
Unpopular Opinion: Most Girls look better in normal clothes...

Saturday, March 28, 2020 12:25 AM
Than stripper wear or even, yes naked. Ass a lot of times ain't there. No rack whatsoever is very common. A lot of people just don't look great naked. I blame my imagination, it's always kicking reality's ass. When I look at a girl in her Mcdonald's uniform oh god who knows what's underneath, golly! But then it's comes off, nope it's just not quite there. I would say if you like girls with meat on them, and I do but they are notorious for it, because those clothes, bra, jeans are keeping everything together, take it off, boom now you gotta fuck the Michelin Man.


  • IHearVoices
    4 years ago
    I don't know about "most", but I would say that the percentage of women for whom this applies is much larger than most would expect. If I had to put a number...well, range...on it, I'd say 25-30%.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    If a girl has some fashion sense, then she can hide a lot of her flaws with the right clothes. So I think you may be right Muddy. I love a beautiful naked girl. But I think there are a lot of girls walking down the street that I turn around to look at, they probably don't look that good naked.
  • EastCoaster
    4 years ago
    There are a ton of "clothed vs. nude" comparisons online, like [view link] . Some look better clothed, but I think a lot look better nude. It's a mixed bag, to be sure, but interesting to see the comparisons.
  • SaltyNuts
    4 years ago
    After living in Italy and Spain I found out that none beaches are not what I imagined because most people should leave their clothes on.
  • elmer
    4 years ago
    I couldn't agree more I can't tell you how many waitresses I've been attracted to in SC's over the years.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @SN go to nude beaches anywhere in world and what your saying is true.
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    girls use lots of accessories to slightly or dramatically change their shapes and appearances in general. makeup, corsets, those shoulder pads you don't see while wearing a jacket, etc. most i notice love to wear their pants real tight. makes their waistline look 5 inches less wider than normal. one pawg i always check out in my building had her jeans really out on tight, the next time she wore something else and i reacted, "holy shit-her ass and hips grew!!!" got be aware-these girls can be real deceptive.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Depends on how high your standards are on what is “attractive” I personally think I look better naked. Clothes tend to hide my ladyboy schlong. 😜
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    NiceSpice is going to make Juice blow his load - with posts like that!
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I’m thinking it might be 50-50 regarding women looking better naked vs looking better clothed. Some women are naturally more comfortable dressed - and that makes them more confident - and sexy. Some women love being all natural - and they love looking sexy for a special guy.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    ^^^Lol your good More agreement than I thought. I’ll just be in a strip club thinking, I would be attracted to these girls if they had clothes on. But now that I have a front row seat, Na I’m good. Btw I’m sure this feeling is multiplied Vice versa most men look awful without clothes.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    In many cases guys are horny enough to find a naked woman sexy (within certain limits). It’s not the same when you switch it around. Notice how many magazines were devoted to female nudity vs male nudity?
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    @ Nicespice... since I have very little in the way of standards, it’s ALL GOOD to me!
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    I think it's the standard question: do you look better in clothes, or naked? I looked better naked when I was younger, I definitely look better in clothes now lol In general, you need a truly gorgeous body to look better naked. Less gorgeous bodies always look better clothed, clothes can way cover deficiencies and make the good parts absolutely tantalizing. That's why old people and fat people always look better clothed. Young people with amazing bodies always look better naked (although they amazing in clothes too). Young people whose bodies are less than amazing, still look better clothed
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    @Muddy with certain women it feels that way. I've seen a few women who look great in clothes yet once they take it off it's exactly like you described. That happens more with thicker women though. I've seen it so much I've started to be able to tell when an ass in jeans will still look that way when she takes off her pants. That's why I give nothing but props to the women in clubs who look great wearing that skimpy stuff. Sure the lighting in the club helps with making their skin tone look better and masking blemishes. But obviously a lot of them put in the work to stay fit so they can look great both in and out of clothes.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    Strippers ARE NOT a representative sample of gen pop. Way more gen pop individuals look better clothed than strippers. Still, many dancers are more attractive clothed in natural lighting than made up in SC lighting. First impressions in SC are heavily distorted by the novelty of full nudity! Related frightening observation: “What monstrosities would walk the streets were some people's faces as unfinished as their minds.” - Eric Hoffer.
  • docsavage
    4 years ago
    Strippers always seem more attractive to me when I see them walking in and out of the club wearing their street clothes. This is because I can then mentally compare them to other women, none of whom normally wear stripper costumes. The average stripper is more attractive than the average female and it becomes more obvious when it's easier to make the mental comparison.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    It depends on her body of course but something left to the imagination is very sexy
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    4 years ago
    I'm not on a quest for perfection, I appreciate a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and can project her own fertility/love goddess vibe at the right moment, in or out of clothes. But a McDonald's uniform? Really? Being stamped an hourly wage slave by evil McCorporation doesn't seem flattering whatsoever....
  • prevert
    4 years ago
    Because I’m sure all the disparaging comments here come from perfect physical specimens.
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    @Hugh_G_Rection some of those McDonalds senoritas fill out that uniform nicely. They make those tight Dickies slacks and that plain McDonalds polo shirt look real nice. I'm such a dog I notice the curves of all restaurant workers.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    docsavage: "Strippers always seem more attractive to me when I see them walking in and out of the club wearing their street clothes. This is because I can then mentally compare them to other women, none of whom normally wear stripper costumes. The average stripper is more attractive than the average female and it becomes more obvious when it's easier to make the mental comparison." For sure, on that last statement, average stripper is more attractive than average female. That said, I find the vast majority of strippers come into the club wearing their "average girl" disguise -- little makeup, loose sweats, loose hoodie that may hide their hair, etc. I'm still fascinated to watch them walk in, but typically I don't think you see a stripper's full clothed potential until you take her on an OTC that includes dinner and drinking -- then they go full-on sex kitten party clothes, and, damn.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    All other things equal, a stripper is always going to have a better body than the average civie chick. Dancing is a physical workout relative to the civie chick with a desk or retail job. Give a cute but out of shape civie chick a few months dancing and her body is going to shape up.... usually. And since they are hired for their looks they will also be above average regardless of the physical work involved. To me I've seen strippers in their Plain Jane civie clothes and they are still hotter than the average chick in the same attire. Also most of the time when I'm surprised and let down with a civie girl's body after seeing it naked and thinking she had a hot body clothed, it's because she had fake tits that I couldn't tell through clothes or her tits in general weren't as appealing.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Unless they are hiding something awful like pancake tits to their waist, naked is always best. Some women dress great. Others... Not so much
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