avatar for aw_snap

Comments by aw_snap

discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for CookieMoney
Stripping ?
This guy posts here too: http://youtu.be/6tDYLNQlxI4 I bet you'll enjoy giving him a blow job! I can even send his name so you can PM him.
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9 years ago
avatar for CookieMoney
Stripping ?
Ask yourself if you'd be happy giving this guy a blow job: http://q103albany.com/what-makes-old-guys-get-creepy That guy actually posts here.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Does ShadowCat have super powers Now ?
WTF is this "him ejaculate into his self" stuff you're talking about? That sounds kind of fucked up.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Does anybody have pictures of Mr. mark?
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
Living well and enjoying my retirement
A moderator would be wise. I got carried away criticizing Mr. dallas and Mr. mark. Now that I've discovered that Mr. dallas is famous I feel extremely bad. Based on what I've discovered he's clearly a nice guy. Check out my apology: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=43973
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
OT: This shit is getting out of control
Whatever mark, there's bigger issue. Up until you and dallas started posting everybody was agreeing that it was a tragedy that these two deaths occurred. You guys just launched into statistics to prove your point. At least have the courtesy to acknowledge the tragedy. Probably pointless to argue with you about stats but we're not saying they're bullshit. We're saying is that the simplistic stats you did aren't the whole story. You or dallas might convince me if you could point to actual sophisticated analyses by real social scientists and not just doing a little basic arithmetic based a few tables you found, without even trying to understand any biases that might exist in the data. Take stop and frisk. What are the stats there? http://nyclu.org/node/1598 But if somebody wanted to take a contrarian position they could probably debate the details of that analysis. These issues are complex. And if you don't believe that society, including some police, has some issues with systemic racism you're not paying attention. You also totally missed my point about the ratio. It was simply to show that a small number can create a big problem. But there's a bigger point. Like I said, everybody was lamenting that tragedy of those two deaths. I also lament the deaths of the police in Texas. Dallas PD actually has a good record and they're trying to address issues of policing with respect. It would have been more respectful for you and Dallas to start out by acknowledging that people died and its a tragedy before going into your stats discussion. Or maybe start a different thread. Even if you you don't want to acknowledge that these issues are complicated.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
OT: This shit is getting out of control
mark, you should have noticed that I said the word ratio. Let's say you have a police force where the police 0.01% racist against against white people. That's an overestimate, but I'll just give you that say you don't just say "but some cops are racist against whites" Now that same police force has 1% that are racist against black people. Probably an underestimate but I'll just give that to you as well so I can make a point. Is there systemic racism. According to you there isn't because it's only 1%. But do some math mark. The average cop in that city is 100 times more likely to be racist against black people than white people. And remember that the guys aren't just shining flashlights in people's faces. They have guns and they can shoot people. And they do that at a disproportionate rate relative to the crimes, if any, that are committed. So a small number but it sure sounds like systemic racism to me. But go back to thinking that black lives matter has no point because the percentage of racist police isn't 100%.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
OT: This shit is getting out of control
So mark, did any of us actually say your lie that "All cops are racists who look for opportunities to kill blacks"? You do realize that even a few bad cops are a problem because they have guns and are able to kill people. What is with you right wingers with you saying that we're saying its 100% when it's really a small number. So it's a small number. There is still systemic racism and black men are getting killed disproportionately relative to white men for similar crimes. What ratio of fatal "mistakes" for black people vs fatal mistakes should we be happy with? The problem I have with you and dallas is that you couldn't even write a little preamble saying that it's a tragedy that this person who was behaving appropriately by all reports ended up dead before quoting your data. That's just plain disrespectful. And now we're learning that being on your own porch at 2am is criminal. Good to know.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for Mate27
TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
Chip on your shoulder?
^^^ "Race baiter" seems a bit off topic. Are you saying that chessmaster can sit on his own porch at 2 am? Aw snap!
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for Mate27
TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
Chip on your shoulder?
Glad to know that chessmaster can't sit on his porch on his property whenever he wants to. Are there any other places chessmaster and I shouldn't sit after midnight? Is the living room ok or do we have to lock ourselves in our bedrooms from midnight to 6:30 am. Or maybe 7 am. Wouldn't want us out on the porch too early because it might end up being a crime wave. Aw snap
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for aw_snap
dallas702 you got some more splainin' to do!
Doug, I know it would have been impossible to have taken out a prepared sniper. On the other hand, the list of incidents where a "good guy with a gun" takes out a "bad guy with a gun" are mighty slim, despite the delusional beliefs of gun control opponents. Despite this we all have to live in a country with a gun homicide rate that only looks good if you include Honduras and Guatemala in the comparisons. Why? Because of guys like Mr. dallas!
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9 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
OT: This shit is getting out of control
Meat, since dallas wants us to engage in a data driven debate perhaps you should link to the sources for your statements. I was originally happy to just emphasize the tranny's question that dallas didn't want to answer because I thought dallas was being disrespectful by not even acknowledging that an avoidable death is a tragedy. Now we learn that chessmaster can't even sit on his own porch on his own property after beddy bye time. When should chessmaster stop sitting on his porch? Or maybe he can sit on his porch when he damn well pleases because we live in a free country. Aw snap!
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for aw_snap
dallas702 you got some more splainin' to do!
And by the way Mr. dallas, Texas is an open carry state. Why didn't one of the "good guys with a gun" in the crowd take out the shooter? Could it be because it is often very difficult for the "good guy with a gun" to take out the "bad guy with a gun"? But that runs contrary to the "unbiased" NRA talking points. But you probably weren't attending the protest. If you were I suspect you would have seen the muzzle flash, whipped out your 9 mm, and taken out the sniper with one shot right between the eyes! I'm sure you're an amazing "good guy with a gun" Mr. dallas!
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for aw_snap
dallas702 you got some splainin' to do!
And I'm really glad you've identified the problem Mr. dallas. The welfare state! I bet the other welfare states in the world are real hellholes. I'm always seeing on the news how all of Northern Europe is erupting in violence due to their welfare state. I hear that there are buildings in Copenhagen that have literally been on fire for 50 years. Every time their fire department puts them out the criminal welfare recipients just light them back up. Since you may be a bit irony impaired, with the exception of using the old sneer quotes, I'll clarify my point. These issues are complex and deserve actual thought, not a simplistic "well, look at raw percentages in the FBI table" without putting those data in context. Sort of ironic given that you started this whole thing by trying to put data on the number of black men killed by police "in context". See, I can use sneer quotes too! I guess your sort of hoist by your own petard, Mr. dallas! Aw snap!
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9 years ago
avatar for aw_snap
dallas702 you got some splainin' to do!
Mr. dallas, it is interesting that you state that blaming white privilege is a cop out "whether it is true, or not" but then criticize chessmaster for writing things that are biased and untrue. You won't even consider the hypothesis that white privilege might have an systemic impact, explicitly saying that it doesn't matter whether or not it is true. What "thought process" are you engaging in? I would probably argue with you more respectfully if you could simply avoid the slams like calling me moron and putting scare quotes (or should I say sneer quotes) around though process. I'm not sure that a strip club discussion board is necessarily the best place for a data driven debate regarding race and crime in America but you started that debate. And when asked to even provide a real citation (not just a link to the FBI, which could have guessed was http://www.fbi.gov) you get snippy about it. You write a lot of words but provide precious little information. Perhaps that is just the subculture you are a part of.
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9 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
OT: This shit is getting out of control
Mr. Dallas, I think twentyfive is referring to recent remarks by Mr. Gingrich: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/08/newt-gingrich-kind-of-sounds-like-he-agrees-with-black-lives-matter/ Notice how I provided a link to a citation directly to a relevant article without calling you a moron. Aw snap
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for aw_snap
dallas702 you got some splainin' to do!
Well mr. dallas thank you for engaging in such a polite and well-reasoned argument. If you actually read my post you'll notice that I was quoting the tranny, which you didn't respond to in the other thread. It was hardly unreasonable for the tranny to actually ask you to provide real links rather than citing the FBI and CDC as source. S/he seems like a pretty smart guy/gal. Of course, now that you have actually linked to a table with actual data I guess I shouldn't ask you to think more deeply into those data. For example, by considering the acquisition bias that GACA mentioned or by even by remembering that correlations does not necessarily reflect causation. You do realize that those data aren't split by income level for example. Perhaps the primary variable is actually poverty and those data simply reflect higher levels of poverty in the AA community. But that wouldn't be consistent with your narrative, would it? I actually suspect the tranny actually had a point about you given the hostility of your response. I think you've already made up your mind about all of this and just went looking for data you don't completely understand to back up your case. You probably only found said data through some nutjob web site you read. I might have actually tried to engage in an intelligent discussion with you but the fact that you stated out by calling me a moron convinces me that you aren't capable of an intelligent argument. All you're able to do is parrot right-wing talking points. Aw snap!
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
OT: This shit is getting out of control
aw snap tranny, you got him good