
Comments by Cashman1234 (page 56)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Medium ground between expensive and dirty hoes
    Have you tried any of the women from skip the games? It’s possible they took their own photos, and they didn’t do a good job. When I would sniff around for escorts, in many cases, the girl who arrives looks quite different, than the photo.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    All Year Long! 🌞
    Be Careful!
    I think Ishmael wins the funniest post of the day! A follow up question would be - what was he masturbating to? If it’s a porn star’s scene - maybe a warning should be added?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Amber Heard - what do you think ?
    As the comments mention - she’s got mental health issues - and yet she would likely look great on a strip club stage in lingerie. I’d enjoy her ITC only. I doubt I’d give her my cell number. I wouldn’t want her to see the car I drive or learn anything about me. I can only imagine the damage she could do if she got angry at me! Fresh turds are not good for a car paint job!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Delilah's den of whores
    I want to remind NiceSpice - this isn’t TUCL - The Ultimate Chippendales List - after her comment about other dancers being men.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    I don’t think any generation has it easy. Many boomers were fortunate to benefit from a growing post WWII economy. But, there lives were likely not easy. My previous post was an explanation, using very limited background. Life has changed dramatically in the USA over the past 60 years, and boomers aren’t the only ones who have faced challenges. If I knew then, what I know now, I may have done things differently. But, I think many folks could say something similar as they reach their late 50’s.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Delilah's den of whores
    Out of curiosity, how many times has kitbit been to Delilah’s? If you have inside details on dancers who are basically offering a full menu, it could be helpful information. I think some of us would try to avoid those girls. I don’t want my dick to fall off!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Delilah's den of whores
    ^ That makes sense! If this is true - I’d give the manager credit for a creative way of attracting more business!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Delilah's den of whores
    Kitbit - are you an angry dancer? You made a comment about the whores at Delilah’s giving the rest of us a bad name. That leads me to think you may have worked there and were uncomfortable with the sexual and drug related activities of other dancers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Delilah's den of whores
    Champphilly - I have no idea what that extras stuff is - but if it involves whores - there is no place for it in a legitimate dance club!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This shit right here? Is why the young war with the old. This is why we complain
    There is much left out of the story posted on Reddit. So, we are left to make assumptions regarding why the father is struggling to pay the bills. Based on the timing, I can guess the father is in his late 50’s (or possibly he’s 60). Folks of that age were in the late baby boomer era. That time involved the removal of pensions from many employers, and the introduction of 401k plans. The 401k plans were new to many about 35 or more years ago. Many folks began contributing, but others didn’t. Those who didn’t, took home a larger amount of money. Employers introduced the 401k plans as saving plans, to provide for your future. That was appropriate, but they didn’t properly characterize the upcoming situation. Maybe, folks would have listened more if they said - we will be reducing pensions to nothing in the future, and social security will cover the bare minimum in the future - so this saving plan is actually your retirement money! Save as much as you can - and do it now! You will need this money later! It’s sad to see folks struggling as they age. But this is one of the dangers of putting the choices in the hands of employees. My assessment may be entirely off base, as the story presented has too many gaps. But those are my thoughts.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Delilah's den of whores
    Kitbit if you are a legit poster, and you’ve actually been to Delilah’s, then post a review. It is odd to join this site - and post this discussion - unless you have an ulterior motive.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Looks like one of Icey/bubba’s hoez is ticked off
    She could have saved herself so much fiery trouble by just calling MackTruck!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Escort in my 'hood...
    Try #2 - if she’s a pro - she won’t let you go on long without discussing a price. Based on your description - it’s likely she’s a pro. But, don’t miss out on the opportunity - in case she’s not.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    STDs and Such
    I don’t recommend it - but I’ve done it after trips to particularly filthy clubs. I’ve gargled with Purell (and spit it out) and I’ve washed my junk (making sure to coat my nuts) in Purell. I may have done it outside of my car - so I wouldn’t infect the interior - and I don’t recommend that either.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The moment you discovered what ...........................
    I think crosscheck has a good view of how much to listen to strippers. TMI can easily spoil the fantasy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Immediately banned from StripperWeb
    I’m sure they aren’t all performing extras over there. But, the realization that they aren’t all good girls, was eye opening. I think the man hating lesbian vice cop is more likely Icee. Or possibly MackTruck.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Penis snakes? you know it's gotta be Floriduh.
    So, some are teeny peenies and others are Mandingo sized? Sad to hear they also have similar size differences and issues as the organs they are named for…
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Immediately banned from StripperWeb
    I have a confession. I joined SW before I joined TUSCL. I mentioned previously the SW related blue side - the strip club junkie forum. It had some information about clubs, but it didn’t get into the things I found worthwhile. After reading the posts on the pink side, I knew my filthy desires were important to keep private. Being open about seeking out extras was something I expected would get me banned. I found common themes in many SW posts: - very few dancers do extras. The ones who do should be shunned and considered beneath others. - customers are largely ATM’s. Dispensers for cash - and they are largely pigs and they are also beneath others. - the hierarchy of clubs - strippers are the top of the food chain. DJ’s can be decent people, but all others are not important. - customer questions are given little leeway. Asking follow up questions will try stripper patience and lead to getting banned. - strippers hate being called strippers. But they seem ok joining a site named for strippers. - there is a hierarchy among strippers too. There must be one top dog - and everyone else is beneath the top dog. Dissent is minimally tolerated. So, as I amassed mental notes of the characters on the site, things became more clear. If someone was considered as being on the outs, the crowd could turn against that person quickly. The customers are a necessary evil of strip clubs. As I was leaving a hotel one morning, in Austin Tx one morning, I was waiting for a car to the airport on the front steps. As I’m standing there, a very pretty blonde steps out and is waiting there as well. Something about her seemed familiar, but I couldn’t immediately place the face. As my mind rummaged through memories, I realized I had seen her face on her SW account. This was one of the women who hated customers and spoke out about never doing extras! I stepped back inside, and asked the concierge about the girl, and he confirmed she is a regular escort who entertained clients at the hotel. At that moment I realized the site was a complete farce! It is largely women who won’t put an honest face on their occupation and who largely hate their customers, and they likely hate everything about their job.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The moment you discovered what ...........................
    I know dancers are doing their job, during the time they are in the club. When I visit the club, I am respectful and polite with everyone I encounter. If I am going to buy dances from a dancer, I’m friendly and pleasant with her. If dancers dislike all men, because of the crap they have dealt with in the club, my friendly and respectful demeanor isn’t going to change that. I am aware of those times when a dancer will drop out of her strip club persona, and say things more honestly. I’ve never heard it said directly about me, but I’ve heard dancers go off about other guys. Maybe it’s good that my hearing has been bad since I took a miserable beating in my childhood? I can’t hear much in a club, so maybe that helps as a good thing!