
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 28)

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    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: The Most Iconic Album Cover of All-Time
    sounds like a list put together by some sort of leftist tha sucks george soros cock. the best album cover is houses of the holy by led zepplin. my pappy gave that one to jimmie plant and robert page when he had dinner with them. drew it on a napkin i actually helped prince design the lovesexy album covr but it was a mistake. he called me up and was all phill you made my first assless purple suit and now i wanna wear it on an album cover. so i said prince youll look like a damn fag why don't you just pose nude in front of some flowers. crazy basterd thought i was serious i am sorry for the prince cover since that was a misunderstanding but for the lead zepplin cover all i can say on behalf of my family is your welcome
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    8 years ago
    Selling my pussy
    real classy george. trolling the trolls. you realize that your probably telling zipperhead aka @4got2wipe aka @rickthezoo aka @Cashman1234 aka a bunch of moron aliases to deepthroat you. of course deepthroating your tiny little dick is not a big feat. maybe zipperhead can play with his star trek dolls while he give you head. he will probly ask for a rimjob afterward maybe you can oblige. smh
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    8 years ago
    Whore at work
    i see it now. zipperhead aka @4got2wipe aka @rickthezoo aka @str8buttsuck is posting as @Cashman1234 too. what the fuck is wrong with that idiot. he is as bad as that san_jose_guy moron hey zipperhead why don’t you shove another bucket of KFC up your ass, go play with your star trek dolls –excuse me, i mean your star trek action figures and stfu
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    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What Do You Do To Cheer Yourself Up?
    glad to hear all of the great way you morons cheer yourselfs up. we have zipperhead aka @4got2wipe, @rickthezoo, @str8buttsuck and all sorts of retarded crap characters talking about his weener dog. george is compensating for his absence of a dick by shooting his big old gun. i bet it is some little 22 with less kick than a bb gun that he picked up in dicks. and san_jose_moron is bragging about his all gravy diet. what a bunch of loosers at least we havent heard anything about the recently divorced lawyer and how he cheers himself up during his never ending midlife crisis. gawd almighty will he never shut up about his failing attempt to fill the void in his life with trailer park crack whores. hey it just dawned on me. maybe his “problem” isn’t being solved because he is trying to treat it with females. maybe what he really needs – what he really wants is someone with a hard dick to show him the love that he is desperately craving. maybe san_jose_idiots gay side can help the poor old guy by depositing some seamen in his behind
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    8 years ago
    @JohnSmith69 "I'll accept second place but gawker wins best soap opera." okay John i know this discussion board is mostly for guys and particularly old guys to swap lies with each other (and that is the way it should be) but honestly your mid-life crisis has gone from a tail spin to a death spiral. This humbol brag clinches it. you’ve lost it if you think your hooker getting sick of you has anything to do with anything other than YOU and if you think you’re sending creepy “what are you doing tonight?” (i know you’re cheating on me) texts to a MILF is some kind of "normal". and if you think that you honestly have anything to teach an 18 y/o about sex is sane. look, your late-in-life discovery of the sexual revolution sounds annoyingly like your late-in-life discovery of marijuana. frankly you sound like a dork extolling the wonders of weed, trying to sound like some kind of self anointed guru. pull your head out of your ass and look at the reality. you “discovered” weed in your mid to late 50’s and you were introduced to it by an 18 y/o hooker. news flash: by the time most American kids are 18 y/o they already have more knowledge and experience with weed than you do and (almost) everyone on this board has already been an 18 y/o. thus you sound like said dork when you go on and on about it. same goes for “learnin” them young 18 year old girls (much less the 18 y/o hookers) who need an experienced man to teach them about sex. there is nothing you know that they don’t already know. we get it. you’re old, you're all alone and you're disappointed with your life and there isn’t a lot of time left to do anything about it. so what? you’ve had a successful career making lots of money without having to break a sweat or benefit society in any conceivable way. isn’t that enough for you? well you get the point but seriously don’t end up like that mentally ill idiot san_jose_guy babbling to himself on a strip club discussion board. in short, stop sounding like such a dork
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    8 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    true story
    @chessmaster “And a terrible liar." once again, you'r commenting on a place you’ve never been to, have no experience with or any knowledge of and yet you feel compelled to share the hallucinations and demons from your subconscious which haunt your conscious world. get out of your mom’s basement you fucking idiot. you probly never heard of prince until he died but I had a huge influence on the music world because I cut the ass out of his first purple suit. get out of your mom's basement because that is the only thing you know outside of the mental hospital. and take your meds you psycho whack job
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    An old dog learns a new trick
    ^^^ san_jose_guy must be getting to you too. first you post about trannys in the club and dont lie you probably got a dance from the tranny but could not cum because your still conflicted about your homosexuality. now your posting about jerking off while watching some old geezer cum. at least the guy you watched wasnt that LDK idiot because he is only 12. did you cum in your pants?
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    8 years ago
    i'm sorry for lying and for criticizing san_jose_guy. the only reason i post obsessively about san_jose_guy and troll him as san_jose_gay is because i love him. i used to be obsessed about zipperhead and masturbate obsessively while i pictured him in my mind. but now san_jose_guy has replaced him in my heart. the truth is that i'm a welfare cheat because i am too stupid to get an actual job. my life is posting on here and i post as most of the trolls like chili palmer and dougster. will you ever forgive me san_jose_guy? i love you with all my heart