
Comments by wildRover (page 3)

  • review comment
    a year ago
    No Satisfaction
    “Which Rolling Stone song? You can't always get what you want? Brown sugar? I can't get no satisfaction?“ I was thinking Sticky Fingers.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Here for the gangbang
    Friday Night visit
    Overall good review though. Very useful information about the dancers. Wish there was more of that!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Fun visit at a new (to me) club
    I always thought that the best comparison for BT’s was Landing Strip. A lot of people on this board like to compare it to Criket and I don’t really see that. But I think it’s a stretch to compare it to FC. Overall dancer quality at FC is much better IMO. There are quite a few girls who make the rounds between the three clubs so the talent level at any one of them can vary greatly from night to night.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Here for the gangbang
    Friday Night visit
    I’d say that a naughty nine is better than a naughty seven and a boring nine is still better than a boring seven. I’ve heard a lot of variations of your theory and the problem as I see it is that there’s no guarantee that the seven is going to be the naughtier one. In my experience that’s not necessarily true.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Likes large natural tits
    deja vu deja vu
    Let me get this straight. If you get 3 songs it’s $30 per song. If you figure songs average about 3 minutes each the you’re paying 60 per song when you *upgrade* to 15 or 30 minutes. Are there any differences in location or privacy or mileage to justify this?
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Time to lower my expectations
    If you’re flying into Metro Airport then the Inkster clubs would be close, otherwise I wouldn’t describe them as “not too far” from Teasers. An hour and fifteen under ideal conditions. With the current construction situation who knows?
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Wanted to like it more than I did
    @gSteph This makes me appreciate my local expensive club. People complain about how expensive Filght Club and Landing Strip in Detroit are, but they’re cheaper than this and you actually get something for your money. Neither of my two trips to Vegas clubs impressed me in any way.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Afternoon Escapades
    “not a club ad my guy - pm me for explicit details if you care ” He doesn’t care. He’s a shill for a couple of the low end clubs in the area and takes pot shots at the high end clubs whenever he gets a chance.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    Thursday Evening at LS
    Ok. I did the math. On your second go round you spent an hour with her. If you figure 3-5 minutes a song that works out to 12 to 20 songs. At 25 bucks a song that’s anywhere from 3 to 500 for the hour. So based solely on song count it wasn’t any bargain. Since I’m assuming there was more involved than just dances then the deal doesn’t look horrible. But what caught my eye was when you said that she wasn’t really your type. Seems like a lot to spend on someone who’s not your type.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Random Thursday afternoon we’ll worth it
    “I think the concern is that it can affect the pricing overall.” I hear what you’re saying and I think it’s a reasonable argument. I guess where we differ is that I don’t buy in to the notion that there’s such a thing as *overall* pricing, especially at LS. It’s been my experience that pricing there is all over the board. Some of the dancers charge Bogart prices, some charge ones that would be considered high by Flight Club standards. To me it’s not a question of how cheaply can I find a particular service, it’s a question of how much am I willing to pay to a particular dancer on a particular night. I don’t care what the others are charging if I’m not interested in them in the first place.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Random Thursday afternoon we’ll worth it
    I’m going to be a bit of a contrarian here. I never know how to react to the posts telling someone they paid too much. On the one hand they seem to be stating the obvious. On the other hand they miss the point completely. Every time I go to the VIP room I know that I could get the same service for less money. So what? 95 times out of 100 it would be with someone I wasn’t interested in or wasn’t attracted to. What’s the point? I don’t care how cheap it is. If I’m not interested in that particular dancer then no price is worth it to me. When I do see a dancer I’m interested in I always have a range of prices in mind starting with what I’d like to pay and topping out at what I’m willing to pay. If a dancer quotes me a price that’s at or near my target I might haggle a little but I don’t sweat it too much. And I certainly don’t sweat the fact that I could have found the same service for a lower price. If that was my only concern I’d hang out at Bogarts not at Landing Strip.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Flight Club Day Shift Take-Off
    Are you sure you were at Flight Club. The prices you list are more in line with the Landing Strip than Flight Club. Valet at FC is 8. Landing Strip price is 7. Dances at FC are 30 and it’s 25 upfront not 20. That too is the LS price.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    A relaxing Friday afternoon at FC.
    Enforcement of the dress code at FC has always been very arbitrary. The main factors that come into play seem to be age, race or ethnicity, whether business has been slow, whether the bouncer has gotten laid recently, etc. I suspect this is still the case. Business has been slow lately so they’ve probably gotten lax on code enforcement, but if they decide they don’t want to let you in they’re going to point to the sign that’s still posted by the entrance and tell you to take your business elsewhere.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Thursday and Sunday
    There’s a good chance that the guy in the booth was the redhead’s regular and she was just letting him know that she was going to try to drain your wallet before she went back to give him some more attention (and to drain his 😂).
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Fun Sunday Evening
    “Yes the FC has the best looking dancers in the Metro Detroit area.” Yup. And the most expensive. I think the OP gives a pretty honest view of Flight Club. When you go there you need to realize that the place isn’t going to be cheap and that an evening of fun can involve a substantial amount of cash.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Fun Sunday Evening
    Last time I was there tables were free. Pretty sure it’s that way all the time. You only have to pay for booths. Also the last time I was there cover on a Sunday was only 15 and cover Monday through Wednesday is 20. The only time it’s 25 is Thursday through Saturday.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Saturday Afternoon – About what you’d expect…
    VIP entry cost is 25 not 30.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Not what I expected!!
    While I agree that the OP’s expectations regarding the drink minimum seem a little naive, to me the key point of the review is contained in the last sentence: “but I likely will not go back if I happen to be the Detroit area again unless someone posts here that there is a fresh influx of talent! “ I admit that I’ve only been to Bogarts twice but my experience on both occasions was the same. I didn’t see a single dancer who I would’ve taken to the VIP even if had been free. Yes I admit that two trips are a small sample size, but the OP’s assessment is consistent with my experience. And I’m not trying to rag on Bogart’s when I say this. It is what it is. What blows my mind is when I see visitors from out of town posting that Bogart’s is the one area club that they chose to visit. My advice to visitors would be that there are better options and you don’t have to go to the pricy high end places to experience it.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Good Night at The Landing Strip
    @pussylicker2 Standard procedure at both Landing Strip and Flight Club is that if a customer refuses to pay he is *politely* escorted from the club and asked to not return. They DON’T keep your keys. You like to rant about how they CAN keep your keys but you’ve never provided a credible example of it happening. @Tford It would be more helpful if you provided some dollar amounts. To say that she offered extras at “good prices” is fine, but without an actual amount it doesn’t tell us much. What’s “good” to you might not be good to someone else. Also you said you just got dances. How much were they?
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Hot special LatteOna
    “VIP is upstairs cost to get in is 25.00“ You’re thinking flight club. OP is correct. VIP at LS is downstairs and only 20.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    A ROB experience at the Landing Strip
    I try to never remove my pants completely and I always use the multiple pocket approach for storing money. I also like aham’s idea of utilizing the shirt pocket.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Food and females
    I hate to agree with desertscrub but this sure sounds like a club ad to me.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A ton of girls
    Dirtyburt is right. It’s counterintuitive but sometimes it’s harder to get them to budge on a slow night. I believe the dancers have to pay a hundred bucks if they use the VIP for three or more songs. If it’s a slow night and they haven’t been to the VIP at all a lot of them will wait for an appropriate price or just skip the VIP entirely. Otherwise they’re almost working for free.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Struck gold on a Saturday night
    “But haggle with em. 200-300 is the normal fs rate. Maybe even slightly less if you get the right girl. Good luck” I’m not sure what you mean by “normal rate.” It’s been my experience that the quality of the dancers is all over the board at Landing Strip, and so are the prices. Yes you can find FS for 2 or 300 bucks there but you can also find it for 4 or 500 or more. Generally speaking it’s the lower tier or newer dancers who are offering the lower prices, but if you want fun with one of the upper tier ladies it’ll cost you more.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Struck gold on a Saturday night
    There are some nice looking ladies at LS, but more than one ten? I’ll believe that when I see it.