
Comments by SirLapdancealot (page 109)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    ^ So if that's true by next week and three days, there should be 150,000 test kits which will catch up the # of tests to about where the number of confirmed cases are, which was roughly 100,000 on Friday. We shall see what things are like in 2 weeks....
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    "under what conditions can we make a smart decision to 're-open'?" @Subra this is my contention as well. One of mine, #1 actually, is when we have a rate of testing for it that exceeds the rate of detecting the virus. It's only until then when we'll know the true infection rate of this thing. Also this will help put confidence around the death rate stat as well.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    The city of Phoenix interests me the most. Also Yuma's data will be interesting being one of the hottest cities in the US let alone state.
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    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    @Subra note that India is pretty warm too. Initially they had a low number of cases too. But now they are shut down too. I was thinking customs are a factor too. In Italy the common greeting is a kiss on each cheek. Italy also had a high rate of spread.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Unpopular Opinion: Most Girls look better in normal clothes...
    All other things equal, a stripper is always going to have a better body than the average civie chick. Dancing is a physical workout relative to the civie chick with a desk or retail job. Give a cute but out of shape civie chick a few months dancing and her body is going to shape up.... usually. And since they are hired for their looks they will also be above average regardless of the physical work involved. To me I've seen strippers in their Plain Jane civie clothes and they are still hotter than the average chick in the same attire. Also most of the time when I'm surprised and let down with a civie girl's body after seeing it naked and thinking she had a hot body clothed, it's because she had fake tits that I couldn't tell through clothes or her tits in general weren't as appealing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Removal of social distancing is simply going to increase the rate and chances of it spreading as long as an area has the virus. So even within a low population density area it's going to spread at whatever rate through that area. And the relative rate of the spread will still be a function of social distancing. It's really this simple. So now is the question is whether or not it is worth it for an area considering all the factors. NYC? It's probably a no brainer given that there hospitals are going to be overtaxed and this will cause related deaths for those that can't get treatment for anything regardless of it being virus related. And those FL counties? Personally I'd like to see the projection on the number of deaths in that area from the economic hit it will take because of social distancing. Then we could compare that to the rate of deaths of the virus and see which is the greater "evil". There's so much talk about data and projections on the virus side. Why not evaluate and get data on the economic impact side, including it's death rate. Where's that data or model?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In your opinion, what is the ideal dancer turnover?
    The universal PL answer is whatever it takes to maintain the club as a 7up factory.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In your opinion, what is the ideal dancer turnover?
    My dick diameter times pie is how much I need to turnover a stripper for optimal friction.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just to get your mind off of covid-19.
    The candle and butter slide was genius.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just to get your mind off of covid-19.
    Dude obviously played the game Mousetrap a little too much as a kid. (It's always a gamble clicking a shadowcat link but this time it was OK. Whew!)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In your opinion, what is the ideal dancer turnover?
    It honestly depends on how hot each dancer is. If she's nicespice hot, then I don't mind if she never leaves the club. If she's not so hot, then I won't miss her. But making a general statement I'm good with a 10-50% turnover rate and I hope all my faves or potential faves never leave the clubs I go to. Being an extreme regular I still like to see new faces but I'm not too picky about it since I usually have faves that I don't vary much at all. Also by my observation of clubs out here the turnover rate does vary by club. In general it seems that the strippers that do well stay with the same club longer and those that don't move on. But there's also a bit of club politics going on. Dancers in good with the management stay around longer too and this isn't necessarily tied to how well they do.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Once the world governments collapse
    Juice's dick sucking and pegging will be rampant.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Once the world governments collapse
    It's called anarchy.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Call me a pessimist but as an engineer I am pitched many great solutions and "data" to fix my systems' problems...some of them work exactly as advertised but some of them don't. At the end of the day they prove themselves out with data that shows they work or don't work...in REAL WORLD PRACTICE.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    That's all great @mark94 but I'm waiting for all the articles and data that say these things are actually working in NYC and Washington and any of the other areas that currently have overtaxed health care systems and don't yet have all these great solutions. So no, it's not enough data. But it is promising!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    ^ and in my world..."Data talks. Bullshit walks."
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    @Subra amen. "Hope for the best. Expect the worst." is an old adage for a reason.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    @mark94 the point is that you are still speculating on both 1&2 in your OP. It's good to have hope and all, but nobody including you can say we have a proven 45 min test (and a good supply chain for it) and chloroquine or any antidote/cure is proven too (and there's a good supply chain for it). Why not wait at least until your hopes are a true reality before changing anything?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The original Salty
    Cabin Fever
    ^ rather, ITH
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The original Salty
    Cabin Fever
    My wife's birth control pills have been delivered late due to the virus making it a lower priority. She promised me OTC soon but no bareback. Ugh.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    @Nina losing a loved one is hard enough already but to do it while not being able to hug and kiss them goodbye one last time is even harder. That's a reality with this virus. If you have it and you are going to die, that's how you'll end - through Facetime or Skype with those closest to you. Stay strong and my heart goes out to you.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The original Salty
    Cabin Fever
    @Longball LOL And the other side to the equation is having a wife or SO that also changes her views of her husband going to strip clubs. After a few beers herself, my wife sometimes wants to go to a strip club... We shall see...and hope! LMAO and yeah now clubs are gonna scan your vaccination card on top of your license. 😂
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The original Salty
    Cabin Fever
    @wallanon it's absolutely a good time to rethink things. Learning and growing as a person is always a good thing and contrary to what some folks think/project it's entirely possible.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The original Salty
    Cabin Fever
    LOL @rick_dugan we shall see. My club ways and urges have always changed with time. So you can only speak for yourself. 😝
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The original Salty
    Cabin Fever
    My wife and I have always been homebodies that hang out together just to ourselves. LOL social distancing was already our thing. I'm so grateful and glad to have her and this whole issue has reminded me of how important she is and how trivial lapdances are. I doubt I'm going to be the same PL after the dust has settled.