Reviews by anonlvone
XTC Cabaret Austin
3501 Andtree Blvd
Austin, TX 78724
7 years ago
yes, you can find english-speaking dancers at xtc
I've reviewed the physical layout of this club many times, so I'm going to forego that this time as there's been no changes on that front. One needed change that I keep hoping for...
Palazio Cabaret
501 E Ben White Blvd
Austin, TX 78704
9 years ago
hustle factor is through the roof. loud music is loud.
Ever since discovering this club, I’ve been wondering why the Palazio, which undoubtedly has the most beautiful dancers in Austin, has a dancer rating that is hardly better than the Yellow Rose, and actually...
Palazio Cabaret
501 E Ben White Blvd
Austin, TX 78704
9 years ago
another stressful work week found me back at the palazio on another saturday afternoon, and i enjoyed another great visit.
As I walked through the outer doors, before me I saw a very young and pretty Hispanic girl who took my $5 entrance fee. Then a walk down the hallway to my left led...
7 years agoby