
Comments by wildRover

  • review comment
    11 days ago
    New York
    Happy hour
    Pussylicker. An honest question. Why are you so obsessed with Flight Club and Landing Strip? I know you like Bogart’s. Personally I can’t stand the place but I respect the fact that some people like it. I don’t continually pollute the threads there telling everyone how ugly the women are or what a shithole the place is or that you have to burn your clothes after you go there because they smell so bad. I rarely even look at the Bogart’s reviews because I don’t care. But what I’d like to know is why you feel it necessary to continually trash places that you’ve admittedly never visited. I’m not flaming you. I’m curious. How about an honest answer?
  • review comment
    11 days ago
    Parts Unknown
    Good visit, gotta watch for potential ROBs
    I’m going to call you out a little on this one. When she asked for more to keep going you agreed to it. I don’t like it when they pull shit like that but hey, you said ok and you should’ve given her something more.
  • review comment
    16 days ago
    West Virginia
    Afternoon Quick Visit
    Burt is right. Downstairs is for handicapped but if you know the bouncers and they like you they’ll waive that requirement. Sounds like you paid the VIP fee to the dancer and not the bouncer. If so, she screwed you. And not in a good way. Chloe is very aggressive and apparently dishonest as well.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Smokeshows with only dance numbers
    >They are lookers but I’m not a fan. I go to these clubs for extras. It’s almost false advertisement lol Disagree. Nothing false about it if they let you know up front what the deal is.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Smokeshows with only dance numbers
    Ashton is an absolute sweetheart. I’ve gotten dances from her a couple of times just because she’s so damn hot. And you’re right. She’s very up front. She asked me if I wanted to go upstairs and I said yes. Then she said “I only do dances do you still want to?” She’s been dancing there for a couple of years at least so she must be doing fairly well. I’m pretty sure she’s paying her way through school. Her dances are very good. I’d recommend her to anyone who’s only looking for dances. YMMV.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    A mechanic, a ROB, and one exquisite gem that saved the day
    BTW. Your encounter with the Lyft driver is a classic.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    A mechanic, a ROB, and one exquisite gem that saved the day
    > I'm curious though if I had gotten management or the bouncer involved, would there have been a standard price per song? Like could she have still charged me $40 / song? I’m not sure. I think the “official” rate at FC is 30 per song. That’s probably what they would’ve charged you. But IMO you handled it properly. You agreed up front on 40. No sense being a dick about it. And it’s better to work things out without management involvement if possible. > might make a similar biz trip again in the future... is there really no DTW area club that's good for Saturday dayshift? I think it’s one of those “luck of the draw” situations. Very hard to predict which club will be best. If it were me I’d touch bases with the raven-haired beauty and try to arrange a meet-up in the late afternoon. That would give you some flexibility for checking out one of the other clubs first.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    I see why the Detroit folks head across the River
    Agree with PepsiMan. I haven’t been to any of the Windsor clubs in years. I just haven’t had the desire to go back. On weekends they used to be overloaded with 19 and 20 year olds from the States who were taking advantage of Ontario’s lower drinking age. Many of them hadn’t yet learned how to handle their alcohol. Not my thing. With the options available here I see no reason to go back.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Flight Club off bucket list
    Too bad you didn’t get what you were looking for. 300 is not a terrible price for FC. 700 is definitely on the high side and it doesn’t sound like she was very open to negotiation. Flight Club is still my favorite area Club but you definitely don’t see as many super hot ladies as you used to. And I definitely agree with Casey. You need to be proactive if you’re looking for ITC and let them know you’re interested. In my experience that’s even more true at the Landing Strip. Let us know how you make out there.
  • review comment
    6 months ago
    Playing with Pocahontas
    River is really hot looking but this is the first review I can remember that’s described her as a hot experience. Just the opposite. My own experience with her was sub par and others have expressed the same sentiment. Maybe she’s learned from past mistakes and has upped her game. That would be great. Either that or you were just too infatuated with her fat boobs.
  • review comment
    6 months ago
    1st day shift
    Lol. You did better with Corina than I did. You were able to get her to leave you alone. Let me preface this by saying that she’s not my type. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a matter of taste and I usually try to be polite to everyone. I went in one afternoon around 6 and she proceeded to sit down with me without asking, something I don’t like. I politely told her that I was waiting for someone. Then it started. Who are you waiting for? What’s her name? Just tell me who it is and I’ll tell her you’re here. And so it went. I wasn’t really waiting for anyone. I just thought that was a polite way of saying no. But she wouldn’t take the hint. Finally I just ignored her completely and just watched the stage show. Finally she got up, said something I didn’t catch, and left. I hate to be rude but holy fuck, some people just won’t take a hint.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Favorite line, lines or stanza of any song ever recorded.
    I smoke two joints in times of peace And two in times of war I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints And then I smoke two more
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Might be right for you, but not for me
    Honest mistake. No plagiarism involved.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    A catch-all account
    Trip to Detroit resulted in some fun at an old hangout of mine.
    Burt I agree. Sounds low to me too. A dancer I know has complained that occasionally they’ll get an influx of “baby strippers who don’t know what they’re supposed to charge” so maybe that’s the case here. I’m like you. When I walk into a club I have a price range in mind that I’m willing to pay. If a dancer quotes me a price within that range I usually don’t haggle too much.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Just here to contribute to the team
    Make Good Decisions
    Possibly the worst advice I’ve ever read. Sorry but I don’t buy the “hot girls don’t give good service” argument. I’ve had way too many experiences that contradict it. She was young, inexperienced and physically awkward. Plus she told you upfront what her limits were. Those should have been red flags and were definitely indicators that performance was going to be sub par. Is it possible to get a bad performance from the hottest girl in the club? Of course. But don’t try to turn it into an absolute rule.
  • article comment
    7 months ago
    Getting Attention From Girls At A Regulars Club
    “Another option to try if you see someone just sitting with someone that you are interested in, is to speak to a waitress and ask her to find out if the person you are interested in is willing to step away.” I think this is the best way to handle it. It lets the dancer know you’re interested and it’s relatively non-intrusive.
  • article comment
    7 months ago
    Getting Attention From Girls At A Regulars Club
    If she’s with a regular it’s going to take more than 2 or 3 bucks to get her attention. At least that’s the case at the clubs I frequent.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    A “not-so lonely” Valentine’s Day
    @RockAllNight Yeah. Sounds a little high for BT’s. More like Flight Club pricing. He didn’t try to negotiate so my guess is he could’ve gotten it down some but if he was happy who am I to judge? It’s been my experience that there are always a few outliers at clubs like BT’s. They charge more than what the other dancers do because they’re hot, and because they can.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    30 bucks a song at the Detroit area clubs I frequent. Song length can vary from 3-5 minutes. The busier they are the shorter the songs get. @dickdecker You need to work on your math or learn how to use your calculator app. 30 for 4 minutes is actually 450 an hour not 350 (15 songs x 30). 175 for 15 minutes is only 700 an hour not 750 (4x175).
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Vegas Vacation
    Gentlemen’s club:None. They all suck. Hotel: Encore Casino: Poker room at Encore Dining: Mizumi (at Wynn) and Joe’s Stone Crab
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    BEWARE!! A great visit sullied by a ROB.
    While I won’t go so far as to call you a pussy i agree with doctorevil that she wasn’t a rob. Sounds to me like you let her bully you into giving her a bigger tip. That falls into the “shame on you” category. I seriously doubt that she would have followed through and called the manager. Live and learn.
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    Great talent, high prices
    Am I reading that right? 140 for one song??!! Wow!
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    New Year 2024
    Landing Strip has a lineup every hour. Haven’t been to BT’s in a while but IIRC they do also.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Did you ever get one over on a dancer?
    No. Can’t say I have. But I’ve never tried either. Not the way I operate.
  • article comment
    9 months ago
    A Guide to Inquiring About Extras in a Gentleman's Club
    LMFAO. I got about 3 sentences into your article and gave up. I live in Michigan and the conversation at the metro Detroit clubs usually goes like this. Dancer: May I sit down. Me: Yeah sure. 20 seconds of small talk. Dancer: Do you want to go to the VIP. Me: Yeah sure. Dancer: Do you want just dances or do you want some REAL FUN” It’s not that complicated.