
Comments by SirLapdancealot (page 119)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Mute Function
    "The fucktards whining about anyone disagreeing with them being trolls are themselves the worst trolls here." ^ @IceyDodo you sure do sound like a whiny fucktard with this post. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ FYI I'm not whining. I'm just commenting on the thread. OTOH you've come into this thread and attacked and whined. šŸ˜
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Mute Function
    @Cristobal I had the "privilege" of discovering TUSCL and actively lurking the forums in 2015-2016 which is about the same time that san_jose_creep was posting his stalking debacles with actual AMP whores. Since he dominates the boards so much, I ended up reading a lot of his posts in detail. And it's continued to today. He actually fascinates me because he is so bat shit crazy but posts as if everything he says is perfectly sane and logically thought out. I've studied his posts and endeavored to understand him. And now I believe I do and I'm confident that I'm near šŸ’Æ about him, without even meeting him in real life. I'd be willing to bet a VIP session with the stripper of one's choice that my analysis of him is mostly correct. And this is why I'm his #1 ignored TUSCL member. He hates me because whether I'm trolling him or not I always bring him back to his reality and don't play along with his fantasy on here. He knows this, so his only course of action is to do his best to pretend that I don't exist and shut out everything I'm saying. And the irony of all of it is that I'm actually trying to help him. He's in a denial and deflection "do loop" on TUSCL. He'll never get out of his predicament unless he wakes up to reality and instead of fantasizing and escaping on TUSCL he works to better himself in real life. Until then..."he is who he is"...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Mute Function
    "The lot of you, you need to learn how to post without talking about me, directly or indirectly, I would not allow any of you to do this f2f. SJG" ^^^ This is a great example of him raging against anything that takes him out of his TUSCL fantasy time. This thread and our posts are bringing him back to reality in that he's a homeless dude in San Jose that nobody takes seriously. As such, his fantasy as a stripper womanizer and sex organization great leader is broken. Hence, a rage response.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Mute Function
    @TFP IceyDodo is a master of the strawman argument - make a false assumption and then attack it. She's a dodo like that. And her examples of hypocrisy are ongoing with regularity... ...she mutes and ignores people but still reads their posts ...she doesn't want to be a trick but then "dates" stripper whores by giving them lots of money and drugs for GFE ...she calls out people for creating troll threads but she creates them herself ^ This is just an example list too.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Mute Function
    LMAO IceyDodo you should talk. You've created many threads with the sole intention of trolling. And you put people on ignore or mute them but yet you still read and reply to them. Fucking hypocritical retard! šŸ¤­
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Mute Function
    So contrary to what some may think, I personally don't think san_jose_creep is here for the sole purpose of trolling. I mean he is a troll and all, but that's more of a byproduct of his true intentions rather than his MO here. And before I get into his true intentions here, we have to understand how he got here. And the answer to that, from his own posts, mind you, and after taking away all his embellishments, is that he's here because he lost everything - his wife, his home, his job, and his fortunes - from excessive mongering as a PL. Back in the 90s he was a basic PL chump that went to see strippers and AMP whores, and with strippers he blew a lot of money on them through lapdances with the intention of getting ITC/OTC sex but he failed at it. Miserably. Then eventually he got caught and it led to an ugly divorce with his wife and ultimately he ended up homeless in San Jose. He found TUSCL eventually and since he was a PL he joined like everyone else. So then, as a TUSCL member, he was able to escape his real life and even post theories about righting his past wrongs and become the ultimate stripper womanizer. Through TUSCL he developed theories like FRMOS and forming an organization as his newly discovered keys to "waking up in the mornings" with strippers. And because he's so mentally distraught about losing everything in real life, TUSCL began to be a pure escape from reality for him. It became a place where, with a lot of suspension of disbelief on his part, he could escape and actually BE that stripper womanizer and sex organization great leader. And it's been successful to him. Every day he can log on and advise others that he knows how best everyone should monger while also pretend to actually be the expert he fantasizes about. But.... ... there's a catch. And the catch is that whenever someone else calls bullshit on his fantasy posts or reminds him of his true reality of being homeless and destitute in San Jose with absolutely NO CHANCE of getting with strippers, his fantasy gets ruined. And this pisses him off, so he trolls the offender. This is the real reason he's a troll here. I don't think he intends to troll just to be one. Again he's only a troll to you when you bring him out of his TUSCL fantasy time. This thread does that to him. Hence his rage about it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Mute Function
    "He could put this entire thread on ignore." ^ this is exactly what he suggests to anyone complaining about his hundreds of spam posts and threads. šŸ˜‚
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Mute Function
    @prevert I can't count the number of times now where I've read TUSCL and seeing san_jose_creep spam the boards with his drivel, then I put my phone away and have a great time playing the "chump's game" with strippers for a few hours in real life, and finally I return to TUSCL and there he is still spamming TUSCL for hours later. Where most of us actually go to strip clubs in real life and post and write reviews about it, san_jose_creep only has TUSCL to fantasize and live the PL life vicariously.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Mute Function
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Mute Function
    @NJBalla fucking brilliant thread and fucking well played, good sir. LMAO all day at san_jose_creep's rage. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should a regular expect physical contact before a lap dance?
    @Papi if there's no other lapdance buying customers, my ATF DS and a couple other faves have zero issues sitting with me for over two hours for at most one drink and three dances. LOL but only when it's dead.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should a regular expect physical contact before a lap dance?
    @nicespice agreed. I've clubbed at high volume lapdance factories in Phoenix, Albuquerque, San Fran, New York, Seattle, and other cities. Beyond the Dragon and for Portland in general it's not high volume anywhere in this city except at maybe Spyce or Casa Diablo on the busiest nights. We have too many clubs here which make it a "buyers market" for main room teasing time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should a regular expect physical contact before a lap dance?
    @nicespice I hear you about high volume clubs. In any city, you cannot expect much main room teasing time with a stripper unless you compensate her accordingly by basically paying more than what she would otherwise make from someone else. LOL and as you know with me seeing you, I avoid this complication and show up when the club is dead. šŸ¦„šŸ¤—
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Not this time
    Nice review. This is definitely a stage show type of club. Portland has many other better clubs that are LD oriented. To me if you want a good LD, avoid Club 205, the Acrop, Kit Kat, and Stars Bridgeport. There's probably a few other clubs that I could add here but I forget.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should a regular expect physical contact before a lap dance?
    "I wish I could get the "foreplay" new PLs get." ^ @Bavarian I can tell you from experience that by focusing and giving a stripper a legitimate massage, she's almost always willing to spend at least 15 minutes, often longer, over an hour sometimes, of "foreplay" time with me prior to getting dances. It's to the point now that I'm so hard and horny that I'm edging to the point of LDKing. It doesn't even matter anymore that she's new or a regular fave. With a fave it's simply a known routine. And with a new stripper, I make the move very early into the meeting. After intros and small talk and such I put my hand on the small of her back and massage it or rub her leg. As we talk I ask how she's feeling and if she wants a back rub or massage anywhere she may want one prior to getting dances. In the last five years over dozens of strippers I've had just one rejection. They almost always accept. And the key is to do it well, with the true intent to give a legitimately good one. If you can do this, then she will be open to and more than willing to be teasing you before dances in the process. Plus, she'll remember it for the next time you see her.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should a regular expect physical contact before a lap dance?
    When we started, my ATF DS would sit with me and grind me from spoon position. But she would keep her bottoms on, even if they got in the way of good contact - like having denim shorts on. Over time she began removing her bottoms or pulling them down so it's just her bare ass and thong in contact with my crotch. Now it's become a given. We don't sit spoon together unless she's only in a thong. And I'm nitpicking here but it feels wonderful and I don't ever want to go back. I also have two other faves that are the same way. And over time the teasing increases rather than decreases. Nowadays one of them flat out stick shifts me often as long as nobody appears to be watching. I'm talking bring me from soft to rock hard with conviction here. And I've never asked or expected this. The whole time we talk normal small talk like how our days are going or what's changed since we last saw each other. Also again none of this is initiated by me, and again it's only "expected" because it's just the norm I'm used to. The only time main room dick teasing has ever been an issue with a fave is when she's juggling other customers. And to be clear, I don't mind just going straight to dances or having platonic idle chat beforehand, if I'm horny for a certain stripper. Again it's just that I don't have to settle for this because many strippers are willing to give me some tease time and I'd be an idiot to turn it down.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should a regular expect physical contact before a lap dance?
    I never expected it from the start, but...due to actual experiences where it just happens, I've been conditioned by both faves and new strippers that main room dick teasing is a typical "standard". This has been the case in just about any club in any city. So now, if a stripper doesn't do this, I'll move on because there are strippers that will, as their own "expectation" to get dances from a PL. In my world all my strippers allow me to give them a nice massage and in the process they tease my dick. Again it's only an "expectation" because it's a given in both of our worlds. It just happens. And when I'm a regular I've never had a stripper back off from this with time. Moreover they always have increased the main room dick teasing with more regularity. And, to PSD's point, we still have good convos as people while at the same time we are teasing each other as sex objects. They wouldn't be a regular if this didn't happen.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Same Club, New Fave
    @Wildbill that's a good post. I have the same thoughts at times too.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
    "You call me a troll coz I don't have to resort to prostitution I'm not a right wing nut job and I think tricks are pathetic lmfao" ^ LMAO you're so dead wrong. Because you are a dodo, let me repost my aforementioned summary of why you are a bonafide troll. Oh, and work on your reading comprehension. ... This thread explains IceyDodo's troll ass. Just to summarize... 1) She's posted a fake pics of fake stripper ho "GFs". 2) TrapBaby is one of her troll aliases. 3) She's created numerous troll threads in the Front and VIP rooms. 4) She likes to troll tricks of stripper whores but she herself can only get a stripper whore "GF" by paying her money and drugs for GFE. Yeah all this is real and covered in this thread. Conclusion:. IceyDodo is a bonafide troll. A bitch ass troll at that!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
    "No. Youre just butthurt by anyone having different views and thinking tricks are disgusting" ^ LMAO this is a bitchy and butthurt post. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Las Vegas OTC
    "I personally like them and have dated ajd hooked up with strippers. I think a lot of factors come into play with that though." Absolutely! When "dating" a stripper whore one big factor that always comes into play is mindset: ya gotta BELIEVE that the money (and drugs) that you pay her for OTC GFE is somehow different than the next trick. This type of mindset is key in not realizing that you're a trick bitch in denial, no? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
    @FLF thanks for bumping the thread based on her blatant troll of Waffle. I knew she'd slip. She always does. That's why she's a dodo.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Apparently none of you are ideal customers.
    ^ *every* club visit now
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Apparently none of you are ideal customers.
    I met a new fave the other day. All natural 8-9 redhead straight out of a pinup model calendar. Within two minutes of sitting down together I'm giving her a sorely needed massage and she's moaning and groaning from it, telling me she's spoiled and purring like a kitten. We sit that way for 30 min as she also wiggles and grinds her juicy booty into my hard boner. When it's time for dances she quotes $40/1 or $100/3 but she comes down for me when I ask her if $30/1 is OK. She gives me two awesome high mileage dances and even asks me exactly what position I like for the second song. I couldn't have scripted it any better with a regular fave. Yesterday my ATF DS and I were sitting together and she said to another regular at the bar that she "loves" me and that I'm the best. If I'm not an ideal customer I dunno why strippers, old and new, want to sit and let me feel them up - I mean massage them - with my boner poking their ass for at most a drink and then give me a deal on dances. It happens just about ever club visit now. šŸ¤·šŸ¤—