
Comments by wildRover (page 4)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Struck gold on a Saturday night
    There are some nice looking ladies at LS, but more than one ten? I’ll believe that when I see it.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Quick in and out at BTs
    Don’t pay any attention to scrub. His routine got old a long time ago. Either he doesn’t know when to give it up or he doesn’t have enough imagination to think of anything new.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Afternoon Flight
    “ Was there mandatory valet? Coat check?” Seriously!!?? Still beating that same dead horse? The answer to both your questions is yes. But you knew that already didn’t you because you’ve whined about it in countless other threads. We all get it that you don’t like Flight Club. Why don’t you just let it go? Once a troll always a troll I guess.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Maybe next time?
    On my last visit to FC I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the dancers working, but that was during night shift. I haven’t been there during the day in a long time, but I’ve always found days to be very hit or miss, with the emphasis on miss.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    First timer had a great time; expensive but worth it if you can swing it
    PepsiMan. I have a question for you. When was the last time you were in the Flight Club. Not trying to bust your chops but I checked your reviews and they seem to be primarily about Bogart’s and Henry’s with some Crikets thrown in. Most of your comments regarding FC reviews seem to be of the “you paid too much” variety. Last time I was at FC was 4-5 weeks ago and the common asking prices were 500/400 for fs/bj. And these weren’t the hottest ladies in the club, either. I’d say 300 from one of the hottest ladies in the FC was a fair price. No, we’re not talking Bogart’s pricing, but we’re also not talking Bogarts quality. I’m probably in the minority on this but a don’t feel like I have to negotiate every transaction. If a dancer makes an offer that I consider reasonable I won’t dicker. I agree with longball on this one. Keeping her happy and engaged definitely adds to the quality of the experience.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Another mediocre visit to Flight Club.
    Huh? “That would be true ……” It is true. I know at least two other dancers who don’t accept dollar tips. That’s a fact. And there’s a third who I highly suspect doesn’t because I saw her pull a dollar tip out of her g-string, wad it up, and throw it into the face of the guy who tipped her. The fact that only one dancer from a small sample size refused your tip proves nothing. There are dancers (plural) out there who don’t take dollar tips, and many many more who accept them but don’t like doing it. And the reasons that I outlined in my post are why. More importantly, that doesn’t make them idiots.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Another mediocre visit to Flight Club.
    Idiotic because she wouldn’t accept a dollar tip? I know at least a couple of dancers who won’t accept dollar tips and they’re far from idiots. The problem is that a lot of guys look at their dollar as giving them unlimited use of their hands. As one dancer who I know pretty well out it, “if they want to put their hands on me they’re going to have to give me a lot more than a dollar.” She tells me that it’s not uncommon for guys to try to stick dollars in her vagina and one guy actually tried to stick a rolled up dollar up her butt. Keep that in mind the next time a dancer refuses your tip. Maybe she’s not the idiot. Maybe she’s reacting to idiotic behavior that she has to put up with regularly.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Diverse and friendly girls but beware of VIP
    I have a serious question. Do reviews ever get rejected on this site? I mean this deals with a pre-pandemic visit. We’re talking about information that’s two or three nears old. Sheesh. Sometimes I wonder if the adjudicators even read what they approve.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Diverse and friendly girls but beware of VIP
    Being a drunk rookie in Vegas is not good. Period. Doesn’t really matter where you are.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Hellooo Nurse
    From Bali to Cali
    Dude, Where’s Your Car?
    “ wildrover, you're wrong. If you offer to pay the valet fee and leave your car off the premises they still won't let you in.” I never said that. In fact I said exactly the opposite, that they have a policy that prohibits walk up traffic.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    So much pussy, so little time.
    nice dayshift visit.
    Hey man. You did nothing wrong. I’d bet good money that papi couldn’t walk into the club and identify the dancers in question based solely on the descriptions contained in your review. The dude just likes to hear himself talk.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    New Mexico
    Fun time for a couple, but a bit too expensive for what we got.
    Your first rookie mistake was wearing your coats into the club. Leave them in the car. The mandatory coat check is the easiest thing in the world to avoid. Personally I prefer leaving my coat in the car. It’s kind of a pain in the ass to take into the club. I didn’t know that coat check was 20 bucks. That seems really high, even by strip club standards. Can anyone confirm this? I thought I read in another thread that Flight Club only charges 2 bucks.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Hellooo Nurse
    From Bali to Cali
    Dude, Where’s Your Car?
    “ Rover im curious what kind of legal repercussions can be done if the club intervenes too strongly? How does this work in clubs where dancers are employees?” I’m not a lawyer but this was explained to me by someone who is. I didn’t follow it perfectly when he explained it so on sure there will be some inaccuracies in this. Basically it boils down to two things. 1. The club doesn’t want to do anything that would leave them open to a law suit. 2. The club doesn’t want to do anything that could be construed as evidence that the dancers are really employees of the club, and that the whole “independent contractor” thing is a sham that was cooked up to avoid paying taxes. Related to the first point, keep in mind that technically a monetary dispute between a dancer and a patron doesn’t directly involve the club. But if the club intervenes too strongly on the dancer’s behalf (ie by refusing to return the patron’s property) they become an agent working on behalf of the dancer to collect an alleged debt. This would potentially open them up to being sued. I hope this makes sense. As I said I’m not an attorney, but if there are any on the board I’d be interested in hearing them weigh in on this.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Hellooo Nurse
    From Bali to Cali
    Dude, Where’s Your Car?
    “Let's hear all the legitimate reasons they insist on holding your car hostage.” You want a legitimate reason why clubs require valet parking? Because they make more money that way! It’s that simple. It provides them with an extra revenue stream. They make money off the customers, they make money off the dancers, and they make money off of parking. I don’t know the details of their contracts with the valet agencies, but I have no doubt that the clubs pick up a nice chunk of cash during the course of the year. Their motives are primarily financial. Conversely they have no financial incentive to keep your keys, because any extra money that they were able to squeeze out of you would go to the dancer, not to the club. Dancers don’t work for the club. They’re independent contractors and if the club intervenes too strongly on their behalf they open themselves up to multiple legal repurcussions, none of which are good for the club. “So I guess some of you pathetic losers are all butthurt because I'm proven right again.” Seriously? Please explain to me how you were proven right. This incident had nothing to do with keeping your keys or holding them hostage. It was a single incident of a customer being denied entrance because he arrived on foot. It’s my understanding that Flight Club and Landing Strip have a policy prohibiting walk up traffic. In the case of the Flight Club this goes way back. Before the FC ever opened Alan owned Trumpps on 8 Mile. He was worried that any walk up traffic from 8 Mile would be “undesirable” in nature, so he instituted the policy. My guess is that the amount of money he makes from it contributes to the fact that it’s still in effect. It’s a mini cash cow.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Hellooo Nurse
    From Bali to Cali
    Dude, Where’s Your Car?
    Oh jeez. Pussylicker’s gonna have a field day with this one.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Disappointing Visit
    “ I came to the Flight Club by Uber and so avoided the $8 valet fee.” You avoided the 8 dollar valet. How much did you pay for the Uber? I doubt it was less than 8 bucks considering you had to leave by Uber also. Doesn’t seem very cost effective to me.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Decent trip to a almost dead club
    Point of clarification please. If the reviewer submits the same review that he submitted to another site he/she is guilty of self plagiarism which is generally considered to be a no no. Does that apply here? Is copying a review that you submitted to another site a violation of this sites plagiarism policy which carries a pretty severe penalty? “We have a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism. If we find out you submit a review as your own from another site, your account will be deleted.”
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Decent trip to a almost dead club
    “That’s a long ass story to get 1 lap dance from 1 chick.“ Lol. My thoughts exactly. Summary of rl27’s experience: Spent an hour before settling for what he could have had after five five minutes. Summary of rl27’s review: Spent seven paragraphs on what could’ve been described in five sentences.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Awesome place with pretty and fit girls
    Sorry. I hit submit prematurely. Upstairs bar was a little less than half full during my one trip to the VIP. Overall I’d characterize it as a good night for the customer. Lots of ladies to choose from and not a lot of competition for their services. Probably not what you wanted to hear. It did seem to be picking up some when I left and it was still early. Hope that helps.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Awesome place with pretty and fit girls
    All the tables to the right of the bar were full when I got there around 8:30 and maybe half the booths. Myself and three others at downstairs bar. It was a little busier when I left around 10 but there were a lot of dancers too.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Thank you for your service
    “PL is extremely dense and, as Htxx stated, PL gets off on the abuse from hot women he can't afford and real men because he hates himself for living in his mommy's basement and needs her to suck his dick for him. He moonlights as a streetwalker and can't afford valet because nobody will pay him to suck their dick in Detroit. His so-called "piece" is his strap on he uses to peg guys with, but is worried valet will steal it.“ OMFG BubbleYum. LMFAO. I’d give this post 10 likes if they’d let me.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    First time in Detroit…
    I simply tell her “I’m sorry but I’m just hanging out tonight and I don’t want any company” or “I’m sorry but I’m waiting for someone.” I try to be polite and respectful.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Awesome place with pretty and fit girls
    Acubed and ulrik. Stop confusing Pussylicker with facts. Facts interfere with his agenda.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Awesome place with pretty and fit girls
    I was there Thursday night also and would agree that the lineup of girls was exceptionally strong that night but I didn’t see anything close to 20 AA ladies. It was more like 7 or 8 which is still an unusually high number for Flight Club. One of those was Jamie, formerly of the Landing Strip. So if any of you are Jamie fans she’s at FC now. Good news for FC IMO and bad news for LS.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    First time in Detroit…
    “Snappy, when a dancer sits with me and won't take a hint to leave, I start playing with her tits. They don't like giving free feels so they leave.” Wow. What a classy move. Can’t say it surprises me though.