
Comments by Mrdragon (page 3)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Old Mexican Broads
    Good review. No BS.....just told it like it is. This is what we come here for. Never mind the asswipes who are offended......"too explicit" my ass. Go back to thumping your bible. 59 "incoherent". Hey, find a dictionary and look up the meaning of "incoherent". Maybe it will open your eyes to what a dumbshit your are. Incoherent means you are unable to understand what is said. Like a stumbling drunk.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Anya is my favorite dancer here
    Ok. I'll concede I should've said "Youtube" Search "Billy Squire" . However, he did say "the second song started playing, it was Billy Squire, my favorite artist". Nobody cares about what it takes to write a good review. Some are less talented writers than others. It could be intimidating to try and follow all the idiotic guidelines. I don't care about parking. If the lot is overflowing, that's a good sign. I'll park down the street. I don't drive my nice car to these places anyway. All anyone cares about it this a good place to have a good time. It's our loss if we don't hear from someone who actually has good info cuz he feels intimidated by some "review nazi's"
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Anya is my favorite dancer here
    Billy Squire.........Google "In the Dark" and "The Stroke". He was just trying to let you morons know all the stars were aligning for him on that day. Maybe that's too hard to comprehend. All you numbnuts posting thumbs down.....who cares if it was one dancer. The weather??? Dude was just enjoying life, it's a beautiful day outside! Pussylicker: will answers to your query make you decide if you want to go in or not? All those stupid issues with parking and cover and decor have been answered ad nauseum. Either you want some fun or you don't. I don't make decisions based on idiotic information. There are no drink prices. Pay one price, includes your coke. BFD. I go to see naked babes. I swear, if you dudes want all that worthless BS, no one will want to post anything anymore. But at least you'll know all about the lighting and parking and stinky mens room. So..........STFU!!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Pleasant enough morning
    Thanks for the review. I do NOT like going in to clubs where's there's few people. If I do, and I notice it's a dead club, I try to find a way to escape. That's why I have not visited Sugars or the other one in Ballard (forgot the name). I like to be "invisible" until I scope out the place. Normally you can check the parking lot, but that doesn't help at Sugars, since there is no parking lot. A busy place is a good place IMO. FYI, Seattle police do not go in to clubs anymore. With so many officers leaving, they don't have any to spare, to waste time in a strip club. In fact, I have not seen any cops in clubs in years. Yeah, I know, they go undercover, but you pretty much know the way girls and mgmt. act. Things have changed around here for us pervs, for the better. Local gov't has a "live and let live" attitude. Especially with all the LGBQ movement etc. It's a "anything goes" environment.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I’ll be in the darkest LDA corner…
    Scammed By Barbie. Buyer Beware.
    "59" WTF is your problem? What is not coherent to you? Good gawd there's some dumbasses out and about. Really stupid people. Thanks StripClubPerv, Good useful info your fellow pervs can use.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I’ll be in the darkest LDA corner…
    Sugars-Feminist Spotted. Yeah, Its Still A Great Club Though.
    Soo... a thorough and complete description of his experience gets a "incoherent" from a couple dumbasses? What, why.......? Too many words starts the brain cells to start sizzling? Brought on by confusion? I thought it was well written and articulate. He did a good job of painting a picture with words. Word by word, you can follow him through his experience. Thanks for the review.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Bad Friday day-shift visit
    Hey "StripCLubPerv".................WTF is up with you? You sound like the bitch that gave him shit. Are you? Opportunity? Sounds like you're such a loser you would take anything that didn't have dick. Most of these girls are scammers. I hate rude bitches and make a note who they are, and never, ever engage them. A dude works hard for his money and guess what? He gets to be choosy as to who he wants to be with. "Class A" chicks, holy fuck, now I know your a fucking fast ass fugly stripper. Ashevillenoob, thanks for the review. Your experience is very typical at the time you went. I've been there done that. I hate them girls that try to take advantage of the dark and sneak up on you, trying to snag you before you actually see what she really looks like. There's a reason you got unanimous thumbs up, it's because everyone knows it's the truth. Even Stripclubperv posted a similar review, must've had something crawling up his loser ass.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I’ll be in the darkest LDA corner…
    Sugars-A Pervs Paradise
    This is the kind of review us pervs are looking for! Thanks!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    GIrls know why there are there
    Oh, an BTW..........no cops anymore. It's been years since cops have raided strip clubs. Seattle being the "liberal" city that it is, has followed in the footsteps of San Francisco and just live and let live. (at least from what I've read). Especially now with the "defund the police" movement. They couldn't spare the cops even if they had them. I actually cannot remember the last raid on a club. It's been years. Public would be outraged that police man hours were waisted on strippers.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    GIrls know why there are there
    Thanks gotoguy, this is the kind of review us pervs look for. Nobody cares about the "ambience" of the place or other worthless facts. We're not all fuckin' graduates of Harvard with honors degrees in dissertations. We're just dudes, dudes that are pervs lookin' for that action. "It's all about that action boss". The only thing that might've made your review perfect would be hints as to who was there and who you connected with. Description would've pointed us in the right direction. Thanks.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Vultures Fly South
    Plenty of good club details. The kind we care about. Disregard "59", who really cares what the club looks like. I know I don't care. I have gone in there usually weekend nights around 9-10pm. I get bombarded with these girls right away. I swear they are lined up somewhere just waiting their turn to come and harass you. Of course they want to get you before you spend anything on anyone else. Also, if you come at that hour, there is NO parking left, despite a pretty big lot. It's the dancers taking up all the parking. Usually have to find a spot on the street, in a puddle. BTW........speaking of instagram girls, I have never anyone on their insta page actually at the club. Well...maybe one or two of the big fat ones. Thanks for the review!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Some Old…Some New…
    Hmmm..............I check the Instagram page for Sugars to check out who's working there. The only name I recognize is Barbie. None of the others. These clubs need to do a better job of promotion. Thanks for the review.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Early in the Year visit
    Actually, not my club. Was there once about 5yrs ago. Big waste. Two girls working. Walked in, walked out. BTW, I'm not trolling these pages like others, posting "club ad" like some other losers. I'm sure there are guys that would like to post about their experience at a club without a panel of unemployed, overweight PL's who watch porn all day naked and eat Cheeto's and somehow end up with some mysterious orange dust on their little wee wee sitting here in judgment of them and their review. It would be nice to post a review, or a review of a girl at a club without having to mention the ambience of the club, the parking situation, or cost of dances, or how did the bathroom smell. Or where to start a new paragraph. I mean, who da f**k are you trying to please? Dudes don't care what a club looks like. We know prices are typical nationwide. All we really want to know is, are the girls hot, are there a lot of them there, and is it a good time? Nothing else matters. I'm sure there are guys who would like to post here but don't, for all the reasons mentioned. That means we end up with less information that we could have actually found useful. So......... was that "incoherent"?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Early in the Year visit
    "Not enough club details". What a load of shit. What other details do you require? The color of the carpet? The lighting in bathroom? I got all the details I need. Thanks rhs 1414
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Might Be My New Playground
    Informed choices? The only information I want is this a good club to go to. Yes or no. Question answered. ( in his opinion) I don't choose a club because of dance prices. It's not like dances are $100. at one club and $40. at another. They're pretty much all the same. The only difference might be some girl that thinks she's special and her dances are better (and they never are). There's not competition between clubs, but competition between girls. Hotter girls think they're worth more (they're not), and lower tier girls try to offer more. It all comes out in the wash. A better "informed choice" is WHO IS A SCAMMER AND ROB. The best thing you can find is a hottie who will give you more for your money. Now, there is some information I can use. Can't stand these A$$ wipes looking for fault in a posters review. You know who you are.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Scammed by Simone
    Thanks for the info. I've always said that strippers are the WORST business people around. Just plain stupid. There's only a handful of smart ones. They want to rip you off one and done. The smart ones try to develop regulars, which are their meat and potatoes. Live and learn. If I ever encounter here and she asks for dances, I will refer to this conversation, and tell her "Fuck NO".
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Replies to all those who "don't get it". I was being sarcastic. Critics always looking for something to degrade someone's post. No, dances are not that prices. WTF does someone care what the prices are? They're not $1.00 per dance, and they're not $100. a dance. You'll pay whatever the girl wants if you like her. If it's too much, no one will pay. So, it all comes out even in the end. Prices are typical across the country. So there.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Hey Longballs..........dances are $100. each, or 4 for $500. Hope this helps.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Felt Dirty, but Worth the Shower
    A dude might think twice about posting here about a club, with all these jerks blasting you for not including every little detail. Must be a pack of losers with nothing better to do. I'm pretty sure dances are around the same price all over the country. There's a base standard, then there's the "deluxe" packages where indeed YMMV.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Why Is Everybody Always Picking on Me??
    To "RockAllNight" you need to STFU. Give the guy a break. You go in for a good time and basically get robbed. Then nothing you can do, except come here and tell your fellow bro's who to watch out for. Thanks for the info bro. Seems there's a lot of scamming going on. Never, ever pay in advance. Know where your wallet is at all times. I have a "strip club" wallet that I use when I go in. No ID, no credit cards. Keep it in your front pocket or you sock. No matter how hot the girl looks, I never buy at her first attempt. Obviously.......stay away from the high pressure sales type, especially those who promise you the moon. Keep an eye out for comments about girls here on these sites, go for the girls that get good reviews.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    To short a visit.
    Lousy review. You need to get yourself a job.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    fun visit
    "Clubber" = Review Nazi some of these dudes are too full of themselves.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    My return after a long lay over
    Dumbass "adjudicators". The guy was good enough to leave a review. So what if he doesn't have a PhD in writing. I like the review. Were you expecting a dissertation? Bet you don't even know that is. Look it up. Thanks rhs 1414 for the review. I appreciate the time and effort you put in to the review. With these dumbasses criticizing you, why would anyone want to post a review?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Better than the Dancing Bare
    All you thumbs down "adjudicators", do you have that printed on your business cards? Especially you "hertcat"......you listed 7 items. If the poster commented on 6 would you approve? You losers need to get a life. Quit watching porn all day. Get a job. Move out of your mom's basement. This post pretty much told me all I need to know. Especially with regard to parking. That is one thing I was curious about. He was pretty much spot on with everything else.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Saturday night at the new SUGARS
    Good review. Disregard the adjudicator nazis, they have no life. They feel important finding fault in what you say. Thanks