A choice to make

I have bad news. You are getting married.
You have a choice between two women. They are exactly the same in all respects except for one: their looks.
Candidate number one is an 8 in looks. You find her reasonably attractive and she consistently turns you on sexually. But you do recognize that while she is moderately attractive there are a fair number of women out there her age who are more attractive than her. In social gatherings she is often above average in looks among the women there but there are often several women there who are more attractive than her.
Candidate number two is a 9.5 in looks. You find her to be extremely beautiful and she turns you on massively. She is always one of the most attractive women at any social gathering, and often she is the hottest one there. Just about every heterosexual man would recognize her as a very attractive woman.
These are civilians with no background in any type of sex work. You must stay married to them for the rest of your life except you can divorce her if she ever cheats on you. While married to her you have to be faithful to her. Lap dances are permitted but no sex with any other women. LDKs and hand jobs count as sex. Only the one you marry can give you orgasms (besides your right hand).
If you have to marry one of them, and everything about them besides looks is identical, which would you chose?
last commentIs this a trick question? Is the only downfall to choosing the 9.5 is that someone else may steal her from you, where most would think that wouldn’t happen with the 8? 8s are still hot in my book.
Ya, 8s are hot -- at any social gathering most of us would be at, an 8 would always be the hottest girl in the room. So I silently changed her to a 7 in my head
To me the difference between a 7 and an 8 is pretty huge. An 8 is still very attractive but not stunning while a 7 is just kind of marginally ok. Answer the question as a 7 vs a 9.5 if you prefer but I think an 8 bs 9.5 makes for a better comparison.
No trick question. Maybe everybody will chose the 9.5 and it’s a no brainer. Or maybe some will chose the other. I’m curious which is why I asked the question..
If you're getting married she should be soulmate, intelligent, and compatible with your lifestyle in every way. Because beauty fades whether she's a 9.5 or a 7.0.
If both of them are the same in every aspect except one is better looking than the other, then I think you already know the answer. I highly doubt you'll find a regular civilian 9.5 as we're talking about supermodel territory here. An 8 is a lot more realistic and is still often one of the better/best looking women in the room
In all seriousness, I choose the 8. To me, a person who is a 9.5 has a whole lot of vanity and it is important to her what others think of her at all times. She is a very self centered person, and may need reassurance that she is still as pretty as she thinks she is. An 8 to me is above the minimum qualifications, but not at the point where her appearance is the single most important thing to her.
Of course, I had a roommate once that used to tell me that "ugly girls can be bitches too".
Obviously the 9.5. Why? Simple and all explained in one sentence. "You must stay married to them for the rest of your life except you can divorce her if she ever cheats on you."
Now if the 8 turns out to be a real bitch, well my friend, you are married to her for as long as you live. Of course, unless she dies before you. With the 9.5 and guys wanting to tap her all the type, you are more likely to be given an "out" of marriage when she cheats.
I see Clubber’s point but I think I would go with the 8. My reasoning is that I can’t think of a single 9.5 who stayed married. Guys are trying to tap her and she may be trapped in her own mind because she knows she’s one of the hottest women around if she’s a true 9.5. As she ages and starts to lose it, she may stray.
In other words, of course the 9.5 would seem like the choice if everything was equal. But the odds of a divorce are extremely high. So I guess it depends a lot on how one weighs having to go through marital strife in exchange for having a hot wife versus a super hot wife.
Guys are going to hit on an 8 as well..........the only difference is the approach and type of guy.
You get above a 7 in today's world and trust me the only difference in the wolves is if they are in packs or come one at a t
time ( I see the enter key is = to post again )
Hmmm great points.
I’ll give a good example.
Let’s just say for arguments sake... I married an 8. 20 years later from when we first met I’d give her a soft 8 for her age. She could easily be a strong 8 with a little effort.
My buddy married a 9.5 who is 10 years younger than him. Today, 6-7 years after I first met her she’s now a 7 because she’s put on at least 35 pounds. Worst part is she’s only 30 so can’t wait to see what she looks like in 10 years. Her mom and sister are both as big as a moose, and she’s well on her way.
Like random said looks fade but I’d still probably take the 9.5 given the opportunity. If you could eat at Ruth Chris everyday why would you ever go to Applebee’s?
Who the fuck would want the hassle of being married to a room stopping beautiful 9.5? No thanks. I'll take the 7 or 8 any day.
Ever notice most of the wives of rich celebrities are somewhat average looking? They could easily pull the 9's but don't want the hassle.
9.5 of course all things being equal. I am not the jealous type and wouldnt mind the stares a trophy wife brings. This of course assumes the 8 amd 9.5 have similar personalities and needs. It also assumes I would want to be married again.
I am opposed to marriage. We must find other ways.
"All things being equal" why not take the 9.5 - staring/looking-at a very beautiful woman vs just a "good looking woman" def has a theraputic effect (mentally; physically; emotionally).
The only way I'd take a less attractive woman ("given the choice") is if she was much more of a go-getter in bed - I'll def take a '7' over a '9' if she's down for anything (and always down for anything).
This question is fucking stupid.
I used to be fucking stupid but we broke up. :)
I’m moving to Utah and marrying them both.
^^^ winner of the day
Unless you have to settle with one of them forever and ever, then the looks trade off is not significant. Variety!
JS69, haven't you learned your lessons about marriage?
If all other things are equal then that must include also their relative interest in me, I.e. the 9.5 is just as interested in me as the 8.
I’d take the 9.5.
^^^ @GOD
They'd be divorcing you a couple weeks later because your 2 inch cock wouldn't quite do it for them.
^ @GMD
JS69, you have not really processed all that has happened in your first marriage.
Statistically second marriages are worse and last shorter times than the first ones.
@Clubber: Darn it, man, you look my comment! ;-)
Get an 8, everyone will look at her,,, thinking damn she's cute.
Get a 10, everyone will look at you,,, thinking damn how'd this old, fat, ugly, d-bag etc land her.
Still, I'd go for the 10.
^^^^^ How about staying single and fucking all of them plus lots more?
I see different ways to approach the question.
There is some level of societal standard implicit in the 1-10 rating system. I would take a JS69 8 over a JS69 9.5, though, since he would have rated the 8 higher if she had bigger tits and smoked weed.
Using the "pretty is the promise of future happiness" reasoning, I would probably be more likely to choose the physical 8 as the 9.5 could be more likely to have an unhealthy fixation on her appearance. Also, if we're talking about what society (or a segment of it) sees as a 9.5, it would create too much of a spectacle in public.
ppwh +10
The one with the biggest tits.
The 8. Most 9.5 ‘s will be more in love with themselves than me. Every guy will hit on her. An 8 will work fine for me, but not sure I could stay faithful.
What sort of a discriminatory lawyer are you?
I’m left handed - so wtf is with the right hand shit?
I can’t believe Founder hasn’t banned you! Lol!
Simple, you marry the one with the biggest tits.
John, given your description, the 8 turns you on consistently, while the 9.5 turns you on massively. Based on that go with the 9.5 and if she gets fat or bitchy then you man-up and straighten her out.
George Cloony's wife Imal is beautiful solid 8. That dude could easily pull a unicorn 10. Why didn't he marry a ten?
^ I assume bc she has more to offer than just being attractive
I'm guessing Lone Wolf isn't married.
Well I would hope someone would shoot me because I was stupid enough to get married again.
I would definitely pick the 9.5.
If you have a choice, go with the best option and don’t make preconceived judgments assuming it will end poorly.
I think rh48hr made the most intelligent choice! Well said!
I don’t get it JS69, you come up with the weirdest shit, what’s the deal, is this your midlife crises or just too much pot ?
If those are my only two choices I’ll go with too much pot.
My answer, by the way, is that I’d go with the 9.5, but it’s a close call. It’s tempting to go for the 8 cause she is more likely to be loyal and won’t have every guy salivating over her body the instant she walks in a room. But the little head would never forgive me.
^You win the honesty award ;)
Hypergamy - of course that's the real answer. It's hard coded in all women. Every morning the smoking hot 9.5 would wake up knowing they could easily find a better man causing constant stress.
Date, screw, party with...sure. Marry a 9.5? Fuck no.
^^^ Very true!
Marriage = Death