each but for a pornstar experience.)
They got robes from the HK Staff, which I tipped the maseros for, and we went upstairs to my room where I offered drinks and paid them. I actually tipped them 10 dollars extra each since I was like why not (TJ mongers will probably complain about me causing the rates to go up). Afterward, we spent a lot of time fooling around, touching each others bodies before having sex. I was smiling like crazy, since I was about to fuck these two really hot latina women! I gave a lot of eye contact and smiles to Thalia since I was more attracted to her, and she kept smiling back and talking about me to her friend in Spanish. Her friend would translate, saying she thought I was really good looking / handsome/ whatever. Couldn’t tell if she was just saying bullshit, but it seemed genuine since she was just saying it to her friend. Eventually, I couldn’t hold it in and I wanted to fuck but turns out these dumb newbies didn’t have condoms! Went into the hallway to look for a staff and asked for two condoms and lube. Tipped him 5 dollars (lol), because it’s all I had in the pants I threw on. After I got back, the girls tore a condom open and went down on me. -- I should have been more commanding to experience that longer, but I think they thought since I was hard already that I didn't need anymore BJ's. After a quick double blowjob, I had Thalia on top of me as I massaged the tits of Fernanda. She seemed to be enjoying it, and I had enough beer in me that I didn’t come immediately. After ~3 minutes of her on top, we moved to doggy style. After another ~5 minutes of that, I started slowing down / getting tired because I had been really giving it to her, but wasn’t coming! When I started to slow down, Thalia said something in Spanish into the pillow where her face was. I think (?) I was bringing her pleasure, because Fernanda quickly told me “not to stop, continue fucking” but by then I had to change positions. After a few more thrusts into her from behind, I was really tired from fooling around and fucking for ~10 minutes by that point, so I went into missionary, pulled Thalia’s legs in the air and pumped my cum into her in less than a minute and kissed her neck all over, but I could tell she wanted to come from doggy style earlier and wasn’t thrilled to be done in missionary. (oops!)
Afterward, the girls didn’t feel like leaving yet. (I think they were new to TJ and HK Bar?) The three of us now side by side, naked in bed, they actually kept joking around saying I was good looking and we laid in bed touching each others bodies. They also started taking naked selfies with me (!). Honestly, if I was thinking straight I would have told them to stop. I have no idea where those photos will end up, but I figured it was fine. Luckily, I’m not a politician. Thalia thought that me and Fernanda would made a good couple, and she started joking that we should get married and have half asian, half mexican babies. I went along with it, but it started making Fernanda self conscious. I noticed that she had some scar tissue on her thighs from possibly self-harm, and I started feeling a bit guilty. The girls suggested that we use the hot tub, and I was like, okay!
It took awhile to fill the tub, but once in the tub, the girls seemed more comfortable and chatted with me and each other. I was having fun and just went with the flow. Plus, I needed to recover and I wanted to have sex again with either of them. (This turned out to be a really good deal since they ended up staying with me for almost two hours in total.) In the tub, they were giving me foot jobs and hand jobs and kept saying I should marry Fernanda, or taking naked selfies of themselves in the hot tub. I was thoroughly amused, so I just went with it. Afterall, I was far passed the 30 minutes that I had originally paid for. I think they wanted me to be assertive with one or the other, as a signal to fool around more, but I didn’t know that at the time since I was having fun just hanging out in the jacuzzi with two pretty hot latina chicks.
Eventually, the hot tub got too hot, and we got out of the tub. I communicated through my eyes that I wanted to fuck Thalia again, since Fernanda was being a bit distant after a joke about us getting married. Once we got on the bed, she was naked, and I had my cock out. She put my cock in her mouth before before realizing she should probably use a condom, and asked me, Condom? I agreed. Somewhat risky, but in the moment, my brain was a bit scattered. After the condom went on, I pushed her gently onto the bed and went straight for missionary, kissing her body all over. Fernanda was watching on the corner of the bed. I couldn't be bothered though, because Thalia is really who I wanted to fuck anyway from the start. The second time she was even more comfortable than before and happy to be getting a second round (I think). Plus we both had loosened up from the hot tub or sobered up from our original drinks. After maybe five minutes of fucking, I came hard into into the bag, and imagined my cum filling up her amazing light skinned body. She massaged my back as I laid there between her legs. AMAZING. Afterward, the girls got up to leave, and I didn’t stop them. Said thanks for a great time.
As of writing, it's currently about 9:00pm. I am planning on going back down later tonight once my refractory period recovers. Look out for my Part 2.
P.S. I wonder if Fernanda would give Thalia her money later on, realizing it was unfair that I fucked Thalia twice and I paid both of them the same amount. I'll never know...
Why do PLs suddenly become cheapskates while in Mexico?
If the going rate in California is 300-600 per hour, why haggle to get $10 off? Why not give her what she asks for and negotiate getting extra time instead?
Every time I've gone, which hasn't been all that many, I was overwhelmed. That led to settling on 2nd choices and not seeing the ones I really wanted to. I agree with the advice to hold out. Great review and great tips.
One thing, I bought my own condoms and was paranoid (because, Tijuana hookers) so I got condoms with spermicide to extra STD protection. Don't do that. "No bueno! No bueno!" Result was the girls hated the condoms and insisted on their own which were like 1/4" thick. I never provide my own condoms and figured I should there, but made a bad call. Perhaps find ones that taste like Michelada
@ papi - you are right about not over-paying - but in this case, I'd side with Bavarian. OP was there for one night. Not a weekly visitor. And OP himself regretted his $10 saving - when he did not get the girl he really wanted for his first trip. Ten, one-dollar tacos does not make up for banging a legit hottie !
@ OP - good tip on walking around and seeking what you want. It applies to all strip clubs. Passive customers get approached by 4-7s and often settle for what falls on their lap. Being a little pro-active can help get the 8-9s.
I have checked in a noon before to Hotel Cascadia. If they have a room then it's yours. I always bring my own condoms. I ran out last time, and had to use one from the front desk. I could barely feel the blowjob so I took it off and asked for a hand job. They are horrible.
Lots and lots of accounts of girls in US clubs who encourage front room makeout sessions. And then in Mexico the accounts are boundless, and in some of the clubs you aren't really given any choice. Its no accident that in these maximum mileage and maximum female aggression clubs that the girls do it that way.
You don't have to go along with the 'dances' gimmick. And there are lots of ways of handing a girl money right there in the front room. First thing you want to do is get her off script. And the front room makeout session is the epitome of this.
The girl who approaches you has probably psyched herself up to make it happen. And there is nothing wrong with her doing that. But if you can select and approach the girl yourself, though she may not be initially as available, long term, approaching her yourself will serve you better.
So in TJ, do you approach, or let them approach you? And if it is the former, where do you most usually do this. Do you risk loosing your seating place in doing so?
Looks like in HK's VIP room they have roomy couches, could be better than the main stage seating area?
^^^^ And coming from one with lots of TJ experience, that insight is important.
Say you've got the extra money, do you think it better to find your girl(s) in the VIP room, with those couches for extended front room friendliness, before taking her arriba.
"Everyone who takes advantage of Exclusive Miami will also enjoy the company of the most beautiful and seductive women of Hong Kong in an area where intimate moments and naughty deeds are never-ending."
Then you could take your girl for food, and then up to your hotel suit for TLN.
But I bet the girls being screened and it starting in the VIP Room, they will want more money. Looks worth it though.
"Take a short drive to Hong Kong Gentlemen’s Club’s newest private area and experience the heat like never before! It’s a one of a kind, intimate lounge experience equipped with only the best for our loyal patrons, including private rooms and restrooms.
Everyone who takes advantage of Exclusive Miami will also enjoy the company of the most beautiful and seductive women of Hong Kong in an area where intimate moments and naughty deeds are never-ending. "
most of the girls in the miami are allready with a customer. but some of the girls hang out for a little while in the miami room. and then back into the main hk club. i have not noticed any difference in service or prices. when i walk around the club i’m also checking out the miami room. all it takes is one.
So if you buy your VIP Membership, then you can just walk right into the Miami? Need to buy $57 beer and ficha bucket?
Need to wait until seating is available, need to reserve seating?
Bring your own girl in, or available girls will appear once you enter?
I am assuming that the girls will go further in the front room, when it is in these VIP areas. Probably most guys there have an overnight hotel room.
But maybe because they see the guy as a big spender the girls might try to squeeze him harder?
I would suspect that the advantage would be girls going further, and in that VIP front room, and then being more ready for an extended or TLN session. I would not be surprised, especially with those low armless chairs by the sofas, if there are no limits in the Miami VIP Room, like oral both ways and FS.
I would assume that that is like a preliminary FS, then continuing arriba.
One of their VIP areas has sofas where each has its own little stage and pole?
Kudos to "n0tmyf1r5t" for explaining that the shower is the place for anal.
So maybe hard non-slip floor which can take the high heels. Grab handles for the girl to hold on to.
Then after clean her up and do the final undress, and then rinse off, and then into the hot tub. Should be able to prefill water and keep it warm by thermostat.
Cascadas is fine. But I am going to LIVE IN PLACES LIKE THIS!
any anal I've enjoyed is on the bed. I've yet to see a girl get in the shower dressed the least bit. if you are going to spend some money on a girl just take her arriba. those fichas really can add up.
^^^^^^ But don't you think "n0tmyf1r5t" gets kudos for thinking of the dry shower as the place to do that. They also seem to have a tiled area between the toilet and the shower. That way, after the anal round, you finally take everything remaining off of her, shower, and then into the hot tub. I think nOtmyf1rst5t is brilliant. I had thought about things like that, but I was oblivious to the obvious solution. In my view, sexual choreographies are extremely important.
I am partial to older women with stronger, fit bodies who can handle vigorous enthusiasm. She doesn't need a pretty face, she just needs a decent chest and a strong set of hips and legs, (and some great hygiene, obviously). I don't even mind some belly fat, as long as she can work hard. Inside HK, has anyone seen anything that might fit that description? The girls in the pics I have seen seem like delicate flowers, ones that require a soft touch.
I would expect that their real crew is very much like what you are describing. If not at the HK, then at the second tier bars. I believe they would very much enjoy what you are suggesting.
san_jose_guy - Excellent! If I can find what I need just in that general area I can flesh binge for days! (steeples fingers, planning plans within plans)
Can someone please help me out. I'm planning a mission on a Thursday, but I'm worried about my work calling or texting me while there. Does anyone know if my ringer will sound different?? Would texting me let them know I'm in Mexico??
last commentIf the going rate in California is 300-600 per hour, why haggle to get $10 off? Why not give her what she asks for and negotiate getting extra time instead?
So did you do as you said and approach girls?
Did you spend the whole night with one? Exchange contact info for return visits?
That makeout session is crucial. But the one thing you do not ever do is initiate a discussion about such.
King Crimson…………
You will need to buy condom (if you don’t have any) $1
Maybe lube $1
Range of $1-3
or waiting till they approach you?
And is the front room makeout session a crucial part of the front room preliminaries?
Long session? TLN? Exchanging contact info and seeing the girl again by appointment?
Wendy Brown, very good!…
So Jim, did you approach girls, stage? tip+feel up? when they were seated?
Or did you wait until they approached you?
Did you try to steer it to front room makeout sessions before arriba?
OP was there for one night. Not a weekly visitor. And OP himself regretted his $10 saving - when he did not get the girl he really wanted for his first trip. Ten, one-dollar tacos does not make up for banging a legit hottie !
@ OP - good tip on walking around and seeking what you want. It applies to all strip clubs. Passive customers get approached by 4-7s and often settle for what falls on their lap. Being a little pro-active can help get the 8-9s.
or waiting till they approach you?
And is the front room makeout session a crucial part of the front room preliminaries?
Long session? TLN? Exchanging contact info and seeing the girl again by appointment?
Countryman5434 +5
Lots and lots of accounts of girls in US clubs who encourage front room makeout sessions. And then in Mexico the accounts are boundless, and in some of the clubs you aren't really given any choice. Its no accident that in these maximum mileage and maximum female aggression clubs that the girls do it that way.
You don't have to go along with the 'dances' gimmick. And there are lots of ways of handing a girl money right there in the front room. First thing you want to do is get her off script. And the front room makeout session is the epitome of this.
The girl who approaches you has probably psyched herself up to make it happen. And there is nothing wrong with her doing that. But if you can select and approach the girl yourself, though she may not be initially as available, long term, approaching her yourself will serve you better.
So in TJ, do you approach, or let them approach you? And if it is the former, where do you most usually do this. Do you risk loosing your seating place in doing so?
Looks like in HK's VIP room they have roomy couches, could be better than the main stage seating area?
Stairway To Heaven…
Say you've got the extra money, do you think it better to find your girl(s) in the VIP room, with those couches for extended front room friendliness, before taking her arriba.
"Everyone who takes advantage of Exclusive Miami will also enjoy the company of the most beautiful and seductive women of Hong Kong in an area where intimate moments and naughty deeds are never-ending."……
There is another picture of one of their VIP areas where it looks like each couch is actually attacked to a little stage.
See in this picture, each couch has got a low end chair, for something.
Looks like this is set up so that you can have your own GFE-porno session right there.…
Then you could take your girl for food, and then up to your hotel suit for TLN.
But I bet the girls being screened and it starting in the VIP Room, they will want more money. Looks worth it though.
"Take a short drive to Hong Kong Gentlemen’s Club’s newest private area and experience the heat like never before! It’s a one of a kind, intimate lounge experience equipped with only the best for our loyal patrons, including private rooms and restrooms.
Everyone who takes advantage of Exclusive Miami will also enjoy the company of the most beautiful and seductive women of Hong Kong in an area where intimate moments and naughty deeds are never-ending.
Need to wait until seating is available, need to reserve seating?
Bring your own girl in, or available girls will appear once you enter?
I am assuming that the girls will go further in the front room, when it is in these VIP areas. Probably most guys there have an overnight hotel room.
But maybe because they see the guy as a big spender the girls might try to squeeze him harder?
I would suspect that the advantage would be girls going further, and in that VIP front room, and then being more ready for an extended or TLN session. I would not be surprised, especially with those low armless chairs by the sofas, if there are no limits in the Miami VIP Room, like oral both ways and FS.
I would assume that that is like a preliminary FS, then continuing arriba.
One of their VIP areas has sofas where each has its own little stage and pole?…
Some of the girl gallery pics show how big the showers can be. Some girl pics with girl in shower, still in her high heels and thigh high stockings.
Maybe this:……
Kudos to "n0tmyf1r5t" for explaining that the shower is the place for anal.
So maybe hard non-slip floor which can take the high heels. Grab handles for the girl to hold on to.
Then after clean her up and do the final undress, and then rinse off, and then into the hot tub. Should be able to prefill water and keep it warm by thermostat.
Cascadas is fine. But I am going to LIVE IN PLACES LIKE THIS!
Thanks for the info,
if you are going to spend some money on a girl just take her arriba. those fichas really can add up.
If not, how about on the street?
:) :) :)
They say that Ginger Baker was the first one to be using an expanded drum kit - full album…
If you don't mind my asking, where are you, what country?
Check your messages Biomechanist for a response.