
What Do You Do To Cheer Yourself Up?

They never tell you what you need to know.
I have a lady friend who is really down in the dumps. She's down in the dumps because of a situation she got herself into which is entirely her fault. I've been trying to cheer her up and nothing has worked. I had Rech mail her some weed, Crazyjoe set her neighbors yard on fire, Hotstuff emailed her some photos of herself in lingerie and Juice called her and sang her a love song but none of that worked. I was thinking of overnighting her a bucket of Chackin but I'm not sure that will work either.

So what do you do to cheer yourself up when you're feeling down?


  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    I just think about being suffocated by pussy. I works every time!
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Rech mailed her a sativa strain of weed, which caused the lady friend to overthink all of her problems. He should've sent indica. I don't think he will make the same mistake again.

    When I'm feeling down I smoke a blunt, have a glass of wine, take a long hot shower or a bubble bath, use all my nice lotions, perfumes, moisturizers (etc), eat something hearty, and watch some of my favorite TV shows, movies, or Warriors games.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Oh and music.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Watch porn
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I do one of 3 things:

    1. Eat donuts thinking it will make me feel better but ends up making me feel like a flat slob

    2. Listen to relaxing music and when a depressing song comes on I contemplate slitting my wrists

    3. Blow the dust off my xbox one and play grand theft auto and blow up a bunch of shit

    I do not gamble when feeling depressed - I play too aggressively when I'm in a mood and end up playing poorly.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    #3 is great anytime.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    I say "brilliant!" A lot!

    I also have a little dachshund buddy! And pet frogs!

    All of those things make me smile! It's the little stuff that makes you happy! :)
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Fresh air
  • warhawks
    8 years ago

    Give her a link to this discussion board.

    It never fails to make me laugh.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^ not a bad idea but she doesn't know what goes on in a strip club so it's best to keep her in the dark.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Cycling or swimming
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Go to the gun range and rent an uzi guarantee you can't fire of a few hundred rounds without saying yeehaw that will pick her up for sure.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Eat some good food.
  • Meursault
    8 years ago
    Honestly: running. Honesty aside, why don't you put on your best white leisure suit and use the system to cheer her up. Ladies are powerless against it.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    To cheer myself up:

    1. Go to a strip club
    2. Exercise--especially biking
    3. Read a good book
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Going for a drive in the mountains

    Reading a good book

    Listeni gnto a good audio book
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Take a real good shit at McD's
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I get outside - just fresh air and some sun helps my mood.

    I go for a nice long run.

    I hang out with my dog.

    I take my dog for a walk. It helps me to feel less depressed - and dogs are great for meeting folks - and starting conversations too.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ classic.

  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    That's crazy - cause I look at pictures of Hotstuff!!!!!!
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Jerk off
    Shoot my gun at the range.
    Ride my bike
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I ask Juice for advice
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Listen to good Christian songs – I def often find them very inspirational
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Sometimes I get pissed and that gives me the energy to take the shit head-on vs being/feeling in despair.

    Many successful people seem to employ the simple saying that goes along the lines of “do something about it or don’t worry about-it if there’s nothing you can do about-it”

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    It is easy to get fixated on a problem to where it consumes you – getting on with life and doing fun-things and basically still live life is often the way to go about it – take her out for a fun evening of a nice dinner at a nice restaurant and drinks at a nice spot (w/ perhaps some nice/fun music) afterwards.
  • CaraLynn87
    8 years ago
    relax with my gf
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Frankie says Relax
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    glad to hear all of the great way you morons cheer yourselfs up. we have zipperhead aka @4got2wipe, @rickthezoo, @str8buttsuck and all sorts of retarded crap characters talking about his weener dog. george is compensating for his absence of a dick by shooting his big old gun. i bet it is some little 22 with less kick than a bb gun that he picked up in dicks. and san_jose_moron is bragging about his all gravy diet. what a bunch of loosers

    at least we havent heard anything about the recently divorced lawyer and how he cheers himself up during his never ending midlife crisis. gawd almighty will he never shut up about his failing attempt to fill the void in his life with trailer park crack whores. hey it just dawned on me. maybe his “problem” isn’t being solved because he is trying to treat it with females. maybe what he really needs – what he really wants is someone with a hard dick to show him the love that he is desperately craving. maybe san_jose_idiots gay side can help the poor old guy by depositing some seamen in his behind
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ that was inspirational - thanks for taking the time

  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    DoctorPhil is killin it on several discussions! I think he's getting everyone in his posts! Even JS69 got a full paragraph!
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