
Comments by Locutusbrg (page 2)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    But not too old!
    Freelance Visits
    OWG. I have been told by a reliable source that April hasn't been seen in 2 months or more. She may have left. I have always recommended Krystal she is a delightful and beautiful young lady. She reached out to me me last week to let me know that she is attempting to quit dancing permanently. After 5 years at desire she cleaned out her locker She is taking a job outside of the adult entertainment business. She has told me that she's had enough, and for personal reasons wants to be done with it. Some girls come back some don't, but for now she won't be available anymore. She did leave on good terms so she can come back but probably won't if she can help it.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    combination of a bunch of few weekday visits from a regular
    Wow between you and OWG that is why I hardly review this club anymore. Very comprehensive and accurate. I wish everyone did this for all clubs. Nice work
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Cubans or Brazilians?
    Technically crystal is Brazilian but she has been here since she was little and has no accent. Can recommend. Winter is attractive but always seems uninterested no info. She is usually hanging out with Melissa and brunha.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Maybe Its Time To Go Elsewhere
    Krystal was away and now she is back. Courtney moved to nights according to a couple of reviews earlier. Always good to check out the other places. Lately I have noticed this pendulum in their 100 girls and 10 guys or 20 girls and 100 guys. Since I usually only go now to see my Desire Wife I never really am shopping like I used to. That said, she went upstairs with another customer after my time with her was over. I had no less than three girls sit down with me looking for attention. One quite attractive one. I had spent my desire allowance and told them no. Many many people have complained about this regular effect at desire. Very real and it is frustrating. Give the other places a go it won't hurt... Unless you want it to hahaha.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    My review of Foxy Lady Providence for Summer 2022 party:
    Lol curt no wonder u use an alias. You are not the beloved figure in RI you used to be.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Dick Johnson
    FBI - Female Body Inspector
    Fun but somewhat disappointing
    I am usually in on Fridays. Your experience may be typical for a young guy. I often hear from the day girls that young guys just don't have money. It's a hard stigma to overcome when they don't know you. No excuses, it's thier fault for assuming. They don't really care how attractive you are. It's a strip club not a night club. I usually go in on Friday for the express purpose of seeing one girl. If she is thier I barely pay attention to the other girls. The DJ... honestly agree with all your critiques. It is hard to really get good perspective on the new guy experience when I am the standard PL who frequents the club. Thanks
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Two Visits: One Winner, One Loser (and New ROB Alert)
    IMO I have never left the VIP if they ask for more. But a few have tried. I definatly take note when they are asking me if I have been there before. That often is a clue if they are trying to hustle up the price. If one of them insisted I wouldn't fear stopping the dance and walking out before time is up. I am not 100% sure what the house reaction would be. Anyone with experience should speak up. For a strip club it does seem to oddly favor the customer sometimes. I have seen some of the girls lay into some guy for being grabby in the bar and they did not toss him. Which I though was a bad move on their part he should have been tossed.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    'Twas the day before Memorial Day...
    I have noticed most springs that nice weather lowers foot traffic overall there until after the 4th. Then it kind of rebounds.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Two Visits, But One Dance
    The blonde sounds like Kayla. Don't know her she seems to only see regulars. She is there a lot on days.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    But not too old!
    Who Googled the Mighty Mouse theme?
    Wow I think the comments have gone a bit off the rails related to the club itself. Owg does exist is not a employee or dancer I have spoken with him in person.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Monthly update on dancers
    Crystal reaches out to me on occasion to see if I am interested in meeting up. She is still working there.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Empty stage dive bar feel.
    @ ecroto it was about 4 to 530 in the afternoon.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Empty stage dive bar feel.
    @ joker I thank you for the constructive criticism. I will say. I wasnt asking the bartender for lap dance prices. The two on their phone weren't attractive to me, I don't write negative description of dancers. It's unfair and totally useless in my opinion. The closest woman to me was 5 feet with her back to me talking to a customer. 1 woman walked past me tall blonde with big cans is about as descriptive as I can get. I guess I could have said bolt on d cups. Really I can't comment on what did happen. No girls on stage all sitting down far away from me. I really can't give a solid girl count. I would have had to creepily walk around to the customers siting with a dance to do what your asking.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Weekend Matinees - so so
    Based on your description of the blonde. 100% the one the only, legend.... (Wait for it) ... Dary. MS. Ivanna. AND IF she gives you her time and you are generous, you will find out why she gets to pretty much write her own ticket.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    March Madness at Desire
    I was there Friday. PBB spot on review. Except... I am also another Kai proponent. Like OWG agree to disagree with you Papa lol. Great thing is not everyone agrees. That's what makes the clubs fun. If everyone had my taste. I'd never have any fun. I know at least one girl who said she'd be there Friday and wasn't. Def worked st paddy's. So a bit of a hangover effect is probably true.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    TGIF Treat
    I'm going to guess that no one who reads here has dances with nicolette. Very little positive on her in this site. Truthfully she doesn't give me the time of day anymore. When I was a noob to CD. She came up to me was engaging friendly. Smart as whip, undeniably beautiful. Talked easily 45 minutes without a "wanna dance?" Very hot VIP. Then after about 4 visits with her she never talked to me again.drop 20 on her stage dance she wouldn't even talk to me. It seems she wants her customers to be hers.. And only hers. I had met Crystal and that was the end of that. Really I am assuming. Maybe I was disrespectful, cheap, annoying, or God forbid smelly. Lol That said she was very nice, pleasant and sexy in the beginning. It's easy to guess that in this review she's not interested or bitchy or both. Maybe she had a regular appointment coming in. We don't know. My point is for new Pl at desires. I am sure with that somebody is having a good time with her there. I think your experience isn't common for new guys. No matter how hot someone is they always need new Pl. I'm sure she is welcoming to new visitors Those of us in the black list, well yaa... I don't even go near her anymore.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Compilation of more visits
    @mr prov nice succinct review. Marina is very nice funny. Bottoms do come off. She has limits but it's been a while for me. Maybe she has a new personal life change and has become more restrictive. New BF or GF idk. Piper and nicolette debate. In my opinion the difference between piper and nicolette is personal taste. They are both quite attractive and wouldn't give any of us PL the time of day outside the club. As someone who has had a dance with nicolette I will say her VIP is pornstar good. As someone who mysteriously gone on her DO NOT FLY LIST, I find them to both be moody and picky. Piper has given me the brush off in the past. My fav dancer has told me more than once that they are both very nice to her I give them both strong props for a positive review from my desire wife ;) Krystal was my 1 girl there for quite a while. She is very awesome in VIP. If you like tata's with a pretty face she is on your must dance list. You will not be disappointed.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Just trying to capture the spirit of the thing...
    Sunday Afternoon, Trying to Forget the Pats Game...
    Welcome to the ivanna fan club my friend.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Disappointing Matinee Talent
    Like OWG I tend to have focused a visit when I go. Planned meet up. So I haven't been frequenting the stage tipping of late. Tuesday last week there weren't many girls on and Kai was busy so I took a look around. Heavy was not an issue that day. Sage was working she approached me for a dance. She is the opposite of overweight. She is far too thin for my taste. But if that's your cup of tea she was very nice gave me a hug might be worth your time. Couple of girls at the bar were chatting me up but they had customers there. A blonde very young, pretty can't remember her name. Not thin but quite fit and attractive. Honey AA good naturals pretty, very nice body. I wouldn't call her thin but definatly fit. Vee SAS there also very fit nice bolt ons. My impression overall is that the same distribution of women's types persist there. I like certain types I am sure you do as well. Any club that you go to there can be days where a large number of girls doesn't always equal a good selection... Again from any PL point of view. As I like to say there is a butt for every lap in the world.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A Solid Business Trip
    This club I would 100% know if someone is fabrication I know the place too well. That said shill is rare here. Overall on tuscl I see more than enough reviews that I think are BS when I have traveled.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A Solid Business Trip
    @ desertscrub. You do generate a lot of anger for reasons that I don't get. Your opinion doesn't bother me at all typically. I am not the most trusting of most reviews on here myself. The funny part was when I read this post it felt kind of shill to me lmao. So when you wrote that kudos for cracking me up! Especially when I read young blonde girl gave me providence experience. What girl? I understand sometimes I blank on thier names too but still.... Sorry @ gamester that's how it read to me.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    A view from the barstool by a weekday regular
    @ garbageday I have had quite a few dances with April. Beautiful friendly. Very Friendly once she gets to know you. My first experiences were nice but not desire quality. I later realized that she needs to know what you want up from you prior to VIP. I promise she is worth your time. She is sweet nice to talk to and killer body she is a real dancer and has the flexibility to prove it. I highly recommend. Although I haven't had a dance with her since she went brunette I still recommend.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Destiny was seen working Friday day shift 12/17.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Rhode Island
    [ISHMAEL'S REVIEW] Quiet Sunday with Ivanna
    Ivana at the time I met her I had no idea how lucky I was that she has free time. Lucky that I was on my best behavior that day lol. Otherwise.... Well you don't miss what you don't know. Lol still would have been a collosal fail on my part.