1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903

Cubans or Brazilians?

Wednesday, July 6, 2022 1:01 AM
Which are better for consistent fun? My recent visits I’ve danced with Malibu who is a hot thick Cuban woman with glasses and an older Brazilian with great tits can’t remember her name. I didn’t go to VIP with them since I was trying out a few other girls and most night girls aren’t okay with my budget. The Cubans I’ve danced with seem a little more sensual than some of the Brazilians but I think that can change if I offer the right amount of money. Which Cubans or Brazilian girls would you recommend I take to VIP?


  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    If you're a tit man you can't get better than Bruna (Brazilian). Has a menu (limited as far as I know) but expensive. Melissa (Brazilian) is an ROB. Hot with horrible implant scars. Run away. As far as Cubans I know Malibu delivers. Delilah seemed cool as well. Don't know many others.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    I hadn't heard Cubans mentioned at Desires - about how many are there? Approximately around what time/year did they start showing up at Desire?
  • OxyAce
    2 years ago
    I didn’t start going to Desire regularly until this winter. I’ve met some hot Cubans like Malibu, Camila, Winter, there’s a super thick blonde Cuban milf with a decent face but great body not sure of her name. I usually stop by after work around 6 I’m there when the day girls are about to leave and stay until 10 when I know I’ve seen all the girls for the night. No surprises then. There’s been 2 Brazilians daytime on my radar that are nice and thick never got their names but one has HUGE tits. Bruna might be her as Tetradon was describing. There’s another one too who’s a hot milf nice smile and wide ass in her dress. Night Brazilians are a little too skinny for my taste except the one I did a test run with and it’s hard to remember her name. I get pretty hammered early on and start my fun immediately so names aren’t a priority. Just hot pieces of ass and their price.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    @Oxyace, you're probably thinking about Bruna with the huge tits and damn near perfect body. She's always talking to Melissa in Portuguese, thankfully so far she hasn't picked up ROB habits. I don't know the extent of her menu though, but she's always in high demand.
  • OxyAce
    2 years ago
    @Tetradon could Melissa be the other daytime Brazilian? Nice smile and a wide ass? Milf look to her. Sad she was a ROB. You think she’s even with a test drive? I’d have to get better acquainted with Bruna if I see her again. Tons of day girls mentioned on the site makes me wanna try to come on my day off to see the hype. I’m surprised not enough night girls are mentioned. Some of the night girls do want crazy $$$ for VIP but I’m hoping I can find the right ones soon or give up and stick with tryst
  • PapaBearB
    2 years ago
    Oxy - yes I believe you are talking about Melissa. Wide (fake) ass, bad implant scars, nice smile. As mentioned, ROB alert.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Sick fuck outing girls as hookers
  • Locutusbrg
    2 years ago
    Technically crystal is Brazilian but she has been here since she was little and has no accent. Can recommend. Winter is attractive but always seems uninterested no info. She is usually hanging out with Melissa and brunha.
  • Hungryhunnypot
    a year ago
    Sam is Brazilian and sooooo hot! Not an extras girl but worth it.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    Sam is the queen of the Brazilians and has one of the nicest set of naturals on earth. She is Brazilian, but has been here for so long its hard to tell nowadays. Kind of amazing she is still hot 15 years later. She is also super sweet and the same exact person she was when she began. If anyone really wants and example of how much clubs have changed, I would say this: When extras were sporadic you couldn't ever get a second with Sam. Now that they are available all the time, she is free a lot of the time. We used to pick the hottest woman over the possibility of extras. Now we don't.
  • crosscheck
    a year ago
    I remember Sam all the way back when she at Cadillac Lounge. Wasn't an extras girl then, and isn't one now. Totally agree, she is still very attractive, a real sweetheart, and is still more than worthwhile to have some non-extras lap dances from and I'm glad she's still around. Now her friend Renata when she was at Cadillac years ago, that one was a wild one...
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    Sam had the best breasts 15 years and still does, as of Wednesday lol.
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