
Comments by Mrdragon (page 2)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    They’re always after me Lucky Charms
    I believe prices have remained the same for the last 10 yrs or so, but who's counting. Sure some girls think they are more "special" than others and try to get you to spend more. These girls either come back to earth or disappear in to the ether.(Some of you may have to look up the definition of "ether".) There are some "Review Nazis" here, these are just "girlie man" types who insist you follow the rules. Such as "59" and "Dan 3635" who finds this review "incoherent". Maybe English is not your first language? I have zero problems understanding what the reviewer is saying. "Sgtsnowman"...........it's not like prices roll like the stock market. Dumbass points. Read my first sentence. Read it again. Dudes only care if it's a good club to go to. It's not like dances are $10. here and $80. over there. Men just want to make the right choice and not end up in a crappy club, wasting their time and money. Figure it out.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Checked off this visit
    Prices are the same damn prices in every club. They're not $5. but there not $100. either. Most of the stupid comments come from the so called "Adjudicators". My question to them is; WTF do you do with your time? Sit around waiting for someone to post so you can have a sense of self importance? Maybe get a job, move out of your moms basement, if you get a job, maybe then you can afford a GF. Then you can move beyond the shame of being an "adjudicator."
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Surprisingly nice visit with several smoking hot dancers working
    "59" too short, too long.......holy fuck. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Don't need all the freakin' details about the club, I just come hear to read about others experience. You did a good job with the details, and thanks for the review.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Northern Cal
    Disappointing But Typical Of Hit And Miss Here
    Can't expect much when you go in at 6. Surprised there was anyone there at all. This club is different in that they don't require girls to have a schedule. They can come in whenever. I keep my visits limited to late nights on weekends. This is what it's evolved into; guys come in late, because the girls don't arrive until late. Girls don't come in until late because the "guys aren't there". Chicken and the egg. 10 pm, and it's still empty. By the time midnight rolls around you might have a full house. IMO, everything related to strip clubs and their employees involve bad business decisions. Very rare to find a stripper with good business sense. They'd rather try to scam you once. Of course you'll never get a dance from her again. Very rare to actually find a girl that will treat you right, and make money off of repeat business.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Looking for new options
    Hey Techman, time for you to get a job.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    ROB alert - Charlie
    Bravo to you!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Not very many girls on a weekend night
    Thanks for the review ericinthe206. I don't go to the LCDV very often. Girls in the Vu clubs fancy themselves a "notch or two" better than the non Vu clubs. The Vu clubs are rarely busy. I have gone to Ricks down the street. It's a DV club also. Usually better results. Lousy corporate clubs. Used to be fun. But they got the big idea to transform the dance area in to a lame dance area. They took down the curtained wall, took out the high back seating, (which btw all faced away),turned up the lights. Put in uncomfortable seats, so you couldn't slouch and maybe enjoy the dances more. All this for a purpose. To make you want to get a private room. Pandora's and Kittens have more of a "live and let live" approach. Although Kittens turned up the lights in the LDA for the same reason, so they can make $ off the private rooms. Pandora's is probably your best bet. It's dark in the LDA, and you can "fool around" if you're so inclined, without getting a private room.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Dull, but one dancer saved the day
    Too long?!? Holy shit!! Didn't even know that was an option! Portland Dave was good enough to share his experience and asswipes gotta give him crap! Then of course there's the moron desertscrub with his usual "shill review" nonsense. Get a life loser. How the f*ck do you know it's a shill? Get a job, and merry fu*king christmas! Thank you Portland Dave for sharing your experience. Every post contributes to our knowledge of what to expect in local clubs.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A drink and a dance, with a fun woman.
    Thanks! All the info we need. Nobody cares about the parking, cost of admission, or holes in the couch. Looks like the same idiots acting as judge, jury, and executioner. I recognize those loser names, always right there to enforce the posting parameters. Like as if they hadn't read the "details" of the club hundreds of times already. Glad you had a good time.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Two dancers to recommend. 1 to avoid.
    Great info! Thanks for the post.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Play with my Wang. Good time.
    Thank you Coronalime. I think I speak for everyone who likes and appreciates your posts. Both here and the other site. Your self deprecating style and humor makes for good reading. Plus your intel is helpful. Disregard moron BadBob. His "evidence" is based on the word "seems". He "seems" like a dumbass.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A lovely afternoon with some lovely strippers.
    Yeah, I'm an asshole because I disagree. Also gave you a thumbs down. A big fat one. I don't know where you are in the world, don't give a shit. You obviously know nothing about what goes on in this town. You idiots get offended so easily. I suggest you quit this site and learn about knitting for your grandma. It will be better for your blood pressure. Once upon a time your concerns could be understood. Not anymore. In fact, members of the Seattle city council scolded the Seattle Police for "harassing" street walkers. Police used to go in to the clubs and make their presence known. Last time there was a bust, was probably about 10yrs ago. I was there. That was the last one I remember. Seattle is a major "leftist" city. Similar to San Franscisco. Strip Clubs, sex clubs, houses of prostitution, Asian Massage Parlors, streetwalkers, are all left alone. In fact, those in the sex industry have allies in local politicians. If any of you morons paid any attention to the news, you would remember "CHOP" from a couple years ago. "CHOP" stands for "Capitol Hill Organized Protest". There was a protest which stemmed from the George Floyd, murder. It made national news. Guess you guys were too busy watching porn and yanking your crank to ever watch the news. Big protests in Seattle to "defund the police". After that, many police officers left the force. Prior to that, Seattle needed 200 more police officers, and were actively recruiting. Then all hell broke loose. Instead of hiring more cops, they lost about 180 cops. To this day they are well short of what they need. Cops don't want to be here. They sure as hell won't be going in to any strip clubs anytime soon. They don't even have time to gain any control on crime. So STFU, watch the news once in a while, quit watching pornos, maybe get a job, and quit posting here. What you say is irrelevant.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Ratchet Express.
    This is a man with experience. Knows how to play the bitches and beat them at their own game. High 5 to you. BTW what the F*ck is up with the "adjudicators" that don't want to know the names? Names are exactly what we want. Want to know who does vs. who scams. What other reason is there for this site, except to get good intel? Hey "Call.Me.Ishmael, This is the 2nd post today you labeled as "incoherent".......do you not understand, or maybe you don't speak strip club english? Hmmmm? Thanks for the review. Helpful.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Tatted Sex Machine
    C'mon now.....you went and offended some prissy virgins who probably never get any. Now they'll have nightmares and wake up in a cold sweat. Next thing you know they'll be taking advantage of themselves with that large jar of Vaseline they keep handy.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    My First Time
    IFIGottaBeDamned................What's your problem? Give the guy a break, it's his first time. It's numbnutts like you that make people hesitate to post a review here. That's why they're few and far between. Go get a job or something. Maybe move out of your mom's basement.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Northern Cal
    Tame Sunday PM. Maverick was Top Gun
    Nice review. You just went at a bad time.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Busted My Pandora's Cherry
    Good review. Well written.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Too good to be true
    Thanks for the info. This is real info that us pervs can actually use. Who gives a fuck how much the room was, or how much she charged. You got the important details........THAT SHE'S A FUCKING RIPOFF!!! This is exactly why we come here, to see who gives us good value vs. those who are freakin' thieves. But no......you want "club details", as if that hasn't been hashed over and over to death. You already know the damn details numbnutts.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I’ll be in the darkest LDA corner…
    A Perv’s Playing Ground-This Was A Lot Of Fun
    Hey Pussylicker2....................what effing details do you need? Prices? WTF is wrong with you? Are you just some F*N review nazi? Sick and damn tired of these asswipes as yourself who want the same info repeated over and over and over. STFU!
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    First Déjà Vu Visit in 15+ Years...
    Thanks DC. I like your writing style. It's nice to have options on Lake City Way. Sounds like the LC VU is upping their game.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Slowest Saturday ever
    Good review and spot on. I hate those "stage maintenance" lapses where you just sit there. That happens a lot at Kittens also. Gotta be the cleanest stages and mirrors anywhere.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Bit underwhelming, but one girl made it worthwhile
    Good review. Good club details. Thanks for the review.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I’ll be in the darkest LDA corner…
    Quality Perving On A Friday Afternoon
    Yeah, right.........."take out the names and resubmit". Just to please the easily offended Idletraveler. I thought it was an excellent review. Good job StripClubPerv.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Good Review, good information. Thanks
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Afternoon delight
    Pussylyciker2, you dumbass. As much as you frequent this site, you should know the damn prices by now. Good review froggy2.