
I am now the Dougster of UltimateGuitar.com

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 11:40 AM
Lol! I made one sentence and this guy goes apeshit..... mikeya02 posted on Feb 08, 2015 05:38 pm # I'm sure Morello fans would be surprised that Bo Diddley did that same scratching dj sound 50+ years ago....lol reply N7Crazy posted on Feb 09, 2015 07:46 am # I don't know how you can't get this, but nobody gives a single **** if Bo Diddley or anyone else did anything similar before - That's not the ****ing point. Anybody who has just the slightest knowledge of Morello knows that he developed his style independently (as in, didn't rip it off from anyone), having mostly listened to bands like KISS and MC5 in his youth, and taking an interrest in hip-hop later on, and wished to replicate some of the sounds into the records with RATM. That detail is important, in case you are implying Morello ripped his style of from others before him. If you're implying that Morello isn't unique because someone didn't a primitive version of what he did beforehand, you're an asshat of unknown proportions. Morello's overall fusion between specifically hip-hop and metal (not hard rock as with Aerosmith) was a first, and got attention because those two genres were otherwise seen as polar opposites. But not only did Morello play with the sounds of hip-hop, but generally incorperated foreign noises unrelated to any musically style into his playing and soloing. Now here's the thing you don't get - Not one ****ing person who voted on him believes he was the first guitarist to experiment. The very idea is proposterous, and ironically only goes to show you're either are such a pretentious cocksucker that you have officially been invited to recieve the key to the city of Portland, or that you are so incapable of rational discussion that your tactic is to stick your fingers into your ears and yell "LALALALA MORELLO IS TALENTLESS LALALA", living in your own biased bubble of outrageosly ridiculous stereotypes of both the guitarist and those who enjoy his work. Of course there were guitarists who experiemented beforehand, otherwise we'd still be ****ing playing the ****ing lute. Also within the electric guitar it's a ****ing no-brainer. Do you know what common denominators all your "examples" of predeccesors of Morello's style have? They all only showcase one. single. ****ing aspect of his overall sound, and secondly they do it as a ****ing gimmick, and in case the memo flew over you head, a gimmick is an idea unrelated to the musicians style and musical approach. These massive aspects you ignore completely, yet have the audacity to act like people who like Morello are ignorant chimps? I swear to god, you're the kind of person who makes this site worse. You're an hypocritical, blindly biased, irrational pretentious wanker who likes nothing else but to mock others, blind to your own ignorance and idiocy. I am also in no doubt, that you will not give a single **** about comprehending anything I, or anyone else has written, and quickly pull the "durr u mad becuz u lost" card. In the end of the day, this is just a poll, and though I'm undeniably disappointed Morello lost, I'm happy as I also enjoy Claptons work. However, also at the end of the day, I'm still despise hypocritical, ignorant asswipes like you


  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Lol. Keep up the good work. See how much shit that guy can flip. PM him then put him on ignore.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Ahhhh! The old alucard gambit! I like it.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Juice! Juice! Juice!
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Tell him to repeal the 2nd ammendment
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    lol. Dude is wound tighter than a Baptist's minister's wife in a girdle at an all-u-can-eat pancake breakfast.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    Dude is gonna have a heart attack if that gets him all riled up. Geez.... He needs to relax.... Go to a strip club. Look at some titties. lol.
  • TheProphetJuice
    9 years ago
    Thou art truely a warrier of the LORD mane Mikha'el. Thou art blesset
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Wow....well he calls himself 'crazy' in his handle so I guess he feels compelled to prove it. You'd think someone said the Beatles sucked or something. I never heard of Morello and judging by his fans I don't want to!
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ He is the supposed "pioneer" that played with Rage against the Machine
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Oh, I like that band! I didn't know the guy's name. I agree he didn't invent that style, but then neither did Bo Diddley.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    I see why Rage is popular. I was just talkin about scratching the strings with the edge of a guitar pick. I guess mentioning Bo was too much.
  • Pundi
    9 years ago
    I hate Morello, and love Bo Diddley. Sounds like that guy is Morello's brother or boyfriend.
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